Ma’ lumot
Hozirgi kunda institut ta’lim va ilm – fanning markazi bo’lib , o’zining kasbiy va pedagogik an’analariga ega .Institut ta’lim texnologiyalari va ilmiy tadqiqotlarni doimiy ravishda takolmillashtirib boradi . Institutda loyihalarni amalga oshirish uchun mutaxasislarni tayyorlashni innavatsion usuli mavjud , ayni paytda fan va amaliyot “ O’zbekiston temir yo’llari” DAK buyurtmasi bilan bog’liqdir . Institutda 300 dan ortiq mutaxasislar ishlaydi , shulardan 38 nafari fan doktorlari va professorlar , ularning 129 nafari fan nomzodlari va dotsentlardir . Institutda 4 ta fakultet mavjud :
Tashishni tashkil etish va transport logistikasi ;
Elektromexanika fakulteti ;
Qurilish fakulteti ;
Iqtisodiyot fakulteti ;
Institutimizda Magistratura bo’limi , kadrlar tayyorlash va qayta tayyorlash markazi , 23 ta ta’lim bo’limi , Axborot texnologiyalar markazi , Axborot resurslar markazi, Institutning tarix muzeyi va boshqa ilmiy faoliyat bo’linmalari mavjud.
TashREI o’z sohalarida ilmiy tadqiqotlar olib boradi va mamlakatimizdagi oliy o’quv yurtlari o’rtasidagihamkorlikni amalga oshiradi , keyinchalik dunyo mamlakatlari ( Rossiya , Qozog’iston, Belorusiya , Estoniya , Polsha , Malayziya , AQSH va boshqalar) bilan ijodiy aloqalarni o’rnatadi , nashriyot markazi o’quv qo’llanmalar , o’quv va ilmiy adabiyotlar nashrini amalga oshiradi . Institut tarixiy an’analariga tayanadi va talabalarning o’quv faoliyati bilan bog’liq ilmiy pedagogik jarayonni amalga oshiradi . Talaba tarbiyasida atrof – muhit muhim rol o’ynaydi : sevimli mashg’ulotlar markazi , muzeylar faoliyati , jismoniy madaniyat va sport rivojlanib , institute tarixiga hurmat va ma’naviy qiziqish uyg’otodi .
Toshkent temir yo’llar muhandislar instituti ( ToshTYMI ) O’zbekistondagi temir yo’l uchun mutaxasislar tayyorlab beradigan yagona texnika oliy o’quv yurti hisoblanadi . U 1931 – yili O’rta Osiyo temir yo’l muhandislar institute sifatida tashkil topgan . 1937 - yildan boshlab Toshkent temir yo’l muhandislar institute deb atala boshlangan va bugungi kunga kelib “ Ozbekiston temir yo’llari” Davlat Aksionerlik temir yo’l kompaniyasi tarkibidagi oliy o’quv yurtidir . Institutning dastlabki rahbarlari A . F . Vilder , M . L . Zelenskiy , M . M . Sorokin , A . A . Petrukovich , bo’lganlar . Keyingi yillarda institute rektori bo’lib M . F . Prasulov , E . A . Odilxo’jayev , S . M . Jumaboyev , A . E . Odilxo’jayev kabi mutaxasislar faoliyat olib bordilar . Institutda O’zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi akademigi , paxta terish mashinasi dinamikasi asoschilaridan biri - A . D . Glushenko , O’zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi akademigi - Markov mukofati laureate , texnika fanlar doktori A . F . Lavrik , Ozbekistonda kukunli metallurgiyaga asos slogan olim , professor A . D . Moshkov , Ozbekiston Respublikasida xizmat ko’rsatgan fan va texnika arbobi , texnika fanlari doktori professor Sh . M . Gofman , professorlar V . V . Federov , V . V . Melikov , X . T . Turanov , V . I . Kiselyev , V . M . Belenkiy va ilm fan va temir yo’l tarixida o’chmas iz qoldirgan boshqa ko’plab olimlar faoliyat yuritdilar . Institut nomini uni amaliy bitiruvchilarning nomi ulug’laydi .
Ozbekiston tarixida institute 50 mingdan oshiq , shu jumladan O’zbekiston Respublikasi mustaqillik yillarida 5 mingga yaqin muhandis , 7 mingdan ortiq bakalavr va 840 nafar magistr tayyorlab chiqardi . Oliy o’quv yurti olimlari va bitiruvchilari yangi temir yo’llar va stansiyalarni loyihalashtirish va qurish ishlariga rahbarlik qilib , vagonlar , signalizatsiya va aloqa moslamalari yaratdilar . Uchquduq - Miskin , Toshguzar - Boysun – Qumqo’rg’on , Hayraton - Mozori Sharif va boshqa ko’plab temir yo’l liniyalari , Toshkentning ko’plab noyob ko’priklari va binolari institute bitiruvchilarining bir necha avlodi ijodiy yo’lining bosqichlari bo’lib , ular o’z iqtidorlari , bilimi va fidokorona mehnatini ushbu ishlarni loyihalashtirish , qurish va foydalanishga sarfladilar .
Muzey Toshkent Temir yo’l muxandislar institutining 50 yilligi munosabati tashkil etilgan . Muzeyning asoschisi va tashabbuskori institutning 1973 – 1981 yillardagi rektori Odilxo’jayev Eshon Agzamovich bo’lgan . Muzeyning yaratilishi va jihozlanishiga
“ Grafika” kafedrasi o’qituvchisi Ivanov V . I . rahbarlik qilgan .
Muzeyning 2001 - yilda birichi marotaba ta’mirlanib , eksponatlar bilan boyitilishida “ Grafika” kafedrasi mudiri , professor Akbarov Azim Akbarovichning xizmatlari kata bo’lgan . Muzey institutining 80 yilligi munosabati bilan ikkinchi martda qayta ta’mirlandi .
Muzeyning yuqori qavatida Ozbekiston mustaqillik yillarida ta’lim sohasida erishgan yutuqlari , “ O’zbekiston Temir yo’llari” Davlat Aksionerlik Kompaniyasining bosib o’tgan yo’li hamda mustaqillik yillarida Toshkent temir yo’l muhandislar institutining hayoti o’z ifodasini topgan . Muzeyning pastki qavatida fakultetlar kesimida institutning 2011 - yilgacha bo’lgan faoliyati aks ettirilgan .
Nowadays, Institute is the center of education and science , it has professional and pedagogical traditions . The Institute is the constantly updating the technologies of education and scientific researches . The Institute has the innovative way of producing specialists , to implement projects , whereas science and practice are correlated with the order of “ Uzbekistan Temir Yullar” SJC . Our institute has more than 300 specialists and 38 of them are doctors of science and professors , 129 of them are the candidates of science and docents . There are 4 faculties at the institute :
Organization of transportation and transport logistics ;
Electromechanical faculty ;
Construction faculty ;
Economics faculty ;
There are : the center of Masters Department , The center of Staff training and retraining , 23 education departments , Information technologies center, The center of information resources , Historical museum of the institute and other scientific activity departments in our institute .
TashREI implements scientific researches in own fields and realizes the collaboration between high education establishments in our country , further it affiliated creative relationship with the world’s countries ( Russian, Kazakhstan , Belarus , Estonia , Poland , Malaysia , USA and etc . ) the publishing center runs and realizes the publishing of manuals , education and scientific literatures . The Institute rest on the historical traditions and implements scientific - pedagogical process on the deal of educative activity of students . An environment plays the essential role in the student’s education : hobby centers , museums activity , physical culture and sport develops and gives respect or spiritual interest in the history of institute .
History of Institute
Tashkent Railway Engineering Institute ( TashREI ) - is a unique technical institute in Central Asia which produces the railway engineers . It was founded in 1931 as The Railway Engineers , Institute of Central Asia . Since 1937 , it was started calling The Tashkent Railway Engineers Institute and on current days this Institute operates under “ The Uzbekistan Temir Yullar” SJC . The first heads of institute and were A . V. Filder , M . L . Zelenskiy , M . M .Sorokin , A . A . Petrukovich . Later the rectors were M . F . prasulov , E . A . Odilxo’jayev , S . M . Jumaboyev , A. E . Odilxo’jayev . The great number of science Academy , one of the founders of mechanical cotton harvester’s dynamics ; A . F . Lavrik - Academician of Uzbekistan Science Academy , The Morkov’s Prize Laureate , Doctor of Technical Science in Uzbekistan ; Sh . M . Gofman - Honoured worker of Science in Uzbekistan , Doctor of Technical Science ; Professors ; V . V . Fedorov , V / V / Melikov, X . T . Turanov V . I . Kiselev , V . M . Belenkiy and other head great contributions on Science and the history of railway develoments . Practical works of graduates are the proud of our institute .
Throughout its history institute produced more than 50000 students , including more than 7000 bachelors and 840 masters at the Independence time of Uzbekistan . Our Institute’s scientists and graduates took part in new railways and stadions building , created carriage , signal and communication devices . Uchquduq - Miskin , Toshguzar - Boysun - Kumqurgan , Hayraton – Mozori Sharif and other railway lines , bridges and buildings in Tashkent are the creation of our institute graduates . They spenttheir strength , talent and knowledge to build and operate them .
The museum of Tashkent Railway Engineering was adopted on celebration of the 50th anniversary of the museum was Odilxo’jayev Eshon Agzamovich , who lead the institute in 1973 -1981.
The leader of museum’s creation was Ivanov V . I , the teacher from “Graphics” - Akbarov Azim Akbarovich , had a great contribution on the reequipping was held at the 80th anniversary of museum .
There are at the up floors : the education achievements of Uzbekistan on the period of Independence , the historical way of “ the Uzbekistan Temir yullar” SJC , the existence of the railway in independence years are described . At the down floors of the museum included the history of faculties of institute till 2011 year
Plan :
History of Institute
Questions :
What traditions is our institution based on ?
How many specialists work at our institute?
How many faculties are in our institute ?
What are the Faculty names?
What are the departments of scientific activity in our institute ?
How many years was our institute founded?
How many years has our institute been called the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers?
How old was the museum of uor institute ?
Who directed the creation of our museum?
How many years has our museum been renovated for the second time?
New words :
Education – ma’lumot
Vocational – kasbiy
Pedagogical – pedagogik
Specialist – mutaxasis
Electromechanics – elektromexanika
Construction – qurilish
Economics – iqtisodiyot
Master’s - magistratura
Creative – ijodiy
Culture – madaniyat
Respect – hurmat
Spiritual – ma’naviy
Bachelor – bakalavr
Master – magistr
Educational institution – o’quv yurti
Graduate – bitiruvchi
Rector – rektor
Initiative – tashabbuskor
Unique – noyob
Selfless – fidokorona
Construction – qurish
Operation – foydalanish
Founder – asoschi
Buildings – binolar
Talent – iqtidor
Design – loyihalashtirish
Stations – stansiyalar
Bridges – ko’prik
Metallurgy – metallurgiya
History – tarix
References :
Ethnic groups Uzbeks make up soum four – fifyhs of the population , followed by tajiks , Kazakhs , Tatars , Russians and Karakalpaks . Uzbeks are the least russified of the Turkic peoples formerly under Soviet rule and virtually all of them still claim Uzbek as their primary language .
Plant and animal life
Vegetation patterns in Uzbekistan vary largely according to altitude . The lowlands in the west have a thin natural cover of desert sedge and grass. The high foothills in the east support grass , and forests and brushwood appear on the hills . Forests cover less than 8 percent of Uzbekistan’s area . Animal life in the deserts and plains includes rodents , foxes , wolves , and occasional gazelles and antelopes. Boars , roe deer , bears , wolves, Siberian goats , and some lynx live in the high mountains .
Nearly four - fifths of Uzbekistan’s territory , the sun – dried western area , has the appearance of a wasteland . In the northwest the Turan Plain rises 200 to 300 feet (60 to 90 metres ) above sea level around the Aral Sea in Karakalpakstan. This terrain merges on the south with the Kyzylkum Desert and farther west becomes the Ustyurt Plateau , a region of low ridges , salt marshes , sinkholes, and caverns.
Southeast of the Aral Sea , small hills break the flatness of the low – lying Kyzylkum Desert and much farther east a series of mountain ridges partition Uzbekistan territory . The western Tien Shan includes the Karzhantau , Ugam , and Pskem ranges, the latter featuring the 14104 – foot (4299- metres) Beshtor Peak , the country’s highest point.
References :
Wikipedia . uz
Etnik guruhlar
O’zbeklar ularning beshdan to’rt qismini tashkil qiladi aholisi undan keyin Tojiklar, Qozoqlar , Tatarlar , Ruslar va Qoroqalpoqlar . O’beklar ilgari Sovet ittifoq davrida turkiy xalqlar orasida eng kam ruslashgan va deyarli barchasi baribir o’zbek tilini o’z ona tili deb bilishadi.
O’simlik va hayvonot dunyosi
O’zbekistonda o’simliklarning tuzilishi balandlik darajasiga qarab kata farq qiladi . G’arbiy past tekisliklar cho’l cho’kkalari va o’tlarning nozik tabiiy qatlamiga ega . Sharqdagi baland tog’ etaklari o’tlarni qo’llab – quvvatlaydi , tepaliklarda o’rmonlar va cho’tkali daraxtlar payda bo’ladi . O’rmonlar O’zbekiston hududining kamida 8 foizini egallaydi . Cho’l va tekisliklarda hayvonlar hayotiga kemiruvchilar , tulki , bo’rilar va vaqti – vaqti bilan g’azal va antilopalar kiradi . To’ng’iz , Karasa , ayiqlar , bo’ri , Sibir echki va yuqori tog’da jonli ba’zi silovsin yashaydi .
O’zbekiston hududining taxminan beshdan to’rt qismi quyosh bilan quritilgan g’arbiy hudud, cho’lga o’xshaydi. Shimoli – g’arbiy qismda To’ron pasttekisligi Qoroqolpog’istondagi Orol dengizi atrofida dengiz sathidan 200 dan 300 fut ( 60 – 90 metr ) balandlikda joylashgan . Ushbu relef janub bilan janubda birlashadi Qizilqum cho’l va g’arbiy tomonga aylanadi Ustyurt platosi past tog’ tizmalari , botqoq va g’orlar .
Orol dengizining janubi – sharqidagi kichik tepaliklar pastda joylashgan Qizilqum cho’lining tekisligini buzadi va sharqdan ancha sharqda bir qator tog’ tizmalari O’zbekiston hududini ajratib turadi . G’arbiy Tyan- Shan 14104 futni (4299 metr ) o’z ichiga olgan Karjantau Ugam va Pskem tog’larini o’z ichiga oladi
Questions :
How many countries are there in Uzbekistan ?
How far does it extend from north to south ?
How far does it extend from east to west ?
What percentage of the area is desert and plains ?
What is the name of major rivers ?
Where is the most fertile part of Uzbekistan ?
What percentage of Uzbekistan is forests ?
How many parts of the Great Plains represent Uzbekistan ?
What mountain slopes are in the southeast of Uzbekistan ?
How many millimeters is the average annual rainfall in the country?
Training ground
While teaching disciplines in technical universities , as a rule , it is provided for a number of practical and laboratory classes. Performing of practical tasks by students is the organizational part of education process . The main goal practical and laboratory studies is an extension , deepening and strengthening of theoretical knowledge , as well as the development of the most difficult skills in the maintenance of locomotives or practical skills during carrying out of technical standard processes . The institute’s training ground was established to achieve this goal .
The training and laboratory classes are conducted on the disciplines studied at the chairs as follows : “ Locomotives and locomotive equipment” , “ Electric transport and high- speed electric rolling stock” , “ Wagons and rolling stock” , “ Transport logistics and service” , “ Automation and telemechanics at Railway transport” , “ power supply of railways” , Bridges and tunnels” , as well as “ Construction of railways , track and track facilities”.
O’quv maydoni
Texnik universitetida fanlarni o’qitishda qoida tariqasida bir qator amaliy va laboratoriya mashg’ulotlari uchun mo’ljallangan o’quvchilar tomonidan amaliy topshiriqlarni bajarish o’quv jarayoning tashkiliy qismi hisoblanadi . Amaliy laboratoriya mashg’ulotlarining asosiy maqsadi - nazariy bilimlarni kengaytirish , chuqurlashtirish va mustahkamlash shuningdek texnik jarayonlarni amalga oshirishda lokomativlarga xizmat ko’rsatish va amaliy ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish bo’yicha eng qiyin ko’nikmalarni rivojlantirish . Ushbu maqsadga erishish uchun institutning o’quv maydonchasi tashkil etilgan .
O’quv va laboratoriya mashg’ulotlari kafedralarda o’rganilayotgan fanlar bo’yicha “lokamativ va lokamativ uskunalari” , “elektr transporti va tezyurar elektr harakat tarkibi” , “vagaon va harakatlanuvchi tarkib” , “transport logistkasi va servis”, “ temir yo’llarda avtomatika va telemexanika” , “ temir yo’llarni elekr ta’minoti” , “ ko’priklar va tunellar”, shuningdek “temir yo’llarni qurish , yo’l-yo’l inshootlari qurilishi” .
History of instititute
Training ground
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