S: In which part of an informal letter "With love" is used?

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TKI test final

S:In which part of an informal letter “With love” is used?
S:In which part of an informal letter“ See you soon” is used ?
-:Post script
S:If you don’t know the recipient’s name , how would you close the letter?
-:Yours faithfully
-:Yours sincerely
-:With love
-:Affectionately yours
S:In order to have the desired effect on the recipient what should a formal letter be?
-:All answers are correct
-:To the point and relevant
-:Grammatically correct
-:In the proper format
S:What should you do in an informal letter ?
-:Write legible in simple English
-:Ignore grammar
-:Leave out the data
S:In a formal letter what is the name given to the address and date at the top?
-:Start in
S:How would you address the recipient of an informal letter?
-:My dear
-:Dear Mr
-:Dear Sir/Madam
-:Hello Sir/Madam
S:What would you say in the opening part of a formal letter?
-:Inform the recipient why you are writing the letter
-:Talk about how good the weather is in your city
-:Ask the recipient if he is hale and hearty
-:Ask how good the weather is in the recipient’s city
S:How do you end the main body of a formal letter?
-:By telling the recipient what he should do next
-:By talking about the weather in your city
-:By talking about the weather in your country
-:By expressing your love for the recipient
S:If you don’t know the recipient’s name, how would you address the person?
-:Dear Sir or Dear Madam
-:Dear Mr./Mrs.
-:My dear
S:What is an action research?
-:is a form of inquiry aimed at solving a specific and practical school problem
-:is inquiry or research in the context of focused efforts to improve the quality of an organization and its performance
-:is a form of collective self-reflective inquiry undertaken by several participants in social situations in order to improve the rationality and justice of their own social and educational Practices, as well as their understanding of those practices and the situations in which these practices are carried out
-:all the given answers are correct
S:What is a main goal of action research?
-:Knowledge to apply to the local situation
-:Experience that is generalize
-:There can be used knowledge to apply to the local situation and knowledge that is generalize
-:There is no certain goal put in action research
S:What is the main aim of action research at school?
-:to investigate human actions
-:to deepen the teacher's understanding (diagnosis) of the problem
-:to explore and test new ideas
-:to assess educators teaching
S:Why participants should have free access to the researcher’s data, interpretations, accounts etc.?
-:not to have difficulties in searching for data
-:action-research cannot be undertaken properly in the absence of trust established by fidelity to a -:mutually agreed ethical framework governing the collection, use, and release of data
-:in this case participants will not use their time to find the information
-:participant should never have access to the researcher’s data, interpretations, accounts.
S:By whom the classroom action research is owned and directed?
-:Classroom action research is owned and operated by pupils
-:Classroom action research is owned and operated by teachers
-:Classroom action research is owned and operated by both teachers and pupils simultaneously
-:Classroom action research is not owned and operated by anybody. Each participant should conduct individually
S:How many varieties of action research are there?
S:Give the definition to “empirical action research”.
-:is research which is designed to lead to action
-:is research which central idea is that the people who are to take action must also be involved in the research process from the very beginning
-:is controlled research on the relative effectiveness of various action techniques
-:is primarily a matter of record-keeping and accumulating experience in day to day work
S:What is a disadvantage of empirical action research?
-:A great many successful organizers and leaders of group action do not have the ability to formulate their hypotheses explicitly or state their conclusions precisely. Though a group leader may himself develop great diagnostic and operational skills, there is no permanent gain to society if this skill cannot be communicated
-:The research worker who is also loaded down with action responsibilities is usually unable to take the time to record his observations fully or in some cases even to make the observations in the first place
-:If record keeping is at all adequate, so much material is usually gathered that it would require colossal efforts to analyze it completely. Since the group organizer is usually already under pressure to begin a new project with another group, he is likely to make a hasty survey of his data and then bury them in his files
-:All the given variants are correct
S:Which of these terms is the most synonymous to the term “action research”?
-:operational research
-:cooperative research
-:in-service training
-:evaluative process
S:The district supervisor may decide to be part of the team that will look into and find solutions to a particular problem in the school. This way, the district supervisor not only acts as consultant but is actually one of the researchers. What variety of action research is described above?
-:participant action research
-:empirical action research
-:experimental action research
-:diagnostic action research
S:What are the main principles of data collection?
-:validity and reliability
-:response rates
-:observation and interview
-:online and telephone survey
S:How the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes is called?
-:theoretical questions
-:data collection
S:What is the goal of data collecting?
-:to capture quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed
-:to show the principles of surveys and questionnaires in a research
-:to emphasize on ensuring accurate and honest collection
-:to study advantages and disadvantages of tools and open them in details
S:What is validity?
-:capturing quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed
-:the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes
-:showing how accurate the survey is by checking the representativeness of the sample and the precision of the questions
-:refers to whether the questions elicit similar information or the same characteristic even if the wordings or questionnaire structures are changed
S:What is reliability?
-:capturing quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed
-:the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes
-:showing how accurate the survey is by checking the representativeness of the sample and the precision of the questions
-:refers to whether the questions elicit similar information or the same characteristic even if the wordings or questionnaire structures are changed
S:What are the fundamental cornerstones of the scientific method?
-:validity and reliability
-:survey and questionnaire
-:observation and interview
-:all data collection tools
S:What is survey?
-:refers to whether the questions elicit similar information or the same characteristic even if the wordings or questionnaire structures are changed
-:data gathering method that is utilized to collect analyze and interpret the views of a group of people from a target population
-:a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents
-:capturing quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed
S:What is questionnaire?
-:data gathering method that is utilized to collect, analyze and interpret the views of a group of people from a target population
-:the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes
-:a research instrument consisting of a series of questions (or other types of prompts) for the purpose of gathering information from respondents
-:capturing quality evidence that allows analysis to lead to the formulation of convincing and credible answers to the questions that have been posed
S:How many approaches of survey exist?
S:What include self-administered approach?
-:face to face survey and mail survey
-:telephone survey and online survey
-:online survey, telephone survey and face to face survey
-:paper-and-pencil survey, online survey and mail survey
S:Is the communication an Important part of Writing skills?
-:I don’t know
S:How many main types of problem are there in Writing skills?
S:What is the meaning of the word non-native or unappealing
-:Speaking English
-:Second language
-:Culture tend
-:Speaking tend
S:What should we do to write well?
-:read more
-:write and read
-:to speak critically
-:Give ideas
S:Is gathering information the most important part of doing survey?
-:I don’t know
S:What is the most important aspect in Writing skills?
-:Playing games
S:How many basic structure in Writing skills?
S:Name the basic structure of research paper?
-:Introduction, Body and Conclusion
-:Body, Introduction, Conclusion
-:Introduction, Body
-:All above mentioned
S:What is the collaborative writing?
-:Works are created by people
-:Works are created by two persons
-:Works are individually created
-:all variants
S:Where reports are presented?
-:In groups and sections
-:In sections and subsections
-:In subsections
-:all variant
S:Which type of observation involves observing the right thing at the right place and also at the right time by a matter of chance or by luck whereas a scientific observation involves the use of the tools of the measurement, but a very important point to be kept in mind here is that all the observations are not scientific in nature?
S:How many types of observational method are there?
S:According to the purpose, how many kinds is observation divided into?
S:What is observation?
-:the act of watching sb/sth carefully for a period of time, especially to learn sth
-:a particular way of doing sth
-:an official process to find out the cause of sth or to find out information about sth
-:a set of beliefs, ideas or rules that is used as the basis for making judgments
S:…the observations made under the influence of some of the external forces and such observations rarely lead to improvement in the precision of the research results
-:Non controlled observations
-:Unstructured observation
-:Controlled observations
-:Non Participant observation
S:At which stage is observation important?
-:all stages
S:Observations for what will be multi-focused, and use quite complex checklists or schedules?
S:Which is the most descriptive and detailed form of data collection, but also the most difficult to analyze?
-:Written narrative field notes
-:Templates or observation coding sheets
-:Audio/visual recordings
-:All above
S:The main sampling methods are
-:Event sampling
-:Time sampling
-:Instantaneous (target time) sampling.
-:all variants
S:Which of these words means “accurate watching, noting the phenomenon by which they occur in the nature with regard to the cause and effect of mutual relations”?
S:How many reasons are there to encourage thinking and learning through writing?
S:What kind of types of writing are there?
-:written discourse, such as expressive, persuasive, literary, and referential
-:narrative, descriptive
-:narrative, descriptive, argumentative and expository
-:written discourse, descriptive, expository
S:What kind of aspects are there to produce accurate and appropriate written English?
-:Purpose, audience, content
-:Purpose, audience, content organization, grammar and vocabulary, mechanics and presentation -:grammar and vocabulary, mechanics and presentation
-:grammar and vocabulary
S:Process writing mainly incorporates the four basic writing stages……..
-:planning, drafting (writing), revising (redrafting) and editing
-:responding (sharing), evaluating, and post-writing
-:planning, drafting, evaluating, and post-writing
-:revising (redrafting) and editing
S:What kind of activities are included prewriting stage?
-:Students record their ideas rapidly in order to capture the essence of what students have to say; -:brainstorming, clustering, rapid free writing
-:Students explore a point of view and initial tone
-:brainstorming, clustering, rapid free writing, and asking WH-Questions to generate ideas and narrow the topic
S:What is drafting stage in writing process?
-:Putting yourself in the place of the reader, rethinking your approach, and making changes that will improve your case
-:Drafting, the first phase of the writing process, begins long before the writer puts thoughts into writing. The experiences, observations, and interactions that students have prior to entering the classroom have an impact upon what they write and how they write it
-:Drafting is the stage when you begin to put the paper in paragraph form
-:Editing and proofreading to eliminate errors and improve the coherence and readability of your presentation
S:What strategies can help students prepare their first draft?
-:create drafts and experiment with possible product(s) ,use language and its conventions to construct meaning , self-monitor, self-correct, and use a variety of fixup strategies, confer with others
-:consider a possible message
-:plan and organize for drafting
-:consider possible form, collect and focus the ideas and information
S:With what editing stage deals?
-:it deal with WH-Questions to generate ideas
-:it deal with looking at the plan students start writing their temporary first drafts without trying to edit/revise
-:it deal with texts, which are revised for the content and organization of the ideas focusing on unity, support/detail, and coherence
-:it deal with “how you write” and the papers are checked for spelling, punctuation, parallelism in the structures, style, grammar, and accuracy of supportive textual material such as quotations
S:What is revising stage?
-:Editing and proofreading to eliminate errors and improve the coherence and readability of your presentation
-:Putting yourself in the place of the reader, rethinking your approach, and making changes that will improve your case
-:Analyzing your audience, determining your purpose in writing, limiting the scope of what you will cover, and generating potential content
-:Making a case and structuring your evidence for that case
S:What is considered to be an editing stage?
-:Making a case and structuring your evidence for that case
-:Analyzing your audience, determining your purpose in writing, limiting the scope of what you will cover, and generating potential content
-:Editing and proofreading to eliminate errors and improve the coherence and readability of your presentation
-:Putting yourself in the place of the reader, rethinking your approach, and making changes that will improve your case
S:This dictionary…much and is very valuable to me
-:is costing
-:had cost
S:She left for the South and I______her since
-:haven't seen
-:didn't see
-:hadn't seen
-:don't see
S:During the terrible road accident one car bumped into…one. One driver was heavily injured and…died
-:another, the other
-:another, other
-:other, the other
-:the other, other
S:Tom and Ann stood in front of the mirror and looked at….
-:each other
-:one another
S:The scene was______. Can you imagine John running so… . Everybody was…
-:quite amazing/fast/surprised
-:rather amazing/ fast/ surprised
-:such amazing/ fast/surprising
-:so amazed/ fast / surprised
S:My sister is better______sport than me.
S:I'm moving into my new flat next week. I'm staying with my friend______then.
S:He complains______everything … everybody
-:of /to
S:I'm very tired. I would rather ______out this evening, if you don't mind.
-:not go
-:not to go
-:not going
-:didn’t go
S:It's important that all luggage_______for identification before being loaded into the aircraft.
-:be labeled
-:should be label
-:must be labeled
-:to be labeled
S:James______study hard until he understood that it was necessary
-:didn't use to
-:did not get used to
-:used not to
-:wasn't used to
S:James would rather that we______leave now, but we must go to work.
S:Someone rang the doorbell but I didn't hear it. I______ asleep.
-:must have been asleep
-:might have been asleep
-:could have been asleep
-:should have been asleep
S:I wish I______you then
-:had known
-:would know
-:would has known
S:We live in______small flat near______centre of ______city.
-:a, the, the
-:the, a, the
-:a, the, a
-:a, a, a
S:She is very secretive. She never tells_____________.
-:anybody something
-:somebody anything
-:nobody nothing
-:anybody anything
S:When we were on______holiday we stayed at______ hotel.
-:-, а
-:the, a
-:а, а
-:a, the
S:Some women tint their hair when ... goes grey
S:Because they fly, bats are often mistaken by birds; … , bats are mammals, not birds.
-:as if
-:in case
S:----- Louise were working today, she would know where the accounting records
are kept
-:If only
-:Even though
-:As if
S:Ellie exclaimed that she______that car since her farther gave it to her and that there had been no complaints.
-:had been driving
-:had driven
-:was driving
S:I regret_______that he couldn't go on_______like a child. Now he is upset.
-:saying, behaving
-:saying, to behave
-:to say, to behave
-:to say, behaving
S:Which type of letter is not likely to be formal?
-:email to a friend
-:making a booking
-:making a complaint
-:confirming an interview date
S:As well as thinking about your reader (or readers), what do you need to consider when writing a letter or email?
-:who formal or informal you are
-:the content
-:the layout
-:all of these
S:When writing a letter, what is another word for 'layout'?
-:all answers are correct
S:How would you describe the 'content' of a letter or email?
-:the ideas and information you write
-:how many paragraphs you include
-:what you are asking for
-:all answers are correct
S:When writing an email, what do you include in the 'Subject' box?
-:The topic - what your email is about.
-:The name of the recipient (the person to whom you are sending the email)
-:Your name
-:all answers are correct
S:What is an email attachment?
-:a document or image you are sending with the email message.
-:part of your email address
-:a recipient in the cc box
-:all answers are correct
S:When you are sending an email, why do you need to check the Cc box?
-:If you want other people to get a copy of your email, you put their email addresses in the Cc box before you send the email.
-:This is where you put the email address of the person to whom you are sending the email.
-:You need to make sure the Cc box is empty
S:What is another word for 'approximately'?
-:all answers are correct
S:What does the word 'inconvenience' mean?
-:something that causes a delay or loss of comfort
-:all answers are correct
S:Which paragraph in the letter of complaint outlines the reason for the complaint?
-:Paragraph 1
-:Paragraph 2
-:Paragraph 3
-:Paragraph 4
S:Which paragraph in the letter of complaint states what the writer wants the company to do?
-:Paragraph 1
-:Paragraph 2
-:Paragraph 3
-:Paragraph 4
S:Which word or phrase in the letter means 'to pay me back'?
-:recompense me
-:I was contacted
-:Repairs were carried out
S:In a formal letter what is the name given to the address and date at the top?
S:Formal writing style differs from informal writing due to the fact the tone is polite but_______
-:Uses abbreviations
-:Uses first and second person pronouns
S:Which type of letter is not likely to be formal?
-:email to a friend
-:confirming an interview date
-:making a complaint
-:making a booking
S:If you are writing a letter to apply for a course, what do you NOT need to include?
-:say why you want to do the course
-:say what you have done and learnt
-:state your future plans
-:what your family think
S:When would you use this phrase: This gave me an insight into....?
-:stating your future plans
-:saying what you have done or learnt
-:saying why you want to do the course
-:all answers are correct
S:When would you use this phrase: I intend to apply for.... ?
-:saying why you want to do the course
-:saying what you have learnt
-:stating your future plans
-:all answers are correct
S:When would you use this phrase: I was responsible for.... ?
-:saying what you have done or learnt
-:saying why you want to do the course
-:stating your future plans
-:all answers are correct
S:When would you use this phrase: I gain satisfaction from..... ?
-:saying what you have done or learnt
-:saying why you want to do the course
-:stating your future plans
-:all answers are correct
S:What word comes next in this phrase? I take great pleasure .....
S:What word comes next in this phrase? This has given me practice .....
S:What word comes next in this phrase? I have had to develop skills .....
S:When writing a letter of application, you need to write about your former studies. What does the word 'former' mean?
-:previous studies
-:studies that you found difficult in the past
-:qualifications that you want
-:all answers are correct
S:To begin with I would like to take ___ over the name itself.
S:'Cut' I should have thought was an essential ___ of any lawnmower
S:The first time I tried to use it, your lawnmower simply ___ over the grass but did not cut it.
S:___ the grass was flat but it was still as long as when I had started
S:And now I come to a very important ___ I want to ask of you.
S:Putting it ___ I should be delighted if you would agree to be my best man at our wedding.
S:In fact you could not possibly say that the job of best man is at all ___.
S:You may think that this is a ___ job for someone who is applying for a marketing post.
S:I am sure I could very easily ___ all the requirements of the job.
S:For example some of my clients cannot decide whether to have ___ fruit or tiramisu
S:When______he______his hair cut?
-:did get
-:has got
-:had got
-:does get
S:We're late. The film______finished by the time we______
-:will have finished, get
-:is finished, get
-:will be finished, '11 get
-:finished, '11 get
S:Give me this______box please
-:small black metal
-:small metal black
-:black small metal
-:metal small black
S:Our house is similar______theirs. I think ours is a bit lag¬er.
S:The baby is looking for his mother. He______lost
-:must have got
-:can't get
-:must get
-:mustn't have got
S:I drew a map for her in case she______the house
-:couldn't find
-:could find
-:wouldn't find
-:don't find
S:Mary was______injured in the car accident
S:A thermometer is used______the temperature.
-:for taking
-:to taking
S:English is the main foreign language which______within most school systems.
-:is taught
-:is teaching
S:John … Mary last night, she was sleeping.
-:shouldn't have called
-:should have called
-:mustn’t have called
-:need have called
S:All the tickets have been sold. There is______left
-:not any
S:We saw a lot of pictures at the art shop, but______was
good enough to buy for our museum
-:none of them
-:both of them
-:any of them
-:some of them
S:… President … election was widely forecast by the polls.
-:- , Clinton's
-:the, Clinton
-:-, Clintons
-:the, Clinton's
S:The lesson began very badly but the teacher went on ______the situation.
-:to change
-:for change
S:No sooner had he started out for California______it started to rain.
-:no sooner
S:We visited _____ Bahamas and______United States.
-:the, the
-:-, the
-:-, -
-:a, a
S:Peter______up photography as a hobby.
-:has taken
-:was taken
S:I heard she … good English
-:is speaking
S:My friend and I went out for … meal yesterday and … food was excellent especially … chicken
-:a, the, the
-:a, the, a
-:a, —, the
-:the, the, the
S:If, after the first meeting, the couple decide to meet again, ………. .
-:the next thing they'll do is to contact their go-between for a second meeting
-:this is a sure sign that they will get married
-:they will no longer need the assistance of another person
-:they have to choose a luxurious place where they'll come together again
S:We understand from the passage that a “go-between”……… .
-:is often an older friend or acquaintance, who introduces two young people
-:is someone who is hoping to find a husband or wife
-:is a professional who earns his or her living by introducing people
-:is a former teacher of either of the partners but who knows the other as well
S:The Statue of Liberty …… by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi and …… in July 1884.
-:was stolen/completed
-:were stolen/had
-:was stolen/had been completed
S:The children …… by Mr Gregory this week because their teacher is on sick leave.
-:are being taught
-:is teaching
-:is taught
-:will be taught
S:It made him angry …… for people who were late
-:to wait
S:If I …… to a friend’s house for dinner, I usually …… a bottle of wine or some flowers. I don’t do that anymore
-:had gone/would have taken
S:Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
I didn’t have to wait long. When I came the last student . . . examined by the professor.
-:was being
-:had been
S:My sister won’t agree …… our mother going into a nursing home
S:I decided to go to Paris, and Dorothy decided to go to Rome, ……?
-:didn’t she?
-:didn’t I?
-:didn’t they?
-:didn’t it?
S:If she …… in the United States, she …… a visa to work here.
-:had been born/wouldn’t need
-:had not been born/would need
-:were born/wouldn’t need
-:were not born/would need
S:Have you ever stopped wondering why people give each …… eggs at Easter?
S:Our passports were stolen, and …… completely ruined our holiday
S:I’ve seen most of his movies. …… are as good as his first one
-:only a few
-:A little
S:It's time you gave up some of __ that cost you so much money.
-:the bad habits
-:bad habit
-:the bad habit
-:bad habits
S:It’s a good car but I’m looking for something…… .
-:the newest
S:Friendly People, …… is my favourite programme, is a comedy.
S:The examiner said, “Don’t leave the room until you are allowed to”.
-:The examiner told us not to leave the room until we were allowed to.
-:The examiner told us not to be leave the room until we were allowed to.
-:The examiner told us not to be left the room until we were allowed to.
-:The examiner told us not to leave the room until we are allowed to.
S:John was seen …… the room
-:to enter
S:Helen was sent to …… prison for attacking a man with a knife.
S:I’ll go and see my mother …… a particular weekend if the weather’s ok.
S:Dr. Smith asked that Mark …… his research paper before the end of the month.
-:would submit
-:would be submitted
S:I wonder why Sarah hasn’t replied to my message. I suppose she …… it.
-:might not have got
-:should not have got
-:should have got
-:can’t have got
S:He is …… a careful student that he rarely makes mistakes
-:a bit
S:…… he was bigger, he never looked down on me.
-:Even though
-:In spite of
S:David and Jessica were playing with two …… children
-:the other
S:Circumstances had obliged him ……the business.
-:to sell
S:We put on thick jumpers, …… it was cold.
-:in case
S:Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
Arthur went up to his room. Nothing in it . . . changed since his arrest.
-:has been
-:had been
S:Choose the answer which correctly completes the sentence.
Lanny noticed that he . . . watched by three men from the coffee stall on the other side of the road.
S:Do you see this house? It . . . built in the place of the one that . . . destroyed by the fire.
-:was / had been
-:was / was
-:- / was
-:was / has been
S:The police are reported . . . found illegal drugs in a secret hiding place in the filmstar’s house.
-:have had
-:has had
-:to have
S:Private teachers taught Abu-Ali Ibn Sina at home and everybody ... at his progress and ability.
-:was amazed
-:is amazed
S:The letters . . .yesterday.
-:were sent
-:are sent
-:is sent
-:will be sent
S:Every year Remembrance Day and Veteran’s Day . . . in the USA on the 11th of November.
-:are celebrated
-:will be celebrated
-:was celebrated
S:The dean has just signed the papers.
-:The papers have just been signed
-:The papers have just been signing
-:The papers were signed
-:The papers are being signed
S:Choose the sentence which has the same meaning.
The doctor was examining the child.
-:The child was being examined by the doctor
-:Child was examining the doctor.
-:The doctor was being examined.
-:The child had been examined by the doctor.
S:Choose the sentence which has the same meaning.
You must explain this rule to the children.
-:This rule must be explained to the children
-:This rule must explain to the children.
-:This rule must have explained to the children.
-:The children must be explaining this rule.
S:Choose the sentence which has the same meaning.
Bob’s classmates always laugh at him.
-:Bob is always laughed at by his classmates
-:She is always laughed by her classmates
-:Bob always laughed at his classmates
-:Bob always laughs at his classmates
S:Choose the sentence in the Active Voice to the given one in the Passive Voice.
He hasn’t been seen since autumn.
-:No one has seen him since autumn
-:Everyone has seen him since autumn.
-:No one saw him after the autumn.
-:He hasn’t seen anyone since the excursion.
S:Choose the sentence in the Active Voice to the given one in the Passive Voice.
The message was not written by him.
-:He has not written the message.
-:He were not to write the message.
-:The message had not been written.
-:He didn’t write the message.
S:Choose the appropriate forms of the verbs.
This story . . . to everybody as the name of the first space pioneer . . . in the hearts of people all over the world.
-:is known/lives
-:Is known/is lived
S:Portraits of Amir Temur ... by artists from France, Italy, England and Germany to decorate the museum.
-:were painted
-:were painting
-:is painted
-:was painted
S:This English text-book ... last year
-:was written
-:were written
-:is written
S:Some years ago the old houses . . . and new fashionable hotels . . . instead
-:were destroyed/were built
-:are destroyed/was built
-:will be destroyed/are built
-:destroyed will be/built
S:Choose the right form of the verb.
Lectures for students ... at the Amir Temur Museum and students of History Faculty attend them.
-:are held
-:is held
-:were held
S:In 2001 the 7th President’s Cup of Uzbekistan, the International tennis tournament ... in Tashkent.
-:was held
-:were held
-:is held
-:was holding
S:A great number of issues ... at the meeting of the intergovernmental commision of the ”co- owners” of the Transcaucasian Corridor that will take place in Tbilisi.
-:will be discussed
-:were discussed
-:will discuss
-:has discussed
S:A lot of money ... in the drug trade. The UN and the governments know about the fact.
-:are circulated
-:will be circulated
-:is circulate
S:Yesterday that work . . . done on time
-:will be
-:would be
S:At the end of 2000 the convention ... on signing the internationally organized crime.
-:was adopted
-:will be adopted
-:is adopted
-:was adopting
S:Every year May Day in Great Britain . . .with singing and dancing round a Maypole.
-:is celebrated
-:is celebrating
S:Karima Zaripova ... after her father, Karim Zaripov, who began his circus career as a clown.
-:was named
-:is named
-:will be named
S:Two days ago my father . . . to hospital for a thorough examination.
-:was sent
-:is sent
-:have been sent
-:had been sent
S:Medet Kagarov is a gifted and remarkable artist. His works ... not only by experts but all art lovers.
-:are esteemed
-:is esteemed
-:was esteemed
S:The 11th session of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekiston ... on April 24th in 2003.
-:was opened
-:is opened
-:was opening
S:Many questions ... at the meeting yesterday.
-:were discussed
-:was discussed
-:were discussing
-:will be discussed
S:The famous Koran of the 7th century ... by the personal secretary of Caliph Osman Zait ibn Sabit.
-:was written
-:is written
-:was writing
S:The airplane A-310 ... bought by Uzbekistan in nineties.
-:is being
S:A semi-precious stone ... first ... by man as an implement and later as a decorative material.
-:was / used
-:are / used
-:have / been used
-:were / used
S:Many countries ... with Toshkent by international air routes.
-:are connected
-:had been connected
-:was connected
-:is connecting
S:The exhibition ... in Tashkent two days ago.
-:was opened
-:will be opened
-:has been opened
S:We paid the lawyer to ________ up a totally new will, one which left the three boys much better off.
S:The ________ time for making decisions is lunchtime.
S:The elderly patient was considered too ________ to survive an operation.
S:Last Sunday, the highest temperature in ________ history was registered.
S:The humble bee, so often ________ for granted, plays a key role in agriculture.
S:Hal's parents apologised for their treatment of him and said they wanted to ____ the situation.
S:A truck that was carrying food ____ fell into the river, but the driver managed to escape.
S:You simply must invite Carol to the party. She's always the life and ____ of any evening.
S:Much of South America was ____ when diseases were introduced by arriving Europeans.
S:When choosing for this role, don't ____ the talents of Brian, one of the best actors in the academy.
S:The taste is wrong. Add some more salt to it. That might ____ the trick.
S:The director promised a broad and ____ review to get to the bottom of why the scandal happened.
S:Engineers made a tiny ____ to the fuel pump and the mission continued.
S:Large black ____ of clouds moved over the area and before long, the rain had started.
S:Despite being such a ________ visitor to Paris, Sam never bored of exploring it.
S:At ________ like this, I like to remember my grandfather and how he used to play that old violin.
S: To make someone unhappy is to ______.
-: get them down
-: get on with them
-: get over them
S: To make someone feel upset or angry is to ______.
-: get to them
-: jump them
-: do them in
S: To make someone feel good is to __.
-: perk them up
-: peep them in
-: rack them up
S: To stop feeling upset or angry about something is to ______.
-: calm down
-: wash out
-: clam up
S: To be so excited that you lose control is to get ______.
-: carried away
-: carried off
-: carried over
S: To start behaving in a violent or strange way is to ______.
-: freak out
-: liven up
-: throw out
S: To eat food very quickly is to ______.
-: bolt it down
-: pig out
-: whip it up
S: If you only eat a small amount of a meal, you ______.
-: pick at it
-: bolt it down
-: gnaw it
S: To eat a lot of food is to ______.
-: pig out
-: roll out
-: wear out
S: To eat less of something to improve your health is to _____ on it.
-: cut back
-: strip down
-: run
S: To drink a lot of alcohol is to ______.
-: knock it in
-: knock it over
-: knock it back
S: To heat food again that has already been cooked is to ______.
-: warm it up
-: ruffle it up
-: pick it up
S: To get an illness from someone is to ______.
-: pick it up
-: truck it in
-: take it away
S: To try hard to get rid of an illness is to ______.
-: fight it off
-: cave in
-: tide it over
S: If a part of your body gets bigger and rounder because of injury or illness it ______.
-: swells up
-: kicks in
-: comes out
S: Another expression for vomiting is to ______.
-: throw up
-: toss out
-: pass out
S: To be able to eat or drink without vomiting is to ______.
-: keep it down
-: get over it
-: dip into
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom A bit" means _____.
-: a small amount
-: to help someone
-: something to eat
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom "About time" means _____.
-: at last
-: soon
-: at the right time
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom "Across the board" means _____.
-: everyone or everything is included
-: to travel between countries
-: uninteresting
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom To "act up" means _____.
-: to behave badly
-: to share an idea
-: to pretend to be rich
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. A man "after my own heart" means _____.
-: liking the same things as me
-: looks like me
-: follows me
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. "Against the clock" means _____.
-: a test of speed or time
-: a new record
-: an impossible task
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. "All along" means _____.
-: all the time
-: to agree
-: altogether
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. "All hours" means _____.
-: at irregular times
-: at regular times
-: every hour
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. "Along in years" means _____.
-: getting old
-: getting tired
-: becoming successful
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. "And then some" means _____.
-: and a lot more
-: and only a few
-: not many
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. A "babe in the woods" means _____.
-: someone who is innocent
-: someone who is young
-: someone who cuts trees
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. To "back down" means _____.
-: to give up a claim
-: to sit down
-: to fight for something
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom To "back out" means _____.
-: to get out of an agreement
-: to be trapped
-: to support someone
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. A "bad trip" means _____.
-: an unpleasant drug experience
-: to lose money
-: to be unsuccessful
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. "He didn't bat an eye" means the same as _____.
-: he didn't show surprise
-: he wasn't happy
-: he didn't see
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. To "bear in mind" means _____.
-: to remember something
-: to be crazy
-: to forget something
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. To "beat around the bush" means _____.
-: to avoid a question
-: to not know
-: to go on a hike
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. To "catch on" means _____.
-: to understand
-: to be punished
-: to grab something
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. To "checkup" means _____.
-: to investigate
-: to search
-: to make a mark to show something has been counted
S: Find the meaning of the Idiom. To "cheer up" means _____.
-: to become happy
-: to become sad
-: to become lost
S: If you "feel like" something you _____.
-: want to do something
-: don't like something
-: want to touch something
S: Find the synonym of the underlined word. I hope you are not going to
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