Istalgan uzunlikdagi satr berilgan bo`lib, satrning oxirgi ikkita belgisini o`rnini almashtirgan holatdagi yangi satr qaytaring. Masalan: “coding”dan “codign” satri qaytadi.
String-1 > seeColor
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Given a string, if the string begins with "red" or "blue" return that color string, otherwise return the empty string.
Agar berilgan satr “red” yoki “blue” so`zlari bilan boshlansa bu rangni satr holatda qaytaring, aks holda bo`sh satr qaytaring.
String-1 > frontAgain
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Given a string, return true if the first 2 chars in the string also appear at the end of the string, such as with "edited".
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