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  1. Principles of integration in Grammar

  2. General characteristics of linguistic units

  3. The main stages of the development of English Grammar theory

  4. Linguistic schools

  5. Methods of linguistic analysis

  6. The codifying nature of the semantic-phonetic complex

  7. Prerequisites of the parts of speech formation

  8. Spheres of being, possession and intension

  9. The functional semantic dependence

  10. The functional syntactic dependence

  11. Interaction of functional dependences

  12. Role of the semantic meaning in a part of speech functioning

  13. Central and peripheral grammar stock

  14. The typified structure of language formation

  15. Constant differentiators in Grammar

  16. Category of direction

  17. The problem of “stone wall”

  18. The pronoun. Classification of pronouns.

  19. Categories of pronoun

  20. Syntagmatic connection of words.

  21. The word-group theory

  22. Morphemic structure of the word

  23. Classification of words by Charles Fries

  24. The function of deixis (deixis of proximate object, second-person deixis, deixis of distant object)

  25. The problem of taxonomy in the English language

Tests for final control:

1. The term “grammar” goes back to

a) a Greek word; b) a Latin word; c) a Russian word; d) all mentioned above

2. The term “grammar” may be translated as

a) “art of reading”; b) “art of speaking”; c) “art of writing”; d) all mentioned above

3. Linguistic units can go into:

a) 3 types of relations; b) 5 types of relations, c) 4 types of relations; d) 1 type of relations

4. The relation between a unit and other units is called:

a) syntactic meaning b) referential meaning c) pragmatic d) all mentioned above

5. The relation between a unit and an object in the world around us is called:

a) syntactic meaning b) referential meaning c) pragmatic d) all mentioned above

6. The relation between a unit and a person who uses it is called:

a) syntactic meaning b) referential meaning c) pragmatic d) all mentioned above

7. What are the levels of grammatical organization of the text:

a) syntactic, referential, pragmatic; b) corrective, formalized, positional; c) communicatively-styled, positional-directive, inventorial; d) all mentioned above

8. What are the types of formalized meaning:

a) electiveness, correlation, corrective; b) inventorial, pragmatic, referential, c) communicative, referential, correlation; d) pragmatic, syntactic, referential
9. What are the factors of language functioning:
a) communicatively-styled, positional-directive, inventorial; b) logical, psychological, sociological; c) semantic, pragmatic, syntagmatic, d) pragmatic, syntactic, referential

10. Which types can be paradigmatic relations of:

a) coordinate, subordinate, predicative, b) semantic, formal, functional, c) semantic, coordinative, predicative; d) subordinative, formal, predicative

11. Which types can be syntagmatic relations of:

a) coordinate, subordinate, predicative, b) semantic, formal, functional, c) semantic, coordinative, predicative; d) subordinative, formal, predicative

12. Grammatical meaning is:

a) an individual meaning of a word; b) an individual meaning of a group of words; c) the meaning of a whole class or subclass; d) all mentioned above

13. The dependent grammatical meaning is

a) the meaning of the whole word-class; b) the meaning of a part of speech; c) the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech; d) all mentioned above

14. Find the opposition in the following pairs of words:

a) works :: worked; b) spectacle :: spectacles; c) custom (традиция) :: customs (таможня); d) all mentioned above

15. Transposition is:

a) the realization of grammatical categories by synthetic and analytic means; b) the reduction of the opposition to one of its members; c) the use of a linguistic unit in an unusual environment or in the function that is not characteristic of it; d) all mentioned above

16. The term “grammar” goes back to:

a) Greek b) Italian c) Indian d) all the answers are correct

17. The aim of practical grammar is:

a) the description of phonetic rules; b) the description of semantic and pragmatic rules; c) the description of grammar rules that are necessary to understand and formulate sentences; d) all the answers are correct

18. The aim of theoretical grammar is:

a) to explain phonological problems; b) to explain semantic usage of the words; c) to offer explanation for grammar rules; d) all the answers are correct

19. Linguistic units (words) can go into ____ types of relations:

a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) all the answers are correct

20. Which types of relations linguistic units can go into:

a) referential b)syntactic c) pragmatic d) all the answers are correct

21. The referential meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

22. The syntactic meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

23. The pragmatic meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

24. “Linguistic signs are of semiotic nature” means that they are:

a) expressive and colourful; b) informative and meaningful; c) consonant and vowel; d) all the answers are correct

25. Isomorphism is:

a) similarity and likeness of organization of linguistic units; b) opposition of linguistic units; c) contrasting of linguistic units; d) all the answers are correct

26. The levels of grammatical organisation are:

a) positional-directive (or code); b) inventorial (or standard language); c) communicatively-styled (or individual speech); d) all the answers are correct

27. The formalized meaning for positional-directive level of grammatical organisation is:

a) correlation b) electiveness c) corrective d) all the answers are correct

28. The formalized meaning for inventorial level of grammatical organisation is:

a) correlation b) electiveness c) corrective d) all the answers are correct

29. The formalized meaning for communicatively-styled level of grammatical organisation is:

a) correlation b) electiveness c) corrective d) all the answers are correct

30. The formalized sphere for correlation is:

a) the grammatical types b) the positional direction c)the grammatical synonymy d) all the answers are correct

31. The formalized sphere for corrective is:

a) the grammatical types b) the positional direction c)the grammatical synonymy d) all the answers are correct

32. The formalized sphere for electiveness is:

a) the grammatical types b) the positional direction c)the grammatical synonymy d) all the answers are correct

33. The formalized structure for correlation is:

a) position b) sentence c) speech complex d) all the answers are correct

34. The formalized structure for corrective is:

a) position b) sentence c) speech complex d) all the answers are correct

35. The formalized structure for electiveness is:

a) position b) sentence c) speech complex d) all the answers are correct

36. The factor s of language functioning are:

a) logical b) psychological c) sociological d) all the answers are correct

37. The logical factor:

a) presupposes such influence of the extra linguistic phenomena which leads both to: the change of language structures and accelerating the tempo of the language
b) presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme
c) divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community
d) all the answers are correct

38. The psychological factor:

a) presupposes such influence of the extra linguistic phenomena which leads both to: the change of language structures and accelerating the tempo of the language
b) presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme
c) divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community
d) all the answers are correct

39. The sociological factor:

a) presupposes such influence of the extra linguistic phenomena which leads both to: the change of language structures and accelerating the tempo of the language
b) presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme
c) divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community
d) all the answers are correct

40. What are the semantic features of the noun in English?

a) type of nomination, b) form of existence, c) quantitative structure, d) all mentioned above

41. Which morphological category the noun in English doesn’t have?

a) the category of case, b) the category of tense, c) the category of gender, d) all mentioned above

42. What are the morphological features of the verb in English?

a) the verb possesses the ability to denote a process, b) the verb can be modified by adverbs, c) the verb has categories of tense, voice, aspect, etc., d) all mentioned above

43. Lexical-morphological classification of the verb is based on:

a) the implicit grammatical meaning of the verb, b) stem-types of all verbs, c) the nature of predication, d) all mentioned above

44. Define the voice of the verb in the following sentence: “They met two years ago

a) middle, b) reflexive, c) reciprocal, d) all mentioned above

45. Define the voice of the verb in the following sentence: “The dress washes well

a) middle, b) reflexive, c) reciprocal, d) all mentioned above

46. Define the voice of the verb in the following sentence: “He dressed as quick as possible

a) middle, b) reflexive, c) reciprocal, d) all mentioned above

47. The category of aspect:

a) is a linguistic representation of manner of action, b) is closely connected with the lexical meaning of verbs, c) is realized through the opposition Continuous :: Non-Continuous, d) all mentioned above

48. Modal verbs are used with the infinitive as:

a) pure link-verbs, b) predicative markers, c) linking predicative ascription, d) all mentioned above

49. Relative adjectives express:

a) such properties of a substance referring to the certain substance, b) various qualities of a substance, c) degrees of comparison, d) all mentioned above

50. Adverbs are commonly divided into:

a) relative and qualitative, b) prescriptive, descriptive, postscriptive, c) qualitative, quantitative, circumstantial, d) all mentioned above

51. Constructional syntax deals with:

a) constructional significance / insignificance of a part of the sentence, b) analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure, c) the study of language use with reference to the social and psychological factors that influence communication, d) all mentioned above

52. Coordination is:

a) syntagmatic relations of dependence, b) syntagmatic relation of interdependence, c) syntagmatic relation of independence, d) all mentioned above

53. Predication is:

a) syntagmatic relations of dependence, b) syntagmatic relation of interdependence, c) syntagmatic relation of independence, d) all mentioned above

54. The complex sentence is a polypredicative construction built up on the principle of:

a) coordination, b) paradigmation, c) subordination, d) all mentioned above

55. The dependent grammatical meaning is

a) the meaning of the whole word-class; b) the meaning of a part of speech; c) the meaning of a subclass within the same part of speech; d) all mentioned above

56. Find the opposition in the following pairs of words:

a) works :: worked; b) spectacle :: spectacles; c) custom (традиция) :: customs (таможня); d) all mentioned above

57. Transposition is:

a) the realization of grammatical categories by synthetic and analytic means; b) the reduction of the opposition to one of its members; c) the use of a linguistic unit in an unusual environment or in the function that is not characteristic of it; d) all mentioned above

58. The term “grammar” goes back to:

a) Greek b) Italian c) Indian d) all the answers are correct

59. The aim of practical grammar is:

a) the description of phonetic rules; b) the description of semantic and pragmatic rules; c) the description of grammar rules that are necessary to understand and formulate sentences; d) all the answers are correct

60. The aim of theoretical grammar is:

a) to explain phonological problems; b) to explain semantic usage of the words; c) to offer explanation for grammar rules; d) all the answers are correct

61. Linguistic units (words) can go into ____ types of relations:

a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) all the answers are correct

62. Which types of relations linguistic units can go into:

a) referential b)syntactic c) pragmatic d) all the answers are correct

63. The referential meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

64. The syntactic meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

65. The pragmatic meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

66. “Linguistic signs are of semiotic nature” means that they are:

a) expressive and colourful; b) informative and meaningful; c) consonant and vowel; d) all the answers are correct

67. Isomorphism is:

a) similarity and likeness of organization of linguistic units; b) opposition of linguistic units; c) contrasting of linguistic units; d) all the answers are correct

68. The levels of grammatical organisation are:

a) positional-directive (or code); b) inventorial (or standard language); c) communicatively-styled (or individual speech); d) all the answers are correct

69. The formalized meaning for positional-directive level of grammatical organisation is:

a) correlation b) electiveness c) corrective d) all the answers are correct

70. The formalized meaning for inventorial level of grammatical organisation is:

a) correlation b) electiveness c) corrective d) all the answers are correct

71. The formalized meaning for communicatively-styled level of grammatical organisation is:

a) correlation b) electiveness c) corrective d) all the answers are correct

72. The formalized sphere for correlation is:

a) the grammatical types b) the positional direction c)the grammatical synonymy d) all the answers are correct

73. The formalized sphere for corrective is:

a) the grammatical types b) the positional direction c)the grammatical synonymy d) all the answers are correct

74. The formalized sphere for electiveness is:

a) the grammatical types b) the positional direction c)the grammatical synonymy d) all the answers are correct

75. The formalized structure for correlation is:

a) position b) sentence c) speech complex d) all the answers are correct

76. The formalized structure for corrective is:

a) position b) sentence c) speech complex d) all the answers are correct

77. The formalized structure for electiveness is:

a) position b) sentence c) speech complex d) all the answers are correct

78. The factor s of language functioning are:

a) logical b) psychological c) sociological d) all the answers are correct

79. The logical factor:

a) presupposes such influence of the extra linguistic phenomena which leads both to: the change of language structures and accelerating the tempo of the language
b) presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme
c) divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community
d) all the answers are correct

80. The psychological factor:

a) presupposes such influence of the extra linguistic phenomena which leads both to: the change of language structures and accelerating the tempo of the language
b) presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme
c) divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community
d) all the answers are correct

81. The sociological factor:

a) presupposes such influence of the extra linguistic phenomena which leads both to: the change of language structures and accelerating the tempo of the language
b) presupposes the splitting of the informational contents into two unequal centres known as its theme and rheme
c) divides reality into definite fragments fixed by language units which are reproduced by any member of the same language community
d) all the answers are correct

82. What are the semantic features of the noun in English?

a) type of nomination, b) form of existence, c) quantitative structure, d) all mentioned above

83. Which morphological category the noun in English doesn’t have?

a) the category of case, b) the category of tense, c) the category of gender, d) all mentioned above

84. What are the morphological features of the verb in English?

a) the verb possesses the ability to denote a process, b) the verb can be modified by adverbs, c) the verb has categories of tense, voice, aspect, etc., d) all mentioned above

85. Lexical-morphological classification of the verb is based on:

a) the implicit grammatical meaning of the verb, b) stem-types of all verbs, c) the nature of predication, d) all mentioned above

86. Define the voice of the verb in the following sentence: “They met two years ago

a) middle, b) reflexive, c) reciprocal, d) all mentioned above

87. Define the voice of the verb in the following sentence: “The dress washes well

a) middle, b) reflexive, c) reciprocal, d) all mentioned above

88. Define the voice of the verb in the following sentence: “He dressed as quick as possible

a) middle, b) reflexive, c) reciprocal, d) all mentioned above

89. The category of aspect:

a) is a linguistic representation of manner of action, b) is closely connected with the lexical meaning of verbs, c) is realized through the opposition Continuous :: Non-Continuous, d) all mentioned above

90. Modal verbs are used with the infinitive as:

a) pure link-verbs, b) predicative markers, c) linking predicative ascription, d) all mentioned above

91. Relative adjectives express:

a) such properties of a substance referring to the certain substance, b) various qualities of a substance, c) degrees of comparison, d) all mentioned above

92. Adverbs are commonly divided into:

a) relative and qualitative, b) prescriptive, descriptive, postscriptive, c) qualitative, quantitative, circumstantial, d) all mentioned above

93. Constructional syntax deals with:

a) constructional significance / insignificance of a part of the sentence, b) analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure, c) the study of language use with reference to the social and psychological factors that influence communication, d) all mentioned above

94. Coordination is:

a) syntagmatic relations of dependence, b) syntagmatic relation of interdependence, c) syntagmatic relation of independence, d) all mentioned above

95. Predication is:

a) syntagmatic relations of dependence, b) syntagmatic relation of interdependence, c) syntagmatic relation of independence, d) all mentioned above

96. The complex sentence is a polypredicative construction built up on the principle of:

a) coordination, b) paradigmation, c) subordination, d) all mentioned above

97. Constructional syntax deals with:

a) constructional significance / insignificance of a part of the sentence, b) analysis of utterances from the point of their communicative value and informative structure, c) the study of language use with reference to the social and psychological factors that influence communication, d) all mentioned above

98. What are the morphological features of the verb in English?

a) the verb possesses the ability to denote a process, b) the verb can be modified by adverbs, c) the verb has categories of tense, voice, aspect, etc., d) all mentioned above

99. Lexical-morphological classification of the verb is based on:

a) the implicit grammatical meaning of the verb, b) stem-types of all verbs, c) the nature of predication, d) all mentioned above

100. The syntactic meaning of a linguistic unit is:

a) the relation between a unit and a person who uses it; b) the relation between a unit and other units (inner relations between units); c) the relation between a unit and an object in the world around us (objective reality); d) all the answers are correct

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