Bog'liq Present Simple Hozirgi oddiy zamon quyidagi holatlarda ishlatila
4. Qo’shma gaplarda, asosan bog’lovchi taraf Present Simple yoki Present Perfect bo’lsa, bosh gap Future/Imperative/Modal bo’ladi.
IF (agar)
We’ll have party if my friends come
WHEN (..da,paytda)
It’ll be wonderful when scientists have found a cure for cancer
AS SOON AS (bilanoq, zahotiyoq)
Let me know as soon as your new computer arrives
BEFORE (oldin)
We will buy some food before guests come
AFTER (keyin)
We will go to the park after we have had dinner.
UNTIL/TILL (guncha)
We won’t have lunch until our dad doesn’t come
WHILE (..da, paytda)
Think of me while you are travelling to the Moon.
ONCE (agar, bilanoq)
Call me once you arrive in London.
AS(SO) LONG AS (toki...ekan)
As long as I’m here, I will protect you.
UNLESS (maguncha)
You can’t enter club unless you get card
ON CONDITION THAT ( sharti bilan)
On condition that you give back my bag in time, I will give you it.
SUPPOSE(SUPPOSING) (faraz qiling)
Suppose you have won lottery, what will you do?
Provided that he is ill, I will go to see.
IN CASE (chunki...mumkin, mabodo)
Take your umbrella, in case it rains.
NOTE: Biz “when” va “if” li tamonda Future Simple ishlatishimiz mumkin, Bunda when-qachon, if esa tarjima qilinmaydi. Shuningdek bosh gapda I don’t know, I doubt, I wonder kabi birikmalar bo’ladi.
For.ex: I wonder whenhe will come. (U qachon qaytishiga qiziqayapman)
I don’t know ifthe teacher will punish Tim for that.
( Men o’qituvchi Timni o’sha uchun jazolash jazolamasligini bilmayman.
Passive Voice I. Majhul nisbatda ega ish-harakatni bajarmaydi, balki ega ustida bajariladi va shuningdek ish-harakat boshqa birov tomonidan bajariladi. Majhul nisbat quyidagicha tuzilishga ega.
Form S + be in the correct form + Past participle ( + by/with + noon)
Present Simple
She cleans the room every morning.
am/is/are + past participle The room is cleaned every morning.
Present Continuous
She is cleaning the room now.
am/is/are + being + past participle The room is being cleaned now
Present Perfect
She has just cleaned the room.
have/has + been + past participle The room has just been cleaned
Past Simple
She cleaned the room yesterday.
was/were +past participle The room was cleaned yesterday
Past Continuous
She was cleaning the roon at 2 p.m yesterday.
was/were +being + past participle The room was being cleaned at 2 p.m yesterday
Past Perfect
She had cleaned the room before I came.
had +been + past participle The room had been cleaned before I came
Future Simple
She will clean the room tomorrow mornin.g
will + be + past participle The room will be cleaned tomorrow morning
Future Perfect
She will have cleaned the room by tomorrow.
will + have + been + past participle The room will have been cleaned by tomorrow.
They are going to invite Phil to the party.
to be + going to be + past participle Phil is going to be invited to the party.
She must clean the room.
modal + be + past participle The room must be cleaned
Modal + perfect infinitive
She must have cleaned the room.
modal + have + been + past participle The room must have been cleaned.
NOTES: A. Biz kutilmaganda, tasodifan sodir bo’lgan ish-harakat haqida gapirganimizda, og’zaki nutqda “to be” ning o’rniga “to get” foydalanamiz. For.ex: There was a fight at the party, but nobody got hurt. (=nobody was hurt)(Bazmda urush bo’ldi,lekin hech kim shikastlanmadi.
I’m surprised Liz didn’t get offered the job.(=Liz wasn’t offered the job)
(Men Lizaga ish taklif qilishmaganidan ajablandim.)
BUT! Bu iboralar Passive Voiceda emas.
Get married-uylanmoq, turmushga chiqmoq
get divorced-ajrashmoq
get lost- adashmoq
get dressed-kiymoq
B. Ish-harakat kim yoki nima tomonidan amalga oshirilganini aytish uchun biz BY (orqali)or WITH (bilan, yordamida) dan foydalanamiz, lekin ular bir-biridan farq qiladi. By – ish-harakatni amalga oshirgan shaxs yoki narsani aytish uchun ishlatamiz. For.ex: The cake was made by Ann.
The fire was caused by electricity
With –ish-harakatni amalga oshirishda foydalanilgan narsani aytish uchun ishlatiladi. With+instrument /material /ingredient. For.ex: It was made with eggs, flour and butter.