Reading/Speaking texts for Grade 10 The British Broadcasting Corporation

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Reading/Speaking texts for Grade 10
The British Broadcasting Corporation
The BBC is based at Broadcasting House in London, although it has studios in many other parts on the country. A board ofgovernors appointed by the government controls the BBC, butonce appointed this board has complete freedom and thegovernment cannot interfere. Everyone who owns or rents atelevision set has to pay a yearly license. There is no advertisingon BBC radio or television, and it is from the sale of licenses thatthe BBC gets most of its money. An annual license for a color setcosts more than twice as much as for a black and white set.

The BBC is not the mouthpieceof the government. On thecontrary, all the major political parties have equal rights to givepolitical broadcasts, and each party sometimes complains that theBBC is prejudiced against it.

There are four radio channels, each of which « specializes».Radio 1 has mainly pop music; Radio 2 has light music, comedy,sport; Radio 3 has classical and twentieth century music, talks onserious subjects, plays ancient and modern. Radio 4 specializes inthe spoken word-the main news reports, talks and discussions,plays, etc. In addition, the BBC has local radio stations in manycities and districts. The BBC also broadcasts news and informationabout Britain to countries all over the world. This World Serviceprovides programs in forty different languages, as well as English.

BBC has two television channels: BBC 1 and BBC 2. BBC 2offers more serious programs than BBC 1-documentaries anddiscussions, adaptations of novels into plays and serials, operasand concerts. BBC 1 programs consist largely of lighter playsand series, humor and sport, there also some interestingdocumentaries. BBC 2 is watched by only 10 per cent of allviewers.

Radio and television programs for the week are published inthe BBC periodical, «Radio Times». The BBC publishes anotherweekly periodical «The Listener», in which a selection of radio
and TV talks are printed.

Reading/Speaking texts for Grade 10
Problems in Higher Education in the U.K.
There are more than 60 universities in the U.K. The leadinguniversities are Cambridge, Oxford and London. Englishuniversities differ from each other in traditions, general organization,internal government, etc. British universities are comparativelysmall, the approximate number is about 7-8 thousand students.

Most universities have fewer than 3000 students, some even lessthan 1500. London and Oxford universities are international,because people from many parts of the world come to study atone of their colleges. A number of well-known scientists andwriters, among them Newton, Darwin, Byron were educated inCambridge.

A university consists of a number of departments: art, law,music, economy, education, medicine, engineering, etc.After three years of study a student may proceed to aBachelor’s degree, and later to the degrees of Master and Doctor.Besides universities there are at present in Britain 300 technicalcolleges, providing part-time and full-time education.

The organization system of Oxford and Cambridge differs fromthat of all other universities and colleges. The teachers are usuallycalled Dons. Part of the teaching is by means of lectures organizedby the university. Teaching is also carried out by tutorial system.This is the system of individual tutorage organized by the colleges.Each student goes to his tutor’s room once a week to read anddiscuss an essay that the student has prepared.

Some students get scholarships but the number of these studentsis comparatively small. There are many societies and clubs atCambridge and Oxford. The most celebrated at Cambridge isthe Debating Society at which students discuss political and otherquestions with famous politicians and writers. Sporting activitiesare also numerous.

The work and games, the traditions and customs, the jokesand debates – all are parts of students’ life there.It should be mentioned that not many children from working-class families are able to receive a higher education, as the feesare very high. Besides that, specialfees are taken for books, for laboratory works, exams and so on.

Reading/Speaking texts for Grade 10

Recommendations for International Travelersby Mark Verber
Travel can first and foremostbe a learning experience. Welearn about the culture and land we visit, and we learn aboutourselves. Traveling to remote and unusual places, far from thestandard and well-traveled tourist destinations, can rekindle ouradventure spirit and renew a sense of perspective in our dailylives.

Such places are often very sensitive to outside disruption andexist in a delicate cultural or environmental balance. As travelers,each of us holds a responsibility to protect this balance.

Understand and Observe Local Customs: Acquaint yourselfwith the culture and customs of the lands you visit and respectthem. Other cultures may take offense to certain innocent andunassuming gestures. For example, in some societies people donot wish to be photographed without their permission.

Be Patient and Positive: Remember that travel means strangelanguages and unfamiliar surroundings. Expect the unexpected.Try not to get frustrated and don’t be afraid to ask for help.Courtesy is usually responded to with kindness. Delays, detours,and other inconveniences will occur. Be patient, be positive, andremember to smile!

Dehydration is a common problem among travelers, especiallywhen you are flying. Make sure you drink enough. Safe drinkingwater is extremely important.

You should select clothing that can be mixed and matched:colors that coordinate and layers that can be varied for look andcomfort. To keep the amount of clothing down, you will mostlikely be wearing clothing for more than a day. If you are travelingfor more than a week you will be washing your clothing duringthe trip. While most people pay careful attention to the styling ofclothing, the fabric used in the clothing can make a significantdifference in your ease of travel. You should adjust the style ofyour clothes to the local sensibilities. Don’t forget to bring a hat.If you are going to be someplace sunny, you should bring a hatwith a wide brim to reduce the risk of sunburn, keep your headcool, and protect your eyes from too much light. If cold weatheris at all likely, bring a wool or polyester stocking hat. It will takeup very little room, and will help keep your warm since peoplelose 55% of their body heat from their neck & head. The bestshoes to bring will depend on the local conditions and weather. Incolder locales, insulated boots are wonderful. In hot climatessandals are great. You should always bring one pair of shoes thatyou would be comfortable wearing for a whole day while walkingseveral miles. If these shoes are not appropriate for everywhereyou want to go, then bring a second pair of shoes that would beappropriate.

Reading/Speaking texts for Grade 10

Impact of Film Across Cultures

When Thomas Edison filmed his assistant Fred Ott “sneezing”in front of the camera, the world of 1889 had no idea the impactEdison’s kinetoscope would have on culture around the world.Within a few years his new method to project a motion picturethat could be viewed by large audiences had spread to Europeand beyond. Soon the first story was told on film, and by 1915 afeature-lengthhistorical epic, Birth of a Nation, was producedin America. The version of American history that producer DavidWark Griffith chose to present about America’s Civil War causedmany political demonstrations from the public. President WoodrowWilson himself referred to the film as a “history written withlightning.” This first feature-length film did not only prove to befirst in its length but also proved the emotional and persuasiveinfluence film has had on its audiences since the very beginning.

By 1927, when the Vitaphoneprocess was invented tosynchronize film’s picture with sound, there were around 15,000movie houses in America. The next invention addition that cameto film was color. The film Wizard of Oz is famous for being thefirst feature-length film to debut Technicolor’s three-colortechnology in 1932. Movie magic became the words to describethe cinematic experience in the 1930s. The magic was rightbefore your eyes like never before with sound and color. Forthose who could afford it during the Depression of the 1930s,movie magic was the best way to forget your troubles.

Once television came and put the public back in the homes fortheir entertainment, movie palaces were the first to die. In onlyone decade the number of tickets sold at the box office werereduced from 90 million to less than half that by the late 1950s.The film industry had to adjust to find new incentives for comingback to the movies.

From the beginning of filmmaking, the United States hasdominated the industry. Inevitably, American films have traveledall over the world and proven that film is also a powerful carrierof culture. Today men in the most remote parts of the worldcould tell you about the love story between Jack and Rose fromthe American Film Titanic.

Films will continue to be a transmitter of culture to the worldregardless of what country it comes from. As films show newthings and a better life to more and more cultures around theworld, their worldviews will become more materialistic. As acommon entertainment shared among billions around the world,film will conform the viewers that watch it and bring many differentcultures together because of the amount of people around theworld who experience the same movie magic together and fromthat decide their world view.

Reading/Speaking texts for Grade 10
Functional Illiteracy
Much attention is presently being given to what is termed“functional illiteracy”. This should not be confused with the problemof illiteracy, that is, the inability to read and write. Current UnitedNations (UNESCO) figures indicate that 99 percent of allAmericans are literate, the same figure is assigned to nations suchas Britain or Germany. Functional illiteracy, by contrast, isconcerned with how much difficulty people have in actually usingreading and writing skills in everyday situations. This might beinterpreted, for example, as the relative ability to understand federalincome-tax forms, or printed instructions, or how well someonecan write a letter of complaint, or apply in writing for a job.

There are no agreed-upon definitions of what functionalilliteracy is and, in articles, definitions vary widely. For many yearsreading tests have been used throughout the country. These testsdefine reading ability by grade level. A “tenth-grade readinglevel,” for instance, would be the average reading score of allpupils who have completed ten years of school. There are, ofcourse, many different reading tests and types of tests. Onedefinition of functional illiteracy holds that anyone is “illiterate”who reads at less than an eighth-grade level. Another commondefinition uses a twelfth-grade level (the last year of high schoolin the U.S.).

There seems to be general agreement that at least one-tenthof all Americans are functionally illiterate in English to some degree.It is also hardly surprising that those nations which (like the U.S.)have paid most attention to this concept, and which havenationwide testing, have found the greatest problems. As oneeducator humorously put it, “Reading tests cause illiteracy.”Canada, for example, which also has a large non-English-speakingimmigrant population, has recently found that many of her citizens,too, are functionally illiterate. The attention given this problem,therefore, reflects the fact that in North America schools as wellas pupils are continually tested.

Given America’s history and that of its people, their manybackgrounds, needs, and desires, the fact that American educationis sensitive to its weaknesses (and to its strengths) speaks wellfor the future.

Listening task for Grade 10
Variant 1
You will hear a phone conversation between a coach and a newcomer.

For questions 1-7, decide if the following statements agree with the informationfrom the conversation.

If the statement is True, mark A,
If the statement is False, mark B.
If the statement is Not Given, mark C.
You will hear the conversation twice.


The coach wanted to know about boy’s physical condition.





Frank has had a cold for several days.





Frank has previously attended a gym.





Fees for the gym vary according to how often you pay.





You can save 50 pounds if you pay for the whole year.





You have to pay the fees for the gym in cash.





Frank needs to lose a lot of weight.




Listening task for Grade 10
Variant 2
You will hear a phone conversation between a woman and a man in a job interview.

For questions 1-7, decide if the following statements agree with the information from the conversation.

If the statement is True, mark A,
If the statement is False, mark B.
If the statement is Not Given, mark C.

You will hear the conversation twice.


Green took up teaching after leaving college.





Green did not teach the subject he studied at college.





Green taught 18-year-old students.





Green prefers teaching teenagers to younger students.





Green taught very large classes.










Green enjoys having lengthy summer breaks.




It is not easy to decide what profession to choose. Usually, pupils’ plans for the future change
many times during the school years. There are so many people who influence you in choosing
your occupation. Parents and friends play a very important role in your choice. Teachers’
influence on pupils’ minds is also great.
My favourite subject is English. And I think this is my teacher who made it so. I understand
the importance of knowledge of a foreign language. It enables people from different countries to
communicate with each other, to read foreign literature in the original, to broaden their outlooks.
So I decided for myself to become a teacher of English. Of course, I know is not easy
and takes much patience and effort. A teacher has to know how to teach, how to make, difficult
things understandable, how to get students interested in the subject. And of course a teacher ought
to have perfect knowledge of his subject. I think the ideal teacher is the one who can combine all
these. My present teacher is just like this. She is a great specialist and also a nice personality. I
hope in future I can become as good teacher as she is.
1. Is it easy to choose a profession?
2. Does anyone influence a person in choosing a profession?
3. Why is knowledge of a foreign language important?
4. What kind of person can be a teacher?
5. What should a good teacher know?

Everyone knows that there are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autunm and winter.
Each of them lasts 3 months.
Spring comes in March and ends in May. It often rains in spring, especially in April.
Summer is the hottest season in the year. It begins in June and ends in August. In summer the
sky is clear and cloudless. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings
fruits and vegetables. It is pleasant to spend this season by the seaside or somewhere in the
Autumn months are September, October and November. The days are becoming shorter, the
sun loses its force. It often rains. It is the season of harvesting.
Winter lasts three month as well: December, January and February. It is getting colder day by
day. The sun shines rarely and it snows offen. But everything looks so pretty covered with snow.
So in every season there are bright and dark sides. But we must be thankful together whatever
the weather.
1. How many seasons are there in a year?
2. How long does each month last?
3. What is the hottest season?
4. What are autumn months?
5. What are winter months?
6. What is the weather like in each season?

There is a proverb: «Health is the greatest wealth». We know that good health is better than the
best medicine. To be healthy and in a good mood you must take care of yourself. The English
proverb says: «Medicines are not meant to live on». It is not pleasant to take medicines and for
this reason you should go in for sports and keep yourself fit.
But still if something is wrong with our health we must consult the doctor. The doctor will
examine us thoroughly. He will listen to our heart and chest, feel the pulse, take the temperature
and measure our blood pressure.
After that he will prescribe some treatment, pills, tablets or some other medicine, which we can
buy at the chemist’s. Probably, he will recommend to stay in bed for some time to avoid serious
To treat our teeth we go to the dentist. To treat our eyes we go to the oculist and he treats our
For the serious illness people need an operation, and they consult a specialist in a hospital
where they have all the necessary equipment.
The widespread illnesses are a cough, a cold, influenza, sore throat. Children may have
measles, mumps, scarlet fever.
Old people suffer from heart troubles, flood pressure, rheumatism. There are infectious and
contagious diseases. Healthy people may catch them from ill people. That is why people who have
these illnesses should be careful not to pass them on to other people.
The question is «How to prevent all this? » The answer is simple — go in for sports, eat much
fruit and vegetables, rest as much as you can, spend more time outdoors, make your life more
active, take long walks, eat healthy food and always think positively. In other words: «Eat at
pleasure, drink with measure and enjoy life as it is».
1. Why is it necessary to keep fit and healthy?
2. What do you do when you feel unwell?
3. Where do we go to treat our teeth?
4. Do we have to follow the doctor’s directions?
5. What doctors and diseases do you know?
6. Do you know how to prevent and cure the most common illnesses?
7. What does the proverb «Health is the greatest wealth» mean?

Modern life is impossible without travelling. Thousands of people travel every day either on
business or for pleasure. They can travel by air, by rail, by sea or by road.
Of course, travelling by air is the fastest and the most convenient way, but it is the most
expensive too. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has its advantages. You can see
much more interesting places of the country you are travelling through. Modern trains have very
comfortable seats. There are also sleeping cars and dining cars which make even the longest
journey enjoyable. Speed, comfort and safety are the main advantages of trains and planes. That is
why many people prefer them to all other means.
Travelling by sea is very popular. Large ships and small river boats can visit foreign countries
and different places of interest within their own country.
As for me, I prefer travelling by car. I think it’s very convenient. You needn’t reserve tour
tickets. You needn’t carry heavy suitcases. You can stop wherever you wish, and spend at any
place as much time as you like.
Every year my friend and I go somewhere to the South for holidays. The Black Sea is one of
the most wonderful places which attracts holiday-makers all over the world. There are many resthomes, sanatoriums and tourist camps there. But it is also possible to rent a room or a furnished
house for a couple of weeks there. Sometimes, we can place ourselves in a tent on the sea shore
enjoying fresh air and the sun all day long.
As a rule, I make new friends there. In the day-time we play volley-ball, tennis, swim in the
warm water of the sea and sunbathe. In the evening I like to sit on the beach watching the sea and
enjoying the sunset. I’m fond of mountaineering. So I do a lot of climbing together with my
friends. Time passes quickly and soon we have to make our wav back. We return home sunburnt
and full of imoressions.
1. Why is modern life impossible without travelling?
2. What is the fastest and the most convenient way of travelling?
3. Why is travelling by sea very popular?
4. Why is travelling by car very convenient?
5. Where do you go every year?
6. Where do you make new friends?

People began to travel ages ago. The very first travellers were explorers who went on trips to
find wealth, fame or something else. Their journeys were very dangerous but still people keep on
going to the unknown lands.
Nowadays it is not as dangerous and much more convenient. Do you want to go somewhere?
Hundreds of companies are there to help you. They will take care about your tickets and make all
the reservations needed. You don’t speak the language of the country you go to? There are
interpreters that will help you.
With modern services you can go around the world. You can choose the means of transport
you like: plane, train, ship, bicycle or you can travel hiking.
Tourism became a very profitable business because people are ready to spend their money for
the great opportunity to have a great time learning about new countries, going sightseeing, resting
and enjoying themselves.


1. Who were the first travellers?
2. Were their journeys safe?
3. Why did they go on trip?
4. Is it more convenient to travel now?
5. What kinds of transport can you choose from?
6. Is tourism a profitable business? Why?
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