It is strongly advised to read English translations and use the language above mentioned books (“Days Gone By” (“O’tkan kunlar”) translated by Carol Ermakova, “The Scorpion from the Altar” (“Mehrobdan chayon” translated by Ilhom Tukhtasinov, “Night and Day” (Kecha va Kunduz”) translated by O. Muminov, “Humoyun and Akbar” (Avlodlar davoni”) translated by O. Muminov).
Use wide range of vocabulary
12-15 points (5 mark)
9-11 points (4 mark)
6-8 points (3)
1-6 points (2 mark)
During the role play student uses multiple tenses and grammatical structures correctly. Can express himself and herself fluently and spontaneously. Has a large production of monthly learned (professional)vocabulary
Occasional grammatical errors but they don’t impede communication. Fluent and spontaneous, but occasionally needs to search for expressions. Has a good command of professional vocabulary
Occasional grammatical errors but corrects if they lead to misunderstanding. Generally acceptable tempo, but often hesitant as he/she searches for expressions. Some noticeable pauses. Has an adequate vocabulary.
Frequent inaccuracies and misunderstanding. hesitations and pauses, can produce only short stretches of language. Basic professional vocabulary only at best
Content (ideas)
Creative, capture and maintains audience interest
Interesting but points of view arguments and solutions proposed were usually realistic and in character
Points of view, arguments and solutions proposed were often realistic and in character
Points of view, arguments and solutions proposed were rarely realistic and in character
Participation and preparedness
Student is extremely familiar with their role and uses specific evidence to support their arguments. Student actively participates in simulated meeting, speaking multiple times, adding new information/evidence each time
Student is extremely familiar with their role, and uses some evidence to support their arguments. Student actively participates in simulated meeting, speaking more than once, adding new information/evidence each time.
Student is somewhat familiar with their role, but provides little or no evidence to support their arguments. Student actively participates in simulated meeting, speaking more than once, but repeats information each time.
Student is not familiar with their role, and provides no evidence to support any statements/arguments they make. Student does not participate in simulated meeting.
Etiquette and employment(use) of costumes and props.
Student acts as a model meeting participant, speaking only at appropriate times, and showing respect to all other participants. Costumes and props are effectively used
Student acts appropriately during the meeting, typically speaking at appropriate times, and showing respect to other participants. Costumes and props are used fairly good
Student occasionally speaks out of turn or interrupts another student, but shows respect to other participants. Costumes and props are used quite good.
Student occasionally speaks out of turn or interrupts another student, or otherwise shows disrespect of other participants. Costumes and props are not used.