Fransiya tarixida birinchi marta mamlakat Konsitutsiyasi e’lon qilindi
Fransiyada monarxiya ag‘darib tashlandi
Fransiyada qonun chiqaruvchi majlis “Vatan havf ostida” chaqirig‘i bilan xalqqa murojaat qildi
Fransiyada ta’sis majlisi “Inson va fuqaro huquqlari Deklaratsiyasi”ni qabul qildi. 1845-yilda qaysi shahar aholisi soliqlarning haddan tashqari og‘irligidan norozi bo‘lib qo‘zg‘olon ko‘targan?
A) Namangan B) Isfara C) Ko‘krev D) O‘sh Birinchi jahon urushining quyidagi janglarida sodir bo‘lgan voqealar to‘g‘ri moslashtirilgan javobni aniqlang.
1) Marnajangi; 2) Somna jangi; 3) Ipr jangi; a) birinchi bor tanklar qo‘llanildi; b) birinchi bor kimyoviy qurol - zaharli gaz (xlor) qo‘llanildi; c) Germaniyaning yashin tezligida g‘alaba qozonish rejasi barbod bo‘ldi A) 1 - c; 2 - b; 3 - a B) 1 - c; 2 - a; 3 - b 1 - a; 2 - b; 3 - c D) 1 - b; 2 - a; 3 - c "Vatanparvarlik ittifoqi" deb nomlangan fashistik partiya tuzilgan davlatda 1986-yilda yuz bergan voqeani aniqlang. Yevropa iqtisodiy hamjamiyatiga a’zo bo‘ldi.
Harbiy diktaturaga barham berildi.
Eng yirik mafiyachilar ustidan sud jarayoni boshlandi.
Liberal islohotchilar harakati boshlandi.
INGLIZ TILI Choose the correct answer.
I’d rather you ... the kids drop bits of pizza all over my new sofa.
A) don’t let B) didn’t let C) won’t let aren’t letting Choose the right answer. have ... desire to watch this film again.
A) no B) nothing C) not D) none Choose the correct answer.
Oh, I’ll buy this rug! How much ... here?
A) does it cost B) it is costing C) is it costing it costs Choose the best answer.
This medicine ... be kept out of reach of children.
A) need B) have to C) must D) ought Choose the correct answer.
We are ... everyone who has rendered assistance to the victims of the earthquake.
A) extremely sorry for B) bitterly disappointed by completely annoyed with D) sincerely grateful to Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
After describing the situation on the market in general, the sales manager went on ... about details.
A) to have talked B) talked C) talking D) talk Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
It’s been a really hot summer, ...?
A) isn’t it B) wasn’t it C) hasn’t it D) didn’t there Choose the correct answer.
Your little robot dog will even bark if you ... sound files into his body.
A) had put B) are put C) will put D) put Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
Farkhod suggested . .. skiing in the mountains this week-end. How does that sound to you?
A) to go B) be going C) gone D) going Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
More than 80 people came to the exhibition, many of ... children had pictures on the walls.
A) which B) who C) whom D) whose Choose the correct answer.
He talked freely ... his criminal past.
A) for B) from C) of D) about Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
It seems that the new system of sending out reminders has worked, because this year 90% of members remembered . .. their membership in time.
A) renew B) renewing C) to renew D) renewed Choose the correct answer.
You ... knock before you come into my room.
A) must B) may C) can D) ought Choose the best answer.
Then, the prince walked . .. and ... until he reached an extraordinary forest.
A) along/down B) on/at C) on/on D) from/towards Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
This is ... heavy luggage that I can’t carry it.
A) such B) such a C) so a D) so Choose the best answer.
Tom, .. . very careful if you ... tests on grammar.
A) be / are doing B) is /are doing will be / are doing D) is / will be doing Choose the right answer.
Of the three T-shirts Jurabek likes the green one ... .
A) better B) good C) best D) well Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
By the end of this week we ... over £ 800 for the children’s charity.
A) will raise B) will have raised C) raise will be raising Choose the right answer.
Hmm, I love the smell of freshly ... coffee.
A) grounded B) ground C) grind D) grinded Choose the correct answer.
Can you eat a bit faster .. . that?
A) then B) than C) so D) as Choose the best answer.
Mr. Black ate ... whole meat pie last night, so he’s feeling sick now. some B) a C) the D) - Choose the correct answer.
Why not? There is nothing .... After all it won’t be just in the balloon. afrading on B) to afraid of C) being afraid on to be afraid of
Read the text. Then choose the correct answer for each question below (95-98).
The dinosaurs probably became extinct after a giant asteroid hit the Earth about 65 million years ago. But what would have happened if this asteroid had missed? Scientists believe that in this case, dinosaurs would have continued to dominate the Earth, and that modern animals would probably not exist. Instead of elephants and lions and so on, there would be different types of dinosaurs, because the animals we have now simply wouldn’t have been able to evolve. Some scientists have even suggested that dinosaurs would have developed along the same lines as human beings, but this is a minority view. The general view is that perhaps dinosaur brains would have grown larger, but if they existed today, dinosaurs wouldn’t have changed very much in general, and would look much the same. The prospects for human beings wouldn’t be so good, however. If the asteroid hadn’t collided with the Earth, there would probably not be any humans alive today. When the asteroid disaster wiped out the dinosaurs, it gave mammals the advantage. Without that space collision, mammals wouldn’t have stood much chance against the dominant dinosaur species. According to the text, all of the following statements are
true EXCEPT: More than half a million centuries passed after that enormous crash.