Влияние полевошпатового концентрата на фазовый состав плитки для полов..
П авлов В.Ф. Физико-химические основы обжига изделий строительной керамики. М.: Стройиздат, 1977. 272 с.
Павлов В.Ф. Особенности превращения кремнезема, содержащегося в глинах // Тр. НИИстройкерамики. М.: Стройиздат, 1973. Вып. 38. С. 3-11.
Абдрахимов Владимир Закирович, д-р техн. наук, проф.; E-mail: 3375892@mail.ru Самарский государственный экономический университет
Получено после доработки 08.10.2019
Abdrakhimov Vladimir Zakirovich, DSc, Professor; E-mail: 3375892@mail.ru Samara State University of Economics, Russia
Tiles for floors on the basis of waste of nonferrous metallurgy of clay part of «tails» of gravity of zircon-ilmenite ores (GCI) as a clay component, and a by-product of production of rare earth metals (PSHK) as a melt, for decrease in temperature of firing are received. The introduction of PSHK (feldspar concentrate) into the compositions of ceramic masses at a firing temperature of 1100 °C eliminates the formation of cristobalite, as it transfers quartz into the melt. PSHK contributes to the production of floor tiles with high physical and mechanical properties at a firing temperature of 1100 °C.
Keywords: feldspar concentrate, clay part of gravity «tails», floor tiles, phase composition, mullite, quartz, glass phase.
Akhmet V.Kh. Rynok geologii i nerynochnaya osnova tsenoobrazovaniya na produktsiyu i raboty po GIN i VMSB [Market of Geology and non-market basis of pricing for products and work on GIN and VMSB]. Razvedka i okhrana nedr [Exploration and protection of subsoil]. 2011. No. 11. Pp. 49-54. (in Russian)
Abdrakhimova E.S. Ispol’zovaniye otkhodov toplivno-energeticheskogo kompleksa - gorelykh porod i otkhodov obogashcheniya khromitovykh rud v proizvodstve poristogo zapolnitelya na osnove zhidkostekol’nykh kompozitsiy [The use of fuel and energy complex waste from burnt rocks and waste from chromite ore enrichment in the production of a porous aggregate based on liquid-glass compositions]. Ugol’ [Coal]. 2019. No. 7. Pp. 67-69. (in Russian)
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Abdrakhimova E.S. Obrazovaniye zoly legkoy fraktsii i ispol’zovaniye eye v proizvodstve plitok dlya polov [Formation of light fraction ash and its use in the production of floor tiles]. Ugol’ [Coal]. 2019. No. 11. Pp. 64-66. (in Russian)
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