Pronounciation refers to the way a word or a language is spoken.
It can also be defined as the accepted standard of sound and rhythm for words in a given language.
The Production of Significant Sound.
Significant because:1.It is used as part of a code of a particular language; 2.It is used to achieve meaning in contexts of use.
The strong form of a word is used when the word is said in solation,or in connected speech in which the word should be stressed;it is also used in certain cases where the word is in unstressed positions.
The weak form or forms of a words are used only in unstressed positions.And the weak forms of the words are of much more frequent occurrence than their strong forms
English is a stress-timed language. This means some words are stressed when we speak, while others are not. To understand more of this, let us learn about the strong vs weak pronunciation forms of words in English.
English is a stress-timed language. This means some words are stressed when we speak, while others are not. To understand more of this, let us learn about the strong vs weak pronunciation forms of words in English.
We use the strong form when we pronounce the word alone or when we want to emphasize them. Thus, stressed words carry a strong form.
In the English language, a word takes its strong form when we:
A. Pronounce the word alone
B. Put emphasis on the word
Ready? Now, let’s learn the strong vs weak pronunciation of words in English.
Strong pronounciation
We group English words into two categories: Content Words and Functions Words. When knowing the characteristics of such words, you need to always a couple of very important things.
Content words are always strong, meaning they always receive stress in the sentence.
Functions words are naturally weak or unstressed in the sentence. However, they can also become some in certain situations.
As previously mentioned, content words are generally stressed.
Strong and Weak Pronunciation Forms of English Words in a Sentence
Strong and Weak Pronunciation Forms of English Words in a Sentence
But always remember the function word is not always weak. There are a couple of situations in which they can become strong depending on their position in the sentence. Also, it becomes strong when we want to emphasize it in the sentence. We are going to discuss this one later on in the article.
In the meantime, let’s check out the following sentences below, and let’s identify which words are stressed and which ones are unstressed?
I can bring a bottle of wine to the party.
The women bought some water.
I can’t be late for my appointment.
In the first sentence, stressed words include the main verb “bring”, and the nouns “bottle”, “wine”, and “party”. The rest of the words are just function words and should be unstressed.