Taqrizchilar: G`ijduvon tuman xalq ta’limi bo`limi o`quv- tarbiya jarayonini metodik ta’minlash sho`ba rahbari

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G. Nabiyeva – G`ijduvon tuman xalq ta’limi bo`limi xorijiy tillar metodisti.


G`ijduvon tuman xalq ta’limi bo`limi o`quv- tarbiya jarayonini metodik ta’minlash sho`ba rahbari.

G`ijduvon tumani 28-umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o`qituvchisi - Zarnigor Yo`ldosheva

G`ijduvon tumani - umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o`qituvchisi - Shuxrat Shodiyev.

G`ijduvon tuman 30-umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktabi boshlang`ich sinf o`qituvchisi – Xumorabonu Mubinova

G`ijduvon tumani 30-umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o`qituvchisi - Telman Yarashev.

G`ijduvon tumani 30-umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktabi ingliz tili fani o`qituvchisi - Feruza Nasimova.


Yulduz Ahrorova - G`ijduvon tumani 30-umumiy o`rta ta’lim maktabi ikkinchi toifali ingliz tili o`qituvchisi.

Ushbu qo`llanma o`rta maktab o`quvchilariga mo`lljallangan bo`lib, o`quvchilarga ingliz tili fanidan diktant yozishni o`rgatish uchun mo`ljallangan. Davlat ta’limi standarti bo`yicha 2- sinfdan 11- sinfgacha o`quvchilar yozma nutqini rivojlantirish bo`yicha diktant yozishni bilishi shart.

O`quvchilarga ingliz tilida diktantni qiyin qilish shart emas, chunki ayrim o`quvchilar ingliz tilidagi so`zlarni o`zbek tilida yozishi mumkin va ayrimlari umuman yozolmasa zerikadi va hech qachon o`rgana olmaydi. Yil boshida boshlang`ich sinf o`quvchilaridan so`z diktanti va yuqori sinf o`quvchilaridan oson so`zlardan tashkil etilgan qisqa diktantlar olishni tavsiya qilaman. Masalan, 2- sinfda so`z diktanti olishni raqamlardan boshlasak ,”One “ ya’ni bir sonini aytilishi va yozilishi o`rtasida katta farq bor. Avval raqamlarni qayta-qayta o`qitib keyin harflab aytishni o`rgatamiz . O-N-E , T-W-O, T-H-R-E-E . Keyin jihozlarga o`tamiz desk, book, pen, pencil va boshqalar. Keyin esa ikkalasini qo`shib gap yozishga o`tamiz. Masalan: One book, two pens, three pencils. Shunday diktantlar yozish davomida o`quvchilar otga “-s” qo`shimchasini qo`shish bilan ko`plik hosil bo`lishini yaxshiroq eslab qoladi, chunki o`quvchi diktant yozayotganida diqqat qilib turadi.

Boshqa sinflarda so`zlarni ko`plikda yozishni yana takrorlaydi va xatosiz yoza oladi. Masalan: “Canary” so`zining ko`pligi “Canaries”. Bu so`zda “Y” harfi “ie” harflariga o`zgaradi. Bunday so`zlar juda ko`p.

Baby-babies, wolf - wolves, leaf - leaves,

Endi navbatdagi so`zlarimiz ranglar. Yuqoridagi olingan diktantlarga ranglarni qo`shib diktant dagi so`zlar safini kengaytiramiz. Masalan: Two red pens. Three blue pencils va boshqalar. Shu tarzda diktantlardagi so`zlarni kengaytirib uzun gap yozishni o`rgatamiz. 4 – sinflarda fe’llarning o`tgan zamondagi shakllari haqida diktant olish.

Yakuniy xulosa qilib shuni aytish kerakki, o`rta maktabda belgilanganidek, har bir o`quvchi ingliz tilida yozishni bilishi kerak. Diktant yozish bahonasida bolalar ingliz tilida bir-biriga xat yozishni, og`zaki nutqini yozma bayon qilishni va xotiralarini yozma bayon etishni o`rganadi.

Dictation for the 2nd form

Big, dad, bag, bee, leg, cake, ball, chick, black, seven, nine, banana, name.

Word Dictation

Hen, ice-cream, three, kite, ten, plane, jam, dog, doll, pen, pencil, I, blue, teddy.


Four, two, six, nine, ten, one, three, eight, five, seven, eleven, twelve.


Green, red, blue, orange, pink, purple, grey, black, white, brown, yellow.


I like summer. It is hot. I fly a kite. I play ball.


My name is Amir. I like football. I collect cars. I like tennis and dolls.


It’s a cow. It’s big. It’s brown. I like it. It’s a cat. It’s small. It’s white.


A pink mouse, a black train, a green plane, a grey teddy bear, a blue car, a purple ball, a red rabbit, a yellow doll, a white dog, a red duck.


One green pen, three pink pencils, five black ruler, nine white copybooks, ten blue trains, eight brown bag, three red plain.


Honey, lazy, flower, snowy, rainy, cloudy, grass, water, corn, carrots, cabbage, hopscotch, watching TV, playing see-saw.


One blue eraser, two red crayons, eleven white rabbits, ten black hens, nine black goats, eight brown horses, seven grey rabbits.


In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night, I go to school, I play football, I watch TV, breakfast, lunch, English, go.


On Monday, on Tuesday, on Wednesday, on Thursday, on Friday, on Saturday, on Sunday, yesterday, today, day.


I go to school on Monday. Breakfast is at seven o`clock, my English class is in the morning, my favourite cartoon. I play games with friends.


Big, small, library, gym, canteen, playground, school, like, room, floor, maths, English, door, window, balloon.


Board, wall, desk, table, picture, chalk, duster, flower, mother, father, brother, sister, baby, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt.


English, reading, music, mathematics, canteen, school, write, draw, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, subject, mother tongue, Russian, lesson.


January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, My favourite month is April. I don’t go to school on Sunday. Wednesday is the third day of the week.

Dictation for the 3rd form.

My mother.

This is my mother. Her name is Sanobar. She is nice. She is at home. She is not at school. She is beautiful. I love my mother and she likes me.


This is our school. We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and on Friday . On Saturday and Sunday we don’t go to school. We have English, Russian, math, mother tongue, art and music lessons.

At the English lesson.

We have English lessons on Tuesday and Friday. We speak, read, write, draw and sing songs at the English lesson. We have toys in our English room. We like English lessons very much.

About myself.

My name is Akmal. I am a pupil. I am twelve. I am in form 3. I have a bag. I have my books, notebooks, two pens, six pencils, two black pencils, one yellow pencil and one green pencil in the bag. I have a grey pencil too. Everyday I do my homework.

Our garden.

We have a garden. Our garden is big. There are many flowers and trees in our garden. My brother works in the garden every day, but I don’t work in the garden. Have you a garden.


It is summer now. June, July and August are summer months. It is hot in summer. The weather is fine. The trees are green. There are many fruits in summer. Children don’t go to school. I love summer.


It is autumn now. September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is cool in autumn. It rains a lot. There are a lot of fruits in autumn. The trees and gardens are yellow. Our school days begin. I like autumn. It is a beautiful season.


It is winter now. December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold in winter. It snows a lot. Everywhere is white with snow. We play snowball with our friends. We like winter. It is a beautiful season.


It is spring now. March, April and May are spring months. Spring is green. We celebrate mother’s day and Navruz holiday. We cook national meal sumalak in spring . The trees are green. We like spring. It is a beautiful season.

Reading books.

You are all fond of reading. Some of you like to read books about animals – about dogs and cats, about bears and wolves, about tigers and elephants. Boys like to read about travelling. Girls are fond of fairy tales. You all like to read stories, fables and poems. Now let’s speak about the books you like to read and the books you have. I like to read about space flights.

Dictations for the 4th form.

My English friends.

She is a girl. Her name is Ann. She is English. He is a boy. His name is Sam. He is English too. They are pupils. They live in England.


This is a classroom. It is big. I see a table, a desk, a blackboard, a shelf and a chair in the classroom. I see a pen, a pencil, a book and a notebook on the desk. We like our classroom.

In the street.

Nodira and Halima are sisters. They live in Tashkent street. They like their street. They see trams, buses, taxis, and cars in the street. They see green trees and shops too.


Halima and Nodira are sisters. They were very busy yesterday. They had a lot of housework . Halima likes to tidy up the room . Nodira can wash the floor very well. The girls swept the yard together.

My friend.

I have a friend. His name is Farhod. He has a sister. Her name is Shirin. Farhod has a bike. Shirin has a camera. Farhod and Shirin are schoolchildren. They are in form 5. They go to school in the morning.

At the English lesson.

We have English lessons at school. Our English room is big and light. There are many pictures on the wall. At our English lesson we speak, read, write, draw, sing songs dance and play several games. We speak English at the English lessons.


The boy has a dog. He is very kind to his pet. He treats him with love and care. Mary wanted to have a pet at home. She asked her parents to buy her a puppy. They agreed. They were not against. Kitty loved her new pet and took care of him. She took him for a walk in the village, played with him, taught him to understand her, to answer to his name. She gave him food.

On a farm.

I live in Uzbekistan. I have a friend. He lives on a farm. He has a father, a mother and 2 brothers. They work on a farm. They have cows, sheep, turkeys, hens, roosters, ducks and chickens in their farm. Anvar goes to school in the morning. He goes to school in the morning.

My friend.

My name is Nazira. I live in Bukhara. I have a friend. Her name is Lucy. She doesn’t live in Uzbekistan. She lives in London. She speaks English. She is 12. She is in form 4. In the morning she gets up, washes, dresses, has her breakfast and goes to school. At the English lesson she speaks with her teacher and friends.


Squirrels live in trees. They live in woods and in parks of towns and cities. Squirrels are very quick animals. They run up and down big trees and can jump from tree to tree. They like to play among the trees. When squirrels are hungry they get food in the trees and on the ground. They eat berries and mushrooms and they nuts very much.

A visit to Bukhara.

My cousin Ann lives Moscow. It is a tradition with our families to visit each other every year. Last winter Ann came to our city. She spent a week in Bukhara. She wanted to see many places of interest. Every day we walked about Bukhara and came home late. We had a wonderful day.

For the 5th form.


We must take care of nature. Boys and girls must take care of nature. I can grow flowers myself. We must treat animals kindly and feed bird and animals. It is interesting to work in the garden.

At the seaside.

The children are at the seaside. The weather is fine, sunny. The sky is blue. There are no clouds in it. Some children are swimming. Some are fishing. Some are playing games on the yellow sand. That is fun.

In the fields.

The children are picking flowers in the field. The grass is soft and green. It’s nice to sit on the soft, green grass. The day is sunny. The sky is blue. There is only one cloud in the sky. The sky is blue. The weather is wonderful.

In the mountain.

The children are climbing a mountain. The mountain is high. It’s difficult to climb it. But the children like to climb hills and mountains. That’s fun.


Winter is a hard time for animals and birds. The animals and birds know it and in autumn they store food for the winter. Squirrels and hedgehogs store mushrooms and nuts. They hide their stores in holes in trees and at the foot of trees. They cover the holes with leaves. Their stores are usually in the middle of the forest.17

At camp.

Lots of children go to camps in summer. They have a very good time at camp. They play games, go to the wood, swim in the river. It’s nice in the woods in summer. There are beautiful flowers and trees there. Birds are singing their sweet song.

Our country.

This is our country. Our country is beautiful. There are two long rivers, high mountains in our country. Different animals and birds live in the forests and in the mountains. The fields and gardens are full of wonderful plants. People are fond of travelling to different parts of our country.

Dictation for the 6th form.


There are many different things around you. You see trees and flowers, the sky and the stars, the sun and the clouds, people, animal and birds. It is interesting to watch all these things around you, isn’t it?


Pete and Andy are brothers . They like to travel by bicycle. Usually they go to the country and ride for hours. Sometimes they camp out at the river. They put up a tent and stay at the river a day or two. The boys also like to imagine that they travel to strange countries. They take a map and travel to many cities. They learn a lot about them.


The circus animals are not wild any longer. People have taught them a lot. The animals have learnt to understand people, to do a lot of things. People have tamed them. These animals are tame.

At camp.

I spend a month at a camp. There was a river and a wood near the camp, and we often went to bathe, to play on the yellow sand, to gather berries and mushrooms. We enjoyed the sunny weather, the games and the beautiful place. In the evenings we made a fire, sat around and sang songs. We had a wonderful time at camp.

A walk in the Wood.

It was a warm September morning. The wood looked very beautiful. The ground was bright with red and yellow leaves. We felt fine. It was nice to walk. But in the afternoon a strong wind began to blow. The sky was dark now, we could not see the sun any more. We turned back home. Only at 4 o`clock the weather was good again, and we enjoyed the fresh air and the sunshine.

A hedgehog.

It was autumn. One day two girls Kate and Ann went to the forest. Soon they in the middle of it. Suddenly they saw a hedgehog. It appeared in front of them on the ground. It was slowly moving in the leaves. When the hedgehog saw the children it disappeared in a hole at the food of a high tree.


Respect each other. Overcome difficulties . Get new information. Discuss the problem of classroom with your teachers. Make somebody think about something. Join the library. Books teach us about nature, famous people, about adventures, travels and space. Return a book on time.

What British people are interested in.

The usual hobby of many people in Great Britain is gardening. Most British houses have a small garden at the back. People grow flowers and bushes, vegetables and trees.

British people like to go shopping. If they don’t have enough money to buy things they are fond of looking at different things in the shop-window.


It is pleasure to do something on our free time. Bill is fond of drawing pictures, reading books about artists. He collects postcards with pictures by different artists. Kate likes to sing songs in the school choir. She can play the piano well. She is fond of listening to music. As for me I am fond of reading books about other countries and other people. I like to travel too. My dream is to visit England.

English lesson.

Dear boys and girls! You have reviewed some grammar and a lot of phrases on different topics. I hope you can speak about your school and your English lesson. I think you can speak your summer holidays, nature and sport. I believe it’s pleasure for you to recite English poems and rhymes and to sing English songs. You’ll know about English and American writers, scientists and travellers. I hope it’ll be interesting for you to read about different customs and traditions of Great Britain and the USA.

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