𝕄𝕚𝕣𝕪𝕠𝕢𝕦𝕓, [01.08.2022 12:57]
So I'm Glen Cordwell. I'm Head of Admissions Testing for Cambridge University Press and assessment?
No. I have been here maybe four or five times now. The first time in 2019 when we started presidential Schools Admissions Assessment.
We work really hard to make sure that the exam is secure and fair. This is something that is very important to us at Cambridge Assessment. And we work very closely with the Presidential Schools to make sure that all our Cambridge processes are met. So it's delivered very well and we're excited about how the main test is going to go this year.
So there are two main reasons that we ask for the answers to be marked in pencil. And that's because, one, we want to give the opportunity to all candidates. If they change their mind, they can change the answer. It's really important. if they do this in pen, it's very difficult for our machines to mark the question and we don't want there to be any mistake in the results. So if it's in pencil, it is clear for the machine and for us to know which answer they selected.
So we have two main tests. The preselection is obviously the maths test, which helps us choose some of the more gifted students. We know that maths is obviously very important in Uzbekistan and we're very pleased with the level and high quality of the answers and performance that we get. and critical thinking. The second test is really the one that shows the gifted and talented students. So those who can answer those questions well are the ones that we want to see in our analysis of the results so far. We're also pleased to see that the candidates come from all over Uzbekistan in different schools, which shows that we are selecting amazing students. And I know that the teachers in preschool schools are very pleased with the pupils that they get, which demonstrates how gifted .and really that these children have a bright future ahead of them.
So we have three levels of verification. So we have the largest print analogistics facility in the UK. We have some very high tech specialized machines. The precision of our scanning machines is higher than that is used for airplanes, for example. So we know it is robust. So first of all, it goes through our machines. But if the machine has any doubt, we also have human verification.
𝕄𝕚𝕣𝕪𝕠𝕢𝕦𝕓, [01.08.2022 12:58]
Men Glen Cordwellman. Men Kembrij universitetining Matbuot va baholash bo'yicha qabul testlari boshlig'iman.
Yo‘q. Men bu yerda hozirgacha to‘rt-besh marta bo‘lganman. 2019-yilda birinchi marta prezident maktablariga kirish imtihonlarini baholash bo‘yicha kelganman.
Biz imtihon xavfsiz va adolatli o‘tishiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun juda ko‘p harakat qilamiz. Bu Kembrij uchun juda muhim hisoblanadi. Biz Kembrij tomonidan o‘tkaziladigan barcha jarayonlarimiz to‘g‘ri tashkillashtirilganiga ishonch hosil qilish uchun Prezident maktablari bilan juda yaqin hamkorlik qilamiz. Shuning uchun, imtihonlar o‘tgan yil juda yaxshi o‘tgan va biz bu yilgi asosiy test qanday o‘tishini hayajon bilan kutyapmiz.
Imtihonda Javoblarni qalam bilan belgilashning ikkita asosiy sababi bor: birinchidan, bu barcha talabgorlar uchun imkoniyat hisoblanadi ya’ni agar talabgorning fikri o‘zgarib, javobni o‘zgartirishni xohlasa, javobni o‘zgartirishi mumkin bo‘ladi. Yana bir juda muhim tomoni shuki, Biz natijalarda xatolar bo‘lishini xohlamaymiz. Agar talabgorlar javoblarni ruchkada belgilashsa, bizning tekshiruv qurilmalarimiz javobni tekshirishda muammolarga duch keladi. Javoblar to‘g‘ri tekshirilishi uchun tekshiruv qurilmalarimiz va biz uchun imtihon javoblarining qalamda belgilanishi muhimdir.
Shunday qilib, bizda ikki bosqichda asosiy testlar bor. Birinchi bosqich, matematika fanida saralash testi bo‘lib, bu test bizga bilimli va iqtidorli o‘quvchilarni ajratib olishda yordam beradi. Biz bilamizki, matematikaning o‘rni O‘zbekistonda juda ham muhim va biz olgan javoblarning saviyasi va yuqori sifati buning dalilidir. Ikkinchi bosqich tanqidiy fikrlashga yo‘naltirilgan testlar bo‘lib, bu testlar haqiqatdan ham iqtidorli va bilimli o‘quvchilarni aniqlab beradi. Shunday ekan, savollarga yaxshi javob bera oladiganlar yakuniy imtihon natijalarida yuqori o‘rinlarni egallashadi. Shuningdek, biz O‘zbekistonning turli burchaklaridan va turli maktablarda o‘qiyotgan talabgorlarni ko‘rishdan xursandmiz. Bu biz ajoyib o‘quvchilarni tanlayotganimizni ko‘rsatadi. Yana shuni bilamanki, maktabgacha ta'lim muassasalari va boshlang‘ich ta’lim o‘qituvchilari naqadar iqtidorli o‘quvchilarni tayyorlashganidan juda ham mamnun bo‘lishsa arziydi. Prezident maktabi o‘quvchilarini porloq kelajak kutmoqda.
Tekshirish jarayonlari bizda 3 bosqichda amalga oshiriladi. Bizda Buyuk Britaniyadagi eng yirik bosma-analogistika inshooti bor. U yerda eng yuqori texnologiyalar bilan jihozlangan uskunalarimiz mavjud. Masalan, skanerlash mashinalarimizning aniqligi samolyotda ishlatiladigan uskunalardan ham yuqoriroqdir. Shuning uchun, biz tekshiruv natijalarining aniqligiga shubha qilmasak ham bo‘ladi. Aniqroq aytadigan bo’lsak, birinchi navbatda, javoblar varaqasi bizning mashinalarimizdan o‘tadi va agar uskuna qandaydir shubha aniqlasa, bizda mutaxassislar tekshiruvi ham mavjud.
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