In this qualitative multiple case study, I explored the SMM strategies small
business retailers use to engage customers. The data collected for this study were from
face-to-face, semistructured interviews of five small business retailers in the SATX
region that consisted of 10 open-ended questions. Interviews contained information that
allowed me to gather key evidence, identify common themes, and triangulate data, which
suggested the positive relationship between SMM and customer engagement. Further
data were collected from the participant’s business social media pages and websites.
Small businesses play a vital role in creating new jobs, innovations, and economic
growth (Karadag, 2015). Small business owners faced marketing challenges to gain a
competitive market position (Hutchinson et al., 2015). Using SMM to engage customers
is one strategy that may lead to an improvement in the survival of small businesses
(Wamba & Carter, 2014). Some of the benefits of using social media to engage
customers included knowledge sharing between customers and the company, increased
profits, decreased operating costs, and brand recognition and loyalty (Karimi & Naghibi,
2015; Sajid, 2016). Business leaders should consider developing effective SMM
strategies because customer engagement is a key component for business success
(Hibbler-Britt & Sussan, 2015).
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