Quyidagi hollatlarda otlarning oldidan hech qanday artikl ishlatilmaydi.
1. Sanalmaydigan va sanaladigan ko’plikdagi otlar umumiy ma’noda ishlatilsa, artikl ishlatilmaydi.
For.ex: Dogs are domestic animals.
Glass is made from sand.
2. “Play” so’zidan keyin sportni ifodalovchi so’zlar ke’lsa, artikl ishlatilmaydi.
For.ex: Anna can play
BUT: “play” dan keyin musiqiy instrumentlar kelsa aniq artikl ishlatiladi. She can play the piano, the violin and the clarinet.
3. “Man” so’zi inson ma’nosida umumiy ishlatilganda, artikl ishlatilmaydi.
For.ex: Why do you know about the origins of
4. Pul birliklari oldidan aniq artikl keladi, bunda u qaysidir davlatning pul birligini anglatadi.
For.ex: The dollar is the currency of the United states.
5. Go to work/be at work/start work/finish work/go home/come home/arrive home/get home/ be at home. “Work” va “home” so’zlari artiklsiz ishlatiladi.
For.ex: Chris didn’t go to work yesterday. It’s late. Let’s go home.
BUT: in the home, in the house, to the house
6. “Bed” so’zi bilan quyidagicha bo’ladi. to go to bed{uxlashga yotmoq} va to be in bed{yotoqda bo’lmoq, uxlayotgan bo’lmoq} birikmalarida artikl bo’lmaydi.
For.ex: It is time to go to bed. Have you ever had breakfast in bed?
BUT: to be on the bed{kravatda, kravat ustida} (mebel tushiniladi),
make the bed {joyni yig’ishtir}
For.ex: I sat down on the bed. Her portrait was on the wall beside the bed.
7. School, college, university, prison, jail, hospital, church bu so’zlar bilan aniq artikl ishlatilishi yoki ishlatilmasligi mumkin. Bunda quyidagicha bo’ladi:
a) Agar
maktabga o’quvchi sifatida, kolejga va universitetga talaba sifatida,
qamoqxonaga mahbus sifatida,
kasalxonaga bemor sifatida va cherkovga diniy maqsadda borilsa, artikl ishlatilmaydi.
For.ex: Alison is ten years. She goes to school every day. She’s at school now.
Ken’s brother is in prison for robbery.
Joe had an accident last week. He was taken to hospital. He’s still in hospital now
When I leave school, I want to go to university/college.
Sally’s father goes to church every Sunday
b) Agar
maktabga o’quvchi sifatida emas, kolejga va universitetga talaba sifatida emas,
qamoqxonaga mahbus sifatida emas,
kasalxonaga bemor sifatida emas balki tashrif sifatida va cherkovga diniy maqsadda emas balki boshqa maqsadda borilsa, aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
For.ex:Today Alison’s mother wants to speak to her daughter’s teacher. So she has gone to the school to see her. So She’s at the school now.
Ken went to the prison to visit his brother.
Jane has gone to the hospital to visit Joe. She’s at the hospital now.
Excuse me, where is the university, please?
Some workmen went to the church to repair the roof
BUT: Ammo quyidagilar bilan doim aniq artikl ishlatiladi.
The cinema/the theatre/the factory/the house/the library/ the office/the pub/the shop/the station.
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