Rainbow Tables Attacks: A precomputed table for reversing cryptographic hash functions, usually for cracking passwords.
Dictionary Attacks: Attempting to find original plain text by hashing common passwords and comparing them to the target value.
But we can eliminate these attacks by using Salt and Pepper with the hashing functions. They are a fixed amount of random characters added to the password at random positions before hashing. The main difference between Salt and Pepper is that Salt is stored with the respective hash password in the database, but Pepper is not stored with the respective hash passwords in the database.
So the modern cryptography concern mainly with the following objectives;
Confidentiality: The information cannot be understood by any person whom the information was unintended.
Integrity: Alteration to the data in storage or transit between sender and receiver can not be changed without the alteration being detected.
Non-Repudiation: the creator/sender of the information cannot deny at a later stage his or her intentions in the creation or transmission of the information.
Authentication: the sender and receiver can confirm each other’s identity and the origin/destination of the information.
Therefore, Symmetric Key Encryption helps us to achieve confidentiality. Asymmetric Key Encryption helps us to achieve authentication, confidentiality, and Non-repudiation, and Hashing helps us to achieve Integrity
In this assignment ,I have learnt and showed the ways in which how information and application is secured from attacks and bad guys by the help of cryptography. Cryptography is everywhere , it is helping us to make purchases and money transactions online without any risk , along with this we are sharing private messages with our families and friends by the help of this tool and apparently digital money like bitcoin and others are based on cryptography. Therefore , I believe that it is incredibly important for making new programs.