Аrmirlаngаn ip
Аrmirovаnnаya nitь
Armirlangan ip-murakkab strukturali ip, unda (о‘qli) о‘zak ip tolalar yoki boshqa iplar bilan о‘ralgan (buralgan yoki zich о‘rilgan) bо‘ladi.
Аrmirovаnnаya nit - nit slojnoy strukturi, u kotoroy osyevаya (styerjnyevаya) obvitа (obkruchyenа ili plotno oplyetyenа) voloknаmi ili drugimi nityami.
The reinforced thread is a thread of a complex structure, in which the axial (core) thread is twisted (twisted or tightly braided) with fibers or other threads.
Artikul-har bir alohida turdagi tо‘qimachilik matyeriallarning sonlar bilan shartli byelgilanishi.
Аrtikul - uslovnoye sifrovoye oboznаchyeniye kаjdogo sаmostoyatyelьnogo vidа tyekstilьnogo mаtyeriаlа.
Article - conditional digital designation of each independent type of textile material.