Raporti vjetor 2013 annual report 2013 January 2014

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The accreditation process is continuous and needs improving. In line with this, in 2013, after some analysis and the feedback given, some procedures were improved.

Some of the improvements made to the accreditation process are:

  • For the institutional evaluation, at least one expert was foreign

  • The evaluation of the third cycle programs is done only by foreign experts.

  • PAAHE engaged about 120 internal experts and 20 foreign ones during 2013 and the database is being enriched continuously with new online applications.

  • There have been done 14 institutional accreditations by foreign experts.

  • All the reports of the external evaluation during the period 2012-2013 were published.

  • It was made possible to give online call for application for international experts through the official web page PAAHE and through ENQA.

The internal and external institutional evaluation report is delivered in English at PAAHE. For every external evaluation report the PAAHE staff has given the foreign experts of the AC the SWOT analysis translated in English.

By the order of the Director of head of the institution, all external evaluation reports compiled during 2013 are published in the official page of PAAHE. This helps in increasing transparency towards evaluations in accreditation process and also increases the quality of the processes carried out by PAAHE and evaluation experts. PAAHE has continuously improved the documentations for evaluation and accreditation. The formats of internal and external evaluations report were reviewed, including all the standards and criteria of the three study cycles, and also the European quality standards.

    • Statistical analysis
    Analyses in Higher Education and data Management System

In 2013 PAAHE finished reorganizing and structuring the model of university ranking, carried out during 2011 in cooperation with the German company CHE (Center for Higher Education).

One of the biggest problems, encountered in the first process, was the credibility of the data taken from the questionnaires and students in particular. Some of the questioners were modified and some new questions were in the questionnaires used in 2011. The staff of Statistical and Analysis sector further developed this model by finalizing the new version of university ranking in Albania. These results were presented in the Forum for university ranking from IREG in Poland, in May 2013. At the same time there has been constant work to adapt the necessary infrastructure for further processes developed. In 2013, the management system of PAAHE has been completed. In September 2013, SSA started filling in the system’s central database reliable data from all the HEIs in the country, a process that will continue during 2014.

The basis of these data collected during the ranking process, is reviewed, added and corrected the missing or mistaken data for different HEI.

It was carried out the analysis of HEI information systems. The problems identified range from the lack of information infrastructure to the missing information or false one given to students and public by the institutions.

Some analysis and statistical analysis have been carried out in function of the different institutions that have asked for data in connection with the HEI and their programs, for example. for the General Prosecution Office , Tirana Police, University of Medicine etc.

Most statistical data are already published in the official web page, giving detailed information for every institution or program in the country.

For further improvement of the ranking and analysis process, PAAHE, has been in contact with international associates who have given their experience in creating the management system of questionnaires and personalized ranking. The PAAHE staff has taken part in U-Multirank forums, initiated from the European Commission in June 2009 and also held this year in Brussels.

The process of gathering data from HEI has been continuous and on the institutions themselves and the programs offered, the processes of evaluation, accreditation, ranking and analysis of higher education, statistics for students, academic staffs, scientific research, facilities etc.

This database included in the informatics system for the PAAHE management makes it possible to do some important procedures/activities for the evaluation, accreditation and ranking of programs/institutions of higher education like: evaluation of programs/institutions in the prospect of their licensing/opening; institutional evaluation and new programs in the existing institutions, evaluations in the prospect of new and periodic accreditations in HEI, programs and HEI analysis in higher education, postal and electronic communication management, application management, performance in time of processes in different steps, real time reliable information, ranking processes management, accreditation classification, analyses, communication between employees, task management, communication with the institutions and communication with experts.

Many new dedicated portals and modules have been created in this page, giving detailed information for all the processes performed by PAAHE.

Nevertheless, still exist some problems that need addressing in order to create and meet the criteria of international institutions that operate in this direction.

In detail:

  • The absence of by laws and legal acts that regulate the analysis and ranking process.

It has not been defined in the law how PAAHE will find the financial support needed. In the yearly budget of PAAHE it is not included the financial budget needed to carry out a ranking process.

Also the secondary income from the accreditation process can’t be used for processes other than accreditation.

  • The division of the ranking process from the accreditation one.

Accreditation and ranking are two quality ensuring processes in HE. CHE has proposed for them to be separate processes and as a result the ranking process will be done by different and independent organs from all the institutions and other mechanisms of higher education, so that the credibility of the interested parts and of the public cal be higher. The primary recommendation is the division of SSA from the structures of PAAHE, as a unique unit focused completely in ranking and analysis of higher education, which hasn’t been done so far. This recommendation has not been fulfilled because it is not in the competences of PAAHE.

  • Infrastructure development for the management of ranking and analysis processes.

This recommendation made by CHE in July 2011, is based on the visit of German experts in PAAHE and on the fact that these two processes are realized online with the data self declared by the institutions. Up to now PAAHE has taken positive steps in infrastructure improvement. PAAHE has finished the electronic System of process management “PAAHE Management System”, a project started in 2011 and finished in June 2013. It has been built the database that will help these processes and especially the ranking one. As for the information systems PAAHE has created the necessary infrastructure for the information and publication of the results. PAAHE has a dedicated official web page for the publication of the results of university ranking. (www.albranking.com)

  • Improvement of the legal ground

Regarding the procedures and methodology that will be followed for ranking/rating/analysis in the future there are no legal act to regulate this process. The Accreditation Council as a decision and political making institution has not taken steps for the improvement of the legal background in function of the ranking process.

For a better training of the PAAHE staff, every year it has been possible for the staff to attend the annual Symposium for university ranking, held in Brussels, in the framework of the project “University Multirank”. In May 2013, PAAHE took part in the activity: IREG Forum on University Rankings: Methodology under scrutiny, by presenting the work done by PAAHE during the period 2011-2013, “Improving the ranking model of the Albanian higher educatiozsn institutions”, http://www.ireg-observatory.org

    • Activity of CA 2013

    • AC meetings

    • AC decisions
    Activity of the Accreditation Council and External Experts

The Accreditation Council operates at the premises of PAAHE. The AC meetings are organized on the basis of a schedule drawn up in accordance with the number of applications that are to be considered. Regarding AC performance some of its main activities conducted during 2013 are:

Fig.8: Evaluations in public and private HEIs
Approval of the assessment procedures and methodology, as well as key general and specific documents for the external evaluation and accreditation of study programs and higher education institutions , documents proposed by PAAHE, based on legal acts and relevant guidelines and European models. The documents to be pointed out are the evaluation reports formats for the three cycles of study in accordance with the national standards of quality.

During this period the AC has reviewed and approved the composition of the expert groups of external evaluation proposed by PAAHE for each and every case. Experts are selected in compliance with their field of expertise from the general list of approved experts.

AC has also reviewed the evaluations carried out by PAAHE and experts and recommended to the Minister opening or not opening of new programs of study in public/ private higher education institution taking the appropriate decisions which are published on the PAAHE official webpage on AC activity.

The Accreditation Council has had 4 meetings where there have been taken 127 decisions for licensing, accreditation and follow-up. AC has carried out 190 accreditations.

Decisions of AC


AC meetings in 2013

11 Janar

03 May

03 June

18 July




Private HEI









Public HEI









Follow Up

































Accreditations according to cycles of study


11 January 2013

03 May 2013

03 June 2013

18 July 2013

Kind of PS

Private Higher Education Institutions

Private Higher Education Institutions

Private Higher Education Institutions

Private Higher Education Institutions








































































Kind of PS

Public Higher Education Institutions

Public Higher Education Institutions


Pozitive on condition





Pozitive on condition



Statud change






















































Non University Program













Professional Diploma






































Opening of Faculty






















































The English version of SWOT analysis of all the reports of external evaluation in the context of accreditation was put at AC disposal, which was a great important support to them.

Accreditation Council has had the financial and logistical support of PAAHE for any event. Një nga specialistët e agjencisë, luan rolin e sekretariatit të KA i cili kryhen ndër të tjera këto funksione: përgatit axhendën e mbledhjeve dhe aprovimin e tyre, njofton anëtarët e Këshillit të Akreditimit ( për axhendën, në mbledhjen përkatëse dhe materialet që do të shqyrtohen etj) , përgatit dosjet dhe harton Vendimet për programe/institucione private dhe programe/institucione publike, përgatit dosjet dhe harton vendime dhe dokumente të tjera zyrtare të KA, informon Këshillin e Akreditimit me kërkesat e reja për akreditim, dërgon listat e ekspertëve, të propozuar nga Drejtori i APAAL, komunikon në emër të KA me institucionet e tjera, etj. One of the specialists of the agency plays the role of the secretary of the AC and performs the following functions: preparation and approval of the agenda of their meetings, notification of AC members (of the agenda of the relevant meeting and the material to be dealt with etc. ), preparation of files and drafts for decisions for private and public institutions /programs , preparation of files and drafts decisions and other official documents of AC, information of the Council of Accreditation of the new requirements for accreditation, submission of the lists of experts, proposed by PAAHE director, communication with other institutions on behalf of the AC, etc. Aktiviteti financiar i KA sigurohet nga APAAL, nga të ardhurat e vlerësimit dhe akreditimit. The AC financial activity is provided by PAAHE from the revenues of the evaluation and accreditation process. Asistenca logjistike si kancelari, printer, fotokopje, kompjutera etj, po ashtu sigurohen nga APAAL.Logistical assistance as stationery, printer, photocopy, computers, etc., are provided by PAAHE, too. Informacion më i detajuar jepet në shtojcën C.

PAAHE APAAL është organi kryesor që koordinon jo vetëm aktivitetin e KA dhe ekspertëve por vë në dispozicion të tyre të gjitha facilitetet e nevojshme, për zhvillimin me normalitet të procesit të tyre të punës. is the main organ that coordinates the activity of AC and the experts and also puts at their disposal all the necessary facilities for the normal development of their working process. During the on site visits oNjë nga specialistët e APAAL është njëkohësisht dhe sekretare e KA dhe koordinon cdo aktivitet të tij.ne of the specialists of the agency helps communication by translating for the foreign external experts. Agjencia organizon mbledhjet e Këshillit të Akreditimit, përgatit axhendën e takimeve, programin e mbledhjeve, përgatit dhe shpërndan informacionin antarëve të Këshillit dhe përgatit dokumentin final në emër të Këshillit përpara se ai të shqyrtohet e miratohet.The agency organizes the meetings of the Accreditation Council, prepares the agenda for the meetings, programs of the meetings, prepares and delivers information to Council members and prepares the final document on behalf of the Council before it is reviewed and approved. Agjencia kryen gjithashtu të gjithë korrespondencën me institucionet e tjera në emër të Këshillit të Akreditimit dhe publikon të gjithë dokumentat e tij zyrtarë në faqen e internetit.The Agency also performs all correspondence with other institutions on behalf of the Council of Accreditation and publishes all its official documents on the website. APAAL ka vënë në dispozicion të KA, infrastrukturën dhe bazën materiale të saj si dhe ka kryer pagesat e antarëve të KA në bazë të legjislacionit në fuqi.

In compliance with the law of higher education and with the aim of enhancing quality of evaluation, PAAHE collaborates with external experts for evaluation and accreditation of higher education institutions/programs. PAAHE cooperates with local and foreign experts from various fields. The Lista e ekspertëve pasurohet dhe shtohet me emra të rinj cdo vit.The llist of experts is enriched with new names each year. Përvec kërkesës së dërguar IAL për ekspertë të njohur në fusha të ndryshme, APAAL u ka dhënë mundësi aplikimi elektronike të gjithë ekspertëve të interesuar, vendas apo të huaj. Besides sending request to HEIs for experts in various fields, PAAHE has given opportunity to all interested local and foreign experts to apply on line.Për të gjithë ekspertët e rinj apo ekzistues, trajnimi nga APAAL dhe ekspertët e huaj ka qënë i vazhdueshëm veçanërisht për njohjen me procedurat e vlerësimit dhe akreditimit dhe me standartet e reja shtetërore të cilësisë. PAAHE and the foreign experts have provided continuous training to experts, old and new ones, especially about getting acquainted with evaluation and accreditation procedures and the new state standards of quality. Janë kryer trajnime në ambientet e APAAL dhe u është vënë në dispozicion materiale e botime të Agjencisë që lidhen me proceset kryesore të APAAL. Trainings have been conducted on the premises of PAAHE. All the necessary materials and the Agency's publications related to key processes of accreditation were made ​​available to them.

PAAHE financially supports the activities of external experts regarding payment based on laws and rules in force. Gjatë gjithë proceseve të vlerësim - it/akreditim - it/rankim - it, APAAL është kujdesur vazhdimisht të shmangë konflikin e interesit që kanë ekspertët me IAL të ndryshme. Throughout the assessment / accreditation / ranking processes PAAHE has constantly paid attention to avoiding conflict of interest between the experts and various HEIs. Për këtë arsye jo vetëm deklarohet nga eksperti pozicioni i tij në lidhje me një IAL por në kontratën e re është parashikuar një pikë e cila paraqet një lloj deklarate të ekspertit në lidhje me konflikitn e interesit. For these reasons, the expert declares his position in relation to the HEI. Also the new contract includes an article which requires the expert to sign a declaration related to the conflict of interest. However, it has not always been possible to avoid such phenomenon completely. In specific fields the number of experts is relatively small so the engagement of foreign experts has not only increased the quality of evaluation but has also made the whole process more reliable.

PAAHE puts at the disposal of the two foreign AC members the English versions of the evaluation reports for the three study cycles and institutional evaluation in the context of accreditation. In addition, many PAAHE documents, state quality standards, higher education law, procedures, etc., have been translated in English by PAAHE. Meqënëse, në vitin 2012, KA do të ketë ekspertë të huaj, dhe vlerësimi insitutcional do të kryhet nga ekspertë të huaj, APAAL ka informuar institucionet për mënyrën e hartimit të raportit të vlerësimit të brendshëm në dy gjuhë. There have also been translated the summaries of the expert evaluations of study programs of public / private HEIs applying for licensing (45 summaries), the translation of SWOT analyses of expert evaluations and external evaluation to serve the foreign members of the Accreditation Council (10 SWOT analyses), and the translation of specific parts of HEIs reports and documents etc.

PAAHE has informed the institutions about how to write the internal evaluation report in two languages. Gjithashtu, IAL do të përgatitin edhe mjaft dokumente të tjera, si statut, rregullore, programe etj, në gjuhën angleze, në mënyrë që të jenë në funksion të vlerësimit me ekspertë të huaj ose KA. Furthermore, HEIs have been informed to prepare many other documents, as the statute, regulations, curricula, etc., in English, in order for these documents to be in function of evaluation by foreign experts or AC. Detailed information for AC and evaluation experts has been published in PAAHE web pages and published brochures.

  • Activities in Higher Education

  • International Activities

  • Recommendations

National and International Activities in Higher Education

The Public Accreditation Agency for Higher Education has direct and continuous contact with the Ministry of Education and Sport (MES), Institutions of Higher Education at home (HEIs) and other stakeholders. Some of the activities in which PAAHE has participated are:

  • Participation in the "Platform for monitoring private higher education institutions" focused on " Assessment of the quality of teaching and administrative service of private higher education institutions for the implementation of the standards and obligations they have under the Higher Education Law and regulations adopted for its implementation.” Almost the entire staff of PAAHE was engaged in work groups set up by the MES. At the end of the process, reports for each HEI were written and help was given in drafting the final report of the process.

  • Participation in work groups to see the implementation of State Matura exams.All PAAHE staff was engaged as supervisors in defferent schools in the country.

PAAHE cooperation with HEIs has been continuous. Alongside ongoing contacts with HEIs PAAHE has focused its technical assistance on information about every document produced, changes or updating; various trainings for internal evaluation units in HEI; training for drafting internal assessment reports in accordance with new quality standards.

PAAHE is a member with full rights in EENQA, INQAHE, EAIE, and since 2010 has been an associate member of ENQA (the European Organization for Quality Assurance). The Agency has been part of all activities organized by these networks, especially of the activities of ENQA

The Agency staff was involved in many international activities conducted during 2013 among which we highlight:

  • Participation in the 5th Annual Symposium "On universities ranking and quality assurance in Europe, 2012" organized by the Centre for Parliamentary Studies, in cooperation with the European Commission and the CHE, in Brussels, Belgium.

Participation in the 6th Forum of IREG Oservatory for universities ranking methodologies on 16-17 May 2013 , in Warsaw, Poland. PAAHE presented the Albanian experience in ranking universities, problems and improvements made to the model applied in 2011 by CHE - PAAHE . The work presented in this event was" Improving the ranking model of the Albanian Higher Education Institutions"

  • The conference " Quality Assurance and Development in Europe " . This conference was organized by DAAD , the National Agency for cooperation in higher education in Europe and was held in Berlin , Germany on 21 & 22 March 2013 .

  • The Third Forum of ENQA members held on 25-26 April 2013 in Prague , Czech Republic . This forum was organized by ENQA in cooperation with the Czech Accreditation Commission , AcCCR. Part of the forum was the General Assembly in which it was discussed and approved :

- Protocol to the previous meeting of the General Assembly

- The list of candidates to the Board of ENQA

- Audit Report

- Financial Report August 2011 - December 2012

Throughout these events , PAAHE introduced , presented and informed its associates about the activities it performs and its aims for the future. The conclusions drawn from these activities have been the subject of discussion in PAAHE and have been reflected in the agency's performance.

The focus of work for 2013 was membership in ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education ) and the European Registry Agencies ( EQAR ).

Regarding its membership with full rights in ENQA , PAAHE has written a self-evaluation report in the context of external evaluation and on 8 November 2012 ​​a formal request for PAAHE external assessment was made to the Board of ENQA . Following the procedures , on 28 August 2013 the contract between PAAHE and ENQA was signed . Attached to the contract are the terms of reference and a list of five experts consisting of : 1.Rafael Van Grieken , director of the Spanish agency ( chairman of the evaluation group ) ; 2.Tibor Szanto , general secretary of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee ( evaluation group secretary ) 3 . Sofia Pekic Quarrie , Professor of Agricultural University , Belgrade ; 4 . Jethro Newton Professor Emeritus at the University of Chester , England ( nominated by the Union of European Universities ) 5. Karl Agius nominated by the European Student Union .
18,19,20 November 2013 were scheduled for the visit of the group of external evaluation in PAAHE . This visit was postponed due to the institution reorganization process by MES . The external evaluation group received the PAAHE self-evaluation report and is awaiting for our notification to continue with the procedures and the visit.

As a member of ENQA group on Quality Assurance in Lifelong Learning PAAHE continued cooperation in designing standards for LLL until their reviewed by the Board of ENQA in September 2013.

PAAHE has been a partner in several projects designed and funded by Tempus as " Improvement of Quality Assurance System in Higher Education in Albania " , the application of the process and results-based methodology , in cooperation with the University of Koblenz - Landau , Germany . This project is ongoing.
Based on the recommendations of our associates which have come up in various discussions and the activities conducted in 2013 PAAHE must focus on some directions so as to increase its capacity and performance :

  • Improvement of infrastructure, organization and management of data to anticipate new developments related to linking our national data base with other international systems

  • Increasing contacts with institutions of higher education, getting acquainted with new global developments in higher education, promoting ranking as an important tool that will benefit all, raising the HEI awareness of the reliability of the process, ensuring their participation in regional and international initiatives related to ranking processes or other relevant activities.

  • Development of public information system as a whole using all capacities offered by technology as websites, magazine for higher education published by PAAHE as one of the major recommendation, written and visual media, the publication of any information, activities results of different processes, analyses and national and international activities in the field of higher education.

Improvement these aspects makes PAAHE a reliable partner and collaborator in different ranking processes that will be carried out in the future.

  • financial activity

  • Paymenmt to CA and experts

  • Secondary revenues

Financial Activity during 2013

The Public Agency of Accreditation in Higher Education carried out and supported its financial activity in compliance with the state budget of 2013. In accordance with the law No.9936 dated 26.06.2008 “On the management of the budget system in the Republic of Albania”, the law 119/2012 dated 17.12.2012 “On the budget of 2013”, the document of the Ministry of Finance N0. 20413/97, dated 14.01.2013 “ It is sent the datailed budget of 2013” PAAHE was allocated an annual budget of about 16 690 000 ALL ( salary, it.600, social insurance, it. 601, operative expenses, it. 602 ). The data given sho that the budget was realized in 94,2 %.

Expenses from the budget







Social insurance



Operative expenses

(Stationery, printer ink, photocopies, electrical energy, phones, internet , mail, fuel, travel , painting of the server room etc.)



The project “Implementation of an information system for PAAHE Management”, which was as part of CBA, was paid off.

Expenses from World Bank




The project “Implementation of an information system for PAAHE Management”



Use of the institution revenues in opperative expenses is given in the following table:

Operative expenses from the revenues




Operative expenses



Electrical energy, water, internet, phone, mail, bank commissions, security guards


Expenses for honorary payment to the Accreditation Council ( local and foreign) and experts ( local and foreign)


Expenses for travel and per diems abroad for PAAHEE staff, foreign experts and foreign members of CA


Expenses for travel and per diems in the country of PAAHE staff.


Fund return to HEIs which did not receive PAAHE service.


In addition, membership fees in international organisations (ENQA, INQAE, EENQA) were paid during 2013 as follows:

Expenses from revenues




Expenses for fees and membership in international organizations.



The income from the evaluation and accreditation processes are used by PAAHE based on the Instruction 29/1, dated 16.08.2011, “On defining fees for services done by PAAHE”, amended. The approval of the MES has been obtained for cases, which require the use of revenues and which are not provided for in the instruction.

During 2013, the total revenue from the assessment processes performed by PAAHE based on DCM 424 dated 02.06.2010 "On approval of the regulation for the accreditation system, organization and operation of institutions of external quality assurance", amended and Instruction no. 29/1, dated 16.08.2011 ", “On defining fees for services done by PAAHE”, amended, was: ALL 77,310,300, of which 10% is paid to the state budget and 90% is incomeof the Agency. From the income remaining in the agency's budget, ALL 1,000,000 is authorized increase in expenses and ALL 69,029,270 is transferred to 2014.

  • Aktiviteti finaciar

  • Pagesa për KA, ekspertët

  • Të ardhurat dytësore

Archiving, Informing and Informatioon publication system

PAAHE currently has a consolidated archive and material basis. The new institution archive saves on paper any information that comes from any institution, organization, HEI, individuals, etc., and registers each official document. All application files submitted by HEIs, program files, folders with all accreditation procedures, reports of internal and external evaluation, orders, decisions, CVs etc. are found in PAAHE. At the same time, most of this information is saved in the electronic version in the created database.

PAAHE started setting up its datasbase in an electronic version first in 2012. With the completion of the management system, most of the documents will be stored in the electronic version. All HEIs in the country have been informed of these changes. Now, along with the printed file the HEIs submit its electronic version to PAAHE. In addition, all official documents are stored in the electronic version, too.

In terms of logistical capacity and material basis, PAAHE has some drawbacks. Although in October 2011 PAAHE moved to another building, consisting of 9 office rooms and working environments, they are old and do not meet the standards of an agency that aspires to become a member of ENQA. There is a shortage of new computers, black and white and colour printers etc.

The 2014 plan, in addition to PAAHE annual activity, foresees the improvement of the material basis of PAAHE /AC and the reconstruction of the offices and the work environments. The evaluation to be performed by ENQA experts in the context of ENQA membership is also focused on the financial and logistical capacities of PAAHE, and as such it is a very important indicator for receiving a positive evaluation from this organism.

Regarding the information system the Public Agency of Accreditation for Higher Education has actually a consolidated system of public information. PAAHE uses various forms of information but mostly uses electronic versions as website , emails , printed material etc.. Some of the information is published in the form of brochures, which are mainly official documents as procedures , standards etc. .

PAAHE has designed two webpages which have been made ​​available to institutions of higher education, associates and the public. These webpages are in dynamic version , with very detailed information and are updated daily with the latest and most reliable information. Thanks to this information , these pages were visited by a large number of readers during 2013 .

Some new modules and new and updated portals became part of these pages during 2013 , as :

  • The module of the accreditation process with detailed information about each process developed by each HEI , whether public or private.

  • The module of personalized research of information, which enables any user to easily find the needed information about institutions or programs at home.

  • The module of statistical data provides detailed information about all institutions and programs and performs automatically graphical and comparative presentation for each program and HEI

  • The module of publication of any official document of HEIs is created in order to publish all official documents such as decisions of CM and CA , Orders of the Minister of Education and Sports , evaluation reports of external experts , etc.

Also in these pages there are other dedicated portals and modules in order to give clear and detailed information to the public . The main advantage of this model is the public communication and interaction with the website , creating the possibility of them obtaining the desired information.

Some other applications and portals are accreditation , online applications , information about HEIs , statistical data in real time etc. Readers may post questions and ask for information in real time from PAAHE staff . One page is dedicated entirely to the ranking process , analysis and publication of the findings obtained . The statistical information published is quite diversified . All official and legal documents on which PAAHE operates have been published. PAAHE , also, publishes in real-time the ongoing procedures, staff works and CA decisions .

One of the most important achievements that will greatly improve the PAAHE functioning is the completion of the project " PAAHE management" designed by the PAAHE staff , supported by the MES and financially supported by the WB . During 2013 most of the project was finished so that it can be put in service op PAAHE / AC.

A very important aspect is the information of institutions of higher education of any basic document which has been drafted / amended / updated by PAAHE . These documents are published in Albanian and English in the official webpage. The state quality standards of the three cycles of study are in electronic and printed version and continuously submitted to HEIs in the process of evaluation

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