Place Branding and Public Diplomacy Vol. 9, 1, 49–65
64 Khirfan and Momani
4 Ninety per cent of the sample in
(2004) study said they liked the older parts of
Amman compared to only 3.3 per cent who
did not like them (6.7 per cent remained neutral
to them).
5 A majority of Khirfan’s (2004) sample (86.7
per cent) either agreed (20 per cent) or
strongly agreed (66.7 per cent) that govern-
ment agencies should spend more money on
preserving the older parts of Amman.
6 The authors of this article did not request
access to these data and depended in the
writing of this article on our own primary
sources of data including interviews with the
Syntax team on 21 December 2010.
7 Abdali is a public-private mega-project in