Standard for High Voltage EG Connections STNW1175 Owner: EGM Engineering
Release: 4, 11 Feb 2022
Document ID: 2946177
SME: Manager Generation & Customer Standards
Uncontrolled When Printed
49 of 60
vii. Notice shall be given not less than three (3) months prior to commencement of
8 Operations and maintenance Operations and maintenance requirements for the connection of HV EG Systems shall include, but
are not limited to:
a. operations and maintenance plans are required to include:
i. a maintenance schedule for relevant equipment
ii. frequency of checks and type of checks
iii. maintenance of relevant equipment
iv. how evidence of operations and maintenance is to be recorded and stored
v. a template of the operations and maintenance report
vi. documented operating procedures including requirements for preserving the
integrity of protection settings and interlocks and procedures for subsequent
changes to settings
vii. signs/labels/safety warnings
b. an operation and maintenance plan shall be produced by the Proponent and a copy to
remain on site. This plan shall be made available to the DNSP on request.
c. operations and maintenance reports are required to include:
i. maintenance items as per a maintenance schedule including dates of checks,
details of conformances/non-conformances and rectification works;
ii. other operations and maintenance works relating to the equipment (e.g. warranty
replacements or changes to the system) including dates and details of any works;
iii. ither operations and maintenance works relating to the installation (e.g.
signs/labels/safety warnings) including dates and details of any works.
d. operations and maintenance reports are required to be produced and shall be made
available to the DNSP on request.
e. the EG System shall be operated and maintained to ensure compliance at all times with the
Connection Contract and all applicable legislation (including Energy Laws), codes, and/or
other regulatory instruments including AS 2067.
f. the DNSP may at its own cost inspect the Proponent’s HV EG System at any time with a
minimum notice period provided to the Proponent. The DNSP may require access to the
site of the EG System and isolation points for Distribution System maintenance and testing
g. the Proponent shall seek DNSP approval prior to altering the connection in terms of an
addition, upgrade, extension, expansion, augmentation or any other kind of alteration,
including operational or protection settings of the EG System.