Reading for the Real World 2 Second Edition – Test Bank

Unit 5 Environmental Issues

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Reading for the Real World 2 2nd Test Bank

Unit 5

Environmental Issues
Reading 1.1

Campaigning for the Earth

 In 1971, a small boat set sail from Vancouver, Canada, to Amchitka, one of the Aleutian Islands connecting North America and Asia.  It was a gesture of non-violent protest against a nuclear test that was to be conducted by the United States government.  The crew on the Phyllis Cormack included a doctor, a geographer, an engineer, a political science teacher, a deep-sea diver, a social worker, a photographer, and three journalists.  Vehement opposition of the test from politicians, scientists, government and environmental agencies, as well as the residents of the Aleutian Islands, had been staged for months preceding the launch of the Phyllis Cormack. 
Sadly, the ship and her crew did not reach Amchitka and  failed to prevent the nuclear test from occurring. Although Amchitka had not had any inhabitants since the mid-nineteenth century and there was no imminent danger to humans, the explosion caused tremendous  suffer to local wildlife. It also caused wide-scale destruction of the island, including a crater more than one mile wide and sixty feet  deep. The voyage of the Phyllis Cormack did not  succeed in stopping the nuclear test, but this peaceful demonstration did have a very positive outcome. It attracted world-wide attention and  gave birth to the international movement now called Greenpeace.
Today, Greenpeace is an international, non-profit organization with offices in more than forty countries throughout Asia, Europe, North and South America, and the Pacific. Its headquarters is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Each office has its own board of directors and agenda based on the unique needs of its region. (A) _______, Greenpeace representatives from around the world meet each year to discuss environmental issues and concerns of the global community. According to its website, “Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.” (B) ________, Greenpeace is committed to making the public aware of environmental abuses. It seeks change through creative, non-violent confrontations between activists and those responsible for harming the environment.
Greenpeace is currently working in six major areas where there is significant threat to the environment. The first two areas address radiation and chemical contaminants. As its initial action against the nuclear test on Amchitka demonstrated, Greenpeace stands firm in its commitment to end the production and use of nuclear weapons. It also aims to eliminate toxic chemicals that are released into the environment.
The third area of concern is the threat posed to the environment by genetically engineered food ingredients, which cause irreversible biological pollution and many types of health risks. In 2002, Greenpeace published the True Food Guide. This helps consumers to select their foods by rating food companies according to their willingness to use genetically engineered ingredients in their products.
A fourth item on the Greenpeace agenda is the protection of marine life. Of particular concern are commercial fishing practices that do not protect endangered species. Greenpeace is also engaged in educating the world community about the effects of global warming.
 Finally, Greenpeace actively supports measures that will protect the remaining ancient forests of the world.  In addition, Greenpeace also has a Quit Coal campaign to encourage governments to look for other energy sources.  With more than 80 percent of the world’s forests already gone, preserving what we have left seems more urgent than ever.  In a recent victory, the Maisin people of Collingwood Bay, in Papua New Guinea, won a three-year legal struggle to deny loggers access to their land.  Greenpeace played an important role in defending the interests of the Maisin in the court case.

 In 1971, a small boat set sail from Vancouver, Canada, to Amchitka, one of the Aleutian Islands connecting North America and Asia.  It was a gesture of non-violent protest against a nuclear test that was to be conducted by the United States government.  The crew on the Phyllis Cormack included a doctor, a geographer, an engineer, a political science teacher, a deep-sea diver, a social worker, a photographer, and three journalists.  Vehement opposition of the test from politicians, scientists, government and environmental agencies, as well as the residents of the Aleutian Islands, had been staged for months preceding the launch of the Phyllis Cormack. 
1. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence?

Despite the protests, the US refused to change its plans to conduct the test.

2. What is NOT true according to the passage?

 The Phyllis Cormack started out from Vancouver.

 Those aboard the ship were protesting a nuclear test.

 The US government was responsible for the nuclear test.

 People had protested the nuclear test before the boat set sail.

 The residents of the Aleutian Islands were displaced by the nuclear test.

Sadly, the ship and her crew did not reach Amchitka and  failed to prevent the nuclear test from occurring. Although Amchitka had not had any inhabitants since the mid-nineteenth century and there was no imminent danger to humans, the explosion caused tremendous  suffer to local wildlife. It also caused wide-scale destruction of the island, including a crater more than one mile wide and sixty feet  deep. The voyage of the Phyllis Cormack did not  succeed in stopping the nuclear test, but this peaceful demonstration did have a very positive outcome. It attracted world-wide attention and  gave birth to the international movement now called Greenpeace.
3. Choose the grammatically incorrect one.

4. What is the purpose of the passage?

 To warn against the dangers of nuclear testing

 To describe the results of the nuclear test

 To inform how nuclear tests are conducted

 To explain why the ship did not reach the island

 To give reasons why the US government performed the test

Today, Greenpeace is an international, non-profit organization with offices in more than forty countries throughout Asia, Europe, North and South America, and the Pacific. Its headquarters is in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Each office has its own board of directors and agenda based on the unique needs of its region. (A) _______, Greenpeace representatives from around the world meet each year to discuss environmental issues and concerns of the global community. According to its website, “Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.” (B) ________, Greenpeace is committed to making the public aware of environmental abuses. It seeks change through creative, non-violent confrontations between activists and those responsible for harming the environment.
5. Choose the correct words for (A) and (B)
(A) (B)

 In contrast As a result

 However Afterward

 In fact For example

 In contrast Afterward

 However As a result

6. What is the best title for the passage?

 A History of Non-Violent Protest

 Greenpeace: Giving the Earth a Voice

 Greenpeace Confronts Environmental Activists

 Environmental Movements Across the Globe

 Environmental Issues in the Global Community

 Finally, Greenpeace actively supports measures that will protect the remaining ancient forests of the world.  In addition, Greenpeace also has a Quit Coal campaign to encourage governments to look for other energy sources.  With more than 80 percent of the world’s forests already gone, preserving what we have left seems more urgent than ever.  In a recent victory, the Maisin people of Collingwood Bay, in Papua New Guinea, won a three-year legal struggle to deny loggers access to their land.  Greenpeace played an important role in defending the interests of the Maisin in the court case.
7. Which sentence does not fit the flow of the passage?

8. What is true according to the passage?

 Greenpeace writes laws to help protect the rainforests.

 Greenpeace has helped save over 80% of the world’s forests.

 Greenpeace often finds itself in legal trouble due to its protests.

 Loggers had begun cutting down trees on the Maisin people’s land.

 Greenpeace assisted the Maisin during the court case to save their land.

Reading 1.2

Peace Ships
Much of the essential work of Greenpeace would be impossible without its small fleet of three ships: the MV Arctic Sunrise, the SV Rainbow Warrior, and the MV Esperanza. At the end of 1996, Greenpeace prepared the Arctic Sunrise for the icy conditions of Antarctica. The hull was rounded so the ship lifts out of the ice instead of being crushed by it. Since its design allows the ship to travel icy waters, it is mostly used for campaigns in the polar regions of the Earth.
The SV Rainbow Warrior is perhaps the most famous Greenpeace ship. It is named for a Native American prophecy that tells of a time when human greed will make the earth sick and a mythical band of warriors will come down from a rainbow to save it. The ship has been used to challenge environmental crimes, to relocate the population of a South Pacific Island contaminated by radiation, and to sail against whaling, war, and global warming. In 2004, it provided disaster relief to victims of the tsunami in Southeast Asia.
 The MV Esperanza is the latest and largest vessel of the Greenpeace fleet.  “Esperanza” means “hope” in Spanish, a word that carries special meaning for Greenpeace supporters everywhere.  To do this, Greenpeace workers removed asbestos, installed diesel engines, modified the refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, and reduced its CO2 emissions.  It took many months to make the ship as environmentally friendly as possible. 
1. What is the main idea of the passage?

 Greenpeace is campaigning for ships to be environmentally friendly.

 Greenpeace depends on its ships to help it save the environment.

 Greenpeace has been accused of committing crimes in their efforts.

 Greenpeace workers frequently sail to different countries for their jobs.

 Greenpeace has seen a surge in its numbers in the last decade.

2. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence?

Since its original builders and owners did not share in the concern for environmental issues, it was necessary for Greenpeace to modify the ship.

Reading 2.1

Glacier Retreat
 Global temperatures are rising as a result of carbon emissions, which trap greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  One of the first things to be affected by global warming is the large masses of ice known as glaciers.  The higher temperatures not only cause the glaciers to melt, they reduce the snowfall as well.  Therefore, glaciers are the largest resource of fresh water on Earth.  Glaciers are formed when snow gets compressed under more snow and the lower layer of snow freezes, creating a large mass of ice. If some of the surface of the glacier melts during warmer weather, that’s okay as long as more snow falls to replace what was lost. But sustained warmer temperatures mean that more ice is melting, and less snow is falling. So the glacier cannot sustain its mass; in other words, it shrinks. We call this phenomenon glacier retreat because as the mass gets smaller, it seems to be retreating.
Why do receding glaciers have scientists and environmentalists so concerned? First of all, most of the Earth’s supply of fresh water comes from glaciers. The normal melting of glaciers during seasons of warmer temperatures provides fresh water to people, animals, and plants. If the glaciers are not able to sustain their mass, there will be less fresh water available for people to drink and use for raising crops. This could spell disaster for human populations around the world.
Furthermore, while the disappearance of glaciers would mean diminished fresh water supplies, the process of this disappearance is causing floods and rising water levels. Most glaciers are located at higher elevations because of the colder temperatures (A) [are found/ found] there. So when the ice (B) [will melt / melts], gravity propels the water downward via rivers and streams. More melting means more water is entering the river system, which may be unable to bear the increased volume, thus resulting in flooding. The ecosystem is out of equilibrium, disrupting life for all of the people and animals reliant on the water supply. Once the water reaches the sea, it raises the water level, threatening settlements located in coastal areas. In addition, sea water can get into the ground water supply, further (C) [diminishes / diminishing] fresh water supplies as the sea water contaminates the fresh water with salt. Floods and rising water levels are displacing thousands of people, and the trend is expected to continue.
In addition to destroying settlements and forcing people to relocate, the melting of glaciers will destroy the farms that once relied on them for irrigation. This presents a looming problem for the world’s food supplies, as the disappearance of arable land diminishes food supplies for millions. (A) ________, the disruption to the ecosystem affects fish and other animals. (B) _________, corals rely on sunlight, and as the water level rises, their exposure to sunlight decreases. Fish that feed on the corals face reduced food supplies, and their numbers decline, adversely affecting the fish, birds, and animals that feed on them.
 The accelerated loss of glaciers, itself caused by global warming, compounds the effects of global warming. Glaciers absorb about 20 percent of the sun’s heat and reflect the rest back. 

But when they disappear, the earth below that gets exposed, absorbing 80 percent of the sun’s heat and only reflecting 20 percent back.  Projections for the future are _______.  Demand for water is expected to increase as population grows and as temperatures rise.  Glacial retreat is perhaps one of the most prominent indications that an environmental catastrophe is on the horizon. It is likely in the next few decades, according to experts.

 Global temperatures are rising as a result of carbon emissions, which trap greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  One of the first things to be affected by global warming is the large masses of ice known as glaciers.  The higher temperatures not only cause the glaciers to melt, they reduce the snowfall as well.  Therefore, glaciers are the largest resource of fresh water on Earth.  Glaciers are formed when snow gets compressed under more snow and the lower layer of snow freezes, creating a large mass of ice. If some of the surface of the glacier melts during warmer weather, that’s okay as long as more snow falls to replace what was lost. But sustained warmer temperatures mean that more ice is melting, and less snow is falling. So the glacier cannot sustain its mass; in other words, it shrinks. We call this phenomenon glacier retreat because as the mass gets smaller, it seems to be retreating.
1. Which sentence does not fit the flow of the passage?

2. What is NOT true according to the passage?

 Carbon emissions cause the Earth’s temperatures to increase.

 Global warming is responsible for a reduction in snowfall.

 Melting glaciers causes less snowfall in some places.

 Glaciers are formed when layers of snow build up and freeze.

 Glaciers cannot sustain their size if there is not enough snowfall.

Furthermore, while the disappearance of glaciers would mean diminished fresh water supplies, the process of this disappearance is causing floods and rising water levels. Most glaciers are located at higher elevations because of the colder temperatures (A) [are found/ found] there. So when the ice (B) [will melt / melts], gravity propels the water downward via rivers and streams. More melting means more water is entering the river system, which may be unable to bear the increased volume, thus resulting in flooding. The ecosystem is out of equilibrium, disrupting life for all of the people and animals reliant on the water supply. Once the water reaches the sea, it raises the water level, threatening settlements located in coastal areas. In addition, sea water can get into the ground water supply, further (C) [diminishes / diminishing] fresh water supplies as the sea water contaminates the fresh water with salt. Floods and rising water levels are displacing thousands of people, and the trend is expected to continue.
3. What is the purpose of this passage?

 To list the causes of global warming

 To compare two points of view about glacier melt

 To classify different types of glaciers

 To explain the effects of melting glaciers

 To give reasons why glaciers form at high elevations

4. Choose the grammatically correct ones.
(A) (B) (C)

 are found melts diminishes

 are found melts diminishing

 found melts diminishing

 found will melt diminishing

 found will melt diminishes

In addition to destroying settlements and forcing people to relocate, the melting of glaciers will destroy the farms that once relied on them for irrigation. This presents a looming problem for the world’s food supplies, as the disappearance of arable land diminishes food supplies for millions. (A) ________, the disruption to the ecosystem affects fish and other animals. (B) _________, corals rely on sunlight, and as the water level rises, their exposure to sunlight decreases. Fish that feed on the corals face reduced food supplies, and their numbers decline, adversely affecting the fish, birds, and animals that feed on them.
5. Choose the correct words for (A) and (B)
(A) (B)

 In comparison Obviously

 Nevertheless On the other hand

 Furthermore For example

 Nevertheless Obviously

 Furthermore On the other hand

6. Choose the topic of the passage?

 possible effects of melting glaciers

 reasons for increased sunlight

 ways farming affects sea life

 the impact of fewer fish on the food supply

 natural causes of global warming

 The accelerated loss of glaciers, itself caused by global warming, compounds the effects of global warming. Glaciers absorb about 20 percent of the sun’s heat and reflect the rest back. 

But when they disappear, the earth below that gets exposed, absorbing 80 percent of the sun’s heat and only reflecting 20 percent back.  Projections for the future are _______.  Demand for water is expected to increase as population grows and as temperatures rise.  Glacial retreat is perhaps one of the most prominent indications that an environmental catastrophe is on the horizon. It is likely in the next few decades, according to experts.

7. Where is the best place to insert the following sentence?

Because of this increased absorption, the Earth’s temperature increases, making the problem worse.

8. Which word best completes the blank?

 inaccurate

 uncertain

 optimistic

 daunting

 promising

Reading 2.2

Drowning Polar Bears
(A) Not only are polar bears drowning, they are also having trouble hunting because the thinner ice tends to get deformed more easily, making hunting seals more difficult. (a) The polar bears’ lack of nourishment not only threatens their lives, but it also makes reproduction less successful, so new generations of polar bears are not being born to replace the dying ones. As polar bear populations decrease, the ecosystem is thrown out of equilibrium. (b) With fewer polar bears to eat seals, seal populations increase. They then eat more fish, threatening those populations. (c) As fish populations diminish, so do food supplies for all the people, birds, and animals that depend on them for nourishment.
(B) The large masses of ice are home to polar bears, who hunt on the edges of the glaciers. (d) They eat mainly seals, who swim in the icy water beneath and are caught when they surface through holes in the ice to breathe. In a normal summer, as the temperature rises, the glaciers retreat to the north, but the polar bears do not follow them. Instead, they leave the glaciers for the shore, where the temperatures are warmer and the seals are plentiful. (e) They have to swim to make this journey, and as the glaciers retreat further and further, the polar bears’ voyage from glacier to land gets longer. Though they are strong swimmers, the increasing distance has resulted in polar bears drowning as they try to swim ashore for the summer months.
(C) There is perhaps no place on Earth where the effects of global warming are more evident than the Arctic. Covered in ice, this region has been the first to feel the effects of a looming environmental catastrophe as greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, causing temperatures to rise and glaciers to melt.
1. What is the correct order of the paragraphs?

 (B) (A) (C)

 (C) (B) (A)

 (C) (A) (B)

 (A) (B) (C)

 (A) (C) (B)

2. Choose the sentence that best shows why polar bear populations are declining?

 a

 b

 c

 d

 e

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