8. Conclusion
The direct method of teaching was developed as a response to the Grammar-Translation method.
It sought to
immerse the learner in the same way as when a first language is learnt. All teaching
is done in the target
language, grammar is taught inductively, there is a focus on speaking and listening, and only useful ‘everyday’
language is taught. The weakness in the Direct Method is its assumption that a second
language can be learnt
in exactly the same way as a first, when in fact the conditions under which a second language is learnt are
very different. The teacher and the students are more like partners in the teaching/learning process.
interaction became fuller,
guessing of context or content,
completing fill-ins, and doing
“cloze” exercises were the order of the day. The teacher is as the facilitator of the language and the students
is the active learners who are active in learning and exploring the target language.
Lena, Marta. 2010.
The Direct Method
http://martalenabanurea.blogspot.com/2010/03/direct- method.html.
Accessed on April 23
, 20011.