Sub-regional consultation on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in synergy with Basel and Stockholm Conventions: An integrated approach to pesticides and chemicals management at national and regional level
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 16 - 18 November, 2015
Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan
Kyrgyz Republic Bishkek
Sub-regional consultation on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in synergy with Basel and Stockholm Conventions: An integrated approach to pesticides and chemicals management at national and regional level
Main objectives:
Introduce key elements of the 3 Conventions and synergy process
Reinforce Rotterdam Convention and its implementation
Build a network at regional level
Develop national work plans and collect requests for assistance and recommendations for Secretariat
Secretariat Staff: Elisabetta Tagliati, Aleksandar Mihajlovski, Tatiana Terekhova
FAO staff: Oxana Perminova
Resource persons: Keith Tyrell (PAN UK), Andrea Volpato (Italian delegation expert), Islam Mustafayev (Azerbaijan)
Morning Sessions 9.00 - 12.30
Afternoon Sessions 14.00 – 17.00
Lunch 12.30 - 14.00
Tea break – 10.30 – 10.45 and 15.30 – 15.45
Session 1: Opening Remarks
9.00 -10.30
Chair: Kyrgyzstan
FAO Representative in Kyrgyzstan – Kinlay Dorjee
Host government – SAEPF Kyrgyz Republic
Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention – Elisabetta Tagliati/Secretariat
Introduction, scope and structure of the consultation – Elisabetta Tagliati/Secretariat
Presentation of Participants, Secretariat staff and Resource persons – each countries participants including NGOs to present themselves (Country, Institution and Role)
Group picture
Tea break – 10.30 – 10.45
Session 2: Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
10.45 -12.30
Overview of BRS and status of the 3 Conventions in the Countries general facts and key elements (ratification and implementation- in the 5 countries) –Elisabetta Tagliati
Basel Convention, key elements and its implementation– Andrea Volpato
BRS: key elements and synergy process (registered presentation) – Tatiana Terekhova
Questions & discussion on current status
Countries presentations:
Kyrgyzstan (Status of implementation of the three Conventions and chemicals management including decision making at the national level)
Kazakhstan (Status of implementation of the three Conventions and chemicals management including decision making at the national level)
Questions and answers
LUNCH 12.30 - 14.00
Ratification and accession to the Convention –Elisabetta Tagliati
Experience with ratification process for Azerbaijan – Islam Mustafayev
Ratification & Accession (Priorities for the countries when it comes to ratification of the conventions) – Uzbekistan/Turkmenistan/Tajikistan
Discussion and challenges
Tea break – 15.30 – 15.45
Possibility for a parallel session with Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan
Group exercise on Identifying elements of synergies and Stakeholders roles play - Aleksandar Mihajlovski
Plenary - Wrap up – Elisabetta Tagliati
Session 4– Key elements of the Rotterdam Convention
Overview of Rotterdam Convention
Benefits of RC - Overview of the Key provisions of the Rotterdam Convention and operation of the PIC Procedure – Elisabetta Tagliati
Article 5 - Notifications in the context of the PIC procedure and information exchange as well as approaches and challenges to implementation - Aleksandar Mihajlovski
Introducing the Forms for FRAs (Selected DNAs - national), preparing and submitting notifications of final regulatory actions, share experience on challenges faced and how they might be addressed
Article 12 – Export notifications – Aleksandar Mihajlovski
Tea break – 10.30 – 10.45
Article 10 - Aleksandar Mihajlovski
Introducing the Forms for IRs (Selected DNAs - national experience in taking and reporting import decisions, Kyrgyz Republic and Kazakhstan)
Breakout group possible with Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan as Parties of the RC
Presentation and discussion in plenary
LUNCH 12.30 - 14.00
14.00 – 17.00
Exposure scenarios and data collection on vulnerable groups:– Keith Tyrell - PAN UK (NGO)
Occupational safety and vulnerable groups – Oxana Perminova (FAO Pesticide Risk Reduction Team)
Tea break – 15.30 – 15.45
Article 6: Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations (SHPF), proposals for SHPF in the context of the PIC procedure and information exchange as well as approaches and challenges to implementation – Aleksandar Mihajlovski
Group work on SHPF (Form)
Presentation and discussion in plenary
Plenary - Wrap up – Elisabetta Tagliati
Session 5: Regional cooperation and Awareness rising
Opportunities and overview of examples for cooperation at the sub regional/regional level – Oxana Perminova
Importance of awareness raising at national and sub-regional level – Oxana Perminova
Tea break – 10.30 – 10.45
Session 6-Future activities
\identification of key actions for the ratification and implementation of the Rotterdam Convention, considering elements of Basel and Stockholm Conventions
Group exercise – Identifying key elements of national plans, key actions, stakeholders and roles, deadlines and budget
Presentation and discussion in plenary
LUNCH 12.30 - 14.00
Presentation on the structure of the report – Aleksandar Mihajlovski/Elisabetta Tagliati
Groups work for recommendation
Tea break – 15.30 – 15.45
Discussion on the recommendation
Closure of the workshop – All
Concept Note
The Secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention received an official request for technical assistance from the State Agency on Environment Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) of the Kyrgyz Republic on 16.01.2015 to:
raise awareness on the benefits of this Convention at national level;
present the ratification process
integrate RC in the national pesticide management programme;
build capacity of the institutions and persons directly involved with the implementation of the Convention;
get more familiar to Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions and their synergy approach.
Upon additional consultations, it was agreed that the sub-regional consultation would take place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from 16-18 November, 2015 under the following title: Sub-regional consultation on the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention in synergy with Basel and Stockholm Conventions: An integrated approach to pesticides and chemicals management at national and regional level.
This request is a follow up to the work that has been done in Kyrgyzstan and in Central Asia under the umbrella of the project: Improving capacities to eliminate and prevent recurrence of obsolete pesticides as a model for tackling unused hazardous chemicals in the former Soviet Union” GCP/RER/040/EC.
A socio economic component of the above EC project has been implemented by Rotterdam Convention Secretariat and PAN UK covering activities related to the identification of high risk practices, pesticide exposure scenarios, particularly vulnerable groups, and awareness raising activities with a focus on family farmers, who are key in protecting human health and the environment while sustainably intensifying agricultural production.
It was decided that the consultation would be part of a strategy of intervention in Central Asia with the further involvement of other neighbouring countries that are still not Parties to the Convention or that have difficulties in the implementation of the Convention. In the table Parties that have been invited at the Consultation are listed with specific reference at the ratifications of the three Conventions:
Basel C.
Rotterdam C.
Stockholm C
Kyrgyzstan has the highest number of Import Responses and Notifications of Final Regulatory Action submitted to the Secretariat in terms of implementation of the Rotterdam Convention. In addition it is party to the Basel and Stockholm Conventions as well. Considering this, it will be very useful in sharing experience with the ratification and with the implementation of the Rotterdam Convention with the other countries.
Ratification Date
Official Contact Points (OCP)
Designated National Authorities (DNA)
Import Responses
Notifications of Final Regulatory Action
Non-Annex III Chemicals
Annex III Chemicals
Proposals of Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations
Technical Assistance Activities
Kazakhstan It has submitted 16 IRs, while there is no submission of Notifications of Final Regulatory Action nor Proposals of Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations.
Ratification Date
Official Contact Points (OCP)
Designated National Authorities (DNA)
Import Responses
Notifications of Final Regulatory Action
Non-Annex III Chemicals
Annex III Chemicals
Proposals of Severely Hazardous Pesticide Formulations
Technical Assistance Activities
Tajikistan has deposited its signature to the Convention on 28/09/1998 but is still not a Party, since it has not ratified, accepted, approved or accessed to the Convention (focus ratification = becoming a Party to the Rotterdam Convention). In addition the country is not Party to Basel Convention as well, but it is Party only to the Stockholm Convention.
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are only Parties to the Basel Convention (focus ratification = becoming a Parties to the Rotterdam Convention)
Participants will be identified with the help of CAREC KG which has established network in the region among the countries that are invited. Participants will be government officials and national designated authorities and focal points to the other two Conventions. In addition, NGOs working on lifecycle of pesticides human health and environmental will also be invited. Finally, national representatives responsible for the process of ratification of the conventions and international agreements will be invited.
Objectives of the workshop
The main objective of the workshop is to strengthen the national capacities of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan to fully implement the obligations under the Rotterdam Convention, emphasizing the cross-cutting aspects with Basel and Stockholm Conventions at the national and regional level. Thus, only these 2 countries are Parties of all 3 Conventions, whereas Tajikistan is only party to Stockholm and Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to Basel Convention. For this reason, the consultation will introduce the ratification process.
It will also aim to raise the awareness of government authorities and regulators about the risks of hazardous pesticides and chemicals and the availability of alternatives in particular concerning pesticides.
The following provisions of the Rotterdam Convention will be addressed and emphasized:
- Submission of Notifications of Final Regulatory Actions: Follow–up letter request 2 (a) (b) and (c) and decision RC-7/1: Proposal for activities to increase notifications of final regulatory actions:
Practical hands on training on filling a Notification form using the prior-submitted list of banned or restricted pesticides in Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan
Emphasis on Annex II criteria in cases where the notifying country had used a risk evaluation from another country, multilateral environmental agreement or international body for bridging information to establish a final regulatory action
- Information Exchange (Articles 11, 12 and 14): Follow-up letter request 3 and decision RC-7/2
- Submission of Proposals for Severely hazardous pesticides – both Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan are economies in transition. Although they have received technical activities in multiple occasions in the past they have not yet submitted SHPF proposals:
Discuss and consult on the capacity in the countries to monitor the health and environmental impacts of pesticides. For example, whether they have established active poison control centres, incident reporting mechanisms for pesticide poisonings or any environmental monitoring of pesticide impacts.
Present results from the experience with the monitoring and collecting data on vulnerable groups at level of farmers and have Kyrgyzstan to share this experience with the neighbouring countries.
-Submission of Importing Responses:
To explain the advantages of submission of the IRs trough Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure and information exchange with other Parties of the Convention for the Annex III listed chemicals
Direct work with the DNA of Kazakhstan on filling a form
-Synergy among the three Conventions
The 3 Conventions common objective is to protect human health and environment, and they offer multifaceted framework for a lifecycle approach to management of hazardous substances: from their production, trough trade and use until their disposal. The connecting niches for the three conventions are Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), as 12 of the POPs under Stockholm Conventions are also subject to Rotterdam Convention, and all pesticides and other chemicals will be subject to Basel Convention for disposal.
For this reason the consultation will try to identify opportunities to integrate the work of the Rotterdam Convention with ongoing national activities on the implementation of the Stockholm and Basel Conventions. The Secretariat will present the linkages between the Rotterdam, Basel and Stockholm Conventions and opportunities for an integrated approach to the implementation at national level and sub-regional level.
Participants will be encouraged to actively participate to brainstorm on opportunities to integrate the work of the Rotterdam Convention with ongoing activities on the Basel and Stockholm Conventions at national level, in order to improve pesticides management and strengthen the national decision making.
Analysis of gaps and needs for the implementation of the three Convention and identification of actions at national and sub-regional level
At the end of the meeting it is expected that all participants have a clear idea of the benefits of three Conventions and that have a better knowledge on obligations and future opportunities for improving their pesticides management at national level.
Participants from each country will return with identified key action during the discussion with the other stakeholders, these actions should aim at completing the ratification process and fulfilling the obligations under the Conventions.
Another results will be to have established an initial contact at national and sub-regional level among the most relevant stakeholders in pesticides and chemicals management and in order to set the scene for follow up activities.
Several follow up activities will be identified by key stakeholders and initial funds will be allocated as seed money.
FAO Strategic Objectives and Country Programming Framework context
Kyrgyzstan (CPF summary (2012 – 2015)
CPF Priority Area 3: Pest control services and crop diversification. Crops currently make up 54% of the value of agricultural production in Kyrgyzstan. The sector has the potential to be a source of productivity and income growth. However, the sector suffers from a number of constraints, some of which can be addressed through public services. In this regard FAO may provide technical assistance in diversification of crop and farming system; strengthening capacity on pesticide quality control and registration; support to low income and Female-Headed- Households; reduction the risks to health and environment from obsolete pesticide stockpiles; development of seed industry in general and formulation of the National Seed Sector Development Programme particularly.
Ongoing Development Projects
TCP/KYR/3403 Development of farmer field schools to promote modern crop management and pest control technologies (Aug 2013 - Jul 2015) USD 394,830
Promote modern technologies of crops cultivation and training of field crop growers on best practices in agricultural crop production and organization of production
On-going Regional Projects
Improving capacities to eliminate and prevent recurrence of obsolete pesticides as a model for tackling unused hazardous chemicals in the former Soviet Union, GCP /RER/040/EC, (January 2012 - December 2015), Total USD 8,000,001 (USD 347,569.49 for Kyrgyzstan)
The overall objective of the project is to contribute towards better protection of environment and public health in the ENPI East region and Central Asia, through reducing the risk posed by hazardous waste and pesticide life cycle management in the region, placing specific emphasis on pesticides as a model group of hazardous pesticides.
GCP /RER/042/GEF; Lifecycle Management of Pesticides and Disposal of POPs Pesticides in Central Asian Countries and Turkey (PPG) (Jan 2014 - Sep 2014), USD 200,000
To safeguard POPs pesticides, dispose of obsolete pesticides posing high risk to public health and environment and implement sound pest and pesticides management programme in Central Asia countries and Turkey
The Country Programming Framework (CPF) is pointing out 4 priorities for Kyrgyzstan between 2015 and 2017:
Enhanced capacity to assess, plan and implement action for achieving sustainable food and nutrition security
Strengthened core conditions (professional and institutional capacities; legal frameworks; support services) to ensure sustainable natural resource use for agricultural productivity growth, effective inclusive agricultural value chains, and increased rural income, with special emphasis on the fisheries and livestock sectors
Improved resilience in responding to Climate Change, Crises and Disasters
Enhanced capacity for strengthening a socially sensitive market economy to reduce rural poverty, especially among women headed households
Kazakhstan - CPF priorities in brief (2014 – 2017):
Food safety and organic food production
Animal health and livestock production, pasture and phytosanitary management
Outcome 3. Phytosanitary system improved and capacity of national institutions to control plant pests and diseases and application of environmentally safe measures enhanced
There is a need to carry out a new inventory, categorizing the various pesticides a considerable quantity of which is unidentified, in follow-up to the inventory carried out in the 2003-05 period. For the disposal of the obsolete pesticides, options including construction of a new plant could be envisaged. The government is also committed to introducing all necessary measures to prevent further accumulation of pesticides. The main emphasis of the work contributing to this outcome would be through realization of following outputs:
Output 3.1. National legal framework on phytosanitary, plant quarantine and plant protection improved
Output 3.2. Technical support provided in improving national capacities in implementing the obligations of International Plant Protection Convention
Output 3.3. Capacities of national institutions to control transboundary pests and diseases, including locust, strengthened
Output 3.4. Inventory of obsolete pesticides conducted to arrange their disposal and establish safe environment for food production
Output 3.5. National system for pesticide quality control and certification strengthened
Sustainable natural resources management (water, land and forestry management)
Fisheries and aquaculture
Information technologies for agricultural statistics and related data collection and analysis
Tajikistan - CPF priorities in brief (2013 -2015):
Capacity development in continuing support of the Agriculture Reform
Sustainable natural resources management
Sustainable farming systems and fisheries and forestry
Food Security and mainstreaming gender into rural programmes as cross-cutting issues
Turkmenistan - CPF priorities in brief (2014 – 2018):
Agricultural production and food security
Sustainable natural resource management, climate change mitigation and adaptation and
Increase the resilience of rural livelihoods
Uzbekistan - CPF priorities in brief (2014 - 2017):
Diversification of cropping systems and sustainable production intensification
Promotion of efficient locust control techniques, Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Conservation Agriculture and other good agriculture practices
Livestock production, diseases combating and beekeeping
Aquaculture and development of inland fisheries
Sustainable natural resources management
List of Participants
Гульнар Юсупова,
Главный специалист,
Министерство сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан
Ms. Gulnar Yusupova, Chief officer
Ministry of Agficulture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
+ 7 87015326254
Индира Хабдулина,
Главный специалист, Министерство энергетики Республики Казахстан
Ms .Indira Habdulina, Chief officer
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
+ 7 87052544064,
+7 87024607026
Амина Бейбитова,
Эксперт по ПВХ, Министерство энергетики Республики Казахстан
Ms. Amina Beibitova, PCB expert
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 71712740815
Куралай Карибаева,
Директор Института Экологии и Устойчивого Развития
Ms. Kuralay Karibaeva, Director
Institute of Ecology and Sustainable Development
+7 7272654326
Казкен Оразалина,
член НПО
Ms. Kazken Orazalina,
Member of NGO
+7 870151
Юлия Душкина,
менеджер проектов ОФ «Центр содействия устойчивому развитию»
Ms. Yulia Dushkina, Project Manager
Social Fund “ Centre for Sustainable Development”
+7 727 255 87 78
Жанар Асанова,
Начальник отдела управления отходами СП «Жасыл Даму»
Ms. Zhanar Asanova, Head of waste management unit
JSC “Zhasyl Damu”
+7 71727668255
Нина Гор, менеджер проекта по обновлению НПВ СОЗ в РК,
ПРООН в Республике Казахстан
Nina Gor, project manager on review and update NIP POPs in the Republic of Kazakhstan
UNDP Kazakhstan
+7 7172 580483
Байгабыл Толонгутов, Директор
Центра регулирования в сфере ООС и экологической безопасности ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Mr. Baigabyl Tolongutov, Director
Centre for Environmental Regulation and Ecological Security, SAEPF under the Government KR
+996 312 411470
Кенешбек Жумабеков,
Начальник Управления государственной экологической экспертизы ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Mr. Keneshbek Jumabekov, Head
State Ecological Expertise, SAEPF under the Government KR
+996 312 461261
Назира Абдыласова,
Главный специалист, Управление государственной экологической экспертизы ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Ms. Nazira Abdylasova, Chief officer,
State Ecological Expertise, SAEPF under the Government KR
+996 312 568986
Владимир Пак
Заместитель директора Департамента химизации и защиты растений МСВХ КР
Mr. Vladimir Pak, Deputy Head
Department of Chemicals and Plant Ptrotection
Алмаз Алакунов, Начальник отдела регистрации пестицидов
Almaz Alakunov, Head of Section
Section of Pesticide Registration
Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation KR
Али Халмурзаев, главный специалист Центра регулирования в сфере ООС и экологической безопасности ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Mr. Ali Khalmurzaev, chief officer Centre for Environmental Regulation and Ecological Security, SAEPF under the Government KR
Кубанычбек Норузбаев, эксперт по хим. веществам Центра регулирования в сфере ООС и экологической безопасности ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Mr. Kubanychbek Noruzbaev, expert on chemicals, Centre for Environmental Regulation and Ecological Security, SAEPF under the Government KR
+996 772 275075
Олеся Павлова, главный специалист Центра регулирования в сфере ООС и экологической безопасности ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Ms. Olesya Pavlova, leading officer Centre for Environmental Regulation and Ecological Security, SAEPF under the Government KR
+996 553 225154
Жылдыз Жакыпова, менеджер проекта по обновлению НПВ Стокгольмской Конвенции
Ms. Jyldyz Jakypova, Project manager on Review and Update NIP for Stockholm Convention
work: +996 (312) 545-282
mob: + 996 (550)118-332
Нарынбек Мырсалиев, эксперт
Озоновый центр в Кыргызской Республике
Narynbek Myrsaliev, expert
Ozone Centre in the Kyrgyz Republic
Олег Печенюк, руководитель
НПО «Независимая Экологическая Экспертиза»
Mr. Oleg Pechenyuk, Head
NGO “Independent Ecological Expertise”
Нурдин Адылбаев, ассистент проектов НПО «БИОkg”
Mr. Nurdin Adylbaev, project assistant NGO “BIOkg”
+996 552 316080
Шарман Абасканова, эксперт по хим. веществам, канд.хим.наук
Ms. Sharman Abaskanova, PhD, expert on chemicals
Чолпон Алибакиева, менеджер проекта ФАО/ГЭФ «Устойчивое управление горными лесами и земельными ресурсами в условиях изменения климата»
Ms. Cholpon Alibakieva, Project manager FAO /GEF project “Sustainable management of mountainous forest and land resources under climate change conditions
Дыйканбай Кенжебаев, эксперт проекта ФАО/ГЭФ «Устойчивое управление горными лесами и земельными ресурсами в условиях изменения климата
Mr. Dyikanbai Kenjebaev, Expert of the FAO /GEF project “Sustainable management of mountainous forest and land resources under climate change conditions”
Абдусалим Джураев, начальник
Госучреждения «Национальный центр по реализации Стокгольмской Конвенции»
Mr. Abdusalim Juraev, Head
State organization "National Center on realization of Stockholm Convention"
+992 907717313
Абдулвохид Амиралиев, начальник отдела ООС г. Куляба
Mr. Abdulvohid Miraliev, Kulyab Environmental Protection Department
+992 8322225747
Исломиддин Солиев,
начальник отдела ООС г. Турсунзаде
Mr. Islomiddin Soliev, Tursunzade Environmental Protection Department
+992 90791099967
Людмила Бобритская,
Ms .Ludmila Bobritskaya,
Анвар Джалилов, Зав. отдела систематики беспозвоночных животных Института зоологии и паразитологии Академии наук
Республики Таджикистан
Mr. Anvar Djalilov, Institute of Zoology and Parasitology of the Academy of Science of Republic of Tajikistan
Гуванчмырат Атаханов,
Министерство охраны природы Туркменистана
Mr. Guvanchmyrat Atahanov,
Ministry of Nature Protection of Turkmenistan
Гаухар Деушева, НПО
Член «Экофорум Узбекистана»
Ms. Gauhar Deusheva, NGO member “EcoForum of Uzbekistan”
Элизабетта Тальяти
Ms. Elizabetta Tagliati, Rotterdam Convention Secretariat, FAO
Александар Михайловски
Mr. Aleksandar Mihajlovski, Rotterdam Convention Secretariat, FAO
Оксана Перминова
Ms. Oxana Perminova, FAO
Ислам Мустафаев, Азербайджан
Mr. Islam Mustafayev, Azerbaijan
Кейт Тирель
Mr. Keith Tyrell, PAN UK
Андреа Волпато
Mr. Andrea Volpato, CONS
Татьяна Терехова
Ms. Tatiana Terekhova, BRS Secretariat
Алия Орозакунова,
отдел международного сотрудничества ГАООСЛХ при ПКР
Ms. Aliya Orozakunava,
Department of International Cooperation, SAEPF KR
+996 312 353104
Медер Сейткасымов,
Филиал РЭЦЦА в КР
Mr. Meder Seitkasymov,
Branch of CAREC in KR
+996 552 352773
Рахат Каныбек кызы
Представительство ФАО в КР
Ms. Rakhat Kanybek Kyzy,
FAO office in Kyrgyzstan
+996 772 517234
Айдана Салыкмамбетова,
Представительство ФАО в КР
Ms. Aidana Salykmambetova FAO office in Kyrgyzstan
Key Actions and Recommendations
Key actions identified by countries
Recommendations to the Secretariat
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Facilitate the process to nominate the Designated National Authority (DNA) and inform the Secretariat
Official appointment of Designated National Authorities on behalf of Waste Energy Department of Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan and informing the Secretariat following the official nomination procedure
Co-ordinate, with other state agencies, the identification of the list of pesticides that are banned (or the list of pesticides that are allowed) in Kazakhstan. The list of banned pesticides as such is updated and approved every 10 years, the current list will be relevant till 2022
Exchange list of used pesticides with the Ministry of Health and Veterinary
Preparation of importing response for 33 pesticides and severely hazardous formulations, and submit them to the Secretariat
To facilitate the sharing of experience with Kyrgyzstan since they have a lot of work done on repackaging, safe handling etc.
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Continue capacity building to implement the BRS Conventions obligations and benefits, on how to raise awareness at the national level on the Basel Convention in particular.
Following the same line, requests the secretariat to consider providing financial and technical assistance for the implementation of measures aimed at solving regional problems / obligations under the Rotterdam, Stockholm and Basel conventions.
Advocate for a Central Asia centre as a regional centre for the BRS Conventions. Each country of Central Asian region would ultimately contribute to the running of the centre. The regional centre would help in the transfer of technologies, the countries emphasised the desirability of close co-operation with the Moscow regional centre because of language’
To assist with the preparation and creation of the expert community on chemicals management in the Central Asian Region.
To ensure national and sub-regional dialogue in order to enhance the capacity of the countries to fulfil their tasks/obligations under the Rotterdam, Stockholm and Basel Conventions.
To help building a common position in the region related to the upcoming 14th International Forum on HCH and Pesticides at EXPO-2017 in Kazakhstan
Continue to involve NGOs and in particular IPEN network which has representatives in all the countries across the region in order to facilitate the participation of the public
Continue work on ratification steps in the region
Facilitate the preparation of a GEF project for the ECCA that deals with chemicals, but also looks at related issues like climate change, agricultural production and sustainability, decent employment, social and environmental protection
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Need to improve co-operation with the Countries in the Region
Improvement of legislation in the field of hazardous waste and chemicals.
Interaction and co-operation with those responsible counterparts in the region for the implementation of the 3 Conventions.
Cooperation with Tehran Basel Convention Regional Centre.
Restart the procedure of notifications for the transboundary movement of hazardous waste in the country of import, transit (Iran, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan).
In developing the updated plan for the Stockholm Convention, include priorities aimed at the implementation of the Convention.
Evaluation of alternative routes for TMW from CA countries to Europe for disposal of hazardous waste in a sound environmental manner
Preparation of the Import responses decisions for methamidophos and octabromodiphenyl ether and submission the forms to the secretariat of the Rotterdam Convention
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Workshop in region where discussion on trade agreements related to BRS Conventions will be treated. The interest would be to seek a balance between free trade and trade restrictions under the Conventions.
Need for technical assistance on the legal implementation and legal infrastructures.
Need for a training on the implementation of Basel Convention.
Need for a training on the enforcement of the national law implementing the Basel Convention
Organization of training activities under the Basel Convention. In similar events more attention to be given to the Basel Convention.
Assist in the establishment of sub-regional information and resource centre for the three Conventions in Central Asia, in order to implement the transfer of technology and information, as well as capacity building and the provision of technical and advisory assistance.
Provide technical assistance for the effective implementation of the 3 conventions and capacity building on 3 conventions.
Consideration of the provision of financial and technical assistance for the implementation of measures aimed at solving regional problems/obligations under the Rotterdam, Stockholm and Basel Conventions.
Facilitate the participation of the public.
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Support the proposal for a regional centre for the ECCA region
Continue the inventory of PCBs and some technical assistance is needed
Continue to facilitate the elimination of DDT and its illegal import from neighbouring countries
Assistance on correct labelling and packaging of stored DDT for subsequent disposal including evaluation of best storage conditions
Revise regulation on commission on chemical safety to help us address issues related to application of pesticides
Specific workshop on Basel Convention
Organise two round tables for the ratification process of Rotterdam Convention and request officially support to the Secretariat
In order to speed up the process of ratification of the Rotterdam and Basel Conventions Tajikistan to host: a two-day round table with participation of representatives of the Secretariat of the Rotterdam and Basel Conventions and representatives of all interested parties of the Republic of Tajikistan Ministries of Health and Social Welfare, Agriculture, Finance, Justice, Economic Development and Trade , the Committee on Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, Civil Defense and Emergencies of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Customs Committee under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, the business community, the Association of Farmers of the Republic of Tajikistan and public organizations (preferably no later than May 2016).
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Request for assistance and support for the preparation of the two round table (December and May) on the ratification of Rotterdam Convention. It will be a high level event in which all Ministries will participate. The draft law for ratification will be submitted for comments to all stakeholders and then finalized. The presence of the Secretariat will be highly requested for the presentation of the Convention in all its aspects, in particular ratification, scale of assessments, implementation of the law and benefits. The ratification is foreseen for Autumn 2016.
Provision of financial and technical assistance to clean up certain areas of obsolete pesticides and territories in which people are living (DDT, Lindane, Endosulfan, Dieldrin)
Provision of financial and technical assistance in carrying out an inventory of POPs included in the Stockholm Convention at the last Conference of the Parties (2015)
Provision of financial and technical assistance in repackaging of decommissioned electrical equipment containing PCBs (transformers and capacitors) and export them to the destruction of the countries that have the necessary technology;
Provision of methodological and financial assistance in the preparation of the list of banned and severely restricted chemicals
The provision of financial assistance to the Committee on Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in terms of state (Tajik) Written Rotterdam and Basel Conventions.
General requests and recommendations
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Invitations and support to COP will be clarified
Satisfaction for the format and type of consultation organised
Invite Customs authorities next time
Azerbaijan to submit request for a one day follow up meeting on ratification
* In addition the potential role of NGOs and civil society in the region to help with implementation processes of the Conventions at national level was emphasized as very important. Oleg Pechenyuk from “Independent Ecological Expertise, and in the same time IPEN representative, voiced the position of IPEN for joint activities among countries on regional level.
To use the existing capacities and institutions of civil society, such as the Public Council under the Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development in Central Asia and the members of the International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) in the countries of the region to work synergistically with regards to BRS conventions in particular, and chemical safety in the countries and the CA region as a whole.
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