This section provides the solutions to the exercises for this chapter, accompanied by explanations
This solution is valid and returns the correct result. However, I explained that if you apply manipu-
tion exists on that column. Therefore, I advise using a range filter instead.
Prior to SQL Server 2012 the solution is more complex. As part of the discussion about date and
responding to a specified date.
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
This expression first calculates the difference in terms of whole months between an anchor last
day of some month (December 31, 1999 in this case) and the specified date. Call this difference diff.
By adding diff months to the anchor date, you get the last day of the specified date’s month. Here’s
the full solution query, returning only orders for which the order date is equal to the last day of the
SELECT orderid, orderdate, custid, empid
FROM Sales.Orders
WHERE orderdate = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, '19991231', orderdate), '19991231');
This exercise involves using pattern matching with the LIKE predicate. Remember that the percent
sign (%) represents a character string of any size, including an empty string. Therefore, you can use
the pattern ‘%a%a%’ to express at least two occurrences of the character a anywhere in the string.
Here’s the full solution query.
SELECT empid, firstname, lastname
FROM HR.Employees
WHERE lastname LIKE '%a%a%';
This exercise is quite tricky, and if you managed to solve it correctly, you should be proud of yourself.
A subtle requirement in the request might be overlooked or interpreted incorrectly. Observe that the
request said “return orders with total value greater than 10,000” and not “return orders with value
greater than 10,000.” In other words, the individual order detail row shouldn’t meet the requirement.
Instead, the group of all order details within the order should meet the requirement. This means that
the query shouldn’t have a filter in the WHERE clause like this.
WHERE quantity * unitprice > 10000
Rather, the query should group the data by order ID and have a filter in the HAVING clause like
HAVING SUM(quantity*unitprice) > 10000
Here’s the complete solution query.
SELECT orderid, SUM(qty*unitprice) AS totalvalue
FROM Sales.OrderDetails
GROUP BY orderid
HAVING SUM(qty*unitprice) > 10000
ORDER BY totalvalue DESC;