Сборник упражнений Т. Г. Николенко И. И. Кошманова английский для детей (075) ббк 81. 2 Англ-9 Н63

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  Закончите предложения.
1 I want them to . . .  .
I want them to keep my secret.
2  My Granny asked me to . . .  .
3  We didn’t hear her . . .   .
4  They felt the old man . . .   .
5  Let me . . .  .
6  My friends saw them . . .   .
7  It made Mr. Tailor . . .   .
  Подберите пары и составьте предложения, соеди­
нив их союзами so / because.
I opened the window 
she is honest and friendly.
The door was opened 
we have not got the key.
I like Jane 
don’t wait for me.
He got nervous 
they stayed at home.
We can’t get into the 
it was hot there.
we could come into the
It was raining 
I want to be at home 
he was not sure, 
this evening
Direct Speech
Reported Speech. 
said - said that
said to somebody - told somebody
1 Jack / his friends / “I have never been there.”

Jack said, “I have never been there. ”
Jack said that he had never been there.
Jack said to his friends, “I have never been 
there. ”
Jack told his friends that he had never been 
2  I/ my mother / “I’ll take him with me.”
3  Mary / us / “I have already had lunch.”
4  John / Mike / “I won’t go there without you.”
5  She  /  him  /  “I  don’t  want  to  stay  in  the  city  any 
6  Jane  /  the  teacher  /  “I’m  ready  to  answer  your 
7  The child / his mother / “I’m cold.”
8  Bob / Jane / “I met John when I was in the park.”
Задайте вопрос и ответьте на него. 
Would you ... 
i f   . . .   ?
1 cry / scald your hand / No
-  Would you cry if you scalded your hand?


would not.
2  rush to save a kitten / see in the pond / Yes
3  help your friends / ask / Yes
4  keep a secret / tell / Yes
5  go to see Jane / be not so late / Yes
6  buy a car / have money / No
7  buy the book / be not so expensive / Yes

  Знаете ли вы неправильные глаголы?
to lie 

to make 
- . . .  - . . .
to shut 
- . . .  - . . .
to catch 
- . . .  - . . .
to understand   - . . .  - . . . 
to see          
  - . . .  - . . . 
to be                 - . . .  - . . .
to bite 
- . . .  - . . . 
to get                - . . .  - . . .
to read 
- . . .  - . . .
  Вставьте глаголы в 
Passive Voice.
1 Come in and have your milk. It (to keep) hot for 
you long.
has been kept
 hot for you long.
2  This room (not to use) last year.
3  The children are very excited this morning. They 
(to take) to the theatre tonight.
4  My keys (to return) to me. They (to pick up) in the 
5  Bicycles must not (to leave) in the hall.
6  He (to take) to hospital tomorrow and (to operate 
on) the day after tomorrow.
7  There was nobody on the road, but the girl was 
afraid. She thought she (to follow).
8 Your dress is dirty. It must (to clean).

29.3  Закончите предложения в 
Reported Speech.
1 “Was your Mom pleased with you?”
He asked me whether my Mom had been pleased 
with me.
2  “Are you seeking for a new job?”
I wanted to know . . .
3  “Did you hear what he said?”
They asked me . . .
4  “Is he bitten by a mad dog?”
He asked them . . .
5  “Is the doctor at home?”
Can you find out . . .
6  “Were you nervous taking your test?”
I wondered . . .
7  “Have you fetched the doctor yet?”
She cried excitedly . . .
8  “Do they wear fur coats in England?”
It was interesting to know . . .
29.4  Составьте предложения, объединив правую и ле­
вую части. Переведите на русский язык.
She is too young 
to invite me to the theatre.
They were too tired           to go farther.
He is still too weak           to go on a voyage.
It’s too cold today        
 to do such things herself. 
He is clever enough          to understand it.
They came to us 
to sleep with an open win­

29.5 Переведите на английский язык. Используйте вы­
to ring 
1 Позвони Ане сегодня вечером, пожалуйста.
2  Ты уже звонил маме?
3  Да, я звонил маме час назад.
4  Когда ты позвонишь доктору?
5  Можно я сама позвоню ему и приглашу его на 
день рождения?
6  Ты должен позвонить Смитам и сообщить эту 
7  Я часто звоню своей тете. Она живет одна.
8  Сейчас не поздно. Ты можешь позвонить Сэму.
9  Не звони ему, уже поздно.
10 Я не люблю звонить Джону.
11 Разве ты не позвонил им?
12  Ты позвонил им вчера, да?
13 Позвони же ей!
14 Извини, но я уже позвонил Джеку к тому мо­
менту, когда ты попросил этого не делать.
15 Он спросил, позвонил ли я Джону.
30.1 Составьте предложения и переведите их в 
Reported Speech.
1 “Close the window” / she / him.
“Close the window, ” she said to him.
She asked him to close the window.

2  “Eat more fruit” / the doctor / the patient.
3  “Shut the door” / she / us.
4  “Don’t lock the house” / he / them.
5  “Come at five o’clock” / Mom / her daughter.
6  “Don’t be late” / the boy / his friends.
7  “Don’t offend him” / the little girl / the fellows.
1  She looks beautiful - 
 a princess.
2  He is working 
 a driver.
3  There are a lot of interesting things in our room. 
It’s . . . a museum.
4  The bad news came . . . a great shock.
5  Sometimes he behaves . . . a child.
6  Jane has worked . . . a secretary at my school for 
several years.
7  Everybody is ill at home. Our house is . . . a 
8  We use our living-room . . . a bedroom.
9  Jack doesn’t want to work . . . the head of the 
school, he will work . . . a teacher.
10 It’s August, but it has rained a lot lately. It’s . . . an 
11 He ran away . . . a frightened rabbit.
1 . . . winter approached, the days became shorter.
2  . . . I got home, I had a rest.
3  . . . I was coming here, I met your parents.

4  . . . I have not read the book, I can’t tell you anything 
about it.
5  I can’t do it . . . I am very busy.
6  . . . they live next door, we can see them very 
7  Just . . . I sat down, the phone rang.
8  Jane burnt herself . . . she was taking the cakes 
out of the oven.
9  We were shocked . . . we saw him.
10  She began to cry . . . she was listening to his sad 
11 My aunt began to scold her son . . . he sat at the 
table with dirty hands.
12  . . . I was younger I went in for sports.
Задайте вопросы, начиная с выражений 
Tell me 
please . . . , I wonder . . .   .
1 Where are you going?
I wonder where you are going.
2  Where have you been?
3  What will they do?
4  Why didn’t they come to us?
5  Where does she live?
6  What languages can she speak?
7  Where did he take that string?
8  Why arc you doing this task?
9  What does it mean?
10 What do you want to say?

Образуйте глаголы, добавив
Догадайтесь об их 
значении. Уточните в словаре.
soft - 
to soften
dark  - . . . 
straight - . . .
weak - . . . 
black - . . .
wide  - . . . 
short - . . .
quick - . . . 
fast - . . .
  Примите участие в интервью.
With us here in the studio this morning is Mike 
Johnson, an English teacher.
- Good morning, Mike.          - . . .  .
We know that you are a 
teacher, aren’t you?
-  . . . 
- I live in Bristol.
-  . . . ? 
-Yes, I’ve got a family
and I’ve got two sons.
-  How old are they?              - . . .  .
-  Do they study at                 - . . .  . 
-  . . .  ? 
- A little.
-  Were you good at              - . . . .
English when you were
a schoolboy?

-  And what about your           - . . .  . 
-  . . . . 
- Yes, I’ve been to
Russia twice.
-  When were you there           - . . .  . 
-  How did you like                - . . .  .
-  . . .  . 
- Oh, yes! I’m going
to see my friends there.
-  Thank you for your             - . . .  . 
coming, Mike. Good
luck! Bye.
31.1 Заполните пропуски.
to be - was/were - been - быть
-...         -...          - done    -...
-...         -went     -...          -...
to have  -...          -...          -...
-...         -said  
 -...          -...
-...         -...          -...          -видеть
-...         -...          -come    -...
to get    -...          -...          -...
-...         -...          -...          -читать
-...         -gave      -...          -...

31.2  Вставьте словосочетания с глаголом to get.
to get out of 
to get cold 
to get rich
to get rid of 
to get late 
to get to
to get off 
to get into 
to get
to get tired 
to get together
1  It’s . . .   .  Put on your coat.
2  Where shall we . . . the bus and change it?
3  We can’t . . . the idea that we’ve lost our way.
4  The hole was so deep that the fox couldn’t . . . it.
5  It’s . . .   .  Let’s go home.
6  The house was locked. Nobody could . . . it.
7  We have walked a long way. We . . .   .
8  Is it easy to . . . that place?
9  She usually . . . a lot of presents on her birthday.
10  When we . . . we’ll buy a larger house.
11 Every year we . . . at our Granny’s.
31.3  Задайте вопросы.
1 There was a strange rustle under the bush.
Where was there a strange rustle?
2  There is something interesting in this envelope. 
Where . . . ?
3  There is no free medical assistance in England. 
Where . . . ?
4  There will be a spot on the table.
Where . . . ?
What . . . ?
5  There were 15 boys and 20 girls in our class last year.

When . . . ?
How many . . . ?
6 There was no wind when she opened the window. 
When . . . ?
31.4  Составьте предложения из двух частей. Переве­
дите на русский язык.
If I were you                          we will get there on
If I knew his phone num- 
go home immediately.
If he had time                        ice always melts.
If we leave now 
he would have no poc-
If George took my bicy- 
ket money.
cle without permission   
 I would phone him.
If I weren’t so hungry 
    I wouldn’t buy that skirt.
If John didn’t work 
I would never eat this.
If the weather tempera- 
I would be angry with
ture is warm enough 
If you don’t want to be          he would come and
31.5  Попробуйте сами провести интервью с Биллом 
Bill  Thomas 
a  manager 
32 years old 
has got a family
has got two children (5 and 3 years old)

goes  to  work  by  bus 
a  good  football  player 
likes to watch TV
dreams to be rich and to see the world
  Составьте предложения с выражением 
to be 
going to.
1  I / to phone my uncle tomorrow evening
I am going to phone my uncle tomorrow evening.
2  He / to study French next year
3  We / to have a dictation next Monday
4  They / to speak to the teacher in a week
5  His son / to repair his bicycle tomorrow
6  It / to rain
7  He / to be a dentist when he grows up
  Ответьте на вопросы.
1  Have you bought a new car? (next month)
Not yet. I'm going to buy it next month.
2  Has your Mom made coffee? (just)
3  Has your brother phoned Nick? (after school)
4  Have they had dinner? (soon)
5  Have you played tennis today? (after lunch)
6  Has Tom done his work yet? (next week)

32.3  Задайте вопросы, используя to be going to.
1  He has won a prize. (What / do with it)
What is he going to do with it?
2  My  parents  have  decided  to  have  a  party.  (Who  / 
3  My father has just bought a picture. (Where / hang 
4  I’ve read his book. (When / return it)
5  Jack has caught a squirrel in the forest. (Where / let 
it out)
6  We’ve decided  to  cut  the grass around our house. 
(When / cut it)
7  He has got a new job. (When / start)
Переведите слова в значении существительного / 
прилагательного и глагола.
answer - 
ответ - to answer - отвечать
change  - . . . 
fear    - . . .
- . . . 
class  - . . .
- . . . 
- . . .
- . . . 
light   - . . .
- . . . 
- . . .
- . . . 
 - . . .
- . . . 
- . . .
- . . . 
- . . .
- . . . 
 - . . .

  Вставьте выделенные слова. Переведите предло­
жения на русский язык.
answer         light         use          end           place
1 Your . . . is not correct.
2  Can you see the . . . in the distance?
3  When did you . . . the cake in the oven?
4  In the . . . I got the job I wanted.
5  It is better to . . . the question giving your reasons.
6  Do you think this is that very . . . we are looking 
7  I like the room. It is . . . and big.
8  Is there any . . . in translating the text? You don’t 
know any new words.
9  It’s dark. I’d like you to . . . me up so that we could 
search for a path.
10  We don’t . . . dictionaries at the lessons very 
11 We . . . our dinner with a nice pudding.
some / a / any, 
где необходимо.
1 Do you collect . . . postcards or stamps?
2  I’ve managed to buy . . . flowers though it was 
3  Jim has got . . . very long legs, so he’s . . . fast 
4  When they reached the city . . . shops were still 
open, but most of them were closed.

5  Give me . . . money. I’m going to buy . . . en­
6  . . . birds, for example the penguin, cannot fly.
7  Suddenly he heard . . . terrible noise. He turned 
round and saw . . . tree lying across the road.
8  I love . . . bananas! Give me . . . bananas.
33.1 Заполните пропуски
to feel      -...         
  -...             -...
-...            -became     -...             -...
-...            -...              -...             -.слышать
-...            -...              -spoken     -...
to think    -...              -...             -...
-...            -wrote        -...             -...
-...            -...              -...             -понимать
-...            -...              -begun  
to put       -...              -...         
-...            -made        -...         
33.2  Вставьте  owing to / thanks to.
1 They were not late 
thanks to
 his help.
2  We  couldn’t  get  there  on  time  .  .  .  heavy  snow­
3  We  were  let  into  the  overcrowded  hall  .  .  .  our 
charming companion.

4  Everybody was saved . . . the lifeboats fastened 
to the side of the ship.
5  . . . his rudeness he has very few friends.
6  . . . her kindness she attracts many people.
7  . . . his warning they didn’t get into a scrape.
33.3  Закончите предложения.
1  If I had more time, I would 
visit all the markets in 
our city.
2  If I were rich, I would . . .   .
3  If I were you, . . .   .
4  If I had my own car, . . .   .
5  If I had a rich relative in the USA, . . .   .
6  If I were a painter, . . .   .
7  If I could write poems, . . .   .
Direct Speech
Reported Speech.
1 (said) 
Bessie: I can’t understand what he
is talking about.
 “I can’t understand what he is talking 
Bessie said that she couldn't understand what he 
was talking about.
2  (asked) 
Ann: Where are they?
3  (said) 
Stella: I liked the book very much.
4  (say) Paul and Mary: We will come to see you.
5  (promised) Helen: I’ll make a new dress for
Mary myself.

6  (answered)       Tom :        I’m translating a novel.
7  (promised)       He:            I’ll be back in ten minutes.
8  (said)                They :       We shan’t do that.
9  (explained)       Mr. Bay :  I’m waiting for Mrs. Bay.
She will be here very 
10 (answered)        Dad :         I’m hanging the picture
on the wall.
33.5 Образуйте существительные от выделенных гла­
голов и вставьте их в предложения.
to play          to sleep         to read         to write 
to dance       to drive         to help         to teach
1 Ann is a good tennis . . .   .  She plays tennis twice a 
2  He is a big . . .  .He goes to bed at 10 o’clock in 
the evening and gets up at 10 o’clock in the 
3  My aunt is a well-known . . .   .  She has already 
written five novels.
4  John likes to read. He is a good . . .   .
5  They are . . .  . They go to ballroom dancing on 
Tuesdays and Saturdays.
6  Mrs. Anderson is a . . .  . She works at our school.
7  Frank’s father is a . . .  . He drives a bus.
8  Julia is a good . . .   . She helps her mother about 
the house.

Переведите слова в скобках. При переводе обра­
тите внимание на отсутствие предлога.
to pass        to approach     to enter       to watch 
to reach      to watch   
 to speak      to answer
1  We sat on the beach and (наблюдали за) the sun on 
the horizon.
2  He (приблизился к) the table and sat down opposite 
3  When the car (доехала до) the comer, it stopped.
4  Neither of my parents (говорит по-) English.
5  They  couldn’t  (ответить  на)  these  questions  cor­
6  When  a  smart  girl  (вошла  в)  the  room,  everyone 
gazed at her.
7  He sat (наблюдая за) planes taking off.
8  Ten  minutes  later  we  (прошли  мимо)  an  old 
church  and  found  ourselves  on  the  bank  of  a 
beautiful river.
Напишите предложения в
Reported Speech.
1 Where are your parents?
(My friends wanted to know . . .)
My friends wanted to know where my parents were.
2  Where were you?
(Mother asked me . . .)

3  Why are you waiting for them?
(Jane wondered . . .)
4  Where do you usually buy flowers?
(Jim asked Bob . . .)
5  Where did he hurt his leg?
(Father asked me angrily . . .)
6  Why have not you done your homework yet?
(My sister asked me slyly . . . )
7  Why won’t you help the Wilsons?
(Bill asked his parents . . .)
Скажите,  к  чему  вы  привыкли  /  не  привыкли.  Ис­
пользуйте  выражение
  to  get  used  to  (doing)  some­
1 cold weather
I didn’t get used to cold weather.
2  the noise in the class
3  hot water
4  getting up early
5  going to bed late
6  wearing spectacles (glasses)
7  studying at night
8  sleeping on the floor
9  swimming every day 
10 eating tasty things
  Составьте предложения.
1 (eating / less / I / getting used to / am).
getting used to eating less.

2  (very early / can’t get used to / he / being waked up).
3  (getting  used  to  /  you  /  everything  /  are  /  doing  / 
4  (they / going to school / did not / by themselves / get 
used to).
5  (won’t / such a noise / in the street / I’m afraid / we / 
get used to).
6  (speaking / I / get used to / loudly / didn’t).
7  (porridge  /  got  used  to  /  we  /  have  /  eating  /  for 
Past Indefinite или Present Perfect?
1  I  (to  buy)  a  new  dress  last  week,  but  I  (not  /  to 
wear) it yet.
I bought a new dress last week, but I have not worn 
it yet.
2  He (already / to see) that film.
3  He (to see) it when he was in London.
4  - When (you / to meet) Harry?
- I (to meet) him the day before yesterday.
5  - . . . (you / to speak) to him?
- Yes, I (to speak) to him before the party.
6  I  (never  /  to  play)  rugby  in  my  life,  but  I  (to  play) 
football when I was at school.
7  I  (to  buy)  the  tape-recorder  just  a  week  ago,  on  the 
12th of March.
8  . . . (you / ever / to see) a giant butterfly?
9  In the afternoon I (to meet) him in the hotel and we 
(to go) to the beach.
10 The accident (to happen) ten years ago.

11 I think my English (to improve) a bit.
12 He is the most charming man I (ever / to know).
34.5 Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.
1 We came . . . London . . . the 25th . . . Sep­
tember and left for Oxford only . . . October.
2  They went out . . . a quarter . . . seven and 
arrived just . . . time.
3  We like to play . . . football . . . summer and . . . 
hockey . . . winter.
4  She plays . . . the violin well.
5  He always leaves home early . . . the morning and 
comes back late . . . night.
6  Count . . . ten . . . hundred . . . English.
7  I was working . . . 7 o’clock . . . Friday evening.
Используя выражение 
Would you like  . . .  ?
, при­
гласите или предложите.
поиграть в футбол;
Would you like to play football?
выпить чашку кофе;
пообедать вместе;
пойти с вами завтра в театр;
пройтись с вами по магазинам;
прогуляться с вами;
покататься на вашем велосипеде.

Выразите  сожаление  о  том,  что  вам  не  удалось. 
Используйте  выражение  I  would  like  to  have 
done . . .   .
1 It’s a pity. I didn’t visit John.
I would like to have visited him.
2  It’s a pity. I didn’t see the film.
3  It’s a pity. I didn’t buy that bicycle.
4  We didn’t have lunch together. It’s a pity.
5  I didn’t learn any foreign language. It’s a pity.
6  I didn’t read any stories about Sherlock Holmes.
35.3  Скажите, что стоит / не стоит делать.
1 this book / to read
This book is worth reading.
2  that film / to see
3  these shoes / not / to repair
4  these rhymes / to learn by heart
5  these things / to buy
6  this text / not / to translate
7  the talk / not / to go on
8  this thrilling story / not / to read
Измените  предложения.  Используйте  конструкцию 
 It was . . .  who (that) . . .   .
1 I met his sisters in the park yesterday.
It was his sisters who I met in the park yesterday. 
It was in the park that I met his sisters yesterday. 
It  was  yesterday  that  I  met  his  sisters  in  the 

2  His brother brought me the letter the day before 
3  My parents heard a strange noise from outside.
4  Pete saw a child in the river and saved him.
5  Children found a little kitten in the yard.
6  told him the news after we had returned home.
7  The autumn rains destroyed the bridge.
35.5  Вы  не  довольны  тем,  что  сделано  /  не  сделано. 
Скажите об этом. Используйте конструкцию should 
(not) have done. Переведите.
1 to come to the party
You should have come to the party.
2  not / to eat so much chocolate
3  not / to walk without a warm coat
4  to take something to eat with you
5  not / to read thrilling stories tonight
6  not / to chatter so much
7  to make a bet
Заполните пропуски.
-...           -slept 
to keep    -...    
 -kept     -...
-...           -...          -...         -...
-...           -ate   
  -...         -...

36.2  Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.
1  If I (to know) that you were in hospital, I would (to 
visit) you. But I knew nothing.
If  I 
had  known
  that  you  were  in  hospital,  I 
have visited
2  If  I  (not  /  to  see)  it  with  my  eyes,  I  would  (not  /  to 
believe) it. But I saw it myself.
3  If  the  engine  (not  /  to  be  started),  we  would  (to  be 
late) to the station. But we were in time there.
4  If  she  (to  know)  the  whole  story,  she  would  (not  / 
to be) so angry. But she became angry.
5  You would (to get into trouble) if you (not / to obey) 
me. But you didn’t.
6  If the fire brigade (to arrive) earlier, the house would 
(not / to be burnt) to the ground. But it was too late.
Ответьте на вопрос
 Why didn’t you . . .  ?
1 wait for me

Why didn’t you wait for me?

You didn’t tell me to. If you had told me, I would 
have waited for you.
to stand     - . . .  
- . . .       - . . .
- . . .    
  - . . .  
- met      - . . .
- . . .    
  - . . .  
- . . .       - бежать
to ring  
 - . . .  
- . . .       - . . .
- . . .    
  - told 
- . . .       - . . .
- . . .    
  - . . .  
- worn     - . . .

2  thank Jim
3  warn his parents
4  invite their friends
5  stop the car
6  remind me
  Задайте вопросы.
1 He didn’t ask me to go.

Would you have gone if he had asked you?
2  He didn’t ask me to help him with Maths.
3  He didn’t ask me to pay for the broken window.
4  He didn’t ask me to explain the rule to others.
5  He didn’t ask me to write a message to him.
6  He didn’t ask me to phone him later.
  Переведите на русский язык.
1 I’ve not got a car. I’d like to buy one.
2  My dress is too long. I want a shorter one.
3  Mr. Dale has lost his umbrella. He has to buy another 

don’t like cold days. I prefer warm ones.
5  There is no dictionary here. Bring me one, please.
6  - Can you show me some flowers?
-  Which ones would you like?
-  Those, please.
7  Don’t take this cup. It is dirty. Take that one.
8  Have you got a pen? I need one.

9  January  is  the  first  month  of  the  year.  December  is 
the last one.
Сколько . . . ?
. . . ? / How 
much . . . ?
1 I made a lot of mistakes in my dictation.
How many mistakes did you make?
2  I’ve got some orange juice in the refrigerator.
3  He has got some money about him.
4  I bought some postcards.
5  There isn’t enough jam for tea at home.
6  I don’t know many football players.
7  I have read a lot of English books.
8  I’ve been to Europe several times.
37.1 К словам из левого столбца подберите антонимы 
из правого столбца.
after, lean, tall,                      bad, dark, first, late, good, 
begin, high, go out, win,       short, come in, wrong, 
well, light, leave, small,        goodbye, fast, before, 
hello, early, fall, answer,       yes, low, fat, ask, come, 
no, take, last, right, slow,      give, finish, ill, thick, 
lose, rise, large

37.2  Образуйте  существительные,  добавляя  -ness.  До­
гадайтесь  об  их  значении.  Уточните  перевод  в 
cold - 
холодный coldness
- . . .
- . . .
- . . .
- . . .
- . . .
- . . .
ready    - . . .
37.3  Переведите на русский язык.
1  One never knows what his answer may be.
2  One must always keep one’s word.
3  One  should  never  put  off  till  tomorrow  what  one 
can do today.
4  One can never know what he can do.
5  One should always answer letters immediately.
6  Now one can speak by telephone over any distance.
Допишите  предложения,  используя
  one  /  ones 
данную информацию.
1 (The jeans are to the left of the shop-girl.)
-  Can you show me the jeans?

Which ones?

Those to the left of you, please.

Past Indefinite или Past Continuous?
1 The doorbell (to ring) when he (to be about to leave) 
the house.
   2 (The dress is on the tall woman.)
   - That dress is very nice.
   - ... ?
   - ... .
3 (The son is the tallest boy in the photo.)
   - Look at the photo. This is my son.
   - ... ?
   - ... .
4 (The house is between the bank and the shop.)
   - The house is very old.
   - ... ?
   - ... .
5 (The shoes are under the sofa.)
   - Are those your shoes?
   - ... ?
   - ... .
6 (The man wears a black coat.)
   - Do you know that man?
   - ... ?
   - ... .
7 (The kitten is dark grey.)
   - Do you like this kitten?
   - ... ?
   - ... .

2  While he (to learn) to drive, he (to have) some 
3  He (to hurt) his leg while he (to climb) the tree.
4  A lot of people (to watch) the accident while they 
(to wait for) a bus.
5  The pupils (to talk) excitedly when the teacher (to 
come in).
6  While the teacher (to write) on the blackboard, the 
pupils (to take out) their pens and textbooks.
7  When the bell (to ring), the pupils (still / to write).
8  The teacher (to tell) them to stop working and (to 
collect) their answer papers.
Поставьте  глаголы  в 
Future  Continuous.
лайте их в 
Past Continuous,
 сделав необходимые 
1  This time next Monday I (to sit) on a beach.
This  time 
next  Monday
be sitting
 on a beach. 
This time last Monday I 
was sitting
 on a beach.
2  Mary (to practise) the piano from two till three 
3  When you (to see) me next time, I (to wear) a new 
4  When I (to get) home, my dog (to sit) at the door 
waiting for me.
5  I think he (still / to work) when we (to be back).
6  She (to speak) for not less than two hours.
7  They (not / to wait) for you more than an hour.
8  I (still / to sleep) at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning.

38.2  Образуйте  цепочку  существительное  -  прилага­
тельное-существительное,  добавляя  -less,  -ness. 
Догадайтесь  об  их  значении.  Уточните  перевод  в 
aim - 
цель     —>      aimless
aimlessness - бесцельность
fear - . . . 
use    - . . .
help - . . . 
law   - . . .
care - . . . 
harm - . . .
9 I (to have dinner) when you (to ring) me up 
38.1 Заполните пропуски.
to break    -...            -...            -...
-...            -caught     -...            -...
-...            -...             -flown     -...
-...            -...             -...           -...
to take      -...             -...           -...
-...            -...             -swum     -...
to burst    -...             -...            -...
-...            -cut           -...            -...
-...            -drove       -...            -...
-...            -...             -...            -оставлять

  Замените выделенные слова личными место­
1  Mother  allowed  her  son  to  play  in  the  garden. 
She allowed him to play in it.
2  The old man gave the books to the boys.
3  Your room is better than mine.
4  Tell Tom not to forget about the tickets.
5  The weather is cold today.
6  The teacher knows their address.
7  Mary wanted to buy new shoes.
8  Peter is always ready to help his little sister.
9  Mr. Swan made his dog jump over the fence.
  Вставьте предлоги, где необходимо.
1 Ann is ill. She has gone . . . the doctor.
2  - Where were you this morning?
-  I was . . . work.
3  What time are you going . . . home?
4  The  boy  jumped  .  .  .  the  river  and  swam  .  .  .  the 
other side.
5  - Why don’t you like him?
-  Because I’m afraid . . . him.
6  He went . . . France . . . train.
7  - How can I get to this address?
-  I think . . . bus, but you can go . . . foot.
8  They arrived . . . the station just in time.
9  Don’t  worry  about  our  holiday.  I’ll  take  care  .  .  . 

10 What happened . . . that gold ring I gave you?
11 I look stupid . . . this coat. Everyone will laugh . . . 
12 Why are you looking . . . me like that?
13  Don’t listen . . . what he says. He’s wrong.
14 He shouted . . . me from the other side of the street.
15  It’s raining outdoors. I’m waiting . . . it to stop.
16  She felt nervous as she entered . . . the room.
17  I don’t have enough money . . . me.
18  I want to borrow some . . . the friend of mine.
19 My parents are in Italy now, but the other day they 
are leaving . . . France.
20  She left . . . the shop without buying anything.
21  We’ve searched everywhere . . . Jane, but we were 
unable to find her.
22  Sorry, I haven’t written . . . you for such a long 
23  We reached . . . the town late at night.
Вставьте глагол 
to look 
с предлогами.
look after         look for            look at      look out 
look in 
look through 
look over
1 I’ve lost my keys. Can you help me . . . them?
2  My granny is very old. She needs someone to . . . 
3  When I . . . my watch 

realized that I was late.
4  “ . . . next time when you are in our place!” my 
aunt exclaimed parting with her guests.

5  They  . . .  a magazine, but couldn’t find any 
interesting articles.
6  “You should  . . .  the house before you decide to 
buy it,” said the agent.
7  “ . . . for the cars turning in your direction,” taught 
us the instructor.
Измените  значение  глаголов  на  противоположное, 
to like - 
dislike - не любить
to obey      - . . .                                to trust
 - . . .
to approve - . . . 
to appear - . . .
to arm        - . . . 
to connect - . . .
to cover     - . . .                                   to join - . . .
to organize - . . . 
to satisfy - . . .
  Выделенные слова напишите во множественном 
числе. Сделайте изменения в предложениях, если 
это потребуется.
1  Do you know that woman?
Do you know those women?
2  Will you help me?
3  This plate is clean.
4  Whose knife is this?
5  Catch the mouse, please!

6  Are you a doctor?
7  My elder son has hurt his foot.
8  The child asked his mother to buy him a new toy.
39.3  Ответьте на вопросы. Переведите на русский язык.
1 Do you wash your car yourself?
No, I have my car washed.
2  Do they cut the grass in the garden themselves?
3  Is  your  mother  going  to  shorten  your  trousers 
4  Did you repair your watch yourself?
5  Has your granny swept the floor herself?
6  Did you draw this nice picture yourself?
7  Has she cut her hair herself?
8  Are you going to clean the windows yourself?
9  Have the Quirks painted the ceiling themselves?
39.4  Задайте общий и специальный вопросы.
1 I have my hair cut.
at this hairdresser’s / Where . . . ?

Do you have your hair cut at this hairdresser’s?
-  No, I don't

Where do you usually have your hair cut?
2  We had a new garage built last year. 
far from the house / When . . .  ?
3  I have had the piano tuned. 
well / Why . . .  ?
4  I want to have my car repaired. 
quickly / When . . .  ?

5 He had his nose broken. 
in fight / Where . . .  ?
Какие русские пословицы и поговорки соответст­
вуют английским? Переведите, а потом дайте рус­
ский эквивалент.
1 A friend in need is a friend indeed.
2  A good beginning makes a good ending.
3  Better late than never.
4  Doing is better than saying.
5  East or West, home is best.
6  Never offer to teach fish to swim.
7  No sweet without sweat.
8  Score twice before you cut once.
9  Slow but sure.
10  The cat would eat fish and would not wet her paws.
11 When pigs fly.
12 A bird is known by its song.
Запомнили ли вы эти слова 

- . . .
-. . . 
- . . .
-. . . 
только что  - . . .
-. . . 
- . . .
-. . . 
- . . .

- . . . 
 - . . .
почти      - . . . 
действительно    - . . .
 - . . . 
потому что          - . . .
 - . . . 
 - . . .
- . . . 
едва ли 
- . . .
однажды - . . . 
достаточно          - . . .
Переведите на английский язык.
1  Если  в  воскресенье  будет дождь,  мне  не удастся 
поиграть в теннис.
2  Если  бы  у  нее  был  покороче  нос,  она  была  бы 
3  Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы повидал 
4  Что  бы  ты  сделал,  если  бы  увидел  на  улице 
5  Лед растает, если его нагреть.
6  Будь я в Англии, я пошел бы на Трафальгарскую 
7  Если  бы  он  вернулся  вовремя,  мы  бы  встрети­
лись. Но он опоздал.
8  Если цветы не поливать, они завянут.
9  Если  бы  у  тебя  было  время,  я  бы  показал  тебе 
свои  рисунки.  Я  покажу  их  тебе  в  следующий 
10  Если бы ты написал тест без ошибок, ты бы вы­
играл спор. Но ты проиграл.
11 Если бы он выиграл спор, он бы сказал нам.
12  Если  она  серьезно  заболеет,  нам  будет  трудно 
без нее.

40.3  Вставьте а / the, где необходимо.
to be at 
to play . . . piano 
to play . . . tennis 
to be . . . cross 
to have . . . toothache 
in . . . loud voice 
it’s . . . pleasure 
in . . . morning 
at . . . night 
to tell . . . truth 
to tell . . . lie 
to tell . . . time 
at . . . work 
it’s . . . pity 
at . . . school 
at . . . cinema 
all of . . . sudden 
it’s . . . shame 
it’s out of . . . question 
to mean . . . well
40.4  Вставьте выделенные глаголы в нужном времени.
to open     to be 
to see            to run after
to catch    to run away  to shut        
to see
to hear     to try 
to see         
to jump off
to be        to read 
to look out   to get into 
to climb over

Jill’s  father  .  .  .  a  book  last  night  when  he  .  .  .  a 
noise in the garden. He . . . the window and . . .   .  
It  . . .   dark  and  at  first  he  could  ...  nothing.  But 
just  as  he  .  .  .  the  window,  he  ...  a  man.  The 
man  .  .  .  to  .  .  .  the  garden  wall.  He  was  a  thief. 
When  he  .  .  .  Jill’s  father  at  the  window, 
he  .  .  .  the  wall  and  . . .   .   Jill’s  father  .  .  .  him. 
There  .  .  .  a  car  at  the  end  of  the  street.  The 
thief . . . the car, but Jill’s father . . . him.
Переведите предложения с двойным отрицанием 
на английский язык.
1 Никто не знал правильного ответа.
2  Он никогда не бывал здесь раньше.
3  Мы ничего не сказали ему.
4  Мама не дала мне никаких денег.
5  Никто не приходил сюда.

 никого не видела во дворе.
7  Никого не было дома, когда я проснулся.
41.1  Заполните пропуски
to forget    -...         -...       -...
-...             -built     -...       -...
-...             -...         -...       -посылать
-...             -fell    
 -...       -...

Знаете ли вы эти известные английские высказы­
вания? Выберите правильное слово.
A man’s best friend is his . . .  . 
An Englishman’s home is his . . .  .            castle
. . . makes the world go round. 
I’m so happy - I’m over the . . .  .               moon
I’m so hungry I could cat a . . .  .                mountain
-...            -...          -known     -...
-...            -let         -...             -...
to teach    -...          -...             -...
-...            -...          -...             -сидеть
to buy      -...          -...          
-...            -...          -drunk       -...

Переделайте предложения, используя выражение 
to be to в нужной форме.
1  Parents left for Bristol and told Kate to have dinner 
Kate was to have dinner alone.
2  Mrs.  Walter  asked  her  husband  to  speak  to  their 
Mr. Walter . . . speak to his son.
3  My friend often asks me to walk her dog.
Today I . . . walk my friend’s dog.
4  My  little  brother  is  a  naughty  boy.  He  can’t  stay  at 
home alone. Mom is out today.
I . . . keep an eye on him.
5  We agreed to meet at the station at 7 p.m.
We . . . meet at the station at 7 p.m.
6  The teacher asked us to repeat the rules.
We . . . repeat the rules.
7  My doctor gives me some medicine.
I . . . take it.
8  The  Prime  Minister  said,  “The  Queen  is  going  to 
visit China next year.”
The Queen . . . visit China next year.
9  He parted with his friend. He thought they wouldn’t 
meet again, b u t   .  . .
They . . . meet again.
10  The  waiter  brought  a  bottle  of  wine  and  asked, 
“Where shall I put it, sir?”
He asked where he . . . put the bottle.

been / gone.
1 - Have you ever . . . to Australia?
-  No, I have never . . . to Australia.
2  Dan isn’t at home at the moment.
He has . . . to the stadium.
3  - Have the Mitchells . . . to London?
-  Yes, they have . . . there many times.
4  Look! I’ve just . . . to the market.
I have bought a lot of tasty things.
5  - Where is Michael?
-  He has . . . to his grandmother.
Перепишите предложения, используя
 said that.
1 Erin said, “I’m going to write a reply to him.” 
Erin said that she was going to write a reply to 
2  Dan said, “I like learning rhymes.”
3  Kate said, “I’m going to borrow a copy-book from 
my sister.”
4  Jim said, “We have had a good day at school.”
5  Jane said, “It is pleasant to be well-known.”
6  Bob said, “It’s difficult for me to spell English 
7  Tom said, “I don’t like to be obliged to anybody.”
8  Ann said, 
“ I  
can’t remember where I have seen him 

41.6  “Chain  game.” 
Заполните  пропуски.  Постройте 
«Цепочку» из этих слов, убедившись, что каждое 
новое слово начинается с последней буквы пре­
1 Mary has a bow of . . . in her hair.
2  A son of a brother or a sister is a . . .  .
3  The . . . met Little Red Riding Hood in the woods.
4  Cats like to eat . . .  .
5  A . . . looks like a rabbit, but it’s larger.
6  Mary’s . . . are wide open.
7  Dad comes back from his work at 7 o’clock in 
the . . .  .
8  The ... is an animal. It has horns and a little beard.
9  Mr. Hobbs is a good . . .  . He has made a smart 
suit for my Dad.

  Расскажите  о  планах  ваших  друзей  на  каникулы. 
Используйте to be going to do something.
1 Jane / to re-read “Robinson Crusoe” by Daniel Defoe 
Jane  is  going  to  re-read  “Robinson  Crusoe”  by 
Daniel Defoe.
2  Bob / to have some practice in spoken English
3  Dan  /  to  go  to  the  scientific  expedition  with  his 
4  Nick / to cross the Black Sea in a boat with his elder 
5  Linda / to sail down the Volga with me
6  Jill / to earn some money for the trip to the Urals
7  Kate / to stay in the city and visit all the museums
Джейн  приглашает  Джека  в  гости,  но  он  отказы­
вается.  Он  очень  занят.  Он  договорился  о  том, 
что . . .   .
Present Continuous.
1 on Monday / to meet Grandma at the station
On  Monday  he  is  meeting  his  Grandma  at  the 
2  on Tuesday / to work till night
3  on Wednesday / to repair his car
4  on  Thursday  /  to  go  to  the  cinema  with  his  girl­
5  on Friday / to start a new job
6  on Saturday / to see his Grandma off
7  on Sunday / to take his sister to the ballet

Ответьте на вопросы. Скажите, какое вы приняли 
 Have you decided when . . .  ?
1  вы  играете  в  теннис  с Диком  /  во  вторник  после 

Have  you  decided  when  to  play  tennis  with 


we  are  playing  tennis  on  Tuesday  after­
2  вы идете в бассейн / в среду утром
3  вы уезжаете в Лондон / на следующей неделе
4  вы возвращаетесь оттуда / через две недели
5  вы  покупаете  машину  /  после  возвращения  из 
 will / to be going to.
1 - Why are you buying so much food?
-  Because I . . . cook for ten people.
2  - Jack is very angry with you.
-  Is he? I didn’t realize. I . . . ring him up.
-  I haven’t got any money about me.
-  Well, I . . . lend you some.
4  - What’s Jane’s telephone number?
-  Just a minute. I . . . look it up in my notebook.
5  - I’ve lost my dog.
-  Don’t worry, I . . . help you find it.
6  - Did you post the letters for me?
- Sorry, I forgot. I . . . do it.
  - What shall we have for dinner today?

-  We . . . have chicken and potatoes.
8  - We’ve decided to paint the fence.
-  Oh! Have you? What colour . . . (you) paint it?
9  - This room is very cold.
-  You are right. I know it. I . . . buy a heater.
Решите кроссворд.

1  пересекать 
8 начинать
2  время после полудня        13 голова
3  спасать 
17 правда
4  спрашивать 
20 свободный
5  занятый 
21 наблюдать
6  небо 
23 играть
7  знать 
25 тело
8  сверкать 
28 автобус
9  тигр 
29 человек, мужчина
10  крыло 
30 говорить
11  карман 
31 брать
12  жизнь 
32 море
13  твердый, жесткий 
33 дом
14  смотреть 
34 мир
15  ложь 
35 счет
16  никто 
36 случаться
17  трогать 
37 сердитый
18  папочка 
38 глаз
19  никогда 
39 ступня
20  чувствовать 
40 кричать
21  вода 
41 мед
22  сумасшедший 
42 ветреный
23  боль 
43 холодный
24  белый 
44 огонь
25  колокольчик 
45 достаточно
26  яйцо 
46 идти
27  держать 
47 королева
28  оба

Измените выделенные слова так, чтобы предло­
жения имели противоположный смысл.
1 I’ll meet you behind the school.
I’ll meet you in front of the school.
2  Turn the gas on, please!
3  Mary got off the bus at the end of Everton Street.
4  Keep  walking  for  about  a  hundred  metres,  go  over 
the bridge. His house is on the left.
5  We went for a meal before the football match.
6  Harris  came  back  lately  last  night.  I  heard the  door 
7  We can stop at a hotel on the way to Hampton.
8  The man ran into the shop.
9  The cat jumped off the wall.
Знаете ли вы полную форму этих английских имен?
Kate - 
Bob - . . . 
- . . .
Mike - . . . 
Bill - . . . 
Chris- . . .
Pete   - . . . 
Tony - . . . 
Dan  - . . .
Tom   - . . . 
Bab -. . . 
- . . .
Sam   - . . . 
Bess - . . . 
- . . .

43.2  Переведите  предложения  на  русский  язык.  Выде­
ленные  слова  являются  здесь 
«ложными  дру­
зьями переводчика». Не ошибитесь в переводе!
1  This magazine comes out twice a month. It is about 
computers and their effects on our lives.
2  The  conductor  raised  the  baton,  and  the  overture 
3  The chemist took a matrass from a shelf and poured 
some water in it.
4  The walls are covered with plaster.
5  I’ve already eaten ten biscuits.
6  They left their dirty boots on the perron and entered 
the house.
7  Major Brown lit a match, but couldn’t see anything.
8  Where is the master of this clever dog?
9  I  sent  the  letter  by  post  a  week  ago.  Has  the  post 
come yet?
10 - Would you like a hot dog?
- I’d love to.
43.3  Заполните пропуски.
1 this / that / these / . . .
2  winter / spring / summer / . . .
3  day / evening / night / . . .
4  Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / 
Friday / . . .
5  a / e / i / o / . . .
6  granddaughter / daughter / mother / . . .
7  breakfast /
. . .
/  high tea / dinner

8  always / often / sometimes /. . .
9  Russia - Moscow / France - Paris /
Great Britain - . . .
10  England / Northern Ireland / Wales / . . .
11 Moscow - the Moskva river / Paris - the Seine / 
London - . . .
12  Russia - roubles / the USA - dollars /
Great Britain - . . .
13  When it’s noon in Moscow, it’s 4 a.m. in New York, 
and it’s . . . in London.
  “Bridge game.” В этой игре побеждает тот, кто по­
строит самый длинный «Мост» от первого слово­
сочетания до последнего.
It  was  so  pleasant  to,  to  find  oneself,  on  the 
contrary,  for  my  sake,  to  get  stuck,  to  cry  over  the 
spilt  milk,  to  cross  my  mind,  to  burst  into  laughter, 
in the end.
  Решите кроссворд.

1 We eat it every day.
6  number
7  We drive it.
9  We buy it to go by bus.
11 an animal
13 We sit at it.
2  a hard try
3  hard to do or to understand
4  an insect
5  an English coin
7  Good cats do this with bad mice.
8  In England there is a special time to have it.
10 We see with it.
12 pronoun


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