Survey of function words

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Survey of function words.

Survey of function words.

Function Words in Authorship AttributionFrom Black Magic to Theory?Mike KestemontUniversity of AntwerpCLiPS Computational Linguistics GroupPrinsstraat 13, D.188B-2000, AntwerpBelgiummike.kestemont@uantwerpen.beAbstractThis position paper focuses on the useof function words in computational au-thorship attribution. Although recentlythere have been multiple successful appli-cations of authorship attribution, the fieldis not particularly good at the explicationof methods and theoretical issues, whichmight eventually compromise the accep-tance of new research results in the tra-ditional humanities community. I wish topartially help remedy this lack of explica-tion and theory, by contributing a theoreti-cal discussion on the use of function wordsin stylometry. I will concisely survey theattractiveness of function words in stylom-etry and relate them to the use of charac-ter n-grams. At the end of this paper, Iwill propose to replace the term ‘functionword’ by the term ‘functor’ in stylometry,due to multiple theoretical considerations.1 IntroductionComputational authorship attribution is a popu-lar application in current stylometry, the compu-tational study of writing style. While there havebeen significant advances recently, it has been no-ticed that the field is not particularly good at theexplication of methods, let alone at developing agenerally accepted theoretical framework (Craig,1999; Daelemans, 2013). Much of the researchin the field is dominated by an ‘an engineeringperspective’: if a certain attribution technique per-forms well, many researchers do not bother to ex-plain or interpret this from a theoretical perspec-tive. Thus, many methods and procedures con-tinue to function as a black box, a situation whichmight eventually compromise the acceptance ofexperimental results (e.g. new attributions) byscholars in the traditional humanities community.In this short essay I wish to try to help partiallyremedy this lack of theoretical explication, by con-tributing a focused theoretical discussion on theuse of function words in stylometry. While thesefeatures are extremely popular in present-day re-search, few studies explicitly address the method-ological implications of using this word category.I will concisely survey the use of function words instylometry and render more explicit why this wordcategory is so attractive when it comes to author-ship attribution. I will deliberately use a genericlanguage that is equally intelligible to people inlinguistic as well as literary studies. Due to mul-tiple considerations, I will argue at the end of thispaper that it might be better to replace the term‘function word’ by the term ‘functor’ in stylome-try.2 Seminal WorkUntil recently, scholars agreed on the supremacyof word-level features in computational authorshipstudies. In a 1994 overview paper Holmes (1994,p. 87) claimed that ‘to date, no stylometrist hasmanaged to establish a methodology which is bet-ter able to capture the style of a text than that basedon lexical items’. Important in this respect is aline of research initiated by Mosteller and Wal-lace (1964), whose work marks the onset of so-called non-traditional authorship studies (Holmes,1994; Holmes, 1998). Their work can be con-trasted with the earlier philological practice of au-thorship attribution (Love, 2002), often character-ized by a lack of a clearly defined methodologicalframework. Scholars adopted widely diverging at-tribution methodologies, the quality of whose re-sults remained difficult to assess in the absence ofa scientific consensus about a best practice (Sta-matatos, 2009; Luyckx, 2010). Generally speak-ing, scholars’ subjective intuitions (Gelehrtenintu-ition,connoisseurship) played far too large a roleand the low level of methodological explicitness in59

early (e.g. nineteenth century) style-based author-ship studies firmly contrasts with today’s prevail-ing criteria for scientific research, such as replica-bility or transparency.Apart from the rigorous quantificationMosteller and Wallace pursued, their work isoften praised because of a specific methodolog-ical novelty they introduced: the emphasis onso-called function words. Earlier authorshipattribution was often based on checklists ofstylistic features, which scholars extracted fromknown oeuvres. Based on their previous readingexperiences, expert readers tried to collect stylemarkers that struck them as typical for an oeuvre.The attribution of works of unclear provenancewould then happen through a comparison ofthis text’s style to an author’s checklist (Love,2002, p. 185–193). The checklists were of coursehand-tailored and often only covered a limited setof style markers, in which lexical features werefor instance freely mixed with hardly compara-ble syntactic features. Because the checklist’sconstruction was rarely documented, it seemeda matter of scholarly taste which features wereincluded in the list, while it remained unclear whyothers were absent from it.Moreover, exactly because these lists werehand-selected, they were dominated by strikingstylistic features that because of their low over-all frequency seemed whimsicalities to the humanexpert. Such low-frequency features (e.g. an un-common noun) are problematic in authorship stud-ies, since they are often tied to a specific genreor topic. If such a characteristic was absent inan anonymous text, it did not necessarily argueagainst a writer’s authorship in whose other texts(perhaps in different topics or genres) the charac-teristic did prominently feature. Apart from thelimited scalability of such style (Luyckx, 2010;Luyckx and Daelemans, 2011), a far more trou-blesome issue is associated with them. Because oftheir whimsical nature these low-frequency phe-nomena could have struck an author’s imitators orfollowers as strongly as they could have struck ascholar. When trying to imitate someone’s style(e.g. within the same stylistic school), those low-frequency features are the first to copy in the eyesof forgers (Love, 2002, p. 185–193). The funda-mental novelty of the work by Mosteller and Wal-lace was that they advised to move away from alanguage’s low-frequency features to a language’shigh-frequency features, which often tend to befunction words.3 Content vs FunctionLet us briefly review why function words are in-teresting in authorship attribution. In present-daylinguistics, two main categories of words are com-monly distinguished (Morrow, 1986, p. 423). Theopen-class category includes content words, suchas nouns, adjectives or verbs (Clark and Clark,1977). This class is typically large – there aremany nouns – and easy to expand – new nounsare introduced every day. The closed-class cat-egory of function words refers to a set of words(prepositions, particles, determiners) that is muchsmaller and far more difficult to expand – it ishard to invent a new preposition. Words from theopen class can be meaningful in isolation becauseof their straightforward semantics (e.g. ‘cat’).Function words, however, are heavily grammati-calized and often do not carry a lot of meaningin isolation (e.g. ‘the’). Although the set of dis-tinct function words is far smaller than the setof open-class words, function words are far morefrequently used than content words (Zipf, 1949).Consequently, less than 0.04% of our vocabularyaccounts for over half of the words we actually usein daily speech (Chung et al., 2007, p. 347). Func-tion words have methodological advantages in thestudy of authorial style (Binongo, 2003, p. 11), forinstance:•All authors writing in the same language andperiod are bound to use the very same func-tion words. Function words are therefore areliable base for textual comparison;•Their high frequency makes them interestingfrom a quantitative point of view, since wehave many observations for them;•The use of function words is not strongly af-fected by a text’s topic or genre: the use ofthe article ‘the’, for instance, is unlikely to beinfluenced by a text’s topic.•The use of function words seems less underan author’s conscious control during the writ-ing process.Any (dis)similarities between texts regardingfunction words are therefore relatively content-independent and can be far more easily associated60

with authorship than topic-specific stylistics. Theunderlying idea behind the use of function wordsfor authorship attribution is seemingly contradic-tory: we look for (dis)similarities between textsthat have been reduced to a number of features inwhich texts should not differ at all (Juola, 2006,p. 264–65).Nevertheless, it is dangerous to blindly over-estimate the degree of content-independence offunction words. A number of studies have shownthat function words, and especially (personal) pro-nouns, do correlate with genre, narrative perspec-tive, an author’s gender or even a text’s topic (Her-ring and Paolillo, 2006; Biber et al., 2006; New-man et al., 2008). A classic reference in thisrespect is John Burrows’s pioneering study of,amongst other topics, the use of function wordsin Jane Austen’s novels (Burrows, 1987). Thisexplains why many studies into authorship willin fact perform so-called ‘pronoun culling’ or theautomated deletion of (personal) pronouns whichseem too heavily connected to a text’s narrativeperspective or genre. Numerous empirical studieshave nevertheless demonstrated that various anal-yses restricted to higher frequency strata, yield re-liable indications about a text’s authorship (Arga-mon and Levitan, 2005; Stamatatos, 2009; Koppelet al., 2009).It has been noted that the switch from contentwords to function words in authorship attributionstudies has an interesting historic parallel in art-historic research (Kestemont et al., 2012). Manypaintings have survived anonymously as well,hence the large-scale research into the attribu-tion of them. Giovanni Morelli (1816-1891) wasamong the first to suggest that the attribution of,for instance, a Quattrocento painting to some Ital-ian master, could not happen based on ‘content’(Wollheim, 1972, p. 177ff). What kind of coatMary Magdalene was wearing or the particular de-piction of Christ in a crucifixion scene seemed alltoo much dictated by a patron’s taste, contempo-rary trends or stylistic influences. Morelli thoughtit better to restrict an authorship analysis to dis-crete details such as ears, hands and feet: suchfairly functional elements are naturally very fre-quent in nearly all paintings, because they are tosome extent content-independent. It is an inter-esting illustration of the surplus value of functionwords in stylometry that the study of authorialstyle in art history should depart from the ears,hands and feet in a painting – its inconspicuousfunction words, so to speak.4 SubconsciousnessRecall the last advantage listed above: the argu-ment is often raised that the use of these wordswould not be under an author’s conscious controlduring the writing process (Stamatatos, 2009; Bi-nongo, 2003; Argamon and Levitan, 2005; Peng etal., 2003). This would indeed help to explain whyfunction words might act as an author invariantthroughout an oeuvre (Koppel et al., 2009, p. 11).Moreover, from a methodological point of view,this would have to be true for forgers and imitatorsas well, hence, rendering function words resistantto stylistic imitation and forgery. Surprisingly, thisclaim is rarely backed up by scholarly referencesin the stylometric literature – an exception seemsKoppel et al. (2009, p. 11) with a concise refer-ence to Chung et al. (2007). Nevertheless, someattractive references in this respect can be found inpsycholinguistic literature. Interesting is the ex-periment in which people have to quickly counthow often the letter ‘f’ occurs in the following sen-tence:Finished files are the resultof years of scientific studycombined with the experienceof many years.It is common for most people to spot onlyfour or five instances of all six occurrences ofthe grapheme (Schindler, 1978). Readers com-monly miss the fs in the preposition ‘of’ in thesentence. This is consistent with other readingresearch showing that readers have more difficul-ties in spotting spelling errors in function wordsthan in content words (Drewnowski and Healy,1977). A similar effect is associated with phraseslike ‘Paris in the the spring’ (Aronoff and Fude-man, 2005, p. 40–41). Experiments have demon-strated that during their initial reading, many peo-ple will not be aware of the duplication of the ar-ticle ‘the’. Readers typically fail to spot such er-rors because they take the use of function wordsfor granted – note that this effect would be absentfor ‘Paris in the spring spring’, in which a contentword is wrongly duplicated. Such a subconsciousattitude needs not imply that function words wouldbe unimportant in written communication. Con-61

sider the following passage:1Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at CmabrigdeUinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in wahtoredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olnyiprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsatltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset canbe a toatl mses and you can sitll raedit wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae thehuamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteterby istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.Although the words’ letters in this passage seemrandomly jumbled, the text is still relatively read-able (Rawlinson, 1976). As the quote playfullystates itself, it is vital in this respect that the firstand final letter of each word are not moved – and,depending on the language, this is in fact not theonly rule that must be obeyed. It is crucial how-ever that this limitation causes the shorter func-tion words in running English text to remain fairlyintact (McCusker et al., 1981). The intact naturealone of the function words in such jumbled text,in fact greatly adds to the readability of such pas-sages. Thus, while function words are vital tostructure linguistic information in our communi-cation (Morrow, 1986), psycholinguistic researchsuggests that they do not attract attention to them-selves in the same way as content words do.Unfortunately, it should be stressed that all ref-erences discussed in this section are limited toreader’s experience, and not writer’s experience.While there will exist similarities between a lan-guage user’s perception and production of func-tion words, it cannot be ruled out that writers willtake on a much more conscious attitude towardsfunction words than readers. Nevertheless, theapparent inattentiveness with which readers ap-proach function words might be reminiscent ofa writer’s attitude towards them, although muchmore research would be needed in order to prop-erly substantiate this hypothesis.5 Character N-gramsRecall Holmes’s 1994 claim that ‘to date, no sty-lometrist has managed to establish a methodol-ogy which is better able to capture the style of1Matt Davis maintains an interesting website on thistopic: I thank Bram Vandekerck-hove for pointing out this website. The ‘Cmabridge’-passageas well the ‘of’-example have anonymously circulated on theInternet for quite a while.a text than that based on lexical items’ (Holmes,1994, p. 87). In 1994 other types of style mark-ers (e.g. syntactical) were – in isolation – neverable to outperform lexical style markers (Van Hal-teren et al., 2005). Interestingly, advanced fea-ture selection methods did not always outperformfrequency-based selection methods, that plainlysingled out function words (Argamon and Levitan,2005; Stamatatos, 2009). The supremacy of func-tion words was challenged, however, later in the1990s when character n-grams came to the fore(Kjell, 1994). This representation was originallyborrowed from the field of Information Retrievalwhere the technique had been used in automaticlanguage identification. Instead of cutting texts upinto words, this particular text representation seg-mented a text into a series of consecutive, partiallyoverlapping groups of n characters. A first ordern-gram model only considers so-called unigrams(n= 1); a second order n-gram model consid-ers bigrams (n= 2), and so forth. Note that wordboundaries are typically explicitly represented: forinstance, ‘ b’, ‘bi’, ‘ig’, ‘gr’, ‘ra’, ‘am’, ‘m ’.Since Kjell (1994), character n-grams haveproven to be the best performing feature typein state-of-the-art authorship attribution (Juola,2006), although at first sight, they might seemuninformative and meaningless. Follow-up re-search learned that this outstanding performancewas not only largely language independent butalso fairly independent of the attribution algo-rithms used (Peng et al., 2003; Stamatatos, 2009;Koppel et al., 2009). The study of character n-grams for authorship attribution has since then sig-nificantly grown in popularity, however, mostlyin the more technical literature where the tech-nique originated. In these studies, performanceissues play an important role, with researchers fo-cusing on actual attribution accuracy in large cor-pora (Luyckx, 2010). This focus might help ex-plain why, so far, few convincing attempts havebeen made to interpret the discriminatory qualitiesof characters n-grams, which is why their use (likefunction words) in stylometry can be likened to asort of black magic. One explanation so far hasbeen that these units tend to capture ‘a bit of ev-erything’, being sensitive to both the content andform of a text (Houvardas and Stamatatos, 2006;Koppel et al., 2009; Stamatatos, 2009). One couldwonder, however, whether such an answer doesmuch more than reproducing the initial question:62

Then why does it work? Moreover, Koppel et al.expressed words of caution regarding the caveatsof character n-grams, since many of them ‘will beclosely associated to particular content words androots’ (Koppel et al., 2009, p. 13).The reasons for this outstanding performancecould partially be of a prosaic, information-theoretical nature, relating to the unit of stylis-tic measurement. Recall that function words arequantitatively interesting, at least partially becausethey are simply frequent in text. The more obser-vations we have available per text, the more trust-worthily one can represent it. Character n-gramspush this idea even further, simply because textsby definition have more data points for charactern-grams than for entire words (Stamatatos, 2009;Daelemans, 2013). Thus the mere number of ob-servations, relatively larger for character n-gramsthan for function words, might account for theirsuperiority from a purely quantitative perspective.Nevertheless, more might be said on the topic.Rybicki & Eder (2011) report on a detailed com-parative study of a well-known attribution tech-nique, Burrows’s Delta. John Burrows is consid-ered one of the godfathers of modern stylometry –D.I. Holmes (1994) ranked him alongside the pi-oneers Mosteller and Wallace. He introduced hisinfluential Delta-technique in his famous Busa lec-ture (Burrows, 2002). Many subsequent discus-sions agree that Delta essentially is a fairly intu-itive algorithm which generally achieves decentperformance (Argamon, 2008), comparing textson the basis of the frequencies of common func-tion words. In their introductory review of Delta’sapplications, Rybicki and Eder tackled the as-sumption of Delta’s language independence: fol-lowing the work of Juola (2006, p. 269), they ques-tion the assumption ‘that the use of methods rely-ing on the most frequent words in a corpus shouldwork just as well in other languages as it does inEnglish’ (Rybicki and Eder, 2011, p. 315).Their paper proves this assumption wrong, re-porting on various, carefully set-up experimentswith a corpus, comprising 7 languages (English,Polish, French, Latin, German, Hungarian andItalian). Although they consider other parameters(such as genre), their most interesting results con-cern language (Rybicki and Eder, 2011, p. 319–320):while Delta is still the most successful methodof authorship attribution based on word frequen-cies, its success is not independent of the lan-guage of the texts studied. This has not beennoticed so far for the simple reason that Deltastudies have been done, in a great majority, onEnglish-language prose. [. . . ] The relativelypoorer results for Latin and Polish, both highlyinflected in comparison with English and Ger-man, suggests the degree of inflection as a pos-sible factor. This would make sense in that thetop strata of word frequency lists for languageswith low inflection contain more uniform words,especially function words; as a result, the mostfrequent words in languages such as English arerelatively more frequent than the most frequentwords in agglutinative languages such as Latin.Their point of criticism is obvious but vital: therestriction to function words for stylometric re-search seems sub-optimal for languages that makeless use of function words. They suggest that thisrelatively recent discovery might be related to thefact that most of the seminal and influential workin authorship attribution has been carried out onEnglish-language texts.English is a typical example of a language thatdoes not make extensive use of case endings orother forms of inflection (Sapir, 1921, chapterVI). Such weakly inflected languages express a lotof their functional linguistic information throughthe use of small function words, such as preposi-tions (e.g. ‘with a sword’). Structural informationin these languages tends to be expressed throughminimal units of meaning or grammatical mor-phemes, which are typically realized as individ-ual words (Morrow, 1986). At this point, it makessense to contrast English with another major his-torical lingua franca but one that has received farless stylometric attention: Latin.Latin is a school book example of a heavily in-flected language, like Polish, that makes far moreextensive use of affixes: endings that which areadded to words to mark their grammatical func-tion in a sentence. An example: in the Latin wordensi (ablative singular: ‘with a sword’) the caseending (–i) is a separate morpheme that takes ongrammatical role which is similar to that of theEnglish preposition ‘with’. Nevertheless, it is notrealized as a separate word separated by whites-pace from surrounding morphemes. It is ratherconcatenated to another morpheme (ens-) express-ing a more tangible meaning.This situation renders a straightforward appli-cation of the Delta-method – so heavily biased to-wards words – problematic for more synthetic oragglutinative languages. What has been said aboutfunction words in previous stylometric research,63
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