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[Tim J. Stevens, Wayne Boucher] Python Programming

C implementation

The C implementation is very similar to the pure Python implementation except that there

are memory management issues to address. These do not occur in Python because there is

automatic memory allocation and freeing of unused memory (called garbage collection).

Further,  if  you  want  to  be  able  to  call  the  C  functionality  from  Python  then  you  need  to

write additional code to accomplish this, to convert from Python’s own data structures to

more normal C types on the way in, and convert the result C types to Python’s own data

types on the way out. This approach assumes that you have an existing C library that you

want to use without having to rewrite it. If instead you were writing a C implementation

from scratch then an alternative strategy would be to use Python’s or NumPy’s own types

throughout your C code. Whether or not this is a good idea depends on the details of the

code,  and  what  else  you  might  want  to  do  with  it,  though  the  C  types  generally  give

quicker  execution.  Here  we  will  write  the  core  part  of  the  C  implementation  to  use

standard C types rather than Python’s or NumPy’s own types. We will not explain all the

vagaries of the C syntax but just the important differences with Python.

In C it is standard practice to have two files go together: the first (suffix ‘.h’)  gives  a

specification of the interface to the functionality, in particular stating what functions you

want  to  make  publicly  accessible,  and  the  other  file  (suffix  ‘.c’)  is  the  actual

implementation  of  the  functionality.  Here  we  will  call  the  former  file  somap.h  and  the

latter somap.c. In general there might be lots of functions that you want to specify as being

publicly accessible. Here we will only have one function, so somap.h has:

extern double ***selfOrganisingMap(double **inputs,

int ninputs, int depth, int nrows, int ncols,

double **spread, int width, int height, int nsteps);

In C we have to specify types explicitly. Here we have ‘int’ for integers and ‘double’ for

double-precision  floating  point  numbers.


 The  two-asterisk  **  and  three-asterisk  ***

syntaxes are effectively the C way of specifying that the corresponding variable is a list of

lists  or  a  list  of  lists  of  lists,  respectively.  The  function  selfOrganisingMap  is  expecting

nine  arguments.  The  extra  arguments  compared  with  the  Python  implementation  are  to

specify the sizes of the lists, because in C the list variables themselves do not contain this

information (one of the common sources of bugs in C programs). The result returned has

to  be  specified  and  here  it  is  a  list  of  lists  of  lists  of  double-precision  floats,  which

represents  the  constructed  map.  The  ‘extern’  just  says  that  the  function  is  implemented

elsewhere (i.e. in this case in the file somap.c).

The  implementation  of  selfOrganisingMap  is  very  similar  to  the  Python  version.  In

somap.c we declare the function, just repeating what is given in somap.h but without the


double ***selfOrganisingMap(double **inputs,

int ninputs, int depth, int nrows, int ncols,

double **spread, int width, int height, int nsteps)

In C, blocks of code are delineated not by whitespace but by curly brackets, ‘{’ and ‘}’.

In  C  we  also  need  to  explicitly  declare  the  data  type  of  any  variable  that  is  being  used.

And in C statements have to end with a semicolon ‘;’.


int step, i;

double decay;

double ***somap;

We  then  set  up  the  initial  value  for  somap.  This  is  similar  to  what  happens  in  Python

except that here we also require explicit memory allocation, and to be tidy we put it in a

separate function, randomMap. In C the equivalent (as such) of None is called NULL. For

the memory allocation a result of NULL means the allocation failed. This can be checked

with the short expression !somap. If that happens there is not much we can do except to

give up.

somap = randomMap(nrows, ncols, depth);

if (!somap)

return NULL;

We then repeat the same loops as in the Python version:

for (step = 0; step < nsteps; step++)


decay = exp(-step / (double) nsteps);

for (i = 0; i < ninputs; i++)

updateSomap(somap, inputs[i], depth , nrows, ncols,

spread, width, height, decay);


return somap;


The randomMap  function  does  the  memory  allocation  and  setting  the  initial  values  to

random numbers. The ‘static’ means that this function is not visible outside this file, so is

private. The function which allocates memory is called malloc and you have to tell it how

many bytes of memory you want allocated, and sizeof provides the relevant multiplier to

go from the number of objects to the number of bytes.

static double ***randomMap(int nrows, int ncols, int depth)


int i, j, k;

double ***x;

x = (double ***) malloc(nrows * sizeof(double **));

if (!x)

return NULL;

for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)


x[i] = (double **) malloc(ncols * sizeof(double *));

if (!x[i])

return NULL;

for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)


x[i][j] = (double *) malloc(depth * sizeof(double));

if (!x[i][j])

return NULL;

for (k = 0; k < depth; k++)

x[i][j][k] = randomNumber();



return x;


The  randomNumber()  function  should  return  a  uniformly  sampled  random  number

between 0 and 1. On most computers there is a function provided for this; for example, on

many Unix systems there is one called drand48().

The  updateSomap()  function  is  very  similar  in  C  to  the  pure  Python  implementation,

except here we have to declare the type of variables.

static void updateSomap(double ***somap, double *input,

int depth, int nrows, int ncols,

double **spread, int width, int height, double decay)


int halfWidth, halfHeight, i, j, k, l, m, imin, jmin;

double diff, diff2, diff2min, lambda;

imin = jmin = -1;

diff2min = 0; // will change in first pass

for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)


for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)


diff2 = 0.0;

for (k = 0; k < depth; k++)


diff = somap[i][j][k] - input[k];

diff2 += diff * diff;


if ((imin == -1) || (diff2 < diff2min))


imin = i;

jmin = j;

diff2min = diff2;




halfWidth = (width-1) / 2;

halfHeight = (height-1) / 2;

for (k = 0; k < width; k++)


i = (imin + k - halfWidth + nrows) % nrows;

for (l = 0; l < height; l++)


j = (jmin + l - halfHeight + ncols) % ncols;

lambda = decay * spread[k][l];

for (m = 0; m < depth; m++)

somap[i][j][m] = (1.0-lambda) * somap[i][j][m] + lambda * input[m];




The  wrapper  around  this  C  code  that  converts  to  and  from  Python  data  types  is  the

boilerplate code. We will name the file py_somap.c, but it could be called anything. The

way that Python interfaces to C code changed between Python 2 and Python 3, and if you

want to write this wrapper code to be compliant with both then you can check whether the

defined constant PY_MAJOR_VERSION is >= 3, and if it is then use the Python 3 form

of  the  code,  and  otherwise  the  Python  2  form.  C  has  convenient  macros  #ifdef  /  #else  /

#endif which can be used to selectively include code in compilation.

In order to access the module in Python there must be a publicly available function. In

Python 2 it is named as ‘init’ concatenated with the module name. Here we will name the

module  somap  and  so  the  function  must  be  named  initsomap.  This  function  returns

nothing, which in C means void. We first need to call the internal Python function (albeit

via C) Py_InitModule in order to specify the module name and functions that will be made

available to Python.

In Python 3 the publicly available function instead has ‘PyInit_’ concatenated with the

module  name,  so  here  PyInit_somap.  It  returns  the  module  object,  which  is  of  type

PyObject *. And to initialise the module we call the function PyModule_Create(),  which

expects  an  argument  of  type  PyModuleDef  *,  which  in  turn  contains  the  name  of  the

module and the functions that will be made available to Python.

Then  we  need  to  call  import_array  in  order  to  initialise  NumPy  and  also  create  an

exception  object,  ErrorObject,  so  that  we  can  report  errors  that  occur  when  using  this

module. In Python 2 we return nothing, but in Python 3 we return the module object.


static struct PyModuleDef module_def = {


"somap", /* m_name */

NULL, /* m_doc */

-1, /* m_size */

Somap_type_methods, /* m_methods */

NULL, /* m_reload */

NULL, /* m_traverse */

NULL, /* m_clear */

NULL, /* m_free */




PyObject *PyInit_somap(void)


void initsomap(void)



PyObject *module;

/* create the module and add the functions */


module = PyModule_Create(&module_def);


module = Py_InitModule("somap", Somap_type_methods);


import_array(); /* needed for numpy, otherwise it crashes */

/* create exception object and add to module */

ErrorObject = PyErr_NewException("somap.error", NULL, NULL);


PyModule_AddObject(module, "error", ErrorObject);

/* check for errors */

if (PyErr_Occurred())

Py_FatalError("can't initialize module somap");


return module;



Everything else in the module will be ‘static’, i.e. private in the C world (although the

specified functions will be available in the Python world), and should be placed above this

function in the file.

The exception object is just a simple variable. All Python objects in C are of type either

PyObject* or extensions thereof.

static PyObject *ErrorObject;

The  functions  available  to  the  module  are  passed  as  the  second  argument  to

Py_InitModule and here this is called Somap_type_methods. This is a list with each entry

containing four items: the name of the function (method) as it will be called in Python, the

function itself, the calling convention and a documentation string, here called somap_doc.

The list should be terminated with an entry that contains a NULL value for the function

name. Here we only have one function, which we also call somap.

static char somap_doc[] = "Creates a self-organising map";

static struct PyMethodDef Somap_type_methods[] =


{ "somap", (PyCFunction) somap, METH_VARARGS, somap_doc },



The most common convention is METH_VARARGS, where the functions expect two

arguments, the first being the object itself (by convention called self, as in Python code)

and  the  second  being  a  tuple  containing  the  values  passed  to  the  function  in  Python  (by

convention called args). For other calling conventions see the Python documentation (see

links at


The function somap is what does the work converting from the Python world to the C

world,  calling  the  C  function  and  then  converting  back  from  the  C  world  to  the  Python

world. It first unpacks the arguments, and checks that they are of the correct data type. The

function  PyArg_ParseTuple  unpacks  the  args  tuple.  Here  the  tuple  is  expected  to  be  of

length five, because there are five arguments that are passed in from the Python code. The

first  element  of  the  tuple  is  the  inputs  object,  the  second  the  spread  object,  the  third  the

number of rows, the fourth the number of columns and the fifth the number of steps for

the  algorithm.  The  ‘O!’  in  the  call  to  PyArg_ParseTuple  says  that  the  corresponding

element  in  the  tuple  must  be  Python  objects  of  the  specified  type,  here  PyArray_Type,

which is the NumPy array type. The ‘i’ in the call to PyArg_ParseTuple says that the last

three elements must be integers. Next it is checked that inputs_obj and spread_obj are both

of  the  required  type  and  shape  as  NumPy  arrays.  The  RETURN_ERROR  C  macro  is  a

shorthand for creating an error report (exception) that will be passed back to Python.

#define RETURN_ERROR(message) \

{ PyErr_SetString(ErrorObject, message); return NULL; }

static PyObject *somap(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)


int ninputs, nsteps, nrows, ncols, depth, width, height, i, j, k;

PyArrayObject *inputs_obj, *spread_obj;

PyObject *somap_obj;

double **inputs, **spread, ***somap;

npy_intp dims[3];

if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!iii", &PyArray_Type, &inputs_obj,

&PyArray_Type, &spread_obj, &nrows, &cols, &nsteps))

RETURN_ERROR("need 5 args: inputs, spread, nrows, ncols, nsteps");

if (!PyArray_Check(inputs_obj))

RETURN_ERROR("inputs needs to be NumPy array");

if (PyArray_NDIM(inputs_obj) != 2)

RETURN_ERROR("inputs needs to be NumPy array with ndim 2");

if (!PyArray_Check(spread_obj))

RETURN_ERROR("spread needs to be NumPy array");

if (PyArray_NDIM(spread_obj) != 2)

RETURN_ERROR("spread needs to be NumPy array with ndim 2");

if (PyArray_TYPE(inputs_obj) != NPY_DOUBLE)

RETURN_ERROR("inputs needs to be array of doubles");

if (PyArray_TYPE(spread_obj) != NPY_DOUBLE)

RETURN_ERROR("spread needs to be array of doubles");

Next  the  function  determines  the  size  of  inputs_obj  and  spread_obj  and  then  copies

these two NumPy arrays into standard C arrays.

ninputs = PyArray_DIM(inputs_obj, 0);

depth = PyArray_DIM(inputs_obj, 1);

width = PyArray_DIM(spread_obj, 0);

height = PyArray_DIM(spread_obj, 1);

if (!(inputs = copyArray2(inputs_obj)))

RETURN_ERROR("getting inputs as C array");

if (!(spread = copyArray2(spread_obj)))


freeArray2(inputs, nrows, ncols);

RETURN_ERROR("getting spread as C array");


If there are any problems then the function returns an error message. The copyArray2

function  includes  memory  allocation,  and  there  are  of  course  corresponding  memory-

freeing functions. We also need a freeArray3 function for later use.

static void freeArray2(double **array, int m)


int i;

for (i = 0; i < m; i++)




static void freeArray3(double ***array, int m, int n)


int i;

for (i = 0; i < m; i++)

freeArray2(array[i], n);



static double **allocArray2(int m, int n)


int i;

double **array;

array = (double **) malloc(m*sizeof(double *));

if (array)


for (i = 0; i < m; i++)

array[i] = (double *) malloc(n*sizeof(double));


return array;


static double **copyArray2(PyArrayObject *array_obj)


int i, j, m, n;

double **array;

m = PyArray_DIM(array_obj, 0);

n = PyArray_DIM(array_obj, 1);

array = allocArray2(m, n);

if (array)


for (i = 0; i < m; i++)


for (j = 0; j < n; j++)

array[i][j] = *((double *)

PyArray_GETPTR2(array_obj, i, j));



return array;


Getting back to the somap function, up to this point we have just been converting the

Python data types into C data types. Next the function calls the straight C function that we

wrote  above,  which  is  the  whole  point  of  the  exercise  and  is  the  one  line  of  code  that

actually does anything directly useful.

somap = selfOrganisingMap(inputs, ninputs, depth, nrows, ncols,

spread, width, height, nsteps);

Finally  the  function  copies  the  result  back  into  a  Python  data  type  and  frees  memory

and returns the result to Python.

dims[0] = nrows;

dims[1] = ncols;

dims[2] = 3;

somap_obj = PyArray_SimpleNew(3, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);

for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++)

for (j = 0; j < ncols; j++)

for (k = 0; k < depth; k++)

*((double *) PyArray_GETPTR3(somap_obj,i,j,k)) = somap[i][j][k];

freeArray3(somap, nrows, ncols);

freeArray2(inputs, ninputs);

freeArray2(spread, width);

return somap_obj;


Once  written,  the  C  code  needs  to  be  compiled  before  it  can  be  used,  to  convert  the

textual source code into binary code that can be executed on a computer platform. Further

information  on  how  to  compile  and  run  the  C  code  examples  is  given  at


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