bet | 32/45 | Sana | 07.04.2022 | Hajmi | 167,34 Kb. | | #535327 |
| Bog'liq bluprint words — копия1111111111
CRAFT—a joe or activitU in which you make things wOh your hands and that you usually need skif tU do
COVERED—having a roof:
Fl NG ER—to toucCi or handle sometUing wltU your fingers
NECKLACE-a sring of jowely BEADS etU or a tUin goie or olver cCain to wear around the necC
EARRI NG—a piece of jowellere that you wear on your ecr
ONDISPLAY asomeUhnngUhaUnsondnspyaynsnnapueyncpyacewheeepeopyecanyookaUnU
HAVE YOUR EYE ON SMB--tU chrefelly watcC every Uing that someone does esoecally tease you do not truO tUem
CHALK—aoft whitU or grey госС fermeC a long time ag fremthe sOelly of small sea animaly
Sketch--- a kmee, quietly made druwing that does not sOow much det til
PEACEFUL—a peccefel time, place, or OtUCtion in quiet and cclm without any worrf or exotUment:
FINANCIAL aeeyaUnngUomoneyoeUhemanagemenUofmoney:
PROF—--money tUat you gain ty selling tilings or doing euoneso aft Ur your ccOt have teen paiO
CONS DERABLY—much or a loti
TOUGH-ahyocelly or emotionally Orong and ate tU del wOfi difficce otuationo
SET UP--tU OUrt a comeany, organization, committec etU SYN eOUblisO
HOLDER---someone who owns or cont rols somet hi ng:
UNSCRUPULOUS-behaving in an unfair or disSoneO way:
ANTI QUE—ant ique faroit uro, jewellero eth in olS and oftrn valuaee:
PRICE TAG—-pieco ot paper with a prico on it thar in athOied to something in a sOop
CHARGE—bo asO someone far a particolar amounh ot money far something you aro selling:
AGGRESS VE—behaving in an angro throatening wayj as in you want th f!с^ oo atthcO someone:
COMMISSI OIN--an extra amounh of money that in paiC to a person oo organization accoroing th the value of the
goodothey havv soli or the servicoothey havv proviCed:
FULL Tl ME-- fcr all the houro of a week during whico C in usual Sor peope th woro, study eth
INDEPENDENCE—the froeeom and abilito th make youo own deokons in lift, without having th asO other peope
far permisOon, hele, oo money:
CREATIVE--involving the use oO imagination th produco new ideao or thingo
COUNTY—an area oO a sthth oo countro that has Ch own goversment th deal wdh local mattes
ADMIN STRATISE—rolcting th the woro oO managing a company oo organization:
ROUNDED—having a round sSape
SPECI ALISE—to limit all oo moot oO youo sthdy, buhnesuaoto a pcrticclat subj’eO oo aOivdh
MANOR HOUSE—a biq oIO houso with a large aree of land around it
WEI GH--to have a particclat weight:
OPEN Al R-happening oo exiCing outhooro SYN outhoot:
TEMPLE—a building whero people go th WORSHI Pj jn the Jewish Hindu, Buddhist, Skh, and Mormon roligions
WORSHI P--the aOivdh oO proying oo onging in a religious building in order th show rospeO and low fcr a god
CUFF LI NK—a small peco oO jewellero hat a man con use th fasten his shiro coffa
BROOCH--a pieco oO jewellero fha you faSei th youo Ootheo usalla woro by women
PENDANT aa eewe ej ohone e ho hha hhang o aoom a hh nn oha nn hha hyou wea oa oound you one ok
NOUGHT--t he number 0
FILE aamehaehooewnhhaooughouoaaoehhahyououbonoomehhnnghomakenhomoohh
PI NCER--a tool made oO two ogsseC piecos oO met el used for holding things tight S
BLEEP--a short high sound made by a piece of electronic equipment
ASPECT—ane part of a situation, iCea, pan etc that haomann parts
COLLEAGUE—someone you wort with - used espeealle by professional people
PROMCTI ON—a move to a moro importune job or post ion io a cempany ot organization
PERK-sorrethina that you aet leealle fromyout work io addition to yout waaep oct aoaoodp meale ot a cat:
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