Rahimbayeva Nazokat. My daily routine

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Rahimbayeva Nazokat.

My daily routine.

I am a student of the Toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti Urganch filiali. As well as for all students every my day passes almost identically.
As a rule, I get up at half past 6. I put on my dressing-gown, go into bathroom and turn on the bath taps. Good health is better than wealth, so I do my morning exercises. I get breakfast at seven-thirty and listen to the news over the radio. I like to begin the day well, so my breakfast is always a good one. For breakfast I usually have hard-boiled eggs or an omelet, bread and butter, tea or coffee. Then, I say "Good-bye" to my relatives and go to university. I live far from my university, so it doesn't take me long to get there.
The lectures start at 9. Each lecture lasts for one hour and twenty minutes. The lectures are over at two o'clock. I come back home, have dinner, wash up and go shopping. I buy foodstuffs for the family. Coming back I begin to clean the house and get the vegetables ready for supper. We have supper at seven.
I do my homework for the next day. It usually takes me several hours to prepare well for the lectures and practice.
In the evening, I always try to spend at least an hour with my friends. As a rule my parents and I sit and talk, watch a film on TV, read newspapers and magazines. Sometimes, we go to the cinema. I go to bed at about eleven o'clock, but my parents like to sit up late and watch TV.

My first computer.

The role of the computer in our lives is currently growing from day to day. It can be explained by the fact that computers help people to do their work much more easily and quickly. Computers can be characterised, as very comfortable, reliable and accurate. The biggest advantage is the price of computers, they are quite cheap. They give people very quick and quality information, so in such a way people don’t have to spend their time, turning leaves of dozens of books. Computers are easy to use, so you don’t have to be a genius to be able to work on it. And even if it is hard for you to learn it, you can buy some videos and books that will help you to do it.

In today's world, computers are used nearly in all branches of industry. Even in that one that are dangerous and harmful to human health. Scientists can’t imagine space research without using computers. Today computers can diagnose very severe illnesses and help to carry out operations.

Using a computer you can search something on the internet. It has many advantages. You can exchange information electronically. The Internet users can enjoy online media and they can help other people to solve their problems. It expands our knowledge and stimulates our curiosity. Using the internet, you can meet different and interesting people. The internet also informs us about new trends. It provides us the possibility to talk with our friends online. The Internet helps us to use less television and watch only those films, which we want.

The computers have some disadvantages. Computer viruses are very dangerous. Such computer viruses can delete all files that are in your computer.

But in my opinion, computers are very useful and necessary in our lives. Despite some disadvantages, I think that a computer is the very important machine. I am sure that the computers have a great influence on our lives.

Description of your home town

Urgench is the name of two cities, one of which is located in Uzbekistan and second one is located in Turkmenistan near the village of Kunya-Urgench and is the ruins of ancient settlement.

Ancient Urgench today is located on the territory of Turkmenistan, close to the state border. The exact time of origin of the settlement is not known, however according to some records it is considered that the city had already existed in the 1st century AD.

It was quite large trade and industrial city with developed irrigation system. In the 10-11th centuries it was the capital of Khorezm, but in the 13th century the city was destroyed by army of Genghis Khan and century later it was ruined to the ground by Amir Temur. The city had being struggled for its existence untill the 17th century, but then it was left with all its mosques, minarets, fortresses and irrigation systems. Today ruins of ancient Urgench attract a lot of tourists from all over the world. Modern Urgench is located on the territory of Uzbekistan close to the Uzbek-Turkmen border. So both cities are divided not only by time but also by state border. This city was founded in the beginning of 20th century. There is almost no any historical sightseeing in the city. Being the administrative center of Khorezm region of Uzbekistan, Urgench plays role of transport nodal point in the region.

There are railways running through the city and connecting south and north of Central Asia. Within the city there is the international airport “Urgench”, which is capable to receive aircrafts of any type and serves flights from Tashkent, Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and other cities of the world. Also Urgench is connected with Khiva by unique trolleybus line with 35 km of length. By the way, all major sites and monuments of Khorezm region are located in Khiva. So Urgench is the perfect place for start point to tours to Khiva and Kunya-Urgench.

Computers and education

There was no doubt that computers would change the world when they first came

into existence. One of the major areas to be changed would be education, especially at

the college level. Computers provide students with numerous benefits. They allow

students to research classroom topics and can help improve classroom performance.

However, they have negatively affected education and will continue if there are further

advancements. It is important that education not lose the concept of personal touch

between the teacher and the student. Thus far, the advancements computer technology

have made in education have been beneficial for the most part; however, further

advancement could be detrimental.

It is very convenient for a student to be able to look up information on the

computer. No matter what field of study a student is involved in, they would be able to

use their computer as a source of information. One way of accessing this information is

through the multiple uses of the Internet. Search engines and online libraries are two

useful ways of gaining information. The amount of information a student can gather on

the computer is endless. For example, if a student needed to do research on dementia, the

computer would be a great source of information. By simply typing in the word dementia

into the search engine box, the student can find endless facts and information on

dementia. This is such an easier task compared to searching for hours through numerous


Computers also help develop more interaction between the teacher and the

student, an aspect of education that is very significant. It is helpful for students to be able

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to e-mail their teacher if they are having problems in class. At the college level, students

may only see their teacher or professor one or two days a week. Students may not be able

to meet with their teacher during their office hours due to the conflicts in each

individual?s schedule. These types of students are now able to e-mail their teacher with

their questions. A computer is more helpful than a telephone in certain situations. For

example, a student may want a teacher to look his or her paper the night before it is due.

Unfortunately, the student is unable to meet the teacher in person. In a situation such as

this, the student could e-mail his or her paper to the teacher, including any questions he or

she might have concerning it. The teacher could easily e-mail the paper back, including

suggestions as well as answers to the students questions. In this situation the computer is

helping the student get the help he or she needs before class the next day. This type of

benefit helps improve classroom performance.

Contrary to the advantages computers offer to an individual?s education,

computers present problems that are equal to or greater than the advantages. Plagiarism

is one of the many problems computers present. Students are able to look up numerous

essays from the Internet. They can easily retype these essays and turn them in as their own

work. Since the amount of information on the Internet is endless, there is usually no way

for the teacher to know this or prove it. Students have a great temptation to do this.

Another problem associated with information gained by computers is obtaining

invalid information. One should always question the credibility of a source from the

Internet. It is true that the amount of information a student can find about a subject is

endless, but sometimes there is no way of knowing the validity of the source. Sometimes

the type of people passing information on the Internet are not experts in that particular

area. Yet students are not aware of that fact. Many times students may think they are

reading an article written by an expert, but often times they are not. On the Internet,

people often try to pass on information as though it is fact when it is really just the

Internet in my life

Just a century ago we didn’t even know about computers and the Internet. But today we take them for granted and can’t imagine our life without these inventions. I think that the Internet (or WorldWideWeb) is the greatest invention ever and it has made a significant impact on our lives.

Nowadays the Internet is affordable almost for anyone and it connects people all around the world. You can stay in touch with your friends, relatives and colleagues. Our modern life will stop without the net because it helps to make on-line business transactions, manage our bank accounts, pay our gas or electricity bills and send important e-mails, for example.

The Internet is the largest source of information. There are millions of Internet sites storing plenty of useful data about everything: science, history, psychology, sports, fashion, music, cooking and many other subjects. We can also download our favourite movies or songs, listen to radio channels or play games. Learning or practising foreign languages is possible with the Internet too.

The Internet saves our time and money. We can do on-line shopping choosing the desirable thing at the best price. And then we just click “Order the delivery”. By the way, we can also sell various things in the net. We often don’t need to go to the library: surfing the net can easily help us to find and open the book we need. Buying stamps and envelopes isn’t required if you’re going to send an e-mail. It takes just a few seconds to send an instant message by e-mail.

The Internet helps shy people or those with low-esteem to find each other on dating sites. On-line chatting through social networking websites is more comfortable for Internet users with the lack of social skills.

I am sure that the Internet has changed our life for the better. There is only one disadvantage about it: some people become rather addicted to it and spend all days long surfing the net, on-line dating or playing games. Over-using the net can be dangerous because new technology victims start neglecting their families, friends, work and real hobbies.

My favorite website

My favorite web-site is VK. Most of people use this web-site to stay in touch with their friends, relatives and other people. I find this site useful, because if your close person is far from you, you can to chat with him in any time. This site is containing texts, images and sound files. It is a well-decorated page. Another one of my favorite website is You. Tube, because I can watch or download any types of video there. Everybody knows that it is the most popular video site in the world. I like it for three reasons. Firstly, I can listen to the music that I like on this site and watch the video clips of the new songs. Secondly, I can find almost every new movie or cartoon there. Thirdly, on You. Tube I see the latest news that happened around the world. In my opinion, this site has many advantages. One of them is that I can find the videos on any given topic: about pets, about sports. Facebook is supposedly the largest social networking site with over two hundred million active members across the globe and most interactive amongst all social networks. This site is containing texts, images and sound files. It is a well-decorated page. A common question asked amongst old and young, business executives, organizations and companies in recent days: Are you on Facebook?

  The university I study at.

Urgench branch Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 2, 2005 No PP-91 "On improving the system of training in the field of information technology", Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated June 14, 2005 Implementation of the Order No. 130 "On approval of the Model Regulations on branches of higher education institutions" and the presentation of the Uzbek Agency for Communication and Information No. 07-8 / 2015 of July 21, 2005 It was established on July 23, 2005 in Urgench as a regional branch of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies. There is one faculty of "Computer Engineering" in the branch. The faculty has departments of "Information Technology", "Information Education Technology", "Natural and General Sciences", "Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences", "Software Engineering", "Telecommunication Engineering", which have more than 56 professors. teachers have been educating students.

The branch has one academic lyceum, an information technology center, an information resource center, a language learning center, and a center for young programmers. Students of the branch are actively involved in national and international competitions and contests. Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies prepares bachelors in the following areas: Computer engineering ("Computer engineering", "IT-service", "Multimedia technologies"); Software engineering; Information security; Telecommunication technologies ("Telecommunications", "Broadcasting", "Mobile Systems");Vocational training in the field of information and communicatioin.International relations and scientific activity. The branch has international relations with St. Petersburg State University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics, Royal Swedish University of Technology, Polytechnic University of Turin, Italy, and the University of Cardoba, Spain, to train masters and senior researchers. The faculty members of the branch are conducting research on 4 scientific grants of the Committee for Coordination of Science and Technology Development. Alumni Activities. So far, more than 50 masters and more than 1,000 bachelors have graduated from the branch and work in the country in the field of information and communication technologies, higher education, secondary special vocational colleges, public education, banking.

Computer in my life.

Computer addicts are the minority of computer users but there is no doubt that more and more young people are computer literate. Computer studies is a subject in many schools and many young people have personal computers. About one in three hundred computer owners spend almost all their time using computers.

Ninety six per cent of them are males of all ages. All of them spend an average of twenty hours per week on home computers. The majority of the adults also use computers at work. All the computer addicts are very intelligent. They have been interested in science and technology from a very early age and they are usually very shy people who like being alone.

A survey in a school showed that fewer girls are interested in computers because girls are less likely to have a computer. Even if they have one, they use then less frequently than boys. Possibly it is because we think of computers as something to do with maths and science, which are traditionally 'male' subjects. Possibly it is because most of the computer teachers are men, who give the girls less attention. Possibly parents think it is less important for girls to have computer skills.

Computer addicts are usually very shy people. Using computers gives them confidence. They love debugging and solving problems, develop programs and love learning programming languages. They learnt to communicate with other users through computer networks and the people they met in school and work think of them as experts who could help and advise when they had problems with their machines. A few spend their time 'hacking' and one addict left a message on a computer of Buckingham House. Very few computer addicts play computer games, but many people use a computer exclusively for games.

Some parents worry about computer games because they think their children won't be able to communicate with real people in the real world. But parents do not need to worry. According to research computer addicts usually do well after they have left school. Parents also do not need to worry that computer addiction will make their children become unfriendly and unable to communicate with people.

It is not the computer that makes them shy. In fact, what they know about computers improves their social lives. They become experts and others come to them for help and advice.

For most children computer games are a craze. Like any other craze, such as skate-boarding, the craze is short-lived. It provides harmless fun and a chance to escape.

If we didn't have these computer addicts, we wouldn't have modern technology. They are the inventors of tomorrow.

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