20-son 3 –to’plam yanvar 2022
Sahifa: 4
bo‘lib, reproduktiv tizim turun ravishda faoliyat ko‘rsatadi. Soglom avlodda butun
reproduktiv davr mobaynida 350-400 tuxum hujayra yetiladi. Tuxumdonlarda
follikulalarning muntazam yetilishi va ovulyatsiyasi ayol organizmida homiladorlik
uchun eng qulay sharoyit yaratadi. Har bir ayol bu davrda homilador bo‘lish ehtimoli
yuqoriligini hisobga olib, homiladorlikdan saqlanish usullarini bilishi va qulayini
tanlay olishi, o‘zining va turmush o‘rtoining solii uchun qayurishi kerak. Homilador
bo‘lishdan 2-3 oy oldin tibbiy muolajalarni to‘xtatish tavsiya etiladi.
Foydalngan adabiyotlar:
‖ Reproduktiv salomatlikni saqlash‖ 2021
‖ Jinsiy infeksiyalar‖ 2013
‖ Reproduktiv huquq‖ 1994
‖ reproduktiv davrida kasalliklar‖ 2009
20-son 3 –to’plam yanvar 2022
Sahifa: 5
Bozorova Shohida Mirovna
46th secondary school of Jondor district of Bukhara region
English teacher
This article discusses the role of songs in teaching English.
Thanks to the use of the musical component in foreign language classes , a favorable
psychological climate is created for students of different levels of language training,
which increases their motivation.
: music, motivational readiness, emotional sphere, skills, favorable
psychological climate.
In modern society, it is necessary for every person to be fluent in foreign
languages in order to effectively solve communication problems and for personal
communication, in communication situations in an educational environment. A
foreign language is becoming a universal means of professional life. One of the most
important conditions for the effective use of the process of teaching foreign languages
is the motivational readiness of students. As you know, the main reason for the low
academic performance of students in foreign language classes is insufficient
Students with a low level of language skills find it difficult to speak English in
the presence of stronger classmates, and they prefer to remain silent in the classroom
for fear of making a mistake in speech.
One of the components of the implementation of motivational readiness of
trainees for the perception of foreign language material and, consequently, successful
work, as we have noticed, is a favorable psychological climate in practical lessons in
English. Of course, the teacher plays an important role here. But one more solution to
this problem, in our opinion, is the use of various teaching technologies, in particular
music, in English lessons .
Language and music are two sign systems; in the heart of each of them is
sound. Sounds, as communication signals, carried and carry people valuable
information. Music, songs are an effective means of teaching English. Language, like
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