sorry ABOUT smth โ dan uzr so'ramoq:
๐ I'm sorry about the noise last night. We were having a party.
โ๏ธLekin: sorry FOR doing smth: Agar sorry so'zidan keyin ish-harakat kelsa FOR predlogi ishlatiladi:
๐ I'm sorry for shouting at you yesterday
โผ๏ธ Lekin: I'm sorry I ... . deb gapirish yaxshiroq:
๐ I'm sorry I shouted at you yesterday.
โ๏ธ (to feel, to be) sorry FOR someone โ achinmoq:
๐ I feel sorry for George. He has got no friends and no money.
โ๏ธ impressed BY/WITH someone/something โ dan ta'sirlanmoq:
๐ I wasn't very impressed by/with the film.
โ๏ธ famous FOR smth โ bilan mashhur:
๐ The Italian city of Florence is famous for its art treasures.
โ๏ธ responsible FOR smth โ uchun javobgar:
๐ Who was responsible for all that noise last night?
โ๏ธ different FROM (or TO) someone/something โ dan farq qilmoq:
๐ The film was quite different from (or to) what I expected.
โ๏ธ interested IN something โ ga qiziqmoq:
๐ Are you interested in art and architecture?
โ๏ธ capable/incapable OF something โ da qobiliyatli/qobiliyatsiz:
๐ I'm sure you are capable of passing the examination.
โ๏ธ fond OF someone/something โ ga qiziqmoq:
๐ Mary is very fond of animals. She has three cats and two dogs.
โ๏ธ full OF smth โ bilan to'lib-toshgan:
๐ The letter I wrote was full of mistakes.
โ๏ธ short OF smth โ kam:
๐ I'm a bit short of money. Can you lend me some?
โ๏ธ tired OF smth โ dan charchagan:
๐ Come on, let's go! I'm tired of waiting.
โ๏ธ keen ON smth โ ga ishqiboz:
๐ We stayed at home because Ann wasn't very keen on going out in the rain.
โ๏ธ similar TO smth โ ga o'xshash:
๐ Your writing is similar to mine.
โ๏ธcrowded WITH somebody โ bilan to'lgan:
๐ The city centre was crowded with tourists.
O'ktam Maxmudov, [19.12.2021 19:33]
[Forwarded from O'ktam Maxmudov]
Ega bilan kesim gapda shaxs va sonda moslashadi. Bu qoidalarni yaxshilab bilib olishingizni so'rayman. โ๏ธ
1โฃ As well as (shuningdek), with (bilan), in addition to (-ga qo'shimcha tarzda), along with, together with (bilan birgalikda) bog'lovchilari bilan ikkita ega kelsa birinchi egaga qarab kesim qo'yiladi:
๐ The Prime Minister together with some cabinet ministers is attending the meeting. Bosh vazir bilan birgalikda bir nechta vazirlar ham kengashda qatnashmoqdalar.
2โฃ The number of (-ning soni) birikmasi bilan ko'plik shaklida ega kelsa ham undan keyin doimo birlikdagi kesim keladi:
๐ The number of car owners is increasing steadily. Mashinali kishilar soni muntazam tarzda oshib bormoqda.
๐ The number of people without jobs is increasing now. Hozirda ishsiz odamlarning soni ortib bormoqda.
โ๏ธLekin: A number of (bir nechta) birikmasidan keyin esa ega ham kesim ham ko'plik shaklida bo'ladi. ๐ A number of people are objecting to the plan. Bir nechta odamlar rejaga qarshilik bildirayaptilar.
3โฃ Agar Half (of) the (-ning yarmi) birikmasidan keyin sanalmaydigan ot kelsa kesim birlikda bo'ladi. Agar sanaladigan ot kelsa ega ham kesim ham ko'plida bo'ladi:
๐ Half (of) the money is missing. Pulning yarmi yo'q.
๐ Half (of) the books are missing. Kitoblarning yarmi yo'q.
4โฃ Foizni ifodalagan so'zlar va raqamlardan keyin ham birlikdagi ham ko'plikdagi kesim kelaveradi:
๐ 25% of the population lives/live in villages. Aholining 25% i qishloqlarda yashaydi.
๐ 25% of the books is/are paperback. Kitoblarning 25% i qog'oz muqovali.
5โฃ Not only . . . but also (nafaqat . . . balki ham) bog'lovchisi bilan ikkita ega kelganda kesim ikkinchi egaga qarab ishlatiladi:
๐ Not only the Ministers of Health but also the Prime Minister supports the motion. Nafaqat sog'liqni saqlash vazirlari balki bosh vazir ham harakatni qo'llab quvvatlaydi.
๐ Not only the teacher but also the students are very disappointed. Nafaqat o'qituvchi balki talabalarning ham ko'ngli cho'kkan.
๐ Not only the students but also the teacher is not coming to the lesson. Nafaqat talabalar balki o'qituvchining o'zi ham darsga kelmayapti.
6โฃ Masofa, pul birligi va vaqt og'irlikni ifodalab kelgan egadan keyin hamisha birlikdagi kesim keladi: ๐ 10 miles is a long distance. 10 milya bu uzoq masofadir.
๐ 100 dollars is not a lot of money. 100 dollar bu ko'p miqdordagi pul emas.
๐ 7 o'clock is very suitable time for us to go for a walk. Soat 7 biz uchun sayr qilishga juda qulay fursat.
7โฃ Majority (ko'p qismi) va Minority (kamchilik qismi) so'zlaridan keyin kelgan sanaladigan ot va kesim ko'plik shaklida keladi:
๐ A vast majority of people are in favour of reforms. Xalqning juda ko'pchilik qismi islohatlar tarafdorlaridir.
๐ Only a minority of the people are against the debate. Odamlarning ozgina qismigina bahsga qarshi chiqmoqdalar.
8โฃ. Each, every, everyone, everybody, everything, no one, nobody, someone, somebody, either, neither kabi olmoshlar ega bo'lib kelgan bo'lsa undan keyin kesim birlikda bo'ladi.
๐ Everybody is doing their homework. Hamma o'z uy vazifalarini bajarmoqda.
๐ Each of the teachers is professional. O'qituvchilarning har biri mohir.
๐ No one was here.
๐ Somebody is knocking at the door.
9โฃ The Rich โ boylar, the young โ yoshlar kabi otlashgan sifatlardan keyin ko'plikdagi fe'l ishlatiladi:
๐ The rich are usually greedy people. Boylar odatda ziqna kishilar bo'lishadi.
๐ The wounded were taken to hospital. Yaradorlar kasalxonaga olib ketildi.
1โฃ0โฃ A pair of birikmasidan keyin kelgan ko'plikdagi egadan keyin birlikdagi kesim ishlatiladi:
๐ This pair of scissors is very blunt. Mana bu qaychi juda o'tmas.
1โฃ1โฃ. Agar ega jamlovchi otdan yasalgan bo'lsa, ( crew,family, committe, government, board va b.) va u yaxlit butun bir narsani ifodalasa, fe'l BIRLIKDA, agar jamlovchi alohida a'zolarni bildirsa fe'l KO'PLIKDA ishlatiladi.
๐ the crew consists of twenty men.
๐ the crew were standing on the deck.
1โฃ2โฃ Agar gapda and bilan bog'langan ikkita ega bo'lsa kesim ko'plikda ishlatiladi.
๐ Ann and J
O'ktam Maxmudov, [19.12.2021 19:33]
[Forwarded from O'ktam Maxmudov]
ohn came later.
1โฃ3โฃ Agar there is/are birikmasidan keyin ikkita ega bo'lsa kesim ularning birinchisiga qarab tanlanadi.
๐ There is a lamp, an inkpot and some pencils on the table.
๐ there were two boys and and a boy in the room.
1โฃ4โฃ Agar ikkita ega either... or ( yoki...yoki), neither ...nor ( bog'lovchilari bilan bo'glansa kesim ularning keyingisiga qarab tanlanadi. (Lekin kesim ularning birinchisiga yaqin bo'lsa birinchisi bilan moslashadi! )
๐ Either you or he has done it- buni yoki siz yoki u qilgan.
๐Neither he nor you have translated the sentence correctly- na u na siz bu gapni to'g'ri tarjima qildingiz.
1โฃ5โฃ All HAMMA NARSA ma'nosida ega bo'lib kelsa kesim birlikda, HAMMA KISHILAR ma'nosida kelsa kesim ko'plikda bo'ladi.
๐ All is clear.- hamma narsa ravshan.
๐ All were of the same opinion- hamma bir xil fikrda edi.
1โฃ6โฃ Both- har ikkalasi olmoshidan keyin, both...and- (ham...ham) bog'lovchisidan keyin kesim ko'plikda tanlanadi.
๐ Both are correct.- ikkisi ham to'g'ri.
๐ Both Ann and Jim are ill
1โฃ7โฃ Agar ega who?, what? kabi So'roq olmoshlaridan yasalgan bo'lsa kesim birlikda bo'ladi. Agar bular nisbiy olmosh bo'lib kelsa ya'ni gapdagi biror bo'lakni izohlasa kesim shu olmosh tegishli bo'lgan ot bilan moslashadi.
๐Who is that man?
๐ The boy who is sitting at the window is my brother.
๐The books which ( that) are lyin on the table are mine.
1โฃ8โฃ Agar gapning egasi
โถ๏ธ sanalmaydigan ot: news- yangiliklar, money- pul...
โถ๏ธba'zi - S BILAN TUGALLANUVCHI fan nomlari: physics- fizika, statistics- statistika,mathematics- matematika...
โถ๏ธ sport nomlari: athletics- atletika, gymnastics- gimnartika...
โถ๏ธ o'yin nomlari: billiards - bilyard...
โถ๏ธ kasallik nomlari: measles- qizamiq, mumps- tepki...
kabi faqat birlikda ishlatiladigan otkardan yasalgan bo'lsa kesim birlikda olinadi.
๐ What is the news?
๐physics is a subject about nature.
๐measles has nearly become extinct because of antibiotics.
๐this money belongs to me.
1โฃ9โฃ Agar ega faqat ko'plikda ishlatiladigan goods- tovarlar, riches- boylik, contents- mundarija, mazmun, proceeds- tushum, clothes- kiyim kechak, savings- to'plangan mablag', kabi faqat ko'plikda ishlatiladigan fe'llardan yasalgan bo'lsa kesim ko'plikda keladi.
๐the goods have arrived- tovarlar yetib keldi.
๐ the contents of the letter have nit been changed.- xatning mazmuni o'zgartirilmadi.
๐ the proceeds of the sale of the goods are transferred to company- mollarni sotishdan tushgan tushum kompaniyaga o'tkaIziladi.
O'ktam Maxmudov, [19.12.2021 19:33]
[Forwarded from O'ktam Maxmudov]
(Blue M)
Unit 125 ๐ Verb + Preposition ๐
โ๏ธ apologise (TO smb) FOR smth โ kimdandir nimadir uchun kechirim so'ramoq.
Ushbu so'z odamga nisbatan ishlatilganda TO bilan, narsaga nisbatan ishlatilganda FOR ishlatiladi. Buni inobatga oling:
๐ When I realised I was wrong, I apologised to him for my mistake.
โ๏ธ apply FOR a job/a place at university โ ga murojaat qilmoq; ishga / o'qishga topshirmoq:
๐ I think this job would suit you. Why don't you apply for it?
โ๏ธ believe IN smth โ ga ishonmoq:
๐ Do you believe in God? (= Do you believe that God exists?)
๐ I believe in saying what I think. (= I believe that it is a good thing to say what I think.)
โ๏ธ belong TO smb โ ga tegishli:
๐ Who does this coat belong to?
โ๏ธ care ABOUT smb/smth โ ga g'amxo'rlik qilmoq/qaramoq; โ ga qiziqmoq: (=think smb/smth is important):
๐ He is very selfish. He doesn't care about other people.
โ๏ธ care FOR smb/smth โ xohlamoq; yoqtirmoq:
๐ Would you care for a cup of coffee? (= Would you like ...?)
๐ I don't care for hot weather.(=I don.'t like...)
โ๏ธ care for somebody = look after somebody โ ga g'amxo'rlik qilmoq/qaramoq:
๐ She is very old. She needs someone to care for her.
โ๏ธ take care OF smb/smth( = look after) - ga g'amxo'rlik qilmoq/qaramoq:
๐ Have a nice holiday. Take care of yourself!
โ๏ธcollide WITH smb/smth โ bilan to'qnashmoq:
๐ There was an accident this morning. A bus collided with a car.
โ๏ธ complain (TO smb) ABOUT smb/smth โ ga shikoyat qilmoq:
๐ We complained to the manager of the restaurant about the food.
โ๏ธ concentrate ON smth โ fikrni/diqqatni jamlamoq:
๐ Don't look out of the window. Concentrate on your work!
โ๏ธ consist OF smth โ dan iborat bo'lmoq:
๐ We had an enormous meal. It consisted of seven courses.
โ๏ธ crash/drive/bump/run INTO smb/smth โ ga to'qnashmoq:
๐ He lost control of the car and crashed into a wall.
โ๏ธ depend ON smb/smth โ ga bog'liq bo'lmoq:
๐ โ What time will you arrive?
โ I don't know. It depends on the traffic.
โ๏ธLekin on predlogi when/where/how so'zlari oldidan tushib qolishi mumkin:
๐ โ Are you going to buy it?
โ It depends (on) how much it is.
โ๏ธ die OF/FROM an illness โ dan o'lmoq:
๐ โ What did he die of?
โ A heart attack.
O'ktam Maxmudov, [19.12.2021 19:33]
[Forwarded from O'ktam Maxmudov]
(Blue M)
Unit 126. ๐ Verb + preposition (2) ๐
โ๏ธdream ABOUT smb/smth โ tush ko'rmoq:
๐ I dreamt about you last night.
โ๏ธ dream OF โ orzu qilmoq:
๐ I often dream of being rich.
๐ โ Don't tell anyone what I said.
โ No, I wouldn't dream of it.
โ๏ธ happen TO smb/smth โ sodir bo'lmoq:
๐ A strange thing happened to me the other day.
๐ What happened to that gold watch you used to have?
โ๏ธ hear ABOUT somebody/something โ haqida eshitmoq, to'g'risida eshitmoq:
๐ Did you hear about the fight in the club on Saturday night?
๐ Have you heard about Jane? She's getting married.
โ๏ธ hear OF someone/something: bor, mavjudligini bilmoq, xabardor bo'lmoq:
๐ โ Who is Torn Madely?
โ have no idea. I've never heard of him.
๐ Have you heard of a company called 'Smith Electrics'?
โ๏ธ hear FROM somebody โ dan xat-xabar olmoq:
๐ โ Have you heard from Ann recently?
โ Yes, she wrote to me last week.
โ๏ธ laugh/smile AT someone/something โ ga kulmoq:
๐ I look stupid with this haircut. Everyone will laugh at me.
โ๏ธ listen TO someone/something โ ni tinglamoq:
๐ We spent the evening listening to records.
โ๏ธ live ON money/food โ ni hisobiga yashamoq:
๐ George's salary is very low. It isn't enough to live on.
โ๏ธ look AT someone/something โ ga qaramoq:
๐ Why are you looking at me like that?
โ๏ธ look FOR ni izlamoq:
๐ I've lost my keys. Can you help me look for them?
โ๏ธ look AFTER somebody/something โ g'amxo'rlik qilmoq:
๐ She's very old. She needs someone to look after her.
โ๏ธ pay (someone) FOR smth โ uchun to'lamoq:
๐ I didn't have enough money to pay for the meal.
โ๏ธLekin: pay a bill / a fine / ยฃ50 / a fare / taxes: (predlogsiz): hisob, jarima, 50 funt, yo'l kira, soliq to'lamoq.
โ๏ธ rely ON somebody โ ga ishonmoq/suyanmoq:
๐ You can rely on Jack. He always keeps his promises.
O'ktam Maxmudov, [19.12.2021 19:33]
[Forwarded from O'ktam Maxmudov]
(Blue M )
Unit 127. ๐ Verb + preposition (3) ๐
โ๏ธ search FOR somebody/something โ ni qidirmoq:
๐ I've searched the whole house for my keys but I still can't find them.
๐ The police are searching for the escaped prisoner.
โ๏ธshout AT somebody โ baqirmoq (jahli chiqib):
๐ He was very angry and started shouting at me.
โ๏ธ shout TO somebody โ ga baqirmoq (chaqirish uchun):
๐ He shouted to me from the other side of the street.
โ๏ธ speak/talk TO ("WITH" is also possible but less usual) โ bilan gaplashmoq:
๐ (on the telephone) Hello, can I speak to Jane, please?
๐ Who was that man I saw you talking to in the pub?
โ๏ธ suffer FROM an illness โ kasallikdan azob chekmoq:
๐ The number of people suffering from heart disease has increased.
โ๏ธ think ABOUT somebody/something โ haqida o'ylamoq:
๐ You're quiet this morning. What are you thinking about?
๐ I've thought about what you said and I've decided to take your advice.
โ๏ธ think OF (= remember, bring to mind, have an idea) โ ni eslamoq, esga olmoq, hayoliga kelmoq:
๐ He told me his name but I can't think of it now.
๐ That's a good idea. Why didn't I think of that?
โ๏ธ wait FOR somebody/something โ ni kutmoq:
๐ I'm not going out yet. I'm waiting for the rain to stop.
โ๏ธ write TO somebody โ ga yozmoq:
๐ Sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time.
โ๏ธQuyidagi fe'llar predlogsiz ishlatiladi:
โ๏ธ phone/call/contact somebody โ ga telefon qilmoq, qo'ng'iroq qilmoq, bog'lanmoq:
๐ Did you phone your father yesterday? (NOT phone to your father)
โ๏ธ enter โ kirmoq:
๐ She felt nervous as she entered the room. (NOT entered into the room)
โ๏ธ award + somebody + something โ mukofatlamoq.
๐ They awarded him a medal. He was awarded a medal. (NOT awarded with a medal)
O'ktam Maxmudov, [19.12.2021 19:33]
[Forwarded from O'ktam Maxmudov]
(Blue M)
Unit 128.
"Verb + object + Preposition
๐ Verb + preposition (4) ๐
โ๏ธ accuse somebody OF doing something โ da ayblamoq:
๐ Tom accused Ann of being selfish.
๐ Three students were accused of cheating in the examination.
โ๏ธ ask somebody FOR something โ ni so'ramoq:
๐ I wrote to the company asking them for more information about the job.
โ๏ธLekin: ask (someone) a question / the way / the time: birikmasi predlogsiz ishlatiladi.
โ๏ธ blame somebody FOR something โ uchun ayblamoq:
๐ Everybody blamed me for the accident.
โผ๏ธ Lekin: blame something ON somebody/something โ da ayblamoq:
๐ Everybody blamed the accident on me.
โผ๏ธ Shuningdek: Somebody is/was to blame for something:
๐ Everybody said that I was to blame for the accident.
โ๏ธ borrow something FROM somebody โ dan qarz olmoq:
๐ I didn't have any money. I had to borrow some from a friend of mine.
โ๏ธ charge somebody WITH something (especially CRIME) โ da ayblanmoq:
๐ Three men have been arrested and charged with robbery.
๐ George has been charged with murder.
โ๏ธ congratulate somebody ON something โ bilan tabriklamoq:
๐ When I heard that he had passed his examination, I phoned him to congratulate him on his success.
โ๏ธ compliment somebody ON something โ bilan maqtamoq:
๐ Bob complimented me on my new hairstyle.
Divide/cut/split smth into - ga bo'lmoq, kesmoq/tilmoq
๐ The book is divided into three parts
๐ Cut the meat into small species.
Do smth about smth - yomon holatni yaxshilash uchun nimadir qilmoq
๐ The economic situation is getting worse and worse. The government ought to do something about it.
Explain (a problem/a situation/a word etc) to somebody - muammoni/ vaziyatni/so'zni tushuntirmoq.
๐ Let me explain to you what I mean.
Invite someone to - taklif qilmoq.
๐ Have you been invited to any parties recently?
Leave (a place ) for (another place) - jo'nab ketmoq.
๐I haven't seen her since she left home for work this morning.
Point/aim something at - nishonga olmoq, maqsad qilmoq.
๐Don't point that knife at me! It's dangerous.
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