2.1.Linguistic problems
In the process of simultaneous translating it is usual that may appear some problems which can be improved by practice and knowledge of interpreter. Mostly the matters happen because of the misunderstanding cultures, traditions, customs and other factors. So it demands many aspects from interpreter: awareness not only language but also historical and ethnic issues.According to the Tightrope Hypothesis, three types of phenomena cause the overwhelming majority of errors and omissions among professional simultaneous interpreters. The first is mismanagement of attentional resources. The second is an increase of processing capacity requirements. The third is short information-carrying signals with little redundancy such as short names, numbers, short lexical units in text with little grammatical or semantic redundancy such as are often found in Chinese, for example. They are particularly vulnerable to short lapses of attention which cause loss of signal from the speaker with little chance of recovery through redundancy. Triggers most often discussed among interpreters and studied in the literature belong to the second category and include in particular the following:
a. Rapid delivery of speeches, dense speeches and speech segments as well as written speeches read out aloud. In all these cases, interpreters are forced to analyze much incoming information containing signal over very short periods, which puts the Reception Effort under a heavy workload. Moreover, since they cannot afford to lag behind, they also have to formulate their target speech rapidly, which imposes a heavy load on the Production Effort. b. Embedded structures and multi-word names such (names of organizations, conventions etc.) In both of these cases, interpreters have to store much information in memory as the target speech unfolds before they can reformulate it. In multi-word names, the problem arises mainly due to the need to reorganize the components in the target language. For instance, WIPO, the World Intellectual Property Organization, translates into French as OMPI, Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle. The first word in the name in English is second in French, the second becomes fourth, the third remains third, and the fourth becomes the first. If the interpreter cannot anticipate the name in a speech and is not very familiar with the French equivalent, s/he will be forced to wait until the fourth word is pronounced in English before starting to translate it, with repeated retrievals from memory of the English name and what has already been translated into French at every stage of the translation, a very taxing task. In a small experiment with a 12 minutes extract from an authentic speech, Gile (1984) found that out of 15 interpreters who interpreted the speech from English into French,only 3 managed to interpret correctly one of the two multi-word names it contained and none interpreted correctly the other.
c. Noise and low quality signal from the speaker. This includes poor sound produced by the electronic equipment, background noise, but also strong accents, poor language quality such as incorrect lexical usage and grammar, careless and non-standard signing when using a sign language, poor logic and ambiguous formulation of ideas. In all these cases, Reception becomes more difficult. Strong accents and poor language quality are frequent when working from English, which has become a lingua franca worldwide and is often used by speakers who do not necessarily master it very well.
d. Working from one language into another which is syntactically and/or lexically very different. The lexical difficulty applies mostly to interpreting from spoken languages into sign languages, which have a much smaller lexicon, and finding a way to express in a sign language a concept which is lexicalized in the spoken language but has no sign these as known as ‘lexical gaps’ can require considerable effort and time – at cognitive. As to syntactic differences, they have the same effect as multi-word names, in that they require waiting and storing much information in short-term memory before reformulation of the message in the target language. A few typical examples can illustrate how speech and speaker-related difficulties and intentional resource management errors can combine to produce EOIs in simultaneous
interpreting due to the fact that interpreters tend to work close to cognitive saturation.
Language is the way of relation among the people, it conforms concordant activity of speech relation with markable way, as a result, the communicative activities’ conformity is carried out the base of possibility of language system. V.G.Gak1 noted that, social-cultural information of the certain language and it belongs to certain nation. They are historical information, state system peculiarities, geographic climate of nation, the specific things of material culture, folklore. Realia usually contains those notions. The term of “realia” (lat. realia – “material”, “real living things”) is defined in “Лингвистический терминологический словар” (Linguistic terms dictionary) by O.S.Akhmanova: 1. “Nation’s different factors are learned by extra linguistics. Especially, state system of certain country, its history and culture, language relation of the certain nation’s people at view point of express in language. 2. Things of material culture” 2 . Researcher considers that, national dishes and edibles are relating with material cultural things. They are divided also to small groups: main dishes, sweets, salads and etc. S.Vlakhov and S.Florin3 described that, realia is objects, life, daily life, the specific word or word combinations of certain culture and its history and these words or word combinations aren’t exist another culture and its language. They are also an important category of expression means. Researchers emphasized that, when the learning the realia, it should be learned detached other specific words, because they have no exact equivalence in another culture and language, they carry national and/ or local colour. S.Vlakhov and S.Florin noted that, the units on custom and traditions organize the main part of ethnographic realia, there has got a lot of realia-singular which connected with food names in the ethnographic realia and these foods and food names are ascertain to compare another cultural food and food names. Below on paper, we discuss and compare “osh” realia-singular in Uzbek culture and “roast meat” realia-singular in English culture and these realia-singulars are described as an important singular of the certain culture. For the purpose to compare these singulars, the same and different sides will determine in Uzbek and English cultures. The dishes play an important role in Uzbek culture. They become inseparable part of Uzbek nation, as well as, to prepare the dishes rise up masterful status. Osh (palov) is the type of the national dish in Uzbek culture. “Osh” is thick dish and it prepares from rise, oil, meat and carrots. First of all, it is fried in cooking pot, then is boiled with water and steamed4 . This realia-singular appears realia in English culture, because there has no the certain notion in English culture and any singular in English language. This dish absorbed to Uzbek culture, so any custom or traditions, daily life cannot be imagined without this meal. This realia-singular has got full national colour and make a difference from other national dishes, in other words, to prepare it rose up to cult status. Osh realia-singular is prepared nearly all of ceremonies and rites in Uzbek culture, particularly5 : a) the ceremonies and rites tied up born6 : beshik to‘yi (beshik wedding, beshik is also realia in English culture, the ceremony, which new born baby puts in to beshik), aqiqa (the rite and feast, when new born baby will be seventh/ fourteen/ twenty first daily); b) the ceremonies and rites tied up living activity: idishqaytdi (the ceremony when boy and girl engage, girl’s family send dasturxon (dasturxon is large dishes plate and it covered with tablecloth, it’s also realia in English culture) to engaged boy’s family, after that boy’s family resend the certain dasturxons), kelinsalom (ceremony in which a new bride greets the members of her husband’s family after wedding day); kelintushdi (ceremony in which for coming the bride to husband’s home, wedding, celebration); molyoyar (ceremony for women wherein a new bride displays the chattel she has brought with her), molyig‘ar (gathering for women held the certain days after the molyoyar); charlar (ceremony in which after the wedding day bride’s family and relatives go to the groom’s home as the guest, then groom’s family and relatives also go bride’s home as the guest); chillaguzaron (ceremony in when bride give birth a new baby, she visit as a guest to her family home or other close relatives after 40 days);
c) the rites tied up death: yil oshi (the rite in after someone’s death, usually gives osh to people in ninth month or eleven month), so osh realia-singular is an important meal at these ceremonies and rites. It is certain that, osh realia-notion connects with all Uzbeks’ life sphere: such as, born, living activity, death and this realia-singular doesn’t exist in English culture, so osh realia-singular is realia for English language. “Roast-meat” realia-singular doesn’t exist in Uzbek culture. It is explained at Macmillan English Dictionary as stated below: “…a large piece of meat that has been cooked in an oven or over a fire” 7 . In Great Britain, this meal is valued as a king meal and actually, this meal plays a huge role in their holidays and ceremonies. So this realia-singular appears as a realia in English language. Rainy climate caused to rise up of roast meat as the “king meal”, it ties with livestock breeding and raising, so there has differences among the borders: roast beef (the meat which roasted on fire) in England and Northern Ireland, roast lamb in Scotland, roast chicken in Welsh. These types of meal are famous all around the kingdom. By the 1180, roast meat was not recognized as a national meal. After that time, there had a starvation time in England and this meal became a symbol of plenteousness throughout those years. Today, roast meat plays an important role in Great Britain. Roast meat is main dish nearly all of holidays and ceremonies: at “Christmas day”, “Hallowen”, (“All Hallow Day” or “All Saints Day”), “Easter” and so on.
Usually, British people have different meal for ceremonies and holidays and another meal for a daily life. The daily meal is a fish and chips for British people. Fish and chips is a meal consisting of fish and long thin pieces of potato, both cooked in very hot oil8 . This meal is eaten a lot by the British people and it is considered as a meal to eat while going along. Fish and chips does not exist in Uzbek culture. So it forms a realia-singular in English language and this realia-singular takes place a realia in Uzbek language. Osh is very popular in Uzbek daily life and it’s ceremonies and holidays. So there have a difference from English culture. Because fish and chips is for everyday life and roast meat is for holidays and ceremonies in English culture. The existence of this condition in English culture, there has formed two realia in Uzbek language.
Osh realia-singular participates many proverbs’ compositions9 : Gap bilan osh pishmas (Osh cannot be cooked with nonsense); Ish qolsa — mehnat, Osh qolsa — davlat (If work is left tomorrow, it will be excessive work, if osh is left tomorrow, it will be wealth); Ish bor yerda osh bor (Where the has got the work, there has got osh); Ishdan qochding — oshdan qochding(When someone does not work, he does not eat osh); Ishlagan osh tishlar, Ishlamagan tosh tishlar (Work-loving person eats osh, lazy person eats stone); Ishsiz boshim — oshsiz boshim (Without work – without osh); Ishlab topganning oshi — lazzatli (When someone works hard, his osh is very delicious). These proverbs are expressed that, osh realia-singular as a reward of work and industriousness is honored. To‘g‘ri oshini yer, Egri boshini (The upright person eats osh, Crooked person eats his head); Yomonga osh tortguncha, Boshiga besh tort (You should not give osh to bad person, you should give to him fists); Yomon oshga o‘rtoq, Boshga — to‘qmoq (The bad person will be friend only for osh); Tosh bilan urganni osh bilan ur (Who strikes you, you should give osh to him). These proverbs’ meaning is about uprightness and goodness. Osh realia-singular organizas the main component of these proverbs and is formed antonym with stone. Yo'qcha guruch osh bo'ladi, Mehmon ko'ngli shod bo'ladi (Not much rise can be cooked osh, so guests will very happy); Mehmonga osh qo‘y, Ikki qo'lini bo‘sh qo‘y, Mehmon kelsa, pastga tush; Palov bermoq ahdga tush; (When guest come to your home, you should give osh to guest); Osh — mehmon bilan aziz (Osh is valued with guests); Qo'noqqa osh ber, otiga — yem (You should give osh to guest, feed to his horse); Qo‘shni oshi qorin to‘ydirmas, Mehr-u oqibatni oshirar (Neighbor’s osh is not enough, on the contrary rise up kindness). These proverbs are about to value guests and hospitality.
Roast meat realia-singular is a main component below proverbs. In these proverbs, roast meat realia-singular is used common ways as a meat forms or roast beef/ lamb/ chicken. The existence of different forms is belonged to its regions. For example10, All meat is not roasted in one oven; All roast beef is not fried in one oven; Every roast lamb has got own oven; All roast chicken is not in an oven. These proverbs is considered that, all of people do not work the same things. There are roast beef in every family, every family has its custom and habits, so this proverb is used by British people. The proverbs of There are lamb in every flock; There are roast chicken in every family are a variance of There are roast beef in every family. Roast-meat realia-singular is key word, which it serves to enter inside the English culture, kindness, industriousness, hospitality. Roast-meat realia-singular is tied with daily life, separateable at daily life. Furthermore, these realia-singulars are important components of idioms: osh realia-singular: yurtga osh bermoq11 (to feed osh to all people), oshga pashsha tushdi (to destroy inspiring conversation coming another unacceptable person), oshini oshab, yoshini yashamoq (to live long lifetime); roast meat realia-singular: roast meat and potatoes12 (the important part of something), one man’s roast meat is another man’s poison (no two persons are alike – everyone has his own preferences, likes, dislikes), dead meat (someone in danger of death or severe punishment). To sum up, osh realia-singular is used in Uzbek ceremonies and holidays, proverbs and idioms’ composition. The back part of osh realia-singular lies down Uzbek culture and its expressions are appeared in Uzbek language. So this realia-singular are considered a realia in English language. In one time, roast meat realia-singular has expressed full color of English culture and it is considered a realia in Uzbek language.
A common failure sequence starts with a source speech segment with high information density (e.g. a number, a complex name, an enumeration) or noisy signal (background noise, strong accent, faulty logic and lexical usage, non-standard signing) the analysis of which requires much processing capacity at a time where little is available, for instance when the interpreter is busy reformulating a previous segment. This results in failure to ‘hear’ the segment – actually, not to hear but to understand the sounds or signs – and in omission of the relevant information in the target speech, or in an error.
In signed language interpreting, background ‘noise’ can come from deaf people other than the speaker who sign to each other or to the interpreter, asking for clarification or making other comments.
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