Scientific ideas of young scientists | Pomysły naukowe młodych naukowców |
Научные идеи молодых ученых
November 2020
Esemuratova R.Kh.
Institute of Botany ASRUz,
Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan
The low-mountain ridge Sultanuvays is located on the right bank of the Amu Darya.
Sultanuvays is the westernmost continuation of the mountain systems
of Central Asia and is a
northwestern isolated mountain system, which is part of the so-called Kyzylkum remnants. The ridge
starts from the old delta of the Amu Darya and stretches in a narrow strip from east to west to Lake
Khojakul. The length of the system is about 40 km, the width is on average 10-15 km. In the western
part, the ridge stretches almost latitudinal, first along the Amu Darya, and then leaves it to the east
for about 70 km into the Kyzyl Kum desert. The total area of the Sultanuvays Mountains is 700 sq.
km. The highest point of the ridge is Mount Kara-Chingil, which has an elevation of 485 m above sea
level. m. Sultanuvays in the west splits into uplands isolated from each other:
Kuyanchik, Zengebaba and Jumurtau. The Sultanuvays Mountains are
the remnants of an ancient
ridge of Paleozoic rocks located in a latitudinal direction from Tyan-Shan to the west. The soils are
sandy loam, loamy and gravelly. The climate of this region is dry, sharply continental. The floristic
composition is completely dominated by groupings of desert vegetation types. A significant part of
the plant species of Sultanuvays are the usual forms of the sandy, rocky and salty deserts of Turan.
Sultanuvays is a mountain structure with a complex geological structure, in its structural and
petro logical features it sharply differs from similar formations of the
same age developed within
Central Asia. Sultanuvays is characterized by extreme low water levels, deep groundwater, which, as
is commonly believed, excludes capillary uplift and direct plant nutrition.
In the physical and geographical zoning of the middle zone of the deserts of Central Asia,
L.N. Babushkin and N.A. Kogai [1] suggest that the Sultanuvays districts belong to the Kyzylkum
district of the plain sub-province of the Turan physical-geographical province. In the floristic division
of Central Asia R.V. Kamelin and others [2], [3] refer the territory of Karakalpakistan to the Turan
Figure 1 - Mountains. Sultanuvays (Sultan-Uiz-dag).