Scientific Collection «InterConf», (39): with the Proceedings of the 8th International Scientific and Practical Conference «Science and Practice: Implementation to Modern Society» (December 26-28, 2020) at Manchester, Great Britain

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Materials of GREAT BRITAIN Conference

Dulschi Ion 
Phd, in history, Associations professor, at the Department of Administrative Sciences, 
of Academy of public administration, Republic of Moldova 
Abstract. In this article we address the issue of professional culture of civil servants 
and the role of universities in their training and professional development. The 
contradictions underlying the issue addressed, the essence and content of professional 
culture are addressed, proposals are made on the tools for training the professional 
culture of future civil servants in university study programs. 
Keywords: public administration, professional culture, civil servants, competence. 
The key issue of modern public administration is its orientation towards people 
and ensuring the provision of quality services. The recruitment system for civil servants 
in most countries is based on the principle of professionalism and skills. This principle 
comes to ensure the completion of the staff of public authority officials with persons 
holding the act of higher education in the field of competence of that public authority. 
In addition to the study certificate, the candidate for the public position declared vacant, 
will also satisfy some requirements related to the possession of language and operating 
skills with some programs in the field of information technologies. [4] 
The current system of professional training of civil servants is not based on a 
complex systemic vision. The future civil servant, in the process of professional 
training, goes through two types of distinct and separate training programs. 
We will exemplify through professional training programs organized by 
pedagogical universities. Within the faculties, the studies are focused on the training 

of specialists in the fields in which they will work in pre-university education 
institutions as teachers of: history, geography, mathematics, biology, chemistry, etc. 
They can be very good and talented pedagogues, specialists in the field of education 
but who do not have an integral vision of the educational system at national level and 
its interaction with other social systems, do not have the knowledge and skills to 
organize and administer the educational system central and local public authorities. 
The proposed algorithm, as an example, is also valid for other fields of 
professional training, according to the specialized programs of engineers, economists, 
doctors, lawyers. They can be very good specialists in the fields of professional training 
but lack the managerial skills necessary to manage tasks at system level. 
Covering the needs of specialists in the field of public administration is called to 
solve the graduates of public administration programs organized by the faculties. The 
respective programs come to form in the future specialists general competences 
regarding the organization and functioning of the administrative systems, personnel 
management, strategic planning, post-ante analysis, etc. Although these programs are 
more appropriate to the requirements of the functioning of the administrative system, 
they do not perform the task of training skills in areas of social responsibility. 
Therefore, we note that ensuring the administrative system with officials trained 
according to a complex vision is not only a theoretical problem, but also a practical 
One of the central problems of the public administration and of the system of 
professional training of civil servants is the problem of increasing their level of 
professional culture. The relevance of this issue comes from the need to resolve the 
contradictions between the new requirements for the professional activity of the civil 
servant as a full personality, the subject of the educational process, capable of 
professional and personal self-determination and self-development in the world of 
culture, design and implementation of systems and technologies. culturally 
appropriate, humanistic-oriented managers and the real level of professional culture 
of the civil servant, his willingness to solve modern problems of public 

Studying the indicated problem, the practice of different universities, our own 
observations indicate the presence of the following contradictions: 
First, there is a contradiction between the real level of professional culture of a 
civil servant and the modern requirements for his personality. So, many civil servants 
are characterized by an insufficiently high level of theoretical training, 
underdevelopment of professionally significant qualities of the civil servant 
personality, lack of development of general managerial skills, lack of experience in 
creative activity, skills in analyzing the administrative situation in the citizen's position 
and the ability to make decisions in his favor, "stereotyped" in solving managerial 
problems, passive managerial position, no need for self-education, self-development, 
etc. This testifies to the insufficient training of the foundations of the professional 
culture of the civil servant, which aggravates the need to look for ways to train, develop 
and manage it from the point of view of the sociology of public management. 
Secondly, the need to improve the professional culture of the civil servant is 
objectively determined by the modern requirements for the level of general education 
and special training of civil servants; a change in general educational paradigms, 
involving a transition from forms of mass reproduction and teaching methods to 
individual creative ones; the training of future civil servants who are required by the 
administrative system and society, would have a relatively short period of adaptation 
to enter their professional activity. 
The current situation in public administration, the insufficient level of 
professionalism of civil servants, has led to a contradiction between the requirements 
imposed by society on the level of service to the population, in the new socio-economic 
conditions, and the level of professional culture of civil servants. provide those services. 
The solution to this problem should also aim at bridging the gap between a human 
civil servant, a citizen and a specialist civil servant, synthesizing personal position, the 
system of ethical values and knowledge, skills and professional skills. Moreover, this 
unit does not look like a summary category, but like a qualitatively new formation, 

characterized by the internal integrity of all structural elements. 
Thirdly, in the current conditions, an important objective in the training of civil 
servants, which stands in front of universities, is to preserve the existing scientific and 
pedagogical potential as well as to increase the level of professional culture, which is 
a complex systemic construction. , an ordered totality of universal values, professional 
value orientations and personality traits, universal methods of knowledge, based on the 
humanistic technology of pedagogical activity. 
These contradictions determined the need to identify a complex of objectives for 
training and development of professional culture of civil servants, the need to develop 
theoretical foundations, conditions and mechanisms for developing and managing the 
professional culture of civil servants in management sociology, the need to identify a 
more efficient solution. these issues, in which socio-cultural training, general 
pedagogy, personal creativity, economic mechanisms that would strengthen and 
stimulate the development of professional activity of civil servants and their 
professional culture. 
Unfortunately, it should be noted that the approaches currently available to solve 
the problems we have identified “only lead to some changes and improvements in the 
professional culture, in fact they remain unchanged. This is explained, in our opinion, 
by the insufficiency of the awareness and the theoretical underdevelopment of the 
category of professional culture of the civil servant and of its content within the 
Thus, the content of the professional culture of a civil servant is revealed as an 
integrative quality of the personality of a professional civil servant, a condition and a 
prerequisite for an efficient managerial activity, a generalized indicator of the 
professional competence of the civil servant and the objective of professional self-
However, the identified essential characteristics of professional culture are 
disjoint; there is no single basis for identifying structural and functional components. 
All this requires the development and argumentation of the theoretical foundations of 

building a model for the formation of the professional culture of a civil servant. 
According to A.I. Capska, professional culture, in addition to the necessary 
knowledge, skills and abilities, includes certain personal qualities, norms of attitude 
towards different components of professional activity [3, p. 134]. 
The level of training of a person's professionally significant qualities determines 
the success of his professional activity. In the process of professional development, the 
future specialist masters the system of important qualities from a professional point of 
view, which includes the communicative, motivational, characterological, reflexive, 
educational, intellectual, psychophysiological properties of a person. 
Based on the generalizations of the results of studies on professionally important 
human qualities, A. Sannikova highlights those qualities that, according to the scientist, 
are universal: responsibility, self-control, emotional stability, inclination to take risks, 
For representatives of different professions, the author defines specific 
characteristics and emphasizes that "a huge number of possible combinations and 
variations make it impossible to study his personality and individual training without 
taking them into account in the multilevel structure of the professional personality"
[5, p 46]. 
The system of qualities that determines the successful mastery of the profession 
chosen by the future specialists is highlighted quite clearly in the study conducted by 
V.I. intellectual and logical skills; intellectual - heuristic skills; ideological qualities; 
moral qualities; aesthetic qualities; communication and creative skills; self-
government capacity, individual characteristics that serve as a guarantee of efficient 
activity (in this case, educational and creative activity). 
As you can see, V.I. Andreev,
characterizing the productivity of future specialists 
in the process of acquiring professional knowledge and experience of his organization, 
refers to the professional qualities of the individual and their abilities (logical, 
intellectual, creative, etc.) to individual psychological properties [1, p. 6]. 
The field of study of professional culture addresses topics about the essence of 

socialization as a cultural phenomenon; the norms and significance of culture as a 
means of socialization; the value of the status of cultural norms in different social 
environments; the role of the status of culture in conditions of mass production. An 
integral part of professional culture is the availability for a constant productive creative 
activity, in the process of which a person assimilates the social and historical 
experience reflected in the objects of material and spiritual culture. 
Its effectiveness depends largely on a positive emotional background in life, an 
attitude of seeking the truth, which is an essential component of the concept of 
"personal meaning of life." Based on the theoretical evolutions of scientists, we 
consider professional culture as an integral part of the general culture of the 
individual, based on conscious assimilation, continuous development and use of a 
comprehensive system of special knowledge, social and humanitarian, skills and 
abilities, values, important qualities professional for an efficient professional activity 
in situations requiring the mobilization of personal resources of students and future 
civil servants. 
The formation of a professional culture in the conditions of educational work 
takes place in the following directions: the development of professional individuality, 
mastery of a complex of professional knowledge, skills and education - involving the 
profession and society as a whole in socio-cultural experience, developing a set of 
qualities professional, self-awareness and creative activity [6, p. 26].
Effective ways of training the professional culture of future civil servants, within 
the university programs are: organizing a comprehensive educational process and its 
orientation towards the development of all components of professional culture; 
structuring the content of vocational training based on an indissoluble connection with 
the assimilation of social, humanitarian and vocation-oriented subjects, development 
of professional qualities based on a combination of legal, economic, psychological 
skills, etc. Among the important qualities of highly effective professional training of 
students, we will highlight the main components of the levels of professional culture 
of a future specialist, which are: professional literacy, professional competence, 

motivational value and emotional-sensual components. 
It should be borne in mind that these components of professional culture are 
generally interconnected and intercomponent relationships are interdependent. 
For the formation of a professional culture, the motivation for personal 
development and personal growth of the future employee is of paramount importance. 
As A.A. Derkach, a person must master the ability to design self-development and to 
organize within the limits of his creative activity the conditions of self-realization
[2, p. 575]. 
The formation of a professional culture in a higher education institution implies 
the fulfillment of the following organizational and pedagogical conditions: 
- planning the structural and functional process of forming a professional culture 
(objectives, stages, approaches, principles, criteria, levels and indicators of the 
orientation of the professional culture of future civil servants); 
- the availability of the team of teachers to form the professional culture of the 
students based on the integration of all types of culture; 
- the availability of university students to perceive the professional culture. 
Based on the organizational and pedagogical conditions mentioned above for the 
training of the professional culture of future civil servants, we propose the components 
of the main model of methodological approaches that correspond to the objectives, 
stages and components of professional culture training: 
- a humanistic and organizational approach - for setting objectives, training and 
ensuring the formation of students 'professional culture, where the basis for the 
formation of students' professional culture is the intentional work of teachers based on 
an integrated approach to vocational and cultural education; - a personal and 
axiological approach - for working with students in the process of preparing for the 
perception of professional culture, which implies an orientation towards personal 
development and ensuring availability for the perception of professional values and 
cultural foundations of the profession; - skills-based and culturological approach - to 
harmonize the professional and cultural components of training based on the 

development of the creative skills of the future specialist. 
The pedagogical technology of the formation of the professional culture of the 
future specialists implies the use of its constitutive components: organizational-target, 
motivational-value, professional-cultural. The target organizational component 
assumes the teacher's ability to set a goal, to determine the ways, methods, means of 
forming a professional culture and to implement them consistently as the 
implementation of tasks step by step. 
A qualitative indicator of the formation of this component is the ability to defend 
and substantiate their own position, think critically and carry out self-education. The 
motivational-value component reflects the interest and a positive attitude towards 
cultural phenomena; artistic evaluation of works of art and the surrounding life, the 
ability to turn knowledge into beliefs about the need to form a culture of 
communication; personal attitude towards behavior, requirements, actions, desire to be 
aware of the relationship with the environment in which a person is and, consequently, 
to correct their behavior. 
An indicator of the formation of this component is the belief in the need for self-
education and self-improvement, social and value reasons for behavior. The 
professional and cultural component requires the presence of a certain amount of 
knowledge necessary to acquire the culture of interpersonal relationships. The main 
indicators of this component are the awareness of the need to form a culture of 
communication, understanding its need for daily life and ensuring mutual 
understanding in the future, creating a positive microclimate in the team. 
The pedagogical diagnosis of the formation of the professional culture is based on 
the methods of theoretical analysis of the pedagogical approaches to the definition of 
the qualitative criteria of the professional culture. 
Based on the three-component structure, the following criteria were established: 
knowledge of patterns and means of expression (amount of theoretical knowledge 
about culture at an interdisciplinary level, knowledge of its functions and content, 
ability to perform cultural analyzes of phenomena and situations); the ability to 

adequately perceive professional situations (to feel the features of the situation, to see 
the positive in reality, to master the culture of speech, etc.); the ability to create positive 
situations in different types of professional activities. 
Scientific and pedagogical research and personal experience of practical work in 
the system of professional and pedagogical activity have made it possible to identify a 
number of contradictions between the dynamics of developing the professional training 
of a future civil servant and the practice of his cultural education; the real level of 
general culture and its individual types; the requirements of a society with a developed 
economy and a cultural level for a modern, highly educated, competitive specialist. 
In the process of educational work in higher education institutions, professional 
culture, as an important factor in the quality training of a future civil servant, should 
aim at: 
- identifying the contradictions that mediate the implementation of the task of 
training the professional culture of specialists; 
- clarifying the role and place of the elements of professional culture in 
professional culture. 

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