Proposal to include a developmental trauma disorder diagnosis for children and adolescents in dsm-v

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aClinician Report Child Complex Trauma Symptom Checklist (Ford et al. 2007)

bOngoing traumatic stress in combination with neglect, emotional abuse, and/or impaired caregiver

cOngoing traumatic stress alone, isolated traumatic stress alone or in combination with neglect, etc.

dThere were no differences between the groups for 15 of the 17 DSM PTSD Criteria items.

eThis was the 3rd most frequently endorsed symptom for DTD Criterion A exposed children vs. 20th for other children.
Table 7.

Findings from NCTSN Survey, Core Data Set, CANS Study, and CCTC Study



















NCTSN Survey











NCTSN Core Data Set




































Note: + = finding in positive direction; -- = finding in negative direction, blank cell = not assessed.


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