Such lexical units differ from others by a certain ethnic group

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Ethnography is

Ethnography is the names of concepts related to the national culture, traditions, customs, religious beliefs of a particular people.
Such lexical units differ from others by a certain ethnic group
The tour reflects the main features of the proverb and other vocabulary in the language
, from which the means differ in terms of expressing nationality. Each
of the lexical units characterizing a specific nationality of a people
has a part of the dialect vocabulary. Dialect vocabulary is known
to ethnographies for its identity in this territory, reflecting local
ethnographic life in a certain part of dialect vocabulary, although
it may be similar. The past, the present of people, lifestyle, culture, social
relations - this is exactly what they express in dialect vocabulary. A certain
product of human activity contained in the speech of the inhabitants of the territory
will be the local names of the concepts in which the dialect vocabulary
is formed. Literature is a large part of dialectisms, unlike language
, which does not have synonyms.
Ethnographism and ethnographisms, such as the specifics of a particular nation
, special words denoting signs of national culture, and others
, are considered a gap in languages.
Lacuna of linguomadani among the units of most of the alternative vocabulary
a striking example is the display of elements of national culture in it.
Such words, as a rule, are not translated into other languages.
IFOD lagoon definitions are available in a translatable language
, since it is not, it has no alternative in other languages: it is the linguomadani
natural legitimacy of the process.
Ethnographies related to rituals, rituals and traditions
, such gaps are considered. Related traditions
the main part of ethnographies existed in the common language of the world
, it was formed on the basis of the ethnographic expression of words. This is especially
clearly seen in the rituals associated with the wedding.In general , ethnographisms are lacunae for other peoples
. In the process of translation, these words are given in their original form.
However, to clarify the meaning, clarify or supplement
it, it can be translated in order to provide information.
Ethnography is the words that represent national identity.
Since such words are considered lacunae in other languages, they become an exotic word when they are translated into another language. Exotic words are also national
means of originality. Wedding in Uzbek language only
this token, which is used in a positive sense, and all its manifestations,
in particular, the "beach wedding", "the cradle of the wedding", "Chilla wedding", "wedding ceremony of circumcision",
"tortured wedding", "wedding", "the Prophet wedding", "wedding pilgrim", "house weddings",
"Moshina wedding" against entertainment, giving the risotto on the shoulder from joy
it is celebrated with the fullness. If we focus on the lexeme wedding,
we will see the following definitions:
According to the information preserved in historical sources, the term "wedding"
is a Turkic word, the Mongols in the form of "toys" or "Congress" and
It was also widely used during the reign of the Chigatai khans. Movarunnahr in the XIV century
is based on the memoirs of Ibn Butauta, who traveled through the territory of "that" - this is every
meeting (congress) there, at which a Year is held, at which the descendants of Genghis Khan,
It was attended by emirs and Turkish princes, influential women and the army.
The deadline for completion of the project was May 5, 1864.
According to the historical work "Khorezmshukhia", the minister's son Hasan-Murad Kushbegi married the daughter of Muhammad Yusufbek Khan
, a toy banquet (wedding) took place, which lasted for several days and nights
. "Uzbek
in the Explanatory Dictionary of the language, the word wedding is interpreted as follows: "wedding –
Some of which are often held at a banquet with junket performances
- the general name of rituals. 1. According to the agreement between the Wells
, the money must be transferred to the girl from the groom's side, sarpo-suruk, parable, etc
. set VS. 2. Celebration and entertainment dedicated to the event -an event
that should take place with"
. In the meaning of the word wedding send wedding
application is the meaning of this word as a result of ethnography.
The wedding term is not mentioned in the work of Mahmoud Koshgari "Devoni lugoti Turk"
. But in this tod - (Tod -: todundi "saturated", todgurdi
There are 18 tokens based on such rods as "satin"), toz – (salt -: satin "satin", cleaner "satin")
. Linguist
one of the first researchers of the wedding theme was A. Zhuraboev, who in his scientific
work provided the following information about the wedding token: "This
word is actually the most recent of tod>toz>doi>doj, which means "saturate
the phonetic variant." M.Koshgary "Devon"Ida" todundi,
the meaning of the words "tozdi" is explained in the style of "satiety, satiety". If
the suffix flour /degree of self-sufficiency/ is removed from the first word, and the suffix forming the past tense affix is also removed from the second word, the verb is formed
, then the words tod and toz remain in the command declension. Therefore, these words are present
, there is no doubt that the wedding word is the initial form."
Sh.Nurillayeva also said that
the word wedding from the verb "saturate" will be added to the comment
. In our opinion, this is exactly the recipe for how the token is formed and on what basis the most accurate and correct information about what he found is obtained.

Wedding weddings are among the types of weddings that have listed the names above

, this is of particular importance. The family's so-called Holy
First Foundation of the fort was considered a marriage of different peoples
with their unique national culture, religion, values and mentality
, which is celebrated with appropriate paintings and customs. Marriage is an Arabic word, in dictionaries the interpretation of the following meanings
is presented: - A testament about marriage (a testament about marriage).;
- to conclude a covenant;
- contract, agreement;
- an agreement on marriage ties concluded in accordance with the law.;
- engagement, wedding;
- a marriage contract concluded in accordance with the law on marriage;
-legal woman (wife
1)اانن marriage – to bind a couple with a ring, a marriage contract,
a couple; 2) a بقعععععععع - to bind, to bind; 3) a باااوواا - a couple, mating,
mating, to take a couple, to take a wife (to marry), to touch the ground (to marry
Exodus); 4) The ZANU sho - para
There is diversity at weddings in all oases of Uzbekistan
. In each of them there is a tradition, udum, which are somewhat different from each
other and there are rituals. The ancient horn with a centuries-old history and traditions
of the Oasis wedding ceremonies are also special. The primitive religion in the nuptial wedding ceremonies of the inhabitants of the Oasis
from the forms of animism to the present, both superstitions and customs
, we see that it persists. Men at a wedding wedding
avoid evil forces in their rituals, beware of them and give them
those who committed various superstitions in order to fight. Religious wedding ceremony
at the first stage of the wedding ceremony, that is, initially before the wedding, begins
the day before the wedding, in order to raise the spirits of the ghosts of the past, their
call to the spirit of "God" was made and issued. The same bride and groom
at the wedding asked permission from the spirit of their ancestors.
. Based on this custom
In the area of the Surkhon oasis, there was an ethnography of jalakkizartirar.
Jalakkizartirar-bunda based on ancient Iri-SIRIM, the blood
output will be targeted.Hookah is the extraction of land for making soup for a dog,
a jug that is brought to the shape of a dish. The same is true when a mole is killed
, when a jalak is fried, blood flows into the jalak. The discharge of blood and the licking by the dog
of the intention of bloodshed, the preservation of the bride and groom from various insinuations
stating. There, too, it was to see what kind of evil it was, let him beat the same dog.
In general, this habit before all big things
in order to facilitate the work of muscles, the "release of blood" is associated with heredity.
Together with the above, the wedding ceremony of magic
(witchcraft) in cross section is incredibly numerous and diverse.
Every single action performed at a wedding is somehow performed in a single outburst of goodwill, wishes and goals
. In order for the life of the bride and groom to be a state of evil forces
, keep a pinch, sweet water or juice in them, so that life becomes sweeter
, elderly women practicing these practices while drinking, aging and aging
become a mirror example of their life to be crystal clear
. Various situations, such as a showcase, can be an example of the magical imagination
that is required. From the reflections that the Mirror has a magical feature
, he studied the ethnographic essence on the basis of the archaeological finds
of B.A.Litvinsky and Yu.The Muhiddinovs, in the historical basis of the magical and mythological views associated with the "window" of the majority of the peoples of Central Asia
, revealed a connection with their ancient beliefs. It consists in the following
cross-section pinch, sweet, mirror wedding the wedding wedding
served as the basis for the emergence of ethnographies associated with
Rituals such as chimildiktutar, boljalatar, mirror
A sign of national culture, preserved today in almost all districts, villages and microdistricts of the city
Surkhondarya, rites are considered in the adjective. The Uzbek wedding will take place in accordance with the national
identity - the most important customs that determine spirituality.
A wedding is a sign of the most
Although there are a lot of Uzbek weddings
, wedding celebrations play a special role among them. Thanks to this wedding, a new family
appeared, since existence is connected with the continuation of the human generation
, this is a special value. Since wedding weddings are rich in pictures
, therefore there are also many words denoting the same picture-phrases. In the oasis of exile
, marriage weddings, as in other regions, begin from the very beginning, and
the following lexical means are used to express these customs:
belkuda, Besiktas, truce, leaderboard, door handle, matchmaking,
blood, patirgedi, septuagint, Septuagint. These are vocabulary units
semantically representing customs related to the wedding wedding movement
. Some of them are outdated from the point of view of modern
ethnography, related to marriage, wedding, which are considered traditions
. The composition also indicates the presence of obsolete vocabulary units.
Tilshonos N.Mirzaev ethnographic lexicon from the point of view of modernity
from the point of view of analysis is Tsilar, although they also have a small number
of notes on the existence of archaic and historical words
in the composition of obsolete words archaisms and the presence of historical words are different
the same is also emphasized by researchers in this field
In Belgium, it has become an archaism representing such outdated customs
as ethnography. The peoples living in the Surkhandarya region, along with fraternal and seed-growing ones, were also involved in the relations between the two countries.
they pay a lot of attention. "It's good to have a close army from a distant relative,"
proverbs like "a grief aunt is needed at a wedding, a traveling companion is needed during the day"
- all this is often found in the speech of residents, and this is not accidental. In the Tradition of
Belkuda, in order to connect the relations of friendship and friendship
, close friends (mostly men) have not yet given birth to each other their children
, whom they call, or if a man who has a son has a girl, then a friend. A child with a family made in Belkuda, when a girl was born
, is put on earrings, given clothes and scarves. Indicates that the girl was possessed
. In history, attention to this tradition is firmly rooted.
If belgodalikka had promised, young people would have been obliged to start a family (this
colloquial characteristic of Surkhondaryol residents is an expression of such characters as loyalty to a vow, non-return from the spoken word, honesty of the word).
The children in Belkud did not want to start a family,
and situations also arose in the future. The process of Bund of parents with bad consequences
, even taking into account the fact that the children will be white, the boy or girl will commit suicide
finished. Therefore, today this habit is not carried out so often. The marriage-related wedding
ceremony, in which most of the ethnographies are conducted on the wedding day
, will make up the names. Ethnographies related to marriage, wedding, including
an important characteristic inherent in the names of traditions held on the wedding day
, they are purely functional based on the performance of a certain work
, the denotative meaning is associated with the expression and the
action to be performed, which should happen. For example, the basis of the ethnography of Soldi is the bride, and
the process of weaving the fabric (base) under the feet of the groom
is formed for expression. Such an existing condition is mandatory
in connection with the movement, the expression is important, characteristic of ethnographies
, it is jihad. In the following ethnographies, both ethnography and
the dependence of the action performed are observed: Toad, Toad, Toad,
boljalatar, mittens, sochsiypatar, leg, mirror,
iyintortar (iyinkoklar), old woman and others. Wedding in Surkhon Oasis
we divided the ceremonies that were to take place on this day, respectively:
1. The name of the events held in the Bride's House: sheepskin coats, sheepskin coats,
in the leg, firstborn, firstborn, sheep, old, leg, mittens,
hairpieces, mirror, iyintortar, otayupatar, representative,
groom. 2. The name of the traditions and rituals held in the groom's House:
The old woman, betochar,azocar, calisalim, separator, taupata, soup of the bride
he is eating, sweeping, tails, oil, plays, puts the soup on the dog.,
the furnace, called a, etc. Some of these activities are other
although carried out in the regions, the procedure for the transfer is carried out in the course of the event
, in this work different from each other. For example:
Betochar//yuzochar // Yuzkochar – a ceremony held the day after
the wedding. This event is welcomed in many regions of the Republic,
called kelinsalom. A 3-4-year-old Bunda boy with a bullet in his child
's hand in the districts of Muzrabat, Angor, Sherabad of Bilan province
, savash prepared a special stick for cotton - with a savachop or a thin branch of a fruit tree and
a long branch, the bride received a pinch on her face. Cleaning / / Unelatar - is carried out in the groom's house after the wedding
rituals. Since they are dictated by the latter, the essence is also close to each other. The bet opens (the face opens, the visionary's face),
since then the bride's flour to show. Upper Bund (province
In Tajikistan, who lives in Muzrabat district, Boysun, Sherabad
, in some villages of the districts, a girl-boy came out to become a bride from her father's house
when she left, a new Supra is introduced into his bosom. This is the girl's apartment
, when he left, he expressed a feeling that he would take his food with him.
In the groom's house, Dinner on the next day of the wedding will be celebrated suprayai,
at the ceremonies of the unelatar, te Supra, the sifted flour of the bride is laid out. Then
, in Supra, the women conducted bibimushkul under the guidance of a rabid woman. However, in some
areas, the groom used the post in the household, the "suprasi of his mother
-in-law" is used.) the bride takes a handful of flour and, dipping her hand
in it, puts it on a sieve. The first meaning of this is that the Surkhondarians are very intensely
white - from light to start work in a new house, if the second
meaning is blessed by Aries, not knowing what a zorikish is, at the table
constantly means that there will be bread.In addition,
it also makes sense for the newlywed's household to show how much skill and dexterity there is in their work. The main one of the ethnographies will do, which is the name of wedding ceremonies
based on the word legalization of a part of the formed ethnographies
. A review of the legalization of ethnographies of weddings in the Surkhon oasis
, an analysis from the point of view showed that many names of wedding ceremonies
are blurred by the syntactic method. Among them, the composition of ot+Fe
is the majority:
Poyondozsoldi - horse + Fel: sing (legs in Persian-Tajik) + andoz
(Persian-Tajik thaw, thaw).
Iyintortar-horse+Fel: iyin (shoulder) + traction (seam, ankle)
Also representing the quality + content of horses are the names of wedding ceremonies
, there are also ethnographies:
Accusative case-adjective +noun: old (aged) + zhilik (bone, bone marrow-bone
Horse+Horse content :
Representative / / padarvakil-horse + horse: representative (reliable,
self-confident person. When a person performs work with one goal, it depends on him
(the person who is granted the right) + the father (the reason for the birth of the child
- the person who is. Until the child reaches adulthood, and even in the future
a saint in order to be both an educator and a provider at the time
of the head of the family, which is glorified in our religion. Padar-Persian -father in translation from Tajik
Contents son + horse : iziztavak-son + horse.
The main of the ethnographies characterizing wedding ceremonies
from the point of view of the structure of parts is presented in the form of a joint word and words
formed as a result of addition, mainly from a combination of ot and FE
, consisting of. The morphological method of declension, the pairing of words and
the resulting repetition of emerging ethnographies do not occur. Horse and
in ethnographies with Fe content, basically, the main agreed ethnographies of horses and pure
horses in the form of: door handle, Septuagint, Septuagint,
bakhkazkazdi, poyondozsoldi,the chief negotiator
of the ethnography of the horse and the verb in the form of adjectives: zhalakkizartirar, sarpatans,
chimildikbichar, carrot, blankets, boljalatar, leg,
sochsipalatar, mirror, otayupatar; it was also
noticed that ethnographies in the form of the name of the movement are active.:
for example, the leaderboard, bread crumbs, earrings. In the following two forms
, there are also cases where ethnography is used as an option:
slip-slip, non-slip, non-slip.
In General, the traditions associated with a wedding celebration Uzbek
this is a characteristic manifestation of the national culture that characterizes them
words are as important lexical unit consisting explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language
this study is one of the main factors in the evaluation process language tools
is. N. Makhmudov language from the most basic concepts in one area and
he writes about culture in the following way: "when language and culture are said, often,
although the problem that is called "culture of speech" is remembered without associative, these
two places will not necessarily testify to the nausea of culture. Language and
when talking about culture, it usually happens through language (the same thing in the dam) or this culture
or, conversely, by studying culture, he or she can explain this or that what is
meant." Language is one of the most important indicators of culture
, because a person's worldview, culture, spirituality
are formed and expressed through language. At the same time, language is not only
a means of communication between people, but also a person's life experience
that determines the environment in which a person is formed and lives. It is even said
that it is possible that a person lives in a neutered language and is constantly influenced by it
. The language itself reflects the unique worldview of a person and the culture
of ettiradi. Its most important function (of language) is that it has developed a culture
that it preserves and transmits from generation to generation. Hence the language
shahsiyat, plays an important role in the formation of the national feuilleton, nation, nation
.Linguists are cultural representatives of a certain ethnic group and
emphasize that linguistic unity is interconnected, "
a specific language of culture", "the language is the carrier of the culture
they celebrate, and that this ethnic group is the most important
, they combine their indicators. In addition, the linguistic personality and communication
as a subject say that culture is also unity.
Culture is biologically unrelated to man, and
this is the point of view according to which people are created as a result of their vital activity
Accordingly, the customs of each nation are connected with their way of life
, there will be a culture, and this will be reflected in the language first of all. Language and
the interdependence of culture in this diversity make them both
, this is determined by the fact that it is a natural phenomenon. Culture is also like a language
, the origin of which comes from the ancient and specific ethnomadanism of each ethnic
group . While ethnomadanism retains certain ethnic characteristics
, it is a set of views that are assimilated in order to remain. A word, a combination of words, a phrase, an expression embodying culture-specific signs
Linguistic units, such as linguoculturama-linguomadani, make up units
. Linguoculturema - the basis of the analysis of linguomadani
is an association. This term is V.V.As
linguistics, cultural studies and linguistics proposed by Vorobyov
widely distributed in the literature.
V.V. According to Vorobyov, the word and its lexical and semantic
the linguistic unit is different from the meaning - linguocultures are not only
Language (linguistic meaning), but also culture (Culture outside of language
, it also includes the corresponding symbols characteristic of segments (meaning) and expressions
of will. This is linguistic and extralinguistic, since a complex unit
(conjugate and object) is a dialectical unit with composition. This unit is deeper than the word in essence. In the explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, linguistic character, and cultural content
composing the mixture, it is obvious that the manifestation of cultural information in the semantics
of divisional units of the language, including phraseological units, ethelons, symbols,
metaphors, analogies stagnation, labels of speech, customs and rituals
related words, riddles, national realities, architectures, mythologems,
lacunae, precedent units, etc.
lingvomadani units
we can meet the definition of what constitutes.
In the series of wedding ceremonies taken as the object of our research
, there are names, words, terms that reflect many spiritual and
cultural characteristics. Lingvomadani units representing religious sections are associated with various superstitions: whiteness,
chimmat, white rubbed, night, knife, chepkan, naprach, shawl, tableware, sheepskin coat,
zardevor, arid and much more-predicates of action-circumstance
expressive words ethnographics were reflecting the processes, the wedding
is visually manifested by specific customs and the same people. From
the linguistic units of the people expressing the spiritual world,
wisdom will also be expressed through various actions related to color and household items
. Accordingly, such language units: by color
, it consists of the names of related language units and household items
that can be grouped as language units.
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