on a source table or table expression, pivots the data, and returns a result table. The PIVOT operator
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 T-SQL Fundamentals
The general form of a query with the PIVOT operator is shown here.
IN ()) AS
In the parentheses of the PIVOT operator, you specify the aggregate function (SUM, in this ex-
ample), aggregation element (
qty), spreading element (
custid), and the list of target column names (A,
B, C, D). Following the parentheses of the PIVOT operator, you specify an alias for the result table.
It is important to note that with the PIVOT operator, you do not explicitly specify the grouping ele-
ments, removing the need for GROUP BY in the query. The PIVOT operator figures out the grouping
elements implicitly as all attributes from the source table (or table expression) that were not specified
as either the spreading element or the aggregation element. You must ensure that the source table
for the PIVOT operator has no attributes besides the grouping, spreading, and aggregation elements,
so that after specifying the spreading and aggregation elements, the only attributes left are those
you intend as grouping elements. You achieve this by not applying the PIVOT operator to the original
table directly (Orders in this case), but instead to a table expression that includes only the attributes
representing the pivoting elements and no others. For example, here’s the solution query to the origi-
nal pivoting request, using the native PIVOT operator.
SELECT empid, A, B, C, D
FROM (SELECT empid, custid, qty
FROM dbo.Orders) AS D
PIVOT(SUM(qty) FOR custid IN(A, B, C, D)) AS P;
Instead of operating directly on the dbo.Orders table, the PIVOT operator operates on a derived
table called D that includes only the pivoting elements empid, custid, and qty. When you account for
the spreading element, which is custid, and the aggregation element, which is qty, what’s left is empid,
which will be considered the grouping element.
This query returns the output shown earlier in Table 7-1.
To understand why you’re required to use a table expression here, consider the following query
that applies the PIVOT operator directly to the dbo.Orders table.
SELECT empid, A, B, C, D
FROM dbo.Orders
PIVOT(SUM(qty) FOR custid IN(A, B, C, D)) AS P;
The dbo.Orders table contains the attributes orderid, orderdate, empid, custid, and qty. Because the
query specified custid as the spreading element and qty as the aggregation element, the remaining
attributes (orderid, orderdate, and empid) are all considered the grouping elements. This query, there-
fore, returns the following output.