Teoretiske og kliniske implikationer af selv-marginalisering og indre social simulation baseret på stratifikationspsykologi
Et speciale om studiet af en evolutionær tilgang til den sociale psykes struktur i forhold til kliniske og socialpsykologiske udfordringer vedrørende hierarki, altruisme, arbejdsdeling og byttepsykologi i psykologisk praksis og intervention
Rapportens samlede antal tegn
(med mellemrum & fodnoter): 191.087
Svarende til antal normalsider: 79,6
Lærke Simmelsgaard
Studienr: 20104138
Vejleder: Einar Baldvin Baldursson
10. Semester, Psykologi
CKH – Center for Klinisk Hverdagspsykologi
Aalborg Universitet
| Abstract
This study examines the theoretical and clinical implications of internal self-marginalization and social simulation based on stratification. In this context the study investigates an evolutionary approach to the social mind’s structure according to challenges concerning hierarchy, altruism, division of labor and social exchange in psychological practice and intervention. This phenomenon is relevant to study due to its increasing significance in the clinical practice and simultaneously because of the lack of studies on the topic in the psychological science.
Social stratification refers to the social organization of people, hereby how people are ranked in groups or organizations. Stratification is an important factor for the individual to navigate in the social world. In order to navigate in and understand the social world, the individual requires the ability to make simulations. Internal social simulation is characterized by cognitive representations in which a person can simulate about the world, other people’s thoughts and intentions and about how the person is seen and evaluated by other people, which affect how a person perceives and evaluates him/herself. In line with this, one of the most basic human needs is the fundamental need to belong. Perceived threats to social inclusion and social standing can lead to internal self-marginalization, which refers to the fact that a person can exclude him/herself as an internal matter.
The motivation for this project is based on an interest of examining the results of the 9thsemester project and making further analysis about aspects that needs to be explained. This is performed by exploring why internal self-marginalization, social simulation and stratification emerge, and how a theory about these aspects can improve and enrich the psychological treatment and intervention. The purpose of this study is therefore to gain insight in psychological functions, which implies investigating the etiology of internal self-marginalization and social simulation based on stratification. This is performed in order to understand and explain the phenomenon by studying how it has evolved, and what consequences and challenges it includes, in order to target these implications in the clinical practice.
Furthermore, this is investigated by applying, analyzing and discussing cognitive, social, evolutionary comparative and clinical theories. The comparative and evolutionary approach and method is applied because of its importance of studying the human social mind as an evolutionary design and as a result of human and primate history. Moreover, comparisons of species will make it possible to understand underlying causes of human behavior and cognition. In line with this, clinical cases are included in the study to illustrate how theories can be applied and understood in relation to real world clinical challenges.
In conclusion internal self-marginalization, social simulation and stratification is a phenomenon that consists of the evolutionary eldest social strategies which permits the individual to seek inclusion and avoid exclusion. Such strategies involve the ability to navigate in the social world, and this permits the availability of information in the environment and thereby the ability to reflect and act adaptively on the information. However, social selection has lead to the modification of cognitive systems, in a way that self-marginalization and exclusion can occur as an internal imaginary representation as opposed to an experienced loss or actual threat to social standing in the external world. This has certain implications for the treatment of such simulated and imaginary failures, particular in depression.
Further studies should include additional examination of the relevance of self-marginalization and the role of stratification in the clinical practice and intervention. Stratified dispositions should not only be considered in depression but also in the development of other pertinent dysfunctions in which errors in hierarchical and altruistic functions can appear. Additionally, the stratified position of division of labor should be considered as a dimension in a diagnostic system of the normal functioning mind and in the prevention of dysfunctions. Moreover, the combination of division of labor and self-esteem can be seen as central aspects of a person’s evaluation of own value of inclusion and contribution to the community. These aspects are significant etiological aspects of a new theory of depression. This kind of innovative knowledge of self-marginalization and depression’s structure, meaning and causes can be used to improve and quality-guarantee the psychological practice and intervention.
1.0 Indledning 5
1.1 Problemformulering 6
1.2 Forskningsidé, interessefelt og emneoprindelse: Fra selv-stigma til stratifikation 7
1.3 Kliniske caseuddrag 8
1.3.1 Case 1# Heidi: Præsentation og fortolkning 9
1.3.2 Betydningen af inklusion, eksklusion og stratifikation 10
1.3.3 Forskningens forklaringspotentiale af inklusion og eksklusion i sociale grupper 11
1.3.4 Opsummering 13
1.4 Afgrænsning af problemformulering og undersøgelse 13
1.5 Begrebsafklaring 17
1.5.1 Selv-marginalisering 17
1.5.2 Social simulation 17
1.5.3 Stratifikation 18
2.0 Metodologiske overvejelser 20
2.1 Empiri: Den kliniske metode 20
2.1.1 Fordele versus begrænsninger og potentielle fejlkilder 21
2.1.2 Opsummering 26
2.2 Teori: Evolution, biologi og komparativ metode 26
2.2.1 Evolution: Et udviklings- og forandringsperspektiv 27
2.2.2 Komparativ metode 28
2.2.3 Komparativ biologi 29
2.2.4 Kritik, af- og begrænsning af anvendelsen af den komparative metode 30
2.2.5 Opsummering 32
2.3 Grounded Theory som metodemæssigt perspektiv 32
2.4 Opsamling 34
3.0 En indre modulering og simulation af selv-forvaltning og sociale relationer 34
3.1 Fremtidstænkning og planlægning 35
3.2 Spejlingsidealet 36
3.3 Social navigation, sammenligning og selvværd 37
3.4 Et indre og et ydre standpunkt 38
3.4.1 Kognitiv dissonans 38
3.4.2 Objektiv selv-perception 40
3.5 Opsamling 41
4.0 Den sociale stratifikationspsykologi: Hierarki, egalitærisme, altruisme og arbejdsdeling 42
4.1 Mennesket i en udspændt dikotomi imellem hierarki og egalitærisme 43
4.1.1 Hierarkiets betydning og funktion 43
4.1.2 Egalitærisme: Udvikling og opretholdelse via social kontrol og sanktioner 46
4.1.3 Menneskets evolutionære udvikling 48
4.1.4 Opsummering 51
4.2 Altruisme 52
4.2.1 Altruismens evolutionære historie 52
4.2.2 Cheater Detection som kognitiv adaption for social udveksling 54
4.2.3 Fleksibel altruisme 55
4.2.4 Udviklingen af samvittighed, moral, skyld og skam 56
4.2.5 Opsummering 58
4.3 Arbejdsdeling 59
4.3.1 Arbejdsdeling som et ydre og indre bytteforhold 61
4.3.2 Opsummering 62
4.4 Opsamling på den sociale stratifikationspsykologi 63
5.0 Kliniske implikationer: Selv-marginalisering, indre social simulation og stratifikation som dysfunktion 64
5.1 Social smerte som systemsammenbrud i den indre modulering 65
5.2 Depression, underordningsadfærd og indre simulation 66
5.2.1 Depressionens ætiologi: Arbejdsdeling, altruisme og selvværd som ydre og indre regulerende bytteforhold 69
5.2.2 Opsummering 71
5.3 Kliniske caseuddrag: Selv-marginalisering baseret på stratifikationspsykologi 72
5.3.1 Case 2# Jonas 72
5.3.2 Analyse af case 2# Jonas 72
5.3.3 Opsummering 77
5.4 Behandlingsmæssige implikationer 78
5.4.1 Kognitiv terapi 78
5.4.2 Compassionate Mind Therapy & Radically Open-Dialectical Behavior Therapy 80
6.0 Konklusion 83
7.0 Perspektivering 86
7.0 Pensumliste 88
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