Python Programming for Biology: Bioinformatics and Beyond

Calculating substitution rates using trees

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[Tim J. Stevens, Wayne Boucher] Python Programming

Calculating substitution rates using trees

Another way to use sequences while following a phylogenetic tree structure is to estimate

the rate of residue substitution. This will not be a rate in a specific time sense, but a rate in

terms  of  the  evolutionary  distance  between  sequences.  Strictly  speaking  the  calculations

will  be  of  the  minimum  rate  of  substitution  because  we  might  not  see  all  intermediate

residue changes, i.e. although it is possible for a residue to change from X to Z to Y, unless

we  observe  Z  we  will  assume  a  direct  transition  from  X  to  Y,  the  most  parsimonious

solution. There are two example Python functions that will measure substitution rates: the

first  is  just  to  give  a  simple  numeric  rate  value  for  the  positions  along  a  set  of  aligned

sequences,  and  the  second  is  to  work  out  the  relative  rates  of  passive  and  active  DNA

substitutions in protein-coding regions.

In  the  following  rate  calculation  functions  we  will  be  following  residue  letters  back

along the branches of a tree. In order to determine whether there has been a substitution

event  at  a  particular  tree  branch,  at  a  particular  sequence  position,  we  estimate  what  the

ancestral  residue  might  be.  This  is  a  very  simple  guess,  and  other  more  complex

probabilistic  estimates  can  be  made,  but  it  is  good  enough  for  illustrative  purposes.  In

essence the function works by taking two sets for residues, one for each of the branches of

a tree, and determining whether these sets have any residue codes in common. If they do it

is assumed that these are the ancestral residue codes. When the outer branches of the trees

are  used  then  there  will  only  be  a  single  residue  letter  in  each  set.  However,  for  inner

branch points where substitution events may have occurred (and there is no good guess at

when the ancestor might be) each set can contain several residue codes.

The function is defined to take two sets of codes. Because we are using the Python set

objects  we  can  use  their  inbuilt  .intersection()  function  to  find  residue  letters  that  are

present  in  both  input  sets.  Then  we  perform  some  tests  to  determine  what  the  ancestor

residue codes might be and whether we think a substitution event has occurred.

def ancestorResidue(codesA, codesB):

common = codesA.intersection(codesB)

If  there  are  some  residue  codes  in  common  this  common  set  is  passed  back  as  the

ancestor  set.  Also,  it  is  assumed  that  a  substitution  has  not  occurred  if  the  number  of

common  residues  is  smaller  than  one  or  both  inputs:  then  the  ancestor  represents  a

clarification,  rather  than  a  divergence;  any  input  set  that  is  larger  than  the  common  set

would  have  already  had  its  substitutions  counted  earlier,  when  the  ambiguous  set  was


if common:

return common, False

If  there  are  no  residue  codes  in  common,  the  ancestor  is  set  to  the  union  of  the  two

input  sets.  In  this  way  ambiguous  sets  are  generated.  If  the  inputs  are  both  full  a

substitution event has occurred, otherwise we have one or more gaps and no substitution is



union = codesA.union(codesB)

if codesA and codesB:

return union, True


return union, False

Next we define a function that follows a tree of sequences and uses the ancestor residue

estimation to calculate minimum substitution rates. This function takes an alignment and

tree  joining  order  as  inputs;  obviously  these  relate  to  the  same  sequences.  We  determine

the number of alignment positions n and the number of tree nodes. Two lists of zeros are

then  initialised  to  be  filled  in  with  the  relative  and  absolute  substitution  rates  for  each

position. The relative rates will be compared to the average for all positions.

def calcSubstitutionRates(align, treeOrder):

n = len(align[0])

numNodes = float(len(treeOrder))

absRates = [0.0] * n

relRates = [0.0] * n

Next  a  dictionary  is  defined  and  initially  filled  with  the  gapped  sequences  from  the

input alignment. The sequences are converted from a string of letters into a list of Python

sets,  each  containing  a  single  letter.  Note  that  gaps  are  replaced  by  empty  sets.  As  we

compare sequences in tree order, to count substitutions, the elements of this dictionary will

be replaced with new sets of residues representing ancestral sequences (i.e. at tree branch

points). The initial dictionary keys are simply indices within the alignment.

treeSeqs = {}

for i, seq in enumerate(align):

sets = []

for letter in seq:

if letter == '-':



sets.append(set([letter])) # Could use sets.append({letter})

from Python 2.7

treeSeqs[i] = sets

Then  we  loop  though  the  tree  generation  order,  and  in  each  iteration  we  extract  the

indices of the combined branches (a and b)  from  the  start  of  the  list.  Note  that  by  using

.pop() the list is shortened, and when the list is empty the while loop will stop. The indices

are  then  used  to  extract  the  relevant  sequences,  and  a  new  list  is  defined  which  will  be

filled with a guess at the ancestor sequence.

while treeOrder:

a, b = treeOrder.pop(0)

seqA = treeSeqs[a]

seqB = treeSeqs[b]

seqC = []

To  fill  the  ancestor  sequence,  all  the  alignment  positions  are  looped  through  and  the

corresponding  pair  of  branching  sequence  elements  extracted  (seqA[i],  seqB[i]).  The

ancestor residue data is predicted with the function defined above and we catch the output

values  for  the  ancestral  residue  codes  and  a  Boolean  value  (True  or  False)  that  tells  us

whether  a  substitution  has  occurred.  If  it  has,  the  list  of  counts  for  the  absolute  rate

calculation is incremented by one at this position.

for i in range(n):

residueSet, swapped = ancestorResidue(seqA[i], seqB[i])


if swapped:

absRates[i] += 1.0

With this tree branch point considered, we store the ancestor sequence in the dictionary

of sequences, combining the old keys in a tuple to make a new key for the ancestor. This is

the same way that the node identifiers were made in the neighbourJoinTree() function.

treeSeqs[(a, b)] = seqC

del treeSeqs[a]

del treeSeqs[b]

After  the  while  loop  the  average  substitution  rate  is  calculated  as  the  total  number  of

residue  substitutions,  across  all  positions,  divided  by  the  maximum  possible  number  of

substitutions: one for each branch node at each alignment position.

meanRate = sum(absRates)/(numNodes*n)

Finally,  we  loop  though  the  alignment  positions  and  calculate  the  per-site  rate  values.

The absolute rate is simply the count in the absRates list divided by the number of branch

points.  The  relative  rate  is  the  difference  of  the  absolute  rate  from  the  mean,  as  a

proportion  of  the  mean  rate,  and  thus  gives  a  positive  or  negative  value  depending  on

whether the local rate is larger or smaller than average. At the end the lists of absolute and

relative rates are passed back as output.

for i in range(n):

rate = absRates[i] / numNodes

absRates[i] = rate

relRates[i] = (rate-meanRate)/meanRate

return absRates, relRates

To test the function we use our multiple-alignment function to generate the alignment

and  tree  data  for  some  sequences.  The  alignment  and  order  of  tree  construction  are  then

passed  as  arguments  to  calculate  the  substitution  rates,  which  we  then  loop  through  and


align, tree, joinOrder = treeProfileMultipleAlign(seqs, BLOSUM62)

absRates, relRates = calcSubstitutionRates(align, joinOrder)

for i, absRate in enumerate(absRates):

print('%2d %6.2f %6.2f' % (i, absRate, relRates[i]))

The final example function in this chapter will detect sequence substitutions in the same

manner as the substitution rate calculation, by following a guiding tree. However, instead

of treating all substitutions equally we will subdivide them into two categories: those that

change a codon to encode a different amino acid (active) and those that do not (passive).

As mentioned above, regions of high active substitution may indicate positive selection in

evolution, and more passive regions may indicate preservation of function. Naturally this

analysis  only  works  for  DNA  sequences  corresponding  to  the  protein-coding  region  of

genes.  We  will  assume  that  the  input  alignment  is  of  the  coding  DNA  strand  (so  not

reverse complement of the genetic code) and starts exactly at the start of the first codon to

be considered (so no offset).

The function takes an alignment, tree data and a genetic code as arguments. As before

the number of positions and number of nodes in the tree are defined. Then counters for the

active and passive substitutions are initialised and the dictionary to contain the sequences,

and  ancestor  sets,  is  defined.  Much  of  the  function’s  logic  is  the  same  as  described

previously  in  calcSubstitutionRates().  However,  once  the  ancestor  residues  are  predicted

things begin to differ.

def calcActivePassive(align, treeOrder, geneticCode):

n = len(align[0])

numNodes = float(len(treeOrder))

active = 0

passive = 0

treeSeqs = {}

for i, seq in enumerate(align):

sets = []

for letter in seq:

if letter == '-':




treeSeqs[i] = sets

while treeOrder:

a, b = treeOrder.pop(0)

seqA = treeSeqs[a]

seqB = treeSeqs[b]

seqC = []

for i in range(n):

residues, swapped = ancestorResidue(seqA[i], seqB[i])


If  a  substitution  event  is  detected  then  we  have  to  consider  the  codons  in  which  the

current DNA residues reside. The codon start position is defined as the multiple of three at

or  before  the  current  position:  if  we  divide  i  by  three,  round  to  the  integer  and  then

multiply by three, we will round down to a multiple of three. The sub-sequences for the

codons are defined for each of the sequences by taking a slice of each from the codon start

position to a position three residues along.

if swapped:

codonStart = (i//3)*3 # // is integer division

subSeqA = seqA[codonStart:codonStart+3]

subSeqB = seqB[codonStart:codonStart+3]

Because  the  variables  containing  the  sub-sequences  are  actually  lists  of  Python  sets

(generated  with  the  ancestorResidue()function)  the  actual  triple-letter  codons  are

generated  by  looping  through  all  the  residue  possibilities  for  each  of  the  three  positions

and joining the residue combinations (x+y+z). For each combination the amino acid code

is  then  looked  up  using  the  DNA  codon,  according  to  the  input  genetic  code  dictionary.

Note that because our genetic code dictionary uses RNA sequence keys, we first have to

replace T with U in the DNA codon. The amino acid code is added to the set of amino acid

codes aminoAcidsA using the .add() function of Python sets.

aminoAcidsA = set()

for x in subSeqA[0]:

for y in subSeqA[1]:

for z in subSeqA[2]:

codon = x+y+z


aminoAcidsA.add( geneticCode.get(codon) )

The process is repeated for the second sub-sequence, i.e. the other branch of the tree.

aminoAcidsB = set()

for x in subSeqB[0]:

for y in subSeqB[1]:

for z in subSeqB[2]:

codon = x+y+z


aminoAcidsB.add( geneticCode.get(codon) )

If the detected substitution leaves any of the amino acid codes the same, comparing the

two branches of the tree, we increase the count for the passive substitutions, otherwise if

the code does change then the active count is increased. Note how the intersection of the

two sets of amino acid codes is used to find whether there are codes in common, in which

case we assume a passive change.

if aminoAcidsA.intersection(aminoAcidsB):

passive += 1


active += 1

Finally,  in  the  while  loop  the  new  ancestor  sequence  is  stored  and  the  already

considered parts of the tree are deleted. And at the end of the function the counts for the

active and passive DNA substitutions are passed back at the return statement.

treeSeqs[(a, b)] = seqC

del treeSeqs[a]

del treeSeqs[b]

return active, passive

To  test  we  first  generate  an  alignment  and  tree  data  and  then  make  the  active  and

passive counts, using an imported genetic code dictionary.










from Sequences import STANDARD_GENETIC_CODE as SGC

align, tree, joinOrder = treeProfileMultipleAlign(seqs, DNA_1)

active, passive = calcActivePassive (align, joinOrder, SGC)

print('Active: %d Passive: %d' % (active, passive))


Many virus replication enzymes lack proof-reading ability so that although error-prone

their genome can mutate, adapt and evolve at a very high rate.

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