Qadimgi dunyo tarixi. 6-sinf jahongir qadamov

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Qadimgi dunyo tarixi. 6-sinf jahongir qadamov
K itob shakli (Masalan, test To’plam) →→→@Educator7777; @Shaxsiy tg manzili

Prepositions - Predloglar.
Predloglar ot oldiga qo’yiladigan qo’shimcha bo’Iib , asosan o’zbek tilidagi kelishik qo’shimchalariga to’g’ri keladi. Ular yo’nalishga, joyga, paytga nisbatan Ishlatiladi.

He went to the cinema . U kinoga ketdi.

They are at school now. Ular hozir maktabdalar.

I go there at 5 o’clock. Men u yerga soat 5 da boraman.

About – haqida, to’g’risida, tahminan
They talked about their future. Ular kelajaklari haqida gaplashishdi.

I went to the cinema at about 5. Men kinoga tahminan soat 5 larda bordim
think about-o’ylamoq hear about-eshitmoq

speak about-gaplashmoq tell about-aytib bermoq

angry about -jahli chiqmoq annoyed about—g'azablanmoq

furious about-g’azablanmoq excited about-hayratlanmoq

worried about-tashvishlanmoq upset about -hafa bo’lmoq

nervous about-jahli chiqmoq happy about-hursand bo’lmoq

sorry about-kechirim so’ramoq see about-ko’z quloq bo’lmoq

bring about-erishmoq to be about to-moqchi

dream about-orzu qilmoq, tush ko’rmoq care about-birovni o’ylamoq

Think about someone |sometning- hayol surmoq , o’ylamoq.

What are you thinking about? Nima haqida hayol suryapsan?

Think of - eslamoq , fikrda bo’lmoq.

He told me his name but I can't think of it now . U menga ismini aytgandi lekin hozir eslay olmayapman. Ko’p hollarda “of” va “about” aralashtirib ishlatilaveradi.

Sorry for doing smth — biror narsa qilishdan afsuslanmoq, kechirim so’ramoq.

I am sorry I shouted at you yesterday. Men sizga kecha baqirganimdan afsusdaman.

Lekin. feel sorry , be sorry - achinmoq I feel sorry for Tom . He has got no friends .

Angry, annoyed , furious ABOUT something

Angry, annoyed , furious WITH someone FOR doing something
Above-ustida ,uzra, yuqorisida,ziyod.(yerga tegmay turadi)
The plane flew above the clouds. Samolyot bulutlar ustidan uchdi.

The lamp is above the table. Lampa stol ustida osilib turibdi.

There were above 100 people in the street. Ko’chada yuzdan ziyod odam bor.
to be above – aqlga sig’maydigan. above zero - noldan yuqori
Across-ko’ndalang,orqali,narigi taraf.
The car stood across the street. Mashina ko’chada ko’ndalang turibdi.

We got safely across. Biz yo’lni eson -omon kesib o’tdik.


come across-tasodifan uchratmoq run across -tasodifan uchratmoq
After dinner we went to the park. Tushlikdan keyin biz parkga bnrdik.
I bora.
after all-nihoyat long after-ancha vaqtdan keyin

name after-nomi bilan atamoq look after-g’amxo’rlik qilmoq

take after-o’hshamoq
We are against your offer . Biz seni taklifingga qarshimiz.
Be against - ga qarshi

Lean against-suyanmoq

Fight against- qarshi kurashmoq

Struggle against-qarshi kurashmoq

Proceed against-sudga bermoq

Warn against-ga qarshi ogohlantirmoq
He walked along the bank of the river. U daryo qirg’oqi bo’ylab sayr qildi.
Along with – birgalikda

Be along - yetib kelmoq

Come along-ketdik, yetib kelmoq

Go along with-kelishmoq
Among(amongst)-orasida .
Uch shahs yoki narsaning orasi tushuniladi.

The teacher is among the students. O’qituvchi talabalar orasida.
At-da ,yonida.
Kichik joyga, vaqtga , bayramlarga nisbatan ishlartiladL At Christmas , At Navruz.

Lekin bular Day, (kun), Eve (arafa ) morning , afternoon , evening , night so'zlaridan oldin kelsa “ONpredlogidan foydalanamiz.

On Christmas Day.
He lives at 25 16th Avenue. U 16 ko’chadagi 25 xonadonda yashaydi.

Tom will come at 5 o’clock . Tom soat 5 da keladi.
at a low,high price-past, baland narxda

at a salary of-maoshda

at a speed of-tezlikda

at a temoerature-haroratda

at a time-bir vaqtda

at all costs-nima qilib bo’lsa ham

at any rate-har holda

at corner-muyulishda

at dinner,at tea ,at supper-ovqatda

at first sight-bir ko’rishda

at first-avvalo

at home -uyda

at last-nihoyat

at least-hech bo’lmaganda

at night-tunda

at once-birdan

at one’s option-birovning ihtiyori bilan

at peace – tinchlikda

at school –maktabda

at sea-dengizda(sayohatda)

at somebody’s disposal-ning ihtiyorida

at somebody’s service-ning xizmatida

at I he age of-yoshda

at sunrise - kun chiqarda

at sunset - kun botarda

at the beginning-boshida

at the blackboard - doska yonida

at the bottom of - ning pastida

at the bus stop - avtobus bekatida

at the church-cherkovda

at the door - eshik yonida

at the end-oxirida

at the expence of-ning hisobida

at the front, back-oldinda, orqada

at the hairdresser’s - ayollar sartaroshida

at the head of-ning boshida

at the latest-eng kechi bilan

at the most-eng kо’pi bilan

at the rate of - hajmda

at the request of-iltimosiga ko’ra

at the round about-aylanma

at the station-vokzalda

at the top of one’s voice-bor ovozda

at the top of the page-betning yuqorisida

at the traffic light-svetaforda

at the weekend - hafta ohirida

at the window - deraza yonida

at this time-shu vaqtda

at times-ba’zan

at weekends - hafta ohirlarida

bad at-dan yomon

be amazed at-ajablanmoq

be astonished at-ajablanmoq

be at war-urush holatida

be shocked at-larzaga tushmoq

be surprised at-ajablanmoq

brilliant at - dan a’lo

drive at-sha’ma qilmoq

excellent at- dan a’lo

genius at - da daho

glance at-qaramoq

good at-dan yahshi

hint at-sha’ma qilmoq

hopeless at-dan umidsiz

knock at-taqqillatmoq

laugh at-ustidan kulmoq

look at-qaramoq

point at-to’g’irlamoq

rejoice at-hursand bo’lmoq

shoot at-otmoq

shout at –baqirmoq

smile at-jilmaymoq

stare at – qaramoq

stare at - tikilib qaramoq

throw at-uloqtirmoq

to aim at-nishonga olmoq

to arrive at-yetib kelmoq

tocall at-kirib chiqmoq

value at-baholamoq

wonder at-hayratlaumoq

work at-ustida ishlamoq

Shout at - birovga baqirmoq jahl chiqqanda

He was angry and started shouting at me . Uning jahli chiqdi va menga baqirib ketdi.

Shout to - birovga qichqirmoq eshitishi uchun .

He shouted to me from the other side of the street. Ko’chaning narigi betidan menga qichqirdi
Throw smth at someone , something - biror narsani uloqtirmoq urish maqsadida.

Don’t throw stones at the birds ! Qushlarga tosh otma!

Throw something to someone - biror narsani kimgadir otmoq ushlab olishi uchun.

He threw the key to me from the window. U kalitni derazdan menga otdi.
At someone’s house - birovning uyida , at the cinema , at the theatre . . .

I was at Nick’s house yesterday . = I was at Nick’s yesterday.

Agar binoning o’zi ko’zda tutilsa IN predlogidan foydalanamiz

The room’s in George’s house is very large. Gergening uyidagi xonalar juda katta.
go away —yo’qol put away-chetga surib qo’ymoq

be away-ketmoq away with it - buni yo’qot

to fall away - tashlab ketmoq , yuz o’girmoq far away off - uzoqda

far and awav - kо’p miqdorda , tengsiz
I shall finish my work before 5 o’clock. Men ishni soat 5 dan oldin tugataman. We stopped before the shop. Biz magazine oldida to’xtadik.
I bora

before long -tezda long before-ancha oldin
The garden is behind the house. Bog’ uyning orqasida.
to be behind the time – kechikmoq

to be behind the times – hayotdan orqada qolmoq

to be behind the group, class-guruhdan, sinfdan orqada qolmoq

He is behind the group. - U guruhdan orqada.
Below-ostida ,past( antonimi above)
Yuqorda turgan narsaga nisbatan pasti, osti tushuniladi.

He wrote his name below mine. U ismini mening ismimdan keyin (ostiga)yozdi.

The temperature was below zero. Harorat noldan past edi.

Beneath-pastida , ostida ( below bilan o’xshash)
beneath the hills - tepalik pastida

Beside-yonida ,bo’yida

He was sitting beside me. U mening yonimda o’tirgan edi.

Ibora bo’lib ham keladi.

beside the purpose-maqsadsiz beside the nature-g’ayritabiy
Besides-dan tashqari(shu bilan birgalikda)
Bu predlog gapda ishlatilganda o’sha aytayotgan shahs yoki narsa ham ko’zda tutiladi. “Except” bilan antonym hisoblanadi.

Everybody went to the party, besides Tom was there too.

Hamma kechaga bordi, bundan tashqari Tom ham u yerda bor edi.
Ikkita shahs yoki narsaning o’rtasi tushuniladi.

The picture is between two windows.
Beyond-orqasida ,narigi tomonda
The village is beyond the river. Qishloq daryoning narigi tarafida.
Ibora bo’lib ham keladi.

beyond belief-aqlga sig’maydigan beyond doubt-shubhasiz

beyond hope -umidsiz it is beyond me -bunga aqlim yetmaydi
By-tomonidan, -da(orqali),gacha,yonida,yonidan.
Hamsa was written by Navoi. Hamsa Navoi tomonidan yozilgan.

They came to the party by car. Ular kechaga mashinada keldilar.

I had played football by 5 o’clock yesterday. Kecha 5 gacha futbol o’ynagan edim.

He was sitting by the window. U deraza yonida o’tirgan edi.

You walked by me without saying a word. Sen mening yonimda bir so’z demay o’tding.
Ibora lar
6 metres by 8 metres-oltiga sakkiz metr

a play by Shakespeare -Shekspir pyesasi

by accident -tasodifan

by all means -nima qilib bo’lsa ham

by chance — tasodifan

by cheque - chek bilan

by credit cards -kredit kartochkasi bilan

by day(night) -kunduzi (tunda)

by electric light -elektr vorug’ida

by heart -yoddan

by land(sea,air) -quruqlikdan (dengizdan ,havodan)

by means of –vositasida

by mistake –yanglishib

by myself,yourself,himself.... -yolg’iz o'zim, o’zing ,o’zi
by no means -aslo, zinhor

by now – hozirgacha

by profession -kasbi bo’yicha

by rail -temir yo’l orqali

by retail(wholesale) -chakana (ko’tara)

byroad -yo’l orqali

by the day(week)-kunlik(haftalik)

by the way(by the by) -darvoqe.aytganday

by the weight(the litre,the kilogram)-taroziga tortib(litrlab, kilogramlab)

by then -o’shanda

by train(bus, tram, ship, car)- poyezd(avtobus,tramvay,kema mashina)bilan by underground -metro orqali

by way of (via) - orqali

cause by virus - virus orqali

divide (multiply) by-bo’lmoq, ko’paytirmoq

get by -tirikchilik qilmoq

impressed by -maftun bo’lmoq

increase(decrease, rise, exceed) by- ga ko’tarmoq, kamaytirmoq, oshirmoq

judge by - xulosa qilmoq

mean by- bilan ...demoqchi bo’lmoq

step by step -qadamba qadam

side by side — yonma yon

take(seize,hold,pull) by- -dan ushlamoq,changallamoq,tortmoq

By and Until(till)

By - gacha ( undan kech emas) By Monday Dushanbagacha . Bunda “By” Dushanbagacha degan ma’noni beradi va Dushanbadan oldin bo’lishi mumkin yoki eng kechi bilan dushanbada sodir bo’ladi.

We have to be at home by 5 o’clock Biz soat beshgacha uyda bo'lishimiz kerak.

Until ( till)- gacha biron bir harakatni qancha davom etishini ko’rsatadi.

I shall wait until it stops raining. Yomg’ir to’xtaguncha kutaman.

By then |by that time - ungacha |o’shangacha | o’sha paytgacha .

Jane finally finally arrived at the party at midnight, but by then , most of the guests had gone.

Jeyn nihoyat yarim kechada ziyofatga yetih keldi, lekin ungacha mehmonlaming ko’pchiligi ketib qolgan edi
He went down the stairs. U zinadan pastga tushdi.

I bora bo’lib ham keladi.

Lie down- yotmoq sit down- o’tirmoq

break down –buzilmoq run down (battery)- o’tirib qolmoq

write down -yozib olmoq up and down - u yoqdan bu yoqqa

upside down – ostin-ustin down in the mouth- hafa

down with -yo’qolsin
during-mobaynida, paytida
During summer holidays we went to Tashkent Yozgi ta’til mobaynida biz Toshkentga bordik.

During and While.

During dan keyin ot keladi.

During the last three month he has learned English. Uch oy mobaynida u ingliz tilini o’rgandi.

While dan keyin Ega + kesim keladi.

While he was working in the garden I read a book.

U bog’da ishlayotganida men kitob o’qidim.
Except-dan tashqari.
Bu predlog gapda ishlatilganda o’sha shahs yoki narsa ko’zda tutilmaydi. Everybody went there except John. Johndan tashqari hamma u yerga bordi
For-uchun, ga,-dan beri
This letter is for you. Bu xat sizga.

He will do all he can for you. U siz uchun qo’lidan kelgan barcha ishni qiladi. It has been raining for a long time. Ko’pdan beri yomg’ir yog’yapdi.
a contract (order,cheque ,invoice) for-ga shartnoma(buyurtma,chek,hisob)

apologise for – uzr so’ramoq

apply for -murojat qilmoq

ask for – ni so’ramoq

al the bottom of an ocean - okeanning tubi

be hound for- ga yo’nalmoq

be for - ga rozi, qo’shilmoq

be late for - kechikmoq

be sorry for doing something - biror ish qilgani uchun kechirim so’ramoq

blame for-da ayblamoq

call for— kirib chiqmoq

care for -yoqtirmnoq

demand for -ga talab

exchange for - almashtirmoq

excuse for-ga bahona

famous for-bilan mashhur

necessary for to do something- qilish uchun zarur

feel sorry for-achinmoq

fight for -uchun kurashmoq

for a time -biroz vaqt davomida

for ever -abadiy

for instance(example) -masalan

for the time being - hozir

for this purpose - shu maqsadda

fot the first ,last time - birinchi marta, ohirgi marta

for the sake of - uchun

for one’s sake - uchun

for God’s sake— hudo Iraqi

go for a walk,for a swim ,for a drink –sayrga chiqmoq, suzishga ,choy ichgani

go for a cycling - velosipedda sayr qilmoq

hope for - umid qilmoq

in return for - ning o’rniga

jump for joy - hursandchilikdan sakramnq

leave for-ga jo’namoq

look for-ahtarmoq ,qidirmoq

long for - qattiq hohlamoq

mistake for - ga adashtirmoq

need for—ga muhtojlik

negotiation for -uchun muzokara

notorious for sth bilan mashxur

occasion for - ga sabab

pay for-to’lamoq

prepare for-tayyorlanmoq

prescription for-ga naznacheniya(tashhis)

ready for - ga tayyor

reason for -ga sabab

respect for-ga hurmat

responsible for -ga ma’sutiyatli

sail for -suzib borrnoq

search for-qidirmoq

start for ga jo’namoq

struggle for—uchun kurashmoq

wait for—ni kutmoq

Wait for somebody \something . I am waiting for my friend .

Wait somewhere. Biror joyda kutmoq. He is waiting at the bus stop.
Apologise-bundan keyin” TO” va “FOR”predloglari ishlatiladi. Agar undan keyin shahs kelsa TO predlogidan foydalanamiz.

He apologised to me. U mendan uzr so’radi.

Agar undan keyin narsa buyim kelsa For predlogidan foydalanamiz.

He apologized for being late. U kechga qolganligi uchun uzr so’radi.
Blame -bundan keyin FOR va ON predloglari ishlatiladi.

Agar blame dan keyin shahs kelsa FOR predlogidan foydalanamiz.

He blamed me for the accident. U baxtsiz voqeada meni aybladi.

Agar blame dan keyin narsa kelsa ON predlogidan foydalanamiz
He blamed the accident on me. U baxtsiz voqeada meni aybladi.

Pay (somebody)for -( biror kishi uchun ) ga, uchun to’lamoq.

I didn’t have enough money to pay for the meaL

Lekin : pay a bill , a fine , tax , rent a sum of money .(to ishlatilmaydi).

I didn’t have enough money to pay for the rent. Ijara haqini tolashga pulim yetmadi.
Bu predlog harakat yo’nalishini ifodalaydi.

He came from Tashkent. U Toshkentdan keldi.
borrow from - qarz olmoq

buy from - sotib olmoq

differ from - dan Tarq qilmoq

different from - dan farq

derive from - dan kelib chiqmoq

deprive from - mahrum qilmoq

hear from - dan eshitmoq

judge from - hulosa qilmoq

make from — dan yasamoq

prevent from - oldini olmoq

protect from — dan himoya

qilmoq recover from - dan tuzalmoq

refrain from - dan to’xtatmoq

save from - dan saqlamoq

suffer from - dan azob chekmoq

translate from - dan tarjima qilmoq

from the beginning to the end — boshdan oxirgacha

from time to time - vaqti vaqti bilan

from side to side - u tomondan bu tomonga

from day to day - kundan kunga

from my point of view - mening fikrimcha

MAKE dan keyin ham “from” predlogi ham of ishlatiladi.

Agar yasalgan narsa birinehi ко’rinishini o’zgartirsa unda from predlogidan foydalanamiz.

Glass is made from sand . Shisha qumdan yasaladL

Agar yasalgan narsa birinehi ko’rinishini saqlab qolsa unda “ of” predlogidan foydalanamiz.

The watch is made of gold. Soat oltindan yasaladi.

Different from |different to - ... dan boshqacha , o’zgacha , farqli.

The film was different from (to) what I had to expected..

Kino men o’ylaganimdan boshqacha edi.
IN -da ,ichida
Katta shahar va joylarga nisbatan va yil ,oylarga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

He lives in Tashkent.(da ) U Toshkentda yashaydi.

Pupils are in the classroom.(ichida) Bolalar xonada.

They will arrive in May .(oyga nisbatan) Ular Mayda yetib kelishadi.

He was born in 1990.( yilga nisbatan) U 1990 yil tug’ilgan.

Kelasi zamonga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

He will come in 2 days. U ikki kundan keyin keladi
I bora

a decrease in - da pasayish

a fall in - da tushish

a rise in - da ko’tarilish

an increase in - da o’sish

arrive in - yetib kelmoq

be absorbed in - mukkasidan ketmoq

be engaged in - shug'ullanmoq

be in - uyda bo’lmoq

be in love with - ni sevmoq

be in need of- muhtoj bo’lmoq

be in the habit of - odatlanmoq

be interested in - ga qiziqmoq

be involved in - jalb qilmoq

believe in -gaishonmoq

blind in one’s eye - ko’zi ojiz

confide in smb- ishonmoq

culminate in- yuqori nuqtasiga chiqmoq

deal in - bilan savdo qilmoq

difficulty in - qiyinchilikda

dressed in - kiyingan

end in - bilan tugamoq

give in charge- politsiyaga topshirmoq

go in for-shig'ullanmoq

hand in - topshirmoq

pain in one’s leg - oyoqda og’riq

in a car - mashinada

in a letter - hatda

in a line - bir chiziqda

in a loud (calm ) voice - baland ,tinch ovozda

in a queue - navbatda

in a row - qatorda

in any case - har ehtimolga qarshi

in bad weather- yomon havoda

in bed - o’rinda

in biro - sharikli ruchkada

in block letters- bosh harflar bilan

in bulk - uyib

in cash - naqd pul bilan

in conclusion - nihoyat

in consequence of- natijasida

in demand - talabda

in the absence of- ning yo’qligida

in the car park - stoyankada

in the hat - shlayapada

in due course - vaqtida

in English - inglizcha

in excitement- hayojonda

in favour of - ning foydasiga

in figures - raqam bilan

in force - amalda , o’z kuchida(qonun)

in front of- oldinda

in full - to’la

in full swing - eng qizg’inpaytda

in future – kelajakda

in general – umuman

in haste – shoshilinch

in honour of - ning sharafiga

in hospital - kasalxonada

in ink-siyohda

in jest - hazillashib

in memory - hotirasiga

in one’s opinion - ning fikricha

in order(disorder)- tartibli ,tartibsiz

in part - qisman

in pencil - qalamda

in pen - ruchkada

in prison - qamoqda

in question - gap ketayotganda

in return - o’rniga

in sight - kо’rish maydonida

in silence -jimlikda, indamay

in so far as - modomiki

in somebody’s interest - ning manfati uchun

in spite of - ga qaramasdan

in stock - omborda

in store - zahirada

in the affirmative - ijobiy

in the back of a car - mashinaning orqasida

in the beginning (end)- boshida ,ohirida

in the car park - mashina parkida(stoyanka)

in the 18 th century - 18- asrda

in the circumstances - ana shu sharoitda

in the corner - burchakda

in the country - qishloqda

in the dark - qorong’ida

in the direction -yo’nalishda

in the east(west,south,north) - sharqda..

in the end - nihoyat

in the front of a car-mashinaning oldida

in the garden - bog’da

in the kitchen - oshhonada

in the long run - oxiri

in the mail - pochtada

in the market - bozorda

in the meantime - shu vaqt ichida

in the mirror - ko’zguda

in the morning ... ertalab

in the negative - salbiy

in the open air - ochiq havoda

in the park - parkda

in the past - o’tmishda

in the picture - rasmda

in the rain -vomg’irda

in the sea - dengizda

in the shade - soyada

in the sky - osmonda

in the snow - qorda

in the Sahara desert - Sahroi Kabirda

in the spring- bahorda

in the street - ko’chada

in the sun - quyoshda

in the suburbs - shahar chetida

in a tent - palatkada in time -o’z vaqtida

in today’s newspaper - bugunning gazetasida

in vain - bekorga

in view of - sababli

in words - so’z bilan

in the wastebasket - ahlat idishda

in(at) one’s option - hohishiga ko’ra

include in — ichiga olmoq

instead of - o’rniga

participate in – qatnashmoq

result in - natijaga ega bo’lmoq

rich in - ga boy

succeed in - muvaffaq bo’lmoq

take part in – qatnashmoq

vary in - da farq
Arrive in - katta joylarga nisbatan ishlatiladi (shahar va mamlakat)

He arrived in Tashkent. Ular Toshkentga kelishdi.
Arrive at - kichik joylarga nisbatan ishlatiladi (bino,vokzal ,acraport).

They arrived at the airport Ular aeroportga yetib kelishdi.

HOME-ga nisbatan hech qanaqa predlog ishlatilmaydi.

When did you arrive home? Qachon uyga keldingiz?
IN THE CORNER- xonaning burchagi tushuniladi.

The cat is in the comer of the room . Mushuk xonaning burchagida.
AT ,on the corner-ko’chaning muyulishi tushuniladi.

We met at the corner of the street Biz ko’chaning muyulishida uchrashdik.
IN the end -nihoyat .Bundan keyin ega +kesim , yoki bo’lmasa gap oxirida ishlatiladi.

In the end they decided to go there. Nihoyat ular u yerga borishga qaror qilishdi.

At the end - ohirida. Bundan keyin of + ot keladi.

We shall go there at the end of the month. Biz u yerga oyning ohirida boramiz.
BY car ,in a car , on a bus - mashinada, avtobusda.

Agar car,bus ,train , plane ... oldidan article ,egalik olmoshi va sifat kelsa “car” ga nisbatan IN jamoat transportlariga esa ON predlogidan foydalanamiz.

They went to the party in their car. Ular kechaga mashinalarida borishdi.

He goes to school the bus . Umaktabga avtobusda boradi.

Agar ular bo’lmasa BY predlogidan foydalanamiz.

He goes to work by car . U ishga mashinada boradi.

Velosipcdga nisbatan ham ON predlogidan foydalanamiz.

He goes everywhere on his bicycle. U hamma yerga velosipedda boradi.

He goes everywhere by bicycle. U hamma yerga velosipedda boradi.
Get on - minmoq , get off- tushmoq bicycle (velosiped), bus, train (jamoat transportlariga)

Get on the train . Poezdga chiq.

Get in(to) - minmoq , get out off - tushmoq , taxi, car

He got in the car. U mashinaga tnindl
In time - O’z vaqtida .Biror ish qilishga yetarlicha vaqtni ko'rsatadi. Oldin ham borishi m inn kin va o’sha ish harakatga yetarlicha vaqt borligini ko’rsatadi.

I have sent him birthday present. I hope it arrives in time.

Men unga tug’ilgan kun sovg’asi jo’natdim .Umid qilamanki o’z vaqtida yetib boradi.
In time antonimi Too late .

Just in time - ayni vaqtida.
On time - o’z vaqtida . aniq o’z vaqtida . Grafik bo’yicha
The 8 .15 train left on time .8.15 dagi poeyzd o’z vaqtida ketdi.

In pen , pencil. Lekin “with a pen , a pencil "
lnside-ichiga,ichida(antonimi outside)
They went inside the house. Ular uyning ichkarisiga kirishdi.

The children are inside the house. Bolalar uyning ichida.
INTO - ichiga (yo’nalishga nisbatan)
He is going inti the room. U xonaning ichiga kiryapti.
I bora
break into pieces - bo’laklarga bo’lmoq

bump into - tasodifan uchrashmoq

change into - ga aylanmoq

come into(in) force - kuchga kirmoq

convert into - ga aylantirmoq

crash into - ga to’qnashmoq

cut into - ga kesmoq

devide into-ga bo’lmoq

drive into - ga to’qnashmoq

enter into - ga qo’shilmoq(kelishuv,muhokama)

get into the habit - ga odatlanmoq

inquire into - o’rganmoq

look into - qarab chiqmoq

run into-to’qnashmoq

split into - ga ajratmoq

take into account - hisobga olmoq

take into consideration - e’tiborga olmoq

translate into-ga tarjima qilmoq

turn into - ga aylanmoq
Eslatma! Enter - xonaga , o'qishga va yo’nalishga nisbatan ishlatilsa predlog qo’yilmaydi. He entered the University . U universitetga kirdi.
Near – yaqinida
He lives near the station - U stansiya yaqinida yashaydl
OF- ning, dan
London is the capital of Great Britain. London Buyuk Britaniyaning poytaxtidir.

Some of my friends are students. Do’stlarimdan ba’zilari talabadir.
accuse of - da ayblamoq

an advantage of -ning manfaati, afzalligi

a disanvantage of- ning ziyoni

ahead of - oldinga , oldinda

ahead of time - muddatidan ilgari

awareness of - habardor

a friend of mine - mening do’stim

be afraid of - qo’rqmoq

be ashamed of - dan uyalmoq

be aware of - habardor

beware of - dan ehtiyot bo’lmoq

be fond of - yahshi ko’rmoq

be full of- to’la bo’lmoq

be in need of- muhtoj bo’lmoq

be independent of-mustaqil bo’lmoq

be of importance - ahamiyatga ega bo’lmoq

be of interest - qiziqarli bo’lmoq

be of value qimmatga ega bo’lmoq

be proud of- fahrlanmoq

be sure (certain)of- amin bo’lmoq

be worthy of - arzimoq

boast of - maqtanmoq

come in sight of- ni ko’rmoq

consist of-dan tashkil topmoq

deprive of - mahrum qilmoq

devoid of - dan kam , yetishmaydigan

get rid of- dan qutilmoq

guilty of - aybdor

hear of - haqida eshitmoq

importance of- ning ning muhimligi

inform of - habar qilmoq

in support of - ning yordamida

irrespective of - dan qat’iy nazar

kind of- turli hil

remind of (about) - ni eslatmoq

speak of- haqida gaplashmoq

talk of — suhbatlashmoq

think of - o’ylamoq

make use of- dan foydalanmoq

a good deal of – ko’p

a great deal of - kо’p

a lot of— ko’p

a number of - ko’p

a picture of - ning rasmi

be aware of – dan xabardor

capable of – qobiliyatli

certain of- ba’zilari

cause of — sababli

conscious of - hushida bo’lmoq

die of- dan o’lmoq

envious of - havas qilmoq

frightened of - dan qo’rqmoq

incapable of- qobiliyatsiz

jealous of-hasad qilmoq

of course – albatta

plenty of - ko’p

price of- ning bahosi

regardless of - qaramasdan ,pisand qilmasdan

scared of - qo’tqmoq

short of - yetishmaslik

source of - ning manbai

suspicious of-shubhalanmoq

take advantage of- dan foydalanmoq

take care of - g’amho’rlik qilmoq

terrified of - dan qo’rqmoq

tired of - charchamoq

dream of - orzu qilmo

nice of- ajoyib

kind of – mehribon

good of-yahshi

mean of –minnatdor

stupid of – ahmaqona

silly of - tentaklik

intelligent of – aqllilik

clever of- donolik

sensible of – donolik

polite of – hushmuomalalik

impolite of- qo’pollik

rude of- qo’pollik

unreasonable of — bema’nilik
Bulardan keyin ham of predlogi ham to predlogi ishlatiladi Agar biror ishni qilish (yaxshi, olijanoblik bo’ldi ...) nazarda tutilsa quyidagi ko’rinishdan foydalanamiz.

Nice , kind good ...of somebody to do something.
It is nice of you to help me . Menga yordam berib juda yaxshi qildingiz.
Lekin : nice , kind , good .... To somebody.

They have always been very nice to me . Ular doim menga ko’ngli ochiqlik qilib kelishgan.
Remind of,about.

Remind someone of someone |something- ni eslatadi (o’xshaydi ma’nosida)

Look at this photograph of Tom . Who does he remind you of

Tomni rasmiga qara . U senga kimni eslatyapdi.

Remind someone about something - birovga biror narsa haqida eslatmoq.

I am glad you reminded me about the party. Men hursandman siz menga kechani esimga soldingiz.

Dream of- orzu qilmoq dream of being something |doing something He often dreams being rich . U tez tez boy bo’lishni orzu qiladi.

Dream about - tushda ko’rmoq , tush ko’rmoq.

I dreamt about you last night .Men kecha seni tushimda ko’rdim.
an advantage of -ning manfaati, afzalligi

a disanvantage of - ning ziyoni Bular of predlogi bilan ishlatiladi.

Lekin “ There is an advantage in (to ) doing something “ bo’lib keladi.

There are many advantages in (to) living alone.
Hear about - dan xabar topmoq

Did you hear about what happened at the club on Saturday night.

Shanba kuni kechqurun klubda nima bo’lganidan xabar topdingizmi.
Hear of- bilmoq , haqida eshitmoq

Who is Tom Brown . I have no idea .1 have never heard of him .

Tom Brown kim ? Bilmavman . U haqida hechqachon eshitmaganman.

Hear from - boror kimdan xabari bo’lmoq , xat xabar olmoq

Have you heard from Anvar recently? Yaqin orada Anvardan xabaring bo’ldimi?
OFF -ON ning antonimi.
be off - jo’namoq

bite off- tishlab olmoq

drive off — haydab ketmoq

fall off- yiqilib tushmoq

get of— transportdan tushmoq

put off- keyin ga qoldirmoq, yechmoq

set off—jo’namoq

shave off—soqol olmoq

show off — o’zini ko’rsatmoq

switch off— o’chirmoq

take off—yechmoq,uchmoq

turn off - o’chirmoq
On (upon)-da , ustida
Bevosita biror bir narsaning ustida tegib turganligi tushiniladi.

The book is on the table. Kitob stol ustida.

The picture is on the wall. Rasm devorda turipdi.
Hafta kunlari va sanalar oldidan ishlatiladi. Oy nomlari raqam bilan ishlatilsa ON bo'ladi

We shall go there on Monday.

They came on the first of June.
Gerund oldidan ham ON predlogidan foydalanamiz.

On coming home I saw my friend. Uyga kelayotib men do'stimni ko’rdim .
agree on - kelishmoq

and so on - va hokazo

base on - ga asoslangan

be on - kino teatrda film qo’ymoq

be on duty - navbatchi - bo’lmoq

border on -chegaradosh

call on — kirib chiqmoq

carry on - olib bormoq

comment on — sharhlamoq

compliment on - qutlamoq

concentrate on - fikrini jamlamoq

congratulate on - tabriklamoq

depend on - bog’liq bo’lmoq

expert on something - da mutaxasis

focus on — qiziqishini qatatmoq

get on - murosa qilmoq, transportga minmoq

go on - davom ettirmoq

go on a picnic — piknikka chiqmoq

hit on the eye- ko’zidan urmoq

insist on — qattiq turib olmoq

keen on - qiziqmoq

influence on - birovga tasir qilmoq

live on — kun kechirmoq

look on - tomosha qilmoq, munosabatda b-q

operate on — operatsiya qilmoq

on a cruise - sayohatda

on a diet - parhezda

on a large scale — katta hajmda

on a tour – sayohatda

on a trip – sayohatda

on account of -sababli, tufayli

on an average - o’rtacha

on an excursion – ekskursiyada

on behalf of - ning nomidan

on board a ship - kema bortida

on business - ish yuzasidan

on cheek – chakkasida

on condition that -sharti bilan

on credit – qarzga

on demand - talabi bilan

on fire – olovda

on foot – piyoda

on holiday-tatilda

on the internet – internetda

on land – quruqlikda

on my way - yo’limda

on page 10- o’ninchi betda

on purpose – atayin

on sale-sotuvda

on sea - dengizda

on smbd’s birthday - tug’ilgan kunida

on strike - ish tashlashda

on television - televizorda

on the advice of - ning maslahati bilan

on the appointed day - belgilangan kunda

on the bed - karavot ustida

on the bottle - shishada ( ustida )

on the contrary — aksincha

on the farm – fermada

on the safe side - har ehtimolga qarshi

on the first (second)., floor - 1- (2) etajda

on the sidewalk - tratuar

on the ground that - shu asosda

on the suggestion of-ning taklifi bilan

on the initiative of - tashabbusi bilan

on the test - testda

on the invitation of — taklifi bilan

on the tip of one’s tongue — til uchida

on the one (other ) hand - bir (boshqa)

on the way - yo’lda

tomondan on the whole - umuman

on the outskirts- shahar tashqarisida

on weekdays - hafta kunlari

on the part of - ning tomonidan

put on - kiymoq , film , pyesa qo’ymoq

on the phone – telefonda

rely on - ishonmoq

on the point of- moqchi, deyarli

shame on... - uyat

on the radio – radio

spend on - sarflamoq

on the right (left) hand side - o’ng chap qo’l tarafda

spy on - ayg’og’chilik qilmoq

try on - kiyib ko’rmoq

Holiday - bundan oldin ON va FOR predloglari ishlatiladi.

Agar holiday dan oldin article ,egalik olmoshi va sifat kelsa FOR predlogidan foydalanamiz. Agar ular bo’lmasa ON dan foydalanamiz.
Tom has gone to France for a holiday .

Tom has gone to France on holiday.
Kun qismlari oldidan IN predlogi ishlatiladi. in the morning ..evening. afternoon ...

Agar ular oldidan sifat kelsa ON predlogidan foydalanamiz
on a fine summer morning

Agree -on ,to with predloglari ishlatiladi.

Bundan leyin narsa buyum kelsa ON ,TO predloglaridan foydalanamiz.
They agreed to my offer. Ular mening taklifimga qo'shildi.
Agar bundan keyin shahs ishlatilsa WITH predlogidan foydalanamiz.

I agree with you . Men sizning fikringizga qo’shilaman .

IN ,AT ,ON the front of - oldinda. In, at, on the back

In the front of - mashinaning oldingi o’rindig’i ko’zda tutiladi.

He was sitting in the front of the car, U mashinaning oldingi o’rindig’ida o’tirgan edi.
At the front of - binoning yoki odamlaming oldingi qatori tushuniladi.

Children are at the front of the house. Bolalar uyning oldidalar.
On the front of- kitob ,gazeta va qog’ozning old tarafi tushuniladi.

He wrote his name on the front of the book U kitobning ustiga ismini yozdi.

Back ham shu qoida bo’yicha ishlatiladi.
In front of- oldinda hamma narsaga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

I am sitting in front of the TV. Men televizorning oldida o’tiripman.
OUT OF - dan , -siz .
Bu predlogni ichkaridan degan ma’noda ishlatamiz . From esa -dan degan ma’noda ishlatiladi.

He walked out of the house. U uydan tashqariga chiqdi.

I came from Tashkent. Men Toshkentdan keldim.
Out of-without bilan sinonim bo’lganda undan keyin ot keladi.

He was out of book . U kitobsiz edi.
Be out – uyda bo’lmaslik

Carry out – bajarmoq, olib chiqmoq

Check out a book – kutubxonadan kitob olmoq

Check out – tekshirmoq

Check out of – hisob-kitob qilmoq

Come out – tashqariga chiqmoq

cross out - ustidan chizmoq

drop out of – tashlamoq

figure out — tushunmoq

find out – bilmoq

fly out - uchib chiqmoq

go out - tashqariga chiqmoq

hand out – tarqatmoq

knockout - urib yiqmoq

make out – tushunmoq

out of curiosity – qiziqib

out of danger – havfsiz

out of date – eski

out of doors — tashqarida

out of fashion – eskirgan

out of order – buzuq

out of use – foydalanimaydigan

out of work - ishsiz

pass out - tarqatmoq ,hushidan ketmoq

point out - ko’rsatib o’tmoq

pull out - tortib chiqarmoq

run out - yugurib chiqmoq

run out of-tugab qolmoq

set out - jo’namoq

try' out - sinamoq

watch out for - ehtiyot bo’lmoq

workout - ish lab chiqmoq
OUTSIDE- tashqarida , tashqariga.
Inside bilan antonym .

Tom was standimg inside the house. Tom eshikning tashqarisida turgan edi.

I went outside the house to meet my friend . Do’stimni kutib olish uchun tashqariga chiqdim.
OVER - ustida , uzra , ziyod.
Under bilan antonym.

The plane flew over the town . Samolyot shahar ustidan uchib o’tdi.

There were over a hundred people in the street. Ko’chada yuzdan ziyod kishi bor edi.

Наvе you seen the new bridge they’ve built over the river?
I bora .
climb over-tirmashib o’tmoq

fly over - uchib o’tmoq

go over - dan o’tmoq

jump over - ustidan sakramoq

run over - bosib o’tmoq

scatter over - yoyilmoq

take over for – almashtirmnq

talk over - muhokama qilmoq

think over - o’ylab ko’rmoq

over and over - qayta – qayta

be over – tugamoq

over the river - daryo ustiga
PAST - yonidan ,o’tdi (BY) bilan sinonim.
He walked past the house. U uy yonidan o’tdi.

It is half past three. Uch yarim bo’ldi.
ROUND (AROUND) -atrofida ,bo’ylab
He traveled round the world. U dunyo bo’ylab sayohat qildi.

The earth moves round the sun . Yer quyosh atrofida aylanadi.
round the corner - muyulishda , burshakda

travel round the country - mamlakat bo’ylab sayohat qilmoq

all around - hamma yerda

all the year round - yil bo’yi

look around - atrofga qaramoq
Since —dan beri
Vaqtga nisbatan ishlatiladi. Asosan Perfect zamonlarda ishlatiladi
I haven’t seen him since Monday. Men uni dushanbadan beri ko’rmadim.
Through - ichidan , orqali ,tufayli
They went to the village through the forest, Ular o’rmon ichidan o’tib qishloqqa borishdi.

We watched the stars through big telescope .

Biz katta telescope orqali yulduzlarni tomosha qildik.

You have made this mistake through your carelessness.

Siz ehtiyotsizligingiz tufayli bu hatoga yo’l qo’ydingiz.
look through - ko'zdan kechirmoq

get through - uddalamoq
Till,(Until) - -gacha, guncha( -maguncha)
Vaqtga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

I shall stay here till Monday. Men bu yerda dushanbagacha qolaman .
I bora.
from...till - dan ... gacha

from - dan... gacha
Yo’nalishga va vaqtga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

He went to the cinema. U kinoga ketdi.

It is five minutes to ten . Soat beshta kam o’n.
acceptable to— ma'qul

according to - ga kо’ra

applicable to - ga ma'qul

agree to - ga rozi bo’lmoq

amount to - ga yetmoq

answer to - ga javob

apologise to - uzr so’ramoq

appeal to - ga murojat (sud)

appear to - tuyulmoq

apt to - ga moyil

attach to - ga ilova

attention to - diqqatni tortmoq

attentive to - e’tiborli

attitude to-ga munosahat

be obliged to— minnatdaor bo'lmoq

been to — da bo’lgan

belong to - ga tegishli

blind to one’s fault - ay biga ko’z yummoq

cable to - xabar bermoq

clear to - aniq ,ravshan

complain to —ga shikoyat

contrary to - qarama qarshi

contributor to - ga hissa qo’shuvchi

damage to — ga zarar

devoted to —sodiq fidoyi

due to - tufayli, sababli

equal to - teng

exposure to - ta’siriga tashlamoq

familiar to - tanish

from hand to hand - qo’ldan qo'lga

get to - ga bormoq , vetib hormoq

grateful to - minnatdor

hand to mouth - arang tirikchilik qilmoq

happen to-sodir bo'lmoq

important to - muhim

in addition to - ga qo'shimcha

inferior to - eng past

invitation to-ga taklilnoma in inverse proportion to-ga teskari proporsional

introduce to - ga tanishtirmoq

invite to — taklif qiimoq

key to — ga kalit

kind to — mehribon

known to - mashhur

liable to - lozim, kerak

listen to - quloq solmoq

married to — turmushga chiqmoq

necessary to — zarur

next door (neighbor) - yonma yon qo’shni

next to - yonma yon

object to - e’tiroz bildirmoq

oppose to — ga qarshi

opposite to - qarama - qarshi

owing to - tufayli

pay attention to - e’tibor bermoq

polite to - xushmuomala

prefer to - afzal ko’rmoq

prone to - ga movil

provide - taminlamoq

reaction to —ga ta’sir

refer to — ga havola qilmoq

regard to — hususida

related to-ga bog’l

reply to - javob bermoq

respect to - sbu to’grisida

seem to - tuyulmoq

sentence to - ga hukum

similar to - o’xshash

solution to - ga yechim

speak to - gaplashmoq

strange to - begona

subject to - sharti bilan

subscribe to - ga obuna bo'lmoq

superior to — eng oily

talk to - gaplashmoq

telegraph to - xabar bermoq

telephone to - telefon qilmoq

thanks to-sharofati bilan

to one's disappointment, sorrow, joy - birovning umidsizligiga , g’amiga , xursandchiligiga

to the amount - summada, hakmda

to the right, left - o’ngga,chapga

unknown to - noma’lum

unpleasant to – yoqimsiz

useful to - foydali

useless to - befoyda

win by 2 goals to nil - 2 nolga yutmoq

wire to - xabar bermoq

write to - ga yozmoq
Complain bundan keyin “to” va “about”(of) predloglari keladi.

Kimgadir shikoyat qilmoq bo’lsa TO dan foydalanamiz.

He complained to the manager . U direktorga shikoyat qildi.
Agar biror narsa haqida shikoyat bo’lsa ABOUT dam foydalanamiz.

He complained to the manager about the condition of the room.

Li direktorga xonaning axvoli haqida shikoyat qildi.

Complain to somebody about something .
Lekin : complain of a pain , an illness . . . - og’riqdan , kasaldan shikoyat qilmoq ,nolimoq , zorlanmoq.

We called the doctor because he was complaining of a pian La his stomach.

Biz doctor chaqirdik , chunki u qornidagi og’riqdan shikoyat qilayotgandi.
MARRIED bundan oldin “ to be” ishlatilsa undan keyin “to” predlogidan foydalanamiz.

Agar “to be” bo’lmasa “to” predlogi ham tushib qoladi.
She is married to an American . U Amerikalikka turmushga chiqdi.
She married an American . U Amerikalikka turmushga chiqdi.

Engaged bundan keyin in va to predloglari keladi . Shahsga nisbatan ishlatilsa To dan foydalanamiz va “ unashtirmoq” deb tarjima qilinadi .

He is engaged to the chief’s daughter. U boshliqning qiziga unashtirildi.
Agar u narsa buyumga nisbatan ishlatilsa in predlogidan foydalanamiz va “shug'ullanmoq” deb tarjima qilinadi.

They are engaged in playing football. Ular football bilan shug’ullanyaptilar.

Provide to , with . Provide “ To “bilan kelsa to dan keyin shahs ko’rsatiladi. “With” dankeyin narsa buvuin . The canteen provides the workers with meals.

The canteen provides meals to the workers.

Supply to , with , present to , with ham shunday.

Apply for something , Applj to somebody.
TOWARDS - ga qarab , qadar
Vaqtga va yo’nalishga nisbatan ishlatiladi.

They are coming towards. Ular men tomonga qarab kelyaptilar.

We shall be back towards the end of the month. Biz oyning oxiriga qadar kelamiz.
UNDER - tagida ,ostida(over) ning antonimi.
The cat is under the table. Mushuk stolning tagida.
be under consideration - ko'rib chiqilmoq

be under construction – qurilmoq

be under discussion — muhokama qilinmoq

be under repair — ta'mirlanmoq

not under any circumstance - hech qachon

under fire — olovda

under the circumstances - shu vaziyatda

under the command — qo'mondonligi ostida

under the contract - shartnomaga ko’ra

under the control - nazorati ostida

under the guidance — rahbarligi ostida

under the beading — sarlavhasi ostida

under the influence - ta’siri ostida

under the impression - taassuroti ostida

under the management — boshqaruvi ostida

under the name — nomi ostida

under the title — sarlavhasi ostida
UP - yuqorida . yuqoriga. Down bilan antonym

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iqtisodiyot kafedrasi
steiermarkischen landesregierung
asarlaringizni yuboring
o'zingizning asarlaringizni
Iltimos faqat
faqat o'zingizning
steierm rkischen
landesregierung fachabteilung
rkischen landesregierung
hamshira loyihasi
loyihasi mavsum
faolyatining oqibatlari
asosiy adabiyotlar
fakulteti ahborot
ahborot havfsizligi
havfsizligi kafedrasi
fanidan bo’yicha
fakulteti iqtisodiyot
boshqaruv fakulteti
chiqarishda boshqaruv
ishlab chiqarishda
iqtisodiyot fakultet
multiservis tarmoqlari
fanidan asosiy
Uzbek fanidan
mavzulari potok
asosidagi multiservis
'aliyyil a'ziym
billahil 'aliyyil
illaa billahil
quvvata illaa
falah' deganida
Kompyuter savodxonligi
bo’yicha mustaqil
'alal falah'
Hayya 'alal
'alas soloh
Hayya 'alas
mavsum boyicha

yuklab olish