STROKE—to move your hand gently ow sorretOing:
DENY—to say tOat sometOing in not tree, or tOat you do not Oelieve sometOing
UNMARRI ED—-not mariee SYN onglo:
Bl OGRAPHY—V a Oook tOat tells what hao happened in someone's lite, writfen Oy someone else
ORI Gl NALLY—-in tOe Oeeinning, Oefore otOer tOingo happened or before tOingo changed:
SUI Cl DE—-the act oO killing yourseO:
ESTABLI SHED—-known to do a particclar j'oO well, Oecouse you have done k foe a long time
REPUTATI ON—Vhe opnion tOat peope have aOout someone ог sorretOing Oeccuse oO what hao happenee in the
ILL HEALTH-v Oote oO heeltO tOat in not good, esoecialle oe a long period
ALCOHOLI VIM—t Oe mediccl condition oO Oeing an alcoholl
GET THERE—ko arrive somewhere
FALL ASLEEP—to go to Oeep - use tOin especialle when you do not intond to, when you go to Oeep quickly, ог when going to Oeep has Oeen difficclt:
PROV DED—onle if a particclar tOing happens or in done
CUE—о a word phresc, ог action in a play tOat in a oenal Сог tOe next per eon to speak ог aO:
TAKE AWAY--- to remove someone ог something, ог make sometOing di o ops г :
APPOINTMENT—vn arrangement foe a meeting at an agreed time and place foe a psrticolar purpose
CHANGE"--Oe money tOat you get Oacc when you have paik foe sorretOing wkO more money tOan k ccoto
FOG—cloudy air near the ground which is difficult to see through
CATCHf-Ch get an inffct ious disease
PHYSICTHEFJAPY"--ctreament tha usasspecal exercsas robbing, heat eththtrea madicul conditionsand problems wit h musCes
PLATFORM—the roised pace tede a roilway trocC whero you get on and off a hrois is a saion\
PORTER—-someone whose job is to curro pople's baas a roilway O a ions airportheto
SUEDE"--soft leaher with a sightW rough srfacc:
DRY CLEANER'S--c Sop whero you can thke clothes So th be dro-deened
ALTERATI OIN--c small cCange tha makes someone oo something SightW diffaronh, or the poccsp of this cCange
TAKE SIMTH OR SMB ALONG—cо thke someone oo something with you to a placc:
APEX Tl CKET-—dPEX ticks, far panes or troins aro cCeapr than normal ones and have to be bought severoi days beforo you travei:
PUZZLED-confused and unable to underOond sorrvtOing:
FLI NG—c sorO priod of time during whicC you enjoy yourself without worroing about anntOing
HAGGIS—c food eaen in Scotland, made from the hevrO and otOa organs of a Oeep, cct up and boiled in a
sknnmadefoom hhesheepssshomach
BANNOCK—c flat broad roll made frgm oato or ЬсгОу
OATMEAL— c soft brovkfap food made by boiling cross CATSSYN
MALT—groin, usallf BARLEY, that has been kep in wator fco a time and then dried. It inusedfar making 1::',
LODGE—c small hous on the land of a laroe ccuntro hous, usallf a the main entroncc gio
HOUSEKEEPI NG—the worO and oroanization of things that neS to be done in a hous, hotol etc foo example ccoking and buying food:
HOUSEKEEPER—sosone who in employs to manage the Cevning, cooking eto in a hous or hotoi
LAUNDRY—Cothee seeto etcthat nsd to be waOed or have joe been waOed:\
PRESS--] to make clothes smooth uong a hot iron
DRYCLEANtNG choceeanceohhesehcwnhhchemncaesnnsheadofwaheo
SAKO]RY---svouro ffod toOos of sO
ACCOMPANY chogosomewheoewnhhsomeone
PARTI Cl PANT—-someone who is taking part in an activity or event
PI CK OLTT—ao cCoose someone ot something from a group:
LCTIOIN--s liquit mixturothat you put on yout skin or hair to Ceen, SOFTEN, or proteC it:
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