?Find a communicative task: information gap activities
?Find a communicative task: chain story
?Find NOT a communicative task: reading aloud
?Find a CLT principle: fluency over accuracy
?Find a CLT principle: natural use of language
?Find a CLT principle: authentic language input
?Find a CLT principle: multiple skill use
?What does PBL mean? Problem based learning
?What does PBL mean? Problem based learning
?Which approach is it: “groups are presented with contextual situations, asked to define the problem, decide what skills are necessary to investigate it, then give possible solutions”?
Communicative approach
?Which is not a student-centred approach?
Grammar translation
?Which method is described: “requires more time of students, expects them to be responsible and independent learners”?
Problem based
?Which method is it: “Learning is student-centred with the teacher as the facilitator”?
Prokect based learning
?Which method is it: “Students usually work in cooperative groups for extended periods of time, seeking multiple sources of information and creating authentic products”? project- based learning
?Find a feature of Project-Based Learning:
21st century skills are integral
?Find an example of Project-Based learning:
?Find an example of Project-Based Learning:
?“Elementary students learn about health, nutrition, and consumerism by creating a new restaurant that offers healthy and appealing foods”. Which method is it?
Project based learning
?“Students read stories about the heroes of Greek mythology. They choose a modern hero and write a myth that becomes part of a collective book, shared with an audience”. Which method is it?
?Project-based learning is………..
Creation of a product/ often a long term e
?Problem based learning is ………...
Often a short term
?Project-based learning is………..
?Problem based learning is ………...
Usually single subject
?Proje ct-based learning includes ………..
Creation of product
?Problem based learning uses………... case studies and the scenarios
Case studies and the scenarios
?How many language skills are there? 4
?Communication includes ……...
Reading, writing listening speaking
?In ………….. students learn how to use language in appropriate context. Communicative language teaching
?In CLT the focus is on ………. Integration of skills
?Find NOT a communicative task: learning a dialogue by heart
?Find NOT a communicative task: converting direct speech into indirect
?Find NOT a communicative task: repeating words after the teacher
?Find NOT a communicative task: learning a dialogue by heart
?“Meaning has primacy over form”- which approach is it?
?Information gap activities are ……... CLT
?Interactive modes of work (group work, pair work) are not used in ir work)
?Find a non-CLT task:
?Find a non-CLT task:
?Fill in the gap. ___________ means implementing a procedure that necessitates certain practices and behaviours that operate in teaching a language according to a particular method. These practices and behaviours are the ____________ that every procedure relies on.
?All teaching occurs in the target language, encouraging the learner to think in that language. The learner does not practice translation or use their native language in the classroom. Practitioners of this method believe that learners should experience a second language without any interference from their native tongue. Which approach or method is described?
?This method improves understanding, fluency, reading, and listening skills in our students. Standard techniques are question and answer, conversation, reading aloud, writing, and student self-correction for this language learning method. What method is characterized?
Direct method
?With this method, the student learns primarily by translating to and from the target language. Instructors encourage the learner to memorize grammar rules and vocabulary lists. There is little or no focus on speaking and listening. Teachers conduct classes in the student’s native language with this ESL teaching method. What method is characterized? Grammar translation method
?Find the features of the Grammar Translation Method.
?Students learn primarily through pattern drills, particularly dialogues, which the teacher uses to help students practice and memorize the language. These dialogues follow standard configurations of communication. What approach is featured in the passage?
?In this approach the teacher talks as little as possible, with the idea that students learn best when discovering things on their own, learners are encouraged to be independent and to discover and figure out language on their own, the teacher uses gestures and facial expressions to communicate. What approach is it?
?1. A test or task of some kind that requires students to use the target language. 2. Explicit teaching or focus on accuracy with controlled practice exercises. 3. Another test or task to see if students have improved in their use of the target language. These stages describe_____________approach.
?Method and approach are similar but there are some key differences. An/a________ is the way or dealing with something while an/a ________ involves the process or steps taken to handle the issue or task. Approach\ method
?Method and approach are similar but there are some key differences. An/a________ is the way or dealing with something while an/a ________ involves the process or steps taken to handle the issue or task.
?Which of the following methods involves copious amounts of rote memorization and the study of texts?
Audiolingual method
?What is dictogloss? Dictogloss is a type of supported dictation. The teacher reads a short, curriculum-related text several times and the learners try to produce their own version
?Which approach allows learners to acquire a language as babies do, beginning with silent listening?
?Which approach doesn’t allow learners to use their native language in a language class?
?Which approach is geared towards learners whose main goal is to use English to communicate in the real world?
?Learners must memorize grammar rules and vocabulary and translate large amounts of text into English if their teacher is using a method called__________.
?When learners of different levels form small groups that must complete tasks together, a method called _______ is being used.
?Which is a method of teaching grammar in which learners must discover the rules in context themselves while reading and/or listening?
?Which is a method of teaching grammar in which the rules are given to the learner first, followed by examples and exercises? The deductive approach
?A method for teaching writing in which learners are given a model and then asked to create something similar is called the _______ approach. product
?A method for teaching writing that walks learners through the stages of pre-writing, writing and revision is called the _______ approach. process
?In the _______ method, learners are introduced to one learning item at a time with hopes that mastering each skill will eventually lead to learning a language.Form-focused task
?In which approach was Cuisenaire Rods used to introduce vocabulary and syntax? The silent way
?The US military provided funding for special intensive courses based on this method. Which approach is described? The audio-lingual
?This method places emphasis on the social and situational contexts of communication.
?There is a heavy dependence on imitating language models and memorization of dialogues.
?Language learning is a process of habit formation. The more often something is repeated, the stronger the habit and the greater the learning.
?The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of the animal.
?Any of a wide variety of exercises, activities, or devices used in the language classroom for realizing lesson objectives. technique
?A fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read literature written in it.
?There are some techniques such as map drawing, dictation, fill-in-the-blank exercise, or paragraph writing in this method.
?Formed when the airflow from the lungs is obstructed by the moveable including the tongue and lips
Consonant sounds
?How many consonant sounds are there: 24
?Formed by modifying its passage through the mouth principally through the use of mouth and lips
?A continues sequence of sounds forming utterances or conversation in spoken language
?What is the difference between the sound /s/ and sound /z/
?Any of the perceptually distinct units of sound in a specified language that distinguish one word from another, for example p, b, d, and t in the English words pad, pat, bad, and bat.
?…………. describes how the voice rises and falls in speech. The three main patterns are: intonation, rising and fall-rise.
?The way that a word or syllable is pronounced with greater force than other words in the same sentence or other syllables in the same word:
?A continuous sequence of sounds forming utterances or conversations in spoken language.
?What is the order of listening activities pre-listening while-listening, post-listening
?What’s important to consider when creating tasks for developing listening skills of the Young Learners?
Appropriate materials, engaging tasks, realistic tasks
?Reading, in the classroom, means reading aloud.
?There are TWO main post-listening activities what are they
Discussion- focus on laungage
?For teaching purposes, texts should be simplified.
?What are the advantages of choosing reading texts that are accompanied by illustrations, diagrams or maps
?What are the advantages of using real (authentic materials) rather than texts that have been specially written for classroom purposes
All the answers are correct
?Why is setting a task in advance of reading a good idea
?What is important to understand the meanings of unknown words in the text
Immediate context, backround knowledge
?Find the correct principle of teaching vocabulary
?Find the correct principle of teaching vocabulary
?What is the current estimate of the English vocabulary resource
?What are the interdependent objectives of learning vocabulary to increase passive and active vocabulary
?What is “passive vocabulary”
?What is “active vocabulary”
?What is the “quality” of vocabulary learning and use
?Which of the following is NOT a principle of teaching vocabulary
Vocuabulary should be taught in isolation
?Which of the following is NOT a principle of teaching vocabulary
?What are some techniques used in presenting word meaning
?What are some techniques used in presenting word form
Presentation, of the graphic form, phonetic transcription, spelling the word
?What does “meaning definition” include
?When translation could be effective for teachers all of the answers are correct
?What technique is it “writing the words on the board, underlining or highlighting the words on the text, and creating flashcards which consist of the words”
Presentation of the graphic form
?What is the focus of this activity “Match each word on the left with the correct definition on the right: a) implication b) grammar - 1 something that is suggested or indirectly stated2 the system of structures at word, sentence and text level in a language”
Focuses on dealing with definitions of new words out of context. Its main focus is expansion of passive vocabulary
?What is “implication”
?What is “context”
?What is “vocabulary”
?What is “metaphor”
?What is “rhythm”
?What is “pitch movement”
?What is phonology
?What is a “vowel digraph”
?What is a “consonant cluster”
?What is a “consonant digraph” 2 consonants that together make one sound
?Find the correct statement about phonology isolated phonemes and syllables have no meaning
?Find the examples of confusing words in pronunciation
?Find the examples of confusing words in pronunciation
?Find the examples of confusing words in pronunciation
?What is “minimal pairs”
?Find the examples of minimal pairs
?Find the examples of minimal pairs
?Find the examples of minimal pairs
?What is NOT a successful noticing activity
Introducing the form before meaning
?How can teacher simplify comprehension of grammar instruction
?Find NOT a language skill:
?How many parts of speech are there
?What is MPF
?Grammar instruction and lessons are not limited to introducing a grammar item or items, having learners do controlled exercises, and then later assessing students on their ability to understand grammar items.
Communicative grammar
?Teaching lexis include: all answers are correct
?What are the activities held in the process of story-telling?
?what are the two ways to present grammar
?What does PPP stand for?
?What is the difference between prescriptive and descriptive grammar? Materials development contributes to teacher and students’ growth
?How many words are taught in an ordinary Pre-teaching vocab stage
?What is a CCQ
?What is an ICQ
?Affix, Compound, Collocations, False Friends they are all …………. Terms
?Airline-Backtrack-Backspace-Backache-Backfire-Backspin. The given words are examples of ….
Contrary words
?What does TTT stand for
?Nouns, pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives: They are the examples of …..
?Teaching grammar in context involves :
?What is the current estimate of the English vocabulary resource?
?How can storytelling enhance intercultural understanding and communication?
?What does “SUMMARIZING” mean?
?What does ‘’INTERACTIVE LISTENING’’ mean?
?What does “ORAL FLUENCY” mean?
?What does “PARAPHRASING” mean?
?What does “SCANNING” mean? Reading a text quickly to find specific informatio
?Complete the sentence: “The receptive skills are __________.” Listening and reading
?Complete the sentence: “The productive skills are ___________.”
?What does “EXTENSIVE READING” mean?
?What does “INTENSIVE READING” mean? Reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks
?Complete the sentence: “Reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks is called _________.”
?Complete the sentence: “Reading texts for enjoyment and to develop general reading skills is called ____.”
Extensive reading
?A reading technique meant to look for main or general ideas in a text, without going into detailed and exhaustive reading is called _____. Skimmimg
?Reading a text quickly to find specific information, e.g. figures or names is called __________.
?“________ refers to the general sense that a text makes sense through the organization of its content.”
?“_______ refers to the use of linguistic devices to join sentences together, including conjunctions, reference words, substitution and lexical devices such as repetition of words, collocations, and lexical groups.”
?________ refers to how well a learner communicates meaning rather than how many mistakes they make in grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
?__________ refers to how correct learners’ use of the language system is, including their use of grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.
?Accuracy is often compared to __________ when we talk about a learner’s level of speaking or writing.
?What does “JIGSAW READING” mean?
?What does “ICE-BREAKER” mean?
?What does “WARMER” mean?
?What does “LEAD-IN” mean?
?A method of teaching young learners how to read which focuses on how letters make sounds, and how these sounds make words.
?A classroom technique used to practise a new language. It involves the teacher modeling a word or a sentence and the learners repeating it.
?The random generation of ideas based around a topic used before a writing or speaking activity.
?A prewriting technique in which students write continuously for a certain amount of time and ignore grammatical rules.
?What does “GRADED READER” mean?
?Speaking activity involves learners trying to find someone in the group who matches a description.
?An activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.
?A classroom dictation activity where learners are required to reconstruct a short text by listening and noting down keywords, which are then used as a base for reconstruction.
?Over lunch, your friend tells you a story about a recent holiday, which was a disaster. You listen and interject at appropriate moments, maybe to express surprise or sympathy. What approach to listening is used?
?A friend calls to invite you to a party at her house the following Saturday. As you’ve never been to her house before, she gives you directions. You listen carefully and make notes. What approach to listening is used?
?Listening to main idea, making predictions, drawing interferences, summarizing, and taking down notes. What approach to listening is described? Top-down
?Listening for specific details, recognizing word-order patterns, recognizing word sounds, and recognizing cognates. What approach to listening is described? Bottom-up
?_______ processing of language happens when someone uses background information to predict the meaning of the language they are going to listen to or read.
?________ processing happens when someone tries to understand language by looking at individual meanings or grammatical characteristics of the most basic units of the text, (e.g. sounds for listening or words for reading) and moves from these to try to understand the whole text.
?When designing listening activities for young learners, all the following principles are useful EXCEPT:
Keep the speaking environment active – do not correct errors explicitly
?When designing listening activities for young learners, all the following principles are useful EXCEPT:
?Choose the listening text types that are appropriate for young learners. Songs, cartoons, stories, tongue twisters
?When choosing listening activities for young learners, all the following features should be considered EXCEPT: physical preparation
?When designing speaking activities for young learners, all the following principles are important EXCEPT:
Keep the speaking environment active – do not correct errors explicity
?When designing speaking activities for young learners, all the following principles are important EXCEPT:
?When designing speaking activities for young learners, all the following principles are important EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
give bad marks and punish children to make them motivated
?All of the following statement are false EXCEPT:
Reading and writing activities should be meaningful
?Every writing assignment should have a specific:
?A product-based approach – one that focuses on:
?A process-based approach – one that focuses on:
?Find the examples of controlled writing activities. Copying words or sentences filling in gaps with the words or sentences provided
?Find the examples of guided writing activities.
?All the following stages are important steps of a writing process EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
Speaking activities should move from controlled to independent practice
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
Children learn language through lots of meaningful exposure and practise
?Find out the examples of reading subskills.
Deducing meaning from context, skimming, scanning, predicing
?Two-way communication that involves using language and body language to keep our listener involved in what we are saying and to check that they understand our meaning.
?An introduction to the topic of the lesson plus, sometimes, activities focusing on the new language.
?Find the examples of fluency based activities.
?The ability to read and write in a language, usually one’s own. literacy
?The way that language use varies according to variations in the context. The context can be informal, semi-formal, and formal. Register
?The temporary support that surrounds a building under construction. It is usually given to learners while their language system is “under construction” and needs teacher’s support.
?Accurate _________ is also one of the sub-skills of writing. Moreover, knowing how to pronounce a word on the basis of its written form is also a useful speaking skill. Spelling
?Language that the teacher gives the class that is in some way changed to suit the level or the aims of the lesson.
?A practice exercise where learners have to replace words missing from a text. These are removed at regular intervals, for example every five words.
?Words and phrases used in speaking and writing to ‘signpost’ discourse. They do this by showing turns, joining ideas together, showing attitude, and generally controlling communication.
?Corrections a teacher uses some time after a learner has made an error. This is usually done to avoid interrupting fluency practice, although there are other reasons also.
?A short activity where learners walk around the classroom and talk to each other.
? ___________ activities are things learners do before a listening activity in order to prepare for listening. These activities have various purposes, including pre-teaching or activating vocabulary, predicting content, generating interest and checking understanding of task. Pre-listening
? ___________ tasks include discussion questions, true or false statements, vocabulary work, prediction tasks and brainstorming the topic.
?The learners are going to listen to a radio programme about sharks. First, they work in groups to pool their knowledge of sharks and then tell the rest of the class. It is an example of a _____ task. Pre-listening
?_____________ focuses learners on the different stages and aspects of writing as they have been observed in good writers, and spend time on each, led by the teacher. These are: planning, drafting, revising, editing, and considering the audience. Process writing
?Learners have already spent time practicing receptive skills with a shape poem, by listening to it and reading it. Now, they move on to _____________ by group writing their own, based on the example.
?__________ in language learning refers to the relationship between the teacher and the learners. Rapport
?Find out the example of while listening.
?A stage where learners do controlled practice of the target language.
?Find out the example of post-listening.
?Often in the process of learning a new language, learners begin with _________ understanding of the new items, then later move on to productive use.
?It is the time learners spend talking rather than the teacher.
?A document that describes what the contents of a language course will be and the order in which they will be taught.
?The language learners are studying, and also the individual items of language that they want to learn, or the teacher wants them to learn. Target language
?Language which is used to make a transaction and which has a result. Learners in exams are often required to write a letter which has a clear objective, e.g., asking for a refund or for information, or making a complaint.
?The written instructions for a task. rubric
? _____________- refers to the exposure learners have to authentic language in use. This can be from various sources, including the teacher, other learners, and the environment around the learners. input
?_____________activity involves learners working together in order to complete a task. For example, the task-based learning approach requires learners to work together to accomplish a task. colloborative
?When teaching reading skills, it is important to ____________.
?When teaching reading skills, DO NOT ____________.
?What does “INFERRING” mean?
?An activity learners carry out before reading or listening to a text, where they guess what they are going to hear or read. This gives them a reason to listen or read, as they confirm or reject their assumptions. prediction
?How could you make a recorded listening text easier? Do all exercises by yourself and ask students to not panic
?Why is it not necessary for learners to understand every word of a text?
?Learners read a text about a holiday where everything went wrong. They answer questions based on the text. How could you also develop productive skills in this lesson?
Writing a letter of complaint, and\or discussing their own holiday experiences
?Why might a teacher avoid asking low level classes to take notes while they listen?
Because combining listening and writing is difficult at low levels
?What is an “authentic” text? A text that has not been produced with language teaching as its purpose
?Running Dictation is an example of _______________. Integrated skills practice
?What is an advantage of choosing reading texts that are accompanied by illustrations, diagrams, or maps?
This extralinguistic information can help activate backround knowledge
?What is an advantage of using real (i.e. authentic) texts rather than texts that have been specially written or adapted for classroom purposes?
Authentic materials are much more simplified rather than adapted ones
?Why is setting a task in advance of reading a good idea?
?Why is setting a task in advance of watching a video considered a good idea?
?The framework “Pre-,while-,post-“ is applied for ____________. Receptive skills such as listening and reading
?___________ refers to the ability to understand cultures, including your own, and use this understanding to communicate with people from other cultures successfully. Intercultural communicative competence
?___________ refers to the different functions a teacher can have in a class. Facilitator, assessor, manager and evaluator are a good example of this term. Teacher role
?Young learners of English need explicit instruction on the link between the symbols (letters) in English and the sounds they make. Early literacy strategy
?Writing accuracy focuses on the following aspects EXCEPT: conveying information successfully to the reader
?________ is where a subject is taught in the target language rather than the first language of the learners. In such classes, tasks are designed to allow students to focus on and learn to use the new language as they learn the new subject content. Content and language integrated learning(CLIL)
?Learners need to put sentences or paragraphs from a text, or pictures illustrating a text, into the correct order.
Jumble activity
?A type of speaking activity that involves learners speaking for longer periods of time and in a freer form than controlled speaking practice. Extended speaking
?All of the following techniques help to make input comprehensible EXCEPT:
?A graphic organizer for reading, KWL stands for __________. Know, want-toknow, learned
?What types of knowledge do we activate when we read?
?How can you encourage children to do independent (extensive) reading?
give each child a reading log to fill in when they have read smth.
?Choose the characteristic of young learners.
Spontaneous and not afraid to speak out or participate
?Choose the characteristics of young learners.
?Choose the characteristic of young learners.
?Choose the characteristic of young learners.
?Choose the appropriate characteristic of young learners.
Young learners like to discover things, they are imaginative
?Choose the appropriate characteristic of young learners.
Easily distracted and have short attention spans
?Choose the appropriate characteristic of young learners.
Egocentric and relate new ideas to themselves
?Choose the appropriate characteristic of young learners.
?Choose the appropriate characteristic of young learners.
?Choose the appropriate characteristics of young learners.
?Choose the appropriate characteristics of young learners.
?________ is a commonly used method with children because it connects language to movement.
?The game Simon Says is a perfect and fun activity that uses __________.
?Although children have ____________, they can concentrate on longer activities if they are fun and interesting to them.
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
?All of the following statement are true EXCEPT:
Use the first language as much as possible while teching english
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are false EXCEPT:
?All of the following pieces of advice are true EXCEPT:
?When teaching young learners, DO NOT:
?When teaching young learners, DO NOT:
?Phonics is a method of teaching __________ how to read which focuses on how letters, and how these sounds make words.
?When teaching young learners, DO NOT:
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
?All of the following statements are true EXCEPT:
?What is NOT the element of a good lesson plan?
?What is NOT the element of a good lesson plan?
?What is NOT the element of a good lesson plan?
?What is NOT the element of a good lesson plan?
?What is NOT the element of a good lesson plan?
?What is it? Definition: the most important aim, e.g. the teacher's main aim could be to teach the present perfect or develop listening skills.
?What is it? Definition: the most important aim, e.g. the teacher's main aim could be to teach the present perfect or develop listening skills.
? What is it? Definition: the most important aim, e.g. the teacher's main aim could be to teach the present perfect or develop listening skills.
?What is it? Definition: what the teacher would like to improve on in his/her teaching. e.g. To reduce the time I spend writing on the whiteboard.
?What is it? Definition: what the teacher would like to improve on in his/her teaching. e.g. To reduce the time I spend writing on the whiteboard.
?What is it? Definition: what the teacher would like to improve on in his/her teaching. e.g. To reduce the time I spend writing on the whiteboard.
?What is it? Definition: the details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson, e.g. students practice the language of complaints in a role=play in pairs.
?What is it? Definition: the details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson, e.g. students practice the language of complaints in a role=play in pairs.
?What is it? Definition: the details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson, e.g. students practice the language of complaints in a role=play in pairs.
?What is it? Definition: the details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson, e.g. students practice the language of complaints in a role=play in pairs.
?What is it? Definition: the details of exactly what is going to happen in each stage of a lesson, e.g. students practice the language of complaints in a role=play in pairs.
?What is it? Definition: a section of a lesson. Lessons work through different steps such as lead=in, presentation, controlled practice, etc.
?What is it? Definition: a section of a lesson. Lessons work through different steps such as lead=in, presentation, controlled practice, etc.
?What is it? Definition: a section of a lesson. Lessons work through different steps such as lead=in, presentation, controlled practice, etc.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers plan lessons, they think about how long each activity will take and they usually write this on their plan.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers plan lessons, they think about how long each activity will take and they usually write this on their plan.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers plan lessons, they think about how long each activity will take and they usually write this on their plan.
?What is it? Definition: the things that a teacher uses in a class, e.g. handouts, pictures.
flashcards. When teachers plan lessons they think about what things they will need.
?What is it? Definition: the things that a teacher uses in a class, e.g. handouts, pictures.
flashcards. When teachers plan lessons they think about what things they will need.
?What is it? Definition: the things that a teacher uses in a class, e.g. handouts, pictures.
flashcards. When teachers plan lessons they think about what things they will need.
?What is it? Definition: the things that a teacher uses in a class, e.g. handouts, pictures.
flashcards. When teachers plan lessons they think about what things they will need.
?What is it? Definition: the things that a teacher uses in a class, e.g. handouts, pictures.
flashcards. When teachers plan lessons they think about what things they will need.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their students might find difficult about the language or skills in the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their students might find difficult about the language or skills in the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their students might find difficult about the language or skills in the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their students might find difficult about the language or skills in the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers are planning a lesson, they think about what their students might find difficult about the language or skills in the lesson so that they can help them learn more effectively at certain points in the lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers think about what they believe their students will know or how they will behave in a particular lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers think about what they believe their students will know or how they will behave in a particular lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers think about what they believe their students will know or how they will behave in a particular lesson.
?What is it? Definition: when teachers think about what they believe their students will know or how they will behave in a particular lesson.
e.g. student to student, in pairs or groups, or teacher to student, in open class.
?What is it? Definition: the different ways students and the teacher work together in class,
e.g. student to student, in pairs or groups, or teacher to student, in open class.
?What is it? Definition: the different ways students and the teacher work together in class,
e.g. student to student, in pairs or groups, or teacher to student, in open class.
?What is it? Definition: the different ways students and the teacher work together in class,
e.g. student to student, in pairs or groups, or teacher to student, in open class.
?What is it? Definition: the different ways students and the teacher work together in class,
e.g. student to student, in pairs or groups, or teacher to student, in open class.
?What is it? Definition: how a lesson fits logically into a sequence of lessons; what goes before a particular lesson how a lesson links to and helps students with, the following lesson.
?What is it? Definition: how a lesson fits logically into a sequence of lessons; what goes before a particular lesson how a lesson links to and helps students with, the following lesson.
?What is it? Definition: how a lesson fits logically into a sequence of lessons; what goes before a particular lesson how a lesson links to and helps students with, the following lesson.
?What is it? Definition: how a lesson fits logically into a sequence of lessons; what goes before a particular lesson how a lesson links to and helps students with, the following lesson.
?What is it? Definition: the secondary focus of the lesson, is less important than the main aim. It could be the language or skills learners must be able to use in order to achieve the main aim.
?What is it? Definition: the secondary focus of the lesson, is less important than the main aim. It could be the language or skills learners must be able to use in order to achieve the main aim.
?What is it? Definition: the secondary focus of the lesson, is less important than the main aim. It could be the language or skills learners must be able to use in order to achieve the main aim.
?What is it? Definition: the secondary focus of the lesson, is less important than the main aim. It could be the language or skills learners must be able to use in order to achieve the main aim.
?What is it? Definition: the secondary focus of the lesson, is less important than the main aim. It could be the language or skills learners must be able to use in order to achieve the main aim.
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
Psychologists recommend using complicated words during the lesson with you
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?What CAN’T be used in the classroom?
?Should only teachers use classroom language?
?What should every teacher do before the lesson? (instructions)
?What should every teacher do before the lesson? (instructions)
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Instructions should be …
?Should teachers translate the instructions word-by-word into L1 for students?
?Should the teacher pay attention to students’ mistakes while they are creating a friendly atmosphere the beginning of the lesson? No, they should not
?What topic is a GOOD example of creating a friendly atmosphere at the beginning of the lesson?
An interesting TV program
?What topic is a GOOD example of creating a friendly atmosphere at the beginning of the lesson?
?The core text or the main textbook used in a specific class is a student's…… coursebook
?Most audio-lingual materials are designed to help learners develop their _______ skills. Listening and speaking
?Equipment, supplies, supplementary materials etc. that teachers take to a class can be called….
Teaching aids
?Teachers use supplementary materials _______ a textbook or coursebook. in addition to
?A graded reader always targets _______ reading level. a specific
?Authentic materials used in a classroom are materials taken from…. the real world
?Which can be called an "authentic text"? a newspaper article
?What do we call objects from the real world that make a classroom feel more like a real-life setting for practicing language skills? realia
?Supplementary materials for learners such as books, handouts, audio-lingual or AV files, apps etc. are found in a school's self-access centre
?Materials centered around certain skills such as reading, listening, pronunciation etc. are called _______ materials. skills-based
?Four key component in designing materials for writing are input, content focus, language focus and task. What does it mean by task? culminating communicative activity and writing assignment
?Encourages learners to think about and use language. stimulus
Which roles of materials in writing refers to the description above?
?What is the roles of technologies in language- learning materials? facilitating reading by supporting comprehension with graphics, video and sound
?What does it means by materials development? refers to all the processes made use of be learning practitioners who produce and/or use materials for language learning
?What is the importance of materials development for language learning? Materials development contributes to teacher
?Materials designed for learners to use independently, without access to a teacher or a classroom. They are normally used by the learner at home or in a library……. Self-access materials
?Materials which are often available on a CD-ROM or DVD which makes use of print, graphics, video and sound. Usually, such materials are interactive and enable the learner to receive feedback on the written or spoken language which they produce. Multi-media materials
?Making changes to materials in order to improve them or to make them more suitable for a particular type of learner. This process can include reducing, adding, omitting, modifying and supplementing. Materials adaptation
?The systematic appraisal of the value of materials in relation to their objectives and to the objectives of the learners using them. This process can be pre-use and therefore focused on predictions of potential value. It can be whilst-use and therefore focused on awareness and description of what the learners are actually doing whilst the materials are being used. And it can also be post-use and therefore focused on analysis of what happened as a result of using the materials Material evaluation
?Anything which presents or informs about the language being learned. It can be in the form of a textbook, a workbook, a cassette, a CD-ROM, a video, a photocopied handout, a newspaper, a paragraph written on a whiteboard. materials
?Material evaluation is a procedure that involves measuring the value (or potential value) of a set of learning materials. It involves making judgements about the effect of the materials on the people using them.”
?Using “realia” in the language class means bringing…………………… real objects as teaching aids
?A video is ………… an a audio-visual aid
?A teacher brings a newspaper to her class VIII students and asks them to find some advertisements. She then asks them to list out how advertisements are designed and what an advertisement contains. What is the newspaper have? Materials for language learning
?Which answers below shows the importance of enrichment activities? Provide an opportunity for students are more challenging and exciting experience