Stephen Krashen developed a theory that attributed a crucial role in language acquisition to the so-called … …

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  1. Stephen Krashen developed a theory that attributed a crucial role in language acquisition to the so-called … ….

  1. Comprehensible Input +

  2. Multiple intelligence

  3. Communicative competence

  4. Language acquisition

  1. Dr. Asher's …….. Method is based on the principle that there is an interaction between physical movement and the process of language learning.

  1. Direct

  2. CLT

  3. Total Physical Response +

  4. PPP

  1. In this method, while the textbook is used, the teacher will translate every word and phrase from English into the mother tongue.

  1. Grammar translation method +

  2. CLT

  3. Total Physical Response

  4. PPP

  1. Most lessons are based on translation into the mother tongue. Accuracy is greatly emphasized. It is expected that students acquire competent translation skills Grammar is taught deductively. Which method is being described?

  1. Total Physical Response

  2. Grammar translation method +

  3. CLT

  4. Audio lingual method

  1. ….. was born in France and Germany in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century and was consecrated in the United States with Sauveur and Maximilian Berlitz.

  1. Direct method +

  2. CLT

  3. Total Physical Response

  4. PPP

  1. The language is best taught using it actively in class, rather than using analytical procedures that focus on the explanation of grammatical rules. Teachers should encourage direct and spontaneous use of the language learned in class. Which method is being described?

  1. PPP

  2. CLT

  3. Total Physical Response

  4. Direct method +

  1. The main disadvantage of the ….. is that it is based on the idea that the target language can be learned exactly in the same way as the mother tongue. This is difficult because the conditions for second-language acquisition are very different from native-language acquisition.

  1. Direct method +

  2. Grammar translation

  3. Silent way

  4. suggestopedia

  1. In order to create relaxed state… makes use of music, a comfortable and relaxing environment, and a close relationship between the teacher and the student, almost like the parent-child relationship.

  1. Direct method

  2. Grammar translation

  3. Silent way

  4. Suggestopedia +

  1. Although language-teaching materials are not used in this method, the learning environment plays such a central role that the important elements of the environment need to be briefly enumerated.

  1. Grammar translation method

  2. Suggestopedia +

  3. Total Physical Response

  4. PPP

  1. ….. Method appeared as a result of the need to possess good oral and aural mastery of a foreign language during and after World War II.

  1. Total Physical Response

  2. Grammar translation method

  3. CLT

  4. Audio lingual method +

  1. This method proposes a learning process based on listening and oral production as opposed to writing and reading. The material presented is based especially on dialogues and exercises as major learning techniques.

  1. Audio lingual method +

  2. Total Physical Response

  3. Grammar translation method

  4. CLT

  1. The main objectives of this method are to develop oral proficiency in the language through a wide choice of vocabulary, and to make the students capable of communicating using language learned automatically.

  1. CLT +

  2. Audio lingual method

  3. Total Physical Response

  4. Grammar translation method

  1. This method was developed by James Asher in 1960 (Richards & Rodgers, 2001)

  1. Total Physical Response +

  2. CLT

  3. Audio lingual method

  4. Grammar translation method

  1. The method involves playful movements, reduces stress and creates a positive mood in the student, thereby aiding the learning process.

  1. Total Physical Response +

  2. CLT

  3. Audio lingual method

  4. Grammar translation method

  1. The general objective of this method is not to teach how to speak fluently nor to teach speaking techniques, but simply to teach how to speak. Imperatives and commands are used in activities developed for this method.

  1. CLT

  2. Audio lingual method

  3. Grammar translation method

  4. Total Physical Response +

  1. It is based on the psychological theory that memory is increased when stimulated by the association of motor activities for language learning. It refers to coordination between speech and action.

  1. Total Physical Response +

  2. Silent way

  3. Audio lingual method

  4. Grammar translation method

  1. Particular emphasis is placed on learning language functions, especially the communicative function. They believe that the main goal in the learning process is the acquisition adequate skills in the use of language as a means of communication.

  1. CLT +

  2. Audio lingual method

  3. Grammar translation method

  4. Total Physical Response

  1. Richards and Rogers believe that the main goal in the learning process is the acquisition adequate skills in the use of language as a means of communication.

  1. Communicative Language Teaching +

  2. Audio lingual method

  3. Grammar translation method

  4. Total Physical Response

  1. In this method, the student has the central role and the teacher acts as a mediator. Teachers talk less and listen more, thereby actively fostering student learning. Which method is being described?

  1. Total Physical Response

  2. Communicative Language Teaching +

  3. Audio lingual method

  4. Grammar translation method

  1. This approach was created by Prabhu (1987) and was created to fill the gaps of the communicative approach (Richards & Rodgers, 2001).

  1. Task-based language learning +

  2. Communicative Language Teaching

  3. Audio lingual method

  4. Grammar translation method

  1. This method tries to define what should be taught from an analysis of language as a tool for communication, not as a formal system. It is based on an approach where various tasks as the central unit of planning in learning the language are used.

  1. Grammar translation method

  2. Task-based language learning +

  3. Communicative Language Teaching

  4. Audio lingual method

  1. It is important to consider the content of the tasks to make this approach more efficient. Tasks should have a pedagogically appropriate structure. Which method is being described?

  1. Grammar translation method

  2. Task-based language learning +

  3. Communicative Language Teaching

  4. Audio lingual method

  1. There is a danger of getting locked into a “………” , in which teacher says something, but because there is no response from the learners, teacher says something else, and again with no response teacher adds something else.

  1. Pyramid discussion

  2. Talk –talk loop +

  3. Devil’s advocete

  4. Graded readers

  1. One useful intervention teacher can make is to play “…….” (i.e. deliberately talking an opposing or contrasting viewpoints in order to spur on conversation).

  1. Pyramid discussion

  2. Talk –talk loop

  3. Devil’s advocete +

  4. Graded readers

  1. If a whole –class discussion seems to be dying on its feet, teacher tries splitting the class up into “…. ” , i.e. quickly divide the class into small sets of four or five students.

  1. Solo work

  2. Pair work

  3. One to one learning

  4. Buzz groups +

  1. We typically communicate when one of us has information ( facts, opinions, instructions, etc.) that another does not have. This is known as ………… .

  1. Pyramid discussion

  2. Information gap +

  3. Devil’s advocete

  4. Graded readers

  1. Prepare a list of items that learners can discuss and place in a particular order according to their opinion. Find the name of an activity.

  1. Pyramid discussion

  2. Information gap

  3. Devil’s advocete

  4. Ranking tasks +

  1. A “ ….. …” is an organizational technique that works particularly well with simple problem - based discussions and especially with item – sectional tasks. It starts with individual reflection and finishes when the whole class comes together to reach one class solution.

  1. Pyramid discussion +

  2. Information gap

  3. Devil’s advocete

  4. Ranking tasks

  1. In ….. … , learners are usually given some information about a “role”. These are often printed on “role cards”. Learners take a little preparation time ansd then meet up with other stujdents to act out.

  1. Real - play

  2. Information gap

  3. Devil’s advocete

  4. Role-play +

  1. Situations are drawn not from cards, but from participant’s own life and world.

  1. Real - play +

  2. Information gap

  3. Simulations

  4. Role-play

  1. Role cards are normally used, but there is often quite a lot of other printed and recorded background information as well – newspaper articles, graphs, memos, news flashes, etc.

  1. Real - play

  2. Information gap

  3. Simulations +

  4. Role-play

  1. It can help teachers plan useful listening lessons if they simply follow it round. Teacher should go round the circle three or four times – as many times as students need.

  1. Task feedback circle +

  2. Real - play

  3. Information gap

  4. Devil’s advocete

  1. Building up the message from the individual small pieces a bit like building up a wall from the individual bricks is known as “ … …”.

  1. Task feedback circle

  2. Top- down

  3. Information gap

  4. Bottom-up+

  1. When we listen to a new dialogue, we start processing the text using skills and making use of what we already know predicting the structure and content of the text.

  1. Task feedback circle

  2. Top- down +

  3. Information gap

  4. Bottom-up

  1. The basic idea is straightforward: students get to listen to real people speaking in class, rather than to recordings.

  1. Task feedback circle

  2. Top- down

  3. Live listening +

  4. Bottom-up

  1. A lot of classroom work (with course books, exercises, texts ) involves ……. , i.e. reading texts closely and carefully.

  1. Graded readers

  2. Intensive reading +

  3. Extensive reading

  4. Reading for detailed comprehension

  1. In everyday life, we tend to do much more ……… , i.e. fluent, faster reading, often of longer texts for pleasure and entertainment.

  1. Graded readers

  2. Intensive reading

  3. Extensive reading +

  4. Reading for detailed comprehension

  1. …….. are books published specifically for learners to get extended exposure to English. They often have their grammar and vocabulary graded to levels (e.g. Elementary)

  1. Graded readers +

  2. Intensive reading

  3. Extensive reading

  4. Reading for detailed comprehension

  1. …………. in language assessment refers to how well the inferences we can make from the results of our measure match the construct or feature of language that we want to measure

  1. Reliability1

  2. accuracy

  3. fluency

  4. validity1

  1. ………….. is permanence of the measurement results produced by a test.

  1. Reliability1

  2. accuracy

  3. fluency

  4. validity1

  1. ……….. identify students strengths and weaknesses

  1. Diagnostic test +

  2. Proficiency tests

  3. Placement tests

  4. Achievement tests

  1. Oral test types can be…………

  1. running dictation

  2. lexical, phonological, syntactical knowledge and skills

  3. a monologue, a dialogue and a multi-participant interaction +

  4. multiple choice tests

  1. ………. measure learners’ language ability regardless of the training they may have had or the vocabulary and topics they may have studied .

  1. Diagnostic test

  2. Proficiency tests

  3. Placement tests

  4. Achievement tests1

  1. …………. provide information that helps to place the students at the most suitable stage of the teaching curriculum?

  1. Diagnostic test

  2. Proficiency tests

  3. Placement tests1

  4. Achievement tests

  1. Which test type can be used in the following situation - Students have arrived for a summer intensive English course.

  1. Diagnostic test1

  2. Proficiency tests

  3. Placement tests

  4. Achievement tests

  1. Which test type can be used in the following situation - An English language course has been completed?

  1. Diagnostic test

  2. Proficiency tests

  3. Placement tests

  4. Achievement tests1

50. Some learners seem to pick up a language just by living and communicating in a place where the language is used (this is known as ……. )
a) immension
b) immersion1
c) acquisition
d) inversion
51. Traditional teaching comes in many varieties, but is often by an emphasis on ….. .
a) entertainer
b) explainer
c) involver
d) chalk and talk1
52. Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, suggested that there are …. core teacher characteristics that help to create an effective learning environment.
a) 3 1
b) 2
c) 5
d) 1
53. A positive and non –judgmental regard for another person is …. .
a) respect 1
b) empathy
c) authenticity
d) rapport

54. Being able to see things from the other person’s perspective, as if looking through their eyes is …. .

a) respect
b) empathy1
c) authenticity
d) rapport

55. Being oneself without hiding behind job titles, roles or masks is ….. .

a) respect
b) empathy
c) authenticity 1
d) rapport

56. Skimming

a) To repair a communication breakdown
b) To get a general idea of what something is about 1
c) To join parts of a text together
d) to get some details

57.Repeating information

  1. To repair a communication breakdown 1

  1. To get a general idea of what something is about

  2. To join parts of a text together

  3. to get higher result

58. Every so often,the teacher gives us a gap-fill task to do and than ,if she thinks we need more work on a particular area,she does some revision with us

  1. Formative assessment 1

  2. Achievement test

  3. Placement test

  4. Proficiency tests

59. Every so often, the teacher gives us a gap-fill task to do and than ,if she thinks we need more work on a particular area, she does some revision with us

  1. Achievement test

  2. Placement test

  3. Proficiency test

  4. Continuous assessment 1

60.At the end of the course,we do cloze tests on the grammar we have studied throughout the year and weʼre given a grade.

  1. formative assessment

  2. achievment assessment 1

  3. subjective assessment

  4. continious assessment

61.Proofreading written texts does NOT involve checking for mistakes

  1. In spelling

  2. In grammar

  3. In weak forms 1

  4. in pronounciation

62. Process writing does NOT involve

  1. Planning and note-taking

  2. Drafting and redrafting

  3. Copying and labelling 1

  4. sorting out the ideas

63. Asking for clarification (NOT)

  1. Let men know if thatʼs not clear.

  2. Does that mean you want us to start again? 1

  3. Weʼre not sure whether we have to repeat the dialogue

  4. there is difficulty to decide

64. What is Avoiding the talk —talk loop?

  1. speaking with hesitation

  2. chatting with students instead of asking the tasks

  3. only explain the theme in a whole lesson

  4. asking questions not giving a chance students to think 1

65. Open questions are....

  1. questions that cannot be answered with a simple 'yes' or 'no' 1

  2. questions with exact meaning

  3. wh questions

  4. any kind of questions

66. Playing Devils advocate

  1. giving controvercial ideas while speaker speaking 1

  2. giving uncorrect information while speaking

  3. speaking with exact facts

  4. tricking the listener

67. What is Fluency in speaking ?

  1. speak with no grammar mistakes

  2. flow and efficiency with which you express your ideas 1

  3. speaking in the same tone

  4. speak without thinking

68. How confidence help to speaker?

  1. help you to lose stress

  2. help to get on well with listener

  3. help to increase speaking

  4. help you speak with more clarity and authority. 1

67. Role cards

  1. instructional tool in which students are divided into small groups and assigned specific roles in order to actively participate, learn new skills 1

  2. cards given students to make up a story

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