Bog'liq Software Engineering Architecture-driven Software Development ( PDFDrive )
70 CHAPTER 4 Understanding the Software Project Environment
product. Including additional functionality or significant performance advantages
should permit the suggested price of the product to be increased due to the potential
loss of revenue caused by delaying the entry of the product into the marketplace. In
addition, those product features would incur additional development costs that must
be recouped by product sales.
A trade-off situation involves a decision to be made with full comprehension of
both the upside and downside of a particular choice. It implies forfeiting one fea-
ture or characteristic of a product or situation in return for gaining another feature
or characteristic. Sensitivity and risk analysis are two notable techniques that sup-
port the trade-off analysis decisions. They evaluate possible alternatives in terms of
the uncertainty in the analysis results and how these variations can be attributed to
different assumptions.