Part 2: Creating 2D Engineering Drawings
1. One of the most common ways of representing a mechanical design is with a 2D engineering
drawing. These generally contain top, side, front, and isometric views of the part (though there
are others), labeled with the dimensions needed to fully define the design. One convenient
feature of AutoDesk Inventor is the ability to create a 2D engineering drawing from a 3D part.
2. Begin by clicking the Inventor icon at the top of the window and select “New…” Hover over the
arrow to show the menu options, then select Drawing. This will open a blank sheet with the
default ANSI border and title block. The border is used similarly to a map to denote sections of
the drawing. The title block records the name of the drawing, the author, version number, and
approvals as needed.
3. First, we need to set our paper to the correct size. Since we will be using a printer and not a
plotter, we are limited to paper 8.5”x11”. Thus, right-click on “Sheet:1” in the part tree on the
left. Select “Edit sheet…”, then choose paper size A in landscape orientation. Click OK.
4. Now we see that the title block and border are far too large for this paper size. We could
redefine this title block, but instead we will remove it since we are not using it here. In the part
tree, right-click on “ANSI - Large”, then select “Delete” to remove it. This results in a blank sheet
as shown.
5. Now we can place the views. We begin by defining the master view. On the tab marked “Place
Views”, click on the button marked “Base”. Leave the base view set to “Front”, but change the
scale to “3:1” because part is small and we want to make the most of the available space on the
drawing. Also, go to the tab marked display options in the Drawing View window and check the
box labeled “All Model Dimensions”. Do not close this window yet, but move it out of the way of
the sheet. Click in the bottom left quadrant of the sheet and place the front view of the block.
Then move the mouse up and click to place the top. Place the isometric view in the top right and
the side view in the bottom right. These initially show up as rectangles. Right click on one of the
projected view, then select “Create” and the Inventor will create the details for this drawing.
6. Now we can use the Dimension tool (on the Annotate tab) to add all necessary dimension
information to the sheet. When dimensioning a drawing, it is best to label a measurement only
once, rather than on all the views. However, when in doubt, redundant information is
preferable to not enough. Use the dimension tool to add dimensions to the areas labeling in the
Figure at the beginning of this document. Make sure to change your dimension units to mm.
7. Repeat this process to create a drawing for the 2x2 Lego block you constructed. When you are
finished, have the instructor verify your work.
Part 3: Continued Practice
AutoDesk Inventor is available to students with a valid .edu email address (i.e. all of you). Go
home and install Inventor on your own machine, then explore the program. Create a new part of
your choice. Consider where to start and what processes can be used to define the model.