Scientific ideas of young scientists | Pomysły naukowe młodych naukowców |
Научные идеи молодых ученых
November 2020
Eshonkulova Mo’tabarkhan Tadjibayevna
Teacher of Kokand SPI
Annotation: This article emphasizes the importance of pedagogical methods in teaching
German and its role in language teaching. The article also discusses the importance of using
multimedia in German lessons.
Keywords: method, teacher, comprehension, learning, education, pedagogical technology,
There are many German language textbooks, all of which aim to teach German. However, if
we compare these textbooks, we can see that they lasawur different educational goals. The textbooks
indicate the following as educational objectives: what to learn to master the German language (for
example, language material, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, spelling, types of speech activities:
reading, listening, speaking, writing , translation, geography
“Education contributes to the spiritual activity of the people of Uzbekistan. All the best
opportunities of the younger generation will be reflected in it, their profession
and skills will be
constantly improved, the wise advice and experience of the older generations will be highly
understood and passed on to the younger, more harmonious generation. To achieve this goal, new
models of education are being developed, the theoretical foundations of which are being scientifically
and practically proven by leading experts. This scientific and practical proof is closely linked with
the high level of technology in the educational process.
Today, the need to study the scientific and theoretical basis of
new innovative pedagogical
technologies and their application in the educational process is becoming one of the most pressing
issues, as the current traditional education system has lost much of its activity. teaching with the help
of zaki words is not giving good results.
Clear definition of learning objectives, design of the teaching process, guarantee of pedagogical
success, interconnected and interactive blocks are important features and characteristics of
pedagogical technology. It is known that the expected result is guaranteed in the production,
especially in the technology used in industry. In the pedagogical process, it is more difficult to create
a repetitive, repetitive cycle, because the purpose of teaching, the content of the educational task, the
diversity of teaching materials, cognitive activity, the level of mastery depends in many ways on the
individual characteristics of the student. However, in order to be successful in the educational process,
it is necessary to create a recurring relationship of pedagogical technology, taking into account these
difficulties. The definition of pedagogical technology by un Nishonaliev and B.L.Farberman
“Pedagogical technology It is characterized by a clear definition of learning objectives, guarantee of
the final result, ensuring the repeatability of the learning process and the presence of rapid feedback.
”As can be
seen from the definition, when pedagogical technology is introduced into the learning
process, traditional learning new features, features that are not typical of the unit process - the
definition of learning objectives, adjustments to the learning process and objectives, its guaranteed
results, and the presence of a consistent feedback can be clearly felt.
The education system consists of several interconnected components:
a) Individual (student);
b) Educational goals;
c) Educational content;
d) Didactic (educational) process;
e) Forms of organization;
f) Pedagogical methods or technology;
g) Teacher.
Pedagogical technology is an innovative approach to education.
Pedagogical technology is a set of technological procedures that
ensure the systematic and
gradual implementation of a pre-designed educational process. Pedagogical technology is not only