function accepts a name of a column and returns 0 if it is a member of the current grouping set and 1
isn’t part of the grouping set and 0 when it is. To me, it would have made more sense for
0 otherwise. But that’s the implementation, so you just need to make sure that you realize
this fact.
For example, the following query invokes the GROUPING function for each of the grouping
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
Now you don’t need to rely on the NULL marks anymore to figure out the association between
result rows and grouping sets. For example, all rows in which grpemp is 0 and grpcust is 0 are associ-
ated with the grouping set (empid, custid). All rows in which grpemp is 0 and grpcust is 1 are associated
with the grouping set (empid), and so on.
SQL Server supports another function called GROUPING_ID that can further simplify the process of
associating result rows and grouping sets. You provide the function with all elements that participate
in any grouping set as inputs—for example, GROUPING_ID(a, b, c, d)—and the function returns an
integer bitmap in which each bit represents a different input element—the rightmost element repre-
sented by the rightmost bit. For example, the grouping set (a, b, c, d) is represented by the integer 0
(0×8 + 0×4 + 0×2 + 0×1). The grouping set (a, c) is represented by the integer 5 (0×8 + 1×4 + 0×2 +
1×1), and so on.
Instead of calling the GROUPING function for each grouping element as in the previous query,
you can call the GROUPING_ID function once and provide it with all grouping elements as input, as
shown here.
GROUPING_ID(empid, custid) AS groupingset,
empid, custid, SUM(qty) AS sumqty
FROM dbo.Orders
GROUP BY CUBE(empid, custid);
This query produces the following output.
groupingset empid custid sumqty
-------------- ----------- --------- -----------
0 2 A 52
0 3 A 20
2 NULL A 72
0 1 B 20
0 2 B 27
2 NULL B 47
0 1 C 34
0 3 C 22
2 NULL C 56
0 3 D 30
2 NULL D 30
1 1 NULL 54
1 2 NULL 79
1 3 NULL 72
Now you can easily figure out which grouping set each row is associated with. The integer 0
(binary 00) represents the grouping set (empid, custid); the integer 1 (binary 01) represents (empid);
the integer 2 (binary 10) represents (custid); and the integer 3 (binary (11) represents ().