· The concept of didactics.
· The essence and objectives of the educational process.
· Educational and developmental functions of the teaching process.
· Principles of education
"A person who has an independent mind, who believes in his own strength, in the correctness of the path he has chosen, always looks to the future with confidence. He is not afraid of the diversity of opinions in society, but of modern knowledge and will be able to expose any malicious intentions, threats and aspirations based on philosophical views, the realities of life. "
What is didactics ? What field of pedagogy is he engaged in?
Didactic-educational theory, an independent branch of pedagogy, deals with the scientific, theoretical, methodological and practical bases of the educational process, ie the theory of education, teaching, teaching.
Didactics is a Greek word meaning "didasco", meaning teaching, teaching. In the process of studying and analyzing the laws of education, the concept of education is described, its knowledge of its essence, content and objectives, principles, forms of teaching. Didacticsseeks answers to pedagogical questions such as ‘what to teach’, ‘what to teach’ and
Education is an activity that ensures that certain aspects of the human experience , that is, that students acquire knowledge and upbringing in accordance with the current requirements of social development. The teacher is not limited to imparting knowledge in the learning process, but in the process, the student influences the student, which further activates their learning, resulting in the student becoming an active participant in the learning process. Achievements in education depend primarily on the teacher. Deep knowledge of the subject as a specialist, mastery of pedagogical communication, acquisition of psychological - pedagogical and methodological knowledge and skills, immediate study and assessment of various pedagogical situations, the optimal method of pedagogical influence and must be able to choose the tools.
Educational process - acts, links, cycles of education on the basis ofreal connection, causal teachingfor students to master the content of information and methods of related activitiesis a purposeful company activity that moves in space and time [1] .
The main tasks of education are to equip the individual with scientific knowledge, skills and abilities. Education as a type of human cognitive activity has several meanings, namely, the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in learners, the formation of their worldview, thoughts and beliefs, and the development of their abilities.
Through education, the younger generation is given the knowledge gained through human experience, the necessary skills and abilities, and beliefs are formed. Education is a joint activity of teacher and students, it has a dual nature, that is, it involves the active participation of both teachers and students. The teacher pursues a clear goal, absorbs knowledge, skills, and competencies based on a plan and program, and the student actively masters it. Communication is a complex, difficult, conflicting process of knowing. Man in the process processes such as intuition, cognition, imagination and thinking related to the psyche are actively involved and play an important role. To educate is to educate young people, to instill in them skills and competencies, that is, to cultivate serious logical thinking capable of discovering truths.
It is necessary to take into account the principle that practice is the basis of any knowledge in order to guide the thinking process in the teacher, the student and the learner. In education, the teacher is not limited to imparting knowledge, he also guides the thinking activity of students, develops in students independence of work, creative abilities, and thus achieves a conscious mastery of what is being studied, comprehension of the material and not only do they understand, but they also care that they remember it carefully.
The teacher should keep in mind that when conducting educational work in order to organize the student's cognitive activities, it is necessary to solve three tasks through the educational process, that is, three goals through the transfer of knowledge. These goals combine teacher and student activities.
1. The educational purpose is to know the content of the educational material, that is, to be able to acquire and apply scientific knowledge related to this science.
2. The purpose of education is to form one's own personal qualities, beliefs under the influence of the ideas and worldviews that lie in its content, by mastering the basics of science.
3. The developmental goal is to develop a person's mental maturity, cognitive abilities, attitude to study and work under the influence of the educational process.
As a result of achieving these goals, the student develops the ability to work independently. It teaches him to think, thinking dominates the learning process.
What are the links between the learning process and the learning process?
Mental process
Psychological conditions
Personality traits
The process of learning
Emotional will
Mental potential
Behavioral motivation
Work style
Creative inspiration
We can see this connection, first of all, in the stages of implementation of education. These steps include : _
The first step istounderstandthelearningmaterials._ Inthiscase,thestudentgetsacquaintedwiththecontentofeducationandunderstandswhathislearningtasksare.__ Processessuch asintuition,perception,imaginationareactivelyinvolved inthis.
The second stage is whenthey understandthestudymaterial,understanditsessenceandgeneralize. Asaresult,theyacquirenewknowledge. To dothis,theyuseanalysis,synthesis,comparison,inference.
The third stage - new knowledge,exercises,independent work arereinforcedbyadditionalcommentsfromtheteacher.
In the fourth stage ,theyapply the knowledgetheyhaveacquiredtotheoftheirability.
By knowing this , the teacher can effectively manage the educational process . _ _ _ Therefore , at all stages of the learning process , the teacher plays a leadership and managerial role . From the above points , we can conclude that the learning process performs a number of functions as an important branch of cognitive activity .
Including :
1. Knowledge builds skills and competencies in pupils and students . _ _ _ _
2. Develops their worldview , beliefs and beliefs . _ _ _ _
3. Young people will be able to grow to a certain level , to be educated , to develop their abilities and talents . _ _
In order to successfully solve these tasks , the teacher must be competent in their profession . _ _ Competence is the ability to successfully perform pedagogical work . This is manifested , first of all , in the ability to clearly imagine the social role and necessity of the pedagogical profession . In addition , the teacher should be interested in the student , understand his needs and characteristics . _
What are the teacher 's teaching and the student 's reading activities in the learning process ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( Solving pedagogical problems related to the activities of teachers and students in the educational process . )
In addition , the teacher 's ability to identify and take into account the level of knowledge and education of each student in the learning process , the ability to correctly select , analyze and summarize the teaching materials is necessary for pedagogical skills _ _ _ _ Excellent knowledge of the methods , tools and forms of teaching , to be demanding of the student , to use them appropriately depending on the pedagogical situation , to compare and analyze the learning outcomes with the initial and subsequent indicators _ _ _ _ _ _ should .
The teacher must have a wide range of didactic knowledge and pedagogical skills . _ _ _ _ _ Only then will the teacher organize and manage the educational process at the level required by the national training program .
Continuing education is the basis of the system of training and one of the components of the national model of training, - says the National Program of Training. The system of continuing education covers all stages of the educational process and creates the conditions for the development of a comprehensively developed generation. The principles of organization and development of continuing education are also fully reflected in the program. These are
- priority of education,
- democratization of education,
- Humanization of education,
- socialization of education,
- national orientation of education,
- integral connection of education and upbringing,
- Identification of talented young people and the creation of conditions for a high level of education [2 ] .
In pedagogy , the scientific - theoretical , methodological bases of education are studied separately , that is , in the didactic part . In this process , special emphasis is placed on the principles of education . X o ' sh , who needs the principles of education and why ? _ _ U o ' is it also involved in bird activities ?
The learning process is complex and multifaceted . _ _ _ _ The success and effectiveness of this process depends on the extent to which the educational process complies with the rules of law , ie the didactic requirements for education . _ _
The principles of education are the social requirements for the educational process , the rules that apply to the organization and management of education . _ _ _ _ _
Most of the literature uses the term " teaching principles " . _ However , the principles of education apply to both subjects of the educational process - the teacher and the student . _ _ _ That is why it is better to call them the principles of education . says prof . _ _ _ O. _ Roziqov .
The requirements and rules for the activities of teachers and students in the organization , management and control of education are called the principles of education . _ _ _ _ _
Principles are a general didactic category , they are general rules that apply to all types , levels , subjects of education , all components of the educational process . _ _
As an integral part of cognitive activity , learning takes place on the basis of the general laws of human cognition of the world around them . Therefore , the principles of teaching are the theoretical and practical solution of the most important issues of the educational process . _ _ is the main basis .
What do you mean by the interdependence of the principles of education ?
The principles of education are determined on the basis of the enormous tasks facing educational institutions . They form a system that is inextricably linked . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Each lesson may involve several of the didactic principles . _ They are _ contributes to the solution of the main goals facing the lim . _ _ _ In the current process of reforming the education system , the essence of the principles of education is to provide students with solid knowledge , to educate them as people who can think freely and independently . deep understanding and application to life is one of the important challenges .
The knowledge imparted in educational institutions should be of a scientific nature , reflecting the latest achievements and discoveries of technology and science . _ _ _ _ _ Therefore , the student should be aware of the latest developments in science .
What is the system of teaching principles ? _ _
The scientific principles of teaching are aimed at equipping students with scientific knowledge at the level of modern technical science in the educational process, especially to acquaint students with the methods of scientific research .
Science is related to the content and methods of education . Therefore , it is necessary to achieve cooperation and interdependence between science and the subject of study . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Scientific interpretations should be used at all stages of education .
The systematic and consistent acquisition of knowledge is inextricably linked with the rules of scientific and comprehensible education . _ _ _ T h e systematization as a didactic category Ya . A. _ It was substantiated in the works of Comenius . It is connected with one thing in nature and another As such , he believes that in education , everything should be in contact with the other , and that the knowledge learned in each exercise should pave the way for further knowledge to be learned . _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Professor O. _ Rozikov emphasizes that systematization as a rule of education has the following characteristics : orderliness , organization , integrity , planning , continuity , succession , forward - looking [ 3 ] _
The systemic nature of education depends on its consistency. A characteristic feature of coherent education is that it is based on the pre-acquired knowledge and skills of students in the process of forming new knowledge, skills and abilities, improving their interrelationships and, conversely, in the process of expressing new knowledge. It aims to further deepen, expand and strengthen the acquired knowledge, skills and competencies.
Systematicity and coherence also imply that the disciplines of learning are interrelated.
Nazariy bilimlarning amaliyot bilan turmush tajribalari bilan bog’lab olib borish ta’limning yetakchi qoidalaridan hisoblanadi. Ta’lim - tarbiya sohasidagi yutuqlar, eng avvalo nazariya bilan amaliyotning o’zaro bog’liqligiga asoslanadi. Shundagina o’quvchi - talaba o’rganayotgan o’quv materiallarining tub mohiyatini tushunib yetadi va amaliyotda ulardan foydalana oladi. Buning uchun o’qituvchi ta’lim jarayonida o’quvchilarning faol ishtirok etishlariga erishmog’i lozim. Faol ishtirok esa bilimlarni ongli tushunib o’zlashtirishga olib keladi.
Ta’limdagi onglilik va faollik, o’quvchidagi ko’tarinki kayfiyat, ko’proq bilishga intilish, mustaqil fikrlash va xulosalar chiqarishga undaydi. Bilimlarni ongli va faol o’zlashtirish o’qitish jarayonining psixologik tomonlarida o’z ifodasini topadi. O’qitishda nazariy bilimlar qanchalik qat’iy bayon etilsa, o’kuvchi talabaning fikr yuritishi shunchalik aniq va ravshan bo’ladi va o’quv materiallarini ongli o’zlashtirish darajasi ham oshadi.
Ta’lim tizimi isloh qilinayotgan hozirgi jarayonda yoshlarning mustaqil fikr yuritishi, mustaqil suratda bilim olishga intilishi talab qilinadi. Buning natijasida bilimlarni o’zlashtirish jarayoni ijodiy tus oladi. Bunday jarayonda o’qituvchi o’kuvchining mashg’ulotlarga munosabati va bu jarayonda o’zini qanday tutishga e’tibor bermog’i lozim. Shunday ekan, ta’limning samaradorligi o’qituvchining o’quvchilarni o’qishga izchil va muntazam qiziqtirib borishga bog’liqdir. Buning uchun o’qituvchi ularni o’qishga ijodiy munosabatda bo’lishga, mustaqillikka, ishchanlikka odatlantirishi lozim.
Ta’lim jarayoni, uning mazmuni, unda ko’tarilgan hayotiy masalalar yoshlar tarbiyasiga ijobiy ta’sir ko’rsatadi. Shu sababli ta’lim shaxsni shakllantirishning asosiy manbaidir.
O’qitib tarbiya berish deganda ta’lim va tarbiyaning bir - biridan ajralmasligini tushunamiz. Xar bir o’quv fani hatto, ayrim mavzu va mavzuchalari ham shubhasiz, tarbiyalovchilik xarakteriga ega.
Tabiiy fanlar- matematika, kimyo, biologiya, astronomiya va boshqalarni o’zlashtirish orqali o’quvchilarda ilmiy e’tiqod, dunyoqarash shakllana boradi. Ular dunyoni o’rganish mumkinligini ilmiy asosda anglab oladilar. Har bir narsa yuzasidan haqqoniy hukm chiqarishga o’rganadilar.
Gumanitar fanlarning tarbiyaviy ahamiyati yanada kengroq bo’lib, ular komil insonning axloqiy sifatlarini shakllantirishga har tomonlama yordam beradi.
O’quvchi-talaba ilmiy bilimlarni o’zlashtirar ekan, uning dunyoqarashi, iymon- e’tiqodi va qobiliyati o’sib rivojlanib boradi. Ta’limning tarbiyaviy imkoniyatlaridan foydalanish o’qituvchining, avvalo, ta’limni uslubiy jihatdan to’g’ri tashkil etishiga, o’quv materiallarining mazmuni bilan bog’liq tarbiyaviy maqsadlarni aniq belgilashiga va o’quvchilarning bilim olishga qiziqtira olishiga bog’liqdir. Shu bilan birga o’qituvchining o’quvchilar oldidagi obro’ - e’tibori muhim tarbiyaviy ahamiyatga ega.
Ta’limning ko’rsatmalilik qoidasi- ta’lim jarayoni sifatini oshiradi, o’quvchilarning bilim olishlarini osonlashtiradi. Bu qoida o’qitish jarayonida ko’rish, eshitish, hid, ta’m, maza bilish, teri-muskul harakat kabi sezgi organlarining bir yo’la ob’ekt ustida safarbar qilinishini talab etadi.
Ta’lim jarayonida ko’rsatma materiallar o’quv predmetlarining xarakteri va mazmuniga qarab turli - tuman bo’lishi mumkin.
a) buyum va narsalarni aslini tabiiy holda ko’rsatish;
b) tasviriy ko’rsatmali materiallarni namoyish qilish;
v) narsa va buyumlarni shartli belgilar orqali ko’rsatish;
g) ovozli ko’rsatmali materiallarni ko’rsatish.
Ta’limda ko’rsatmalilikning samarali natijalar berishi uchun uning quyidagi tomonlariga ham e’tibor berish kerak.
Birinchidan, ishlatiladigan ko’rsatmali qurollar u yoki bu sinf o’quvchilarining yoshi va o’ziga xos xarakter xususiyatlari, umumiy tayyorgarligi- saviyasiga mos keladigan bo’lishi lozim.
Ikkinchidan, foydalaniladigan ko’rsatmali qurollar o’tilayotgan dars mavzusining mazmunini ochib berishga yordam beradigan materiallar bo’lishi lozim.
Uchinchidan, dars jarayonida foydalanish uchun belgilangan ko’rsatmali materiallardan unumli foydalanmoq uchun zarur bo’lgan ta’lim usullari to’g’ri tanlangan bo’lishi lozim.
Ta’lim jarayonida muvaffaqiyatlarga faqat bilim berishda o’quvchi - talabaning o’ziga xos shaxsiy xususiyatlarini hisobga olganda erishish mumkin. Shuning uchun o’qituvchilarda bolalar psixologiyasiga oid bilimlar yetarli bo’lishi lozim. Sinf o’quvchilar jamoasiga xos umumiy xususiyatlar va har qaysi o’quvchiga tegishli xususiyatlar ta’limning har bir bosqichida e’tiborga olinishi kerak. Bunga erishish uchun o’qituvchi o’quvchilarni kuzatishi va ularning ruhiy olamini o’rganishi lozim. Faqat shundagina o’quvchidagi kamchiliklarning kelib chiqish sabablari aniqlanadi va ularni bartaraf qilish uchun izlanishlar olib boriladi.
Xulosa qilib aytganda ta’lim qoidalari umuminsoniy tarbiyaning maqsad va vazifalarini amalga oshirishga qaratilgan o’qish va o’qitish jarayonlarining yo’nalishi, o’quvchilar tomonidan ilmiy bilimlarning o’zlashtirilishi, bilim va ko’nikmalar hosil qilishning asosiy qonun va qoidalari yig’indisi bo’lib, ular bir-biri bilan uzviy bog’liqdir.
[1] Розиqов О. Р. ва бошqалар. Дидактика.Тошкент.: «Фан», 1997. 111- бетлар.
[2] «Кадрлар тайёрлаш Миллий дастури»// Баркамол авлод-Ўзбекистон тараqqиётининг пойдевори. Тошкент,1998. 43-44- бетлар.
[3] Розиqов О. Р. ва бошqалар. Дидактика. Тошкент: «Фан», 1997. 111- бет.
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Option 1
I Task . Answer the test questions. 1. What are the methods of activity aimed at the deep, conscious and independent acquisition of knowledge by students and the management of students' cognitive activity? A. Teaching rules B .Teaching process C .Teaching methods D.Teaching principles 2.The method of developing students' speech culture and logical thinking, their ability to learn is called the method? A .Game exercise B .Oral exercise C .Writing exercise D .Individual exercise 3.
What components form the basis of the educational process :
A. The purpose of education, the content of education, the form of education
B. The student's learning activities, internal conflicts, teacher activities
C. New statement of knowledge, consolidation
D. Mixed, practical and experimental work
4. What is the state standard ? Education: ….
A. Necessary and sufficient level
B. Normalization of educational loads and basic state requirements for their volume
C. Basic state requirements for the volume of
educational loads D. Normalization of educational loads
5.What are the main principles of state policy in the field of education of the Republic of Uzbekistan?
A. the humane, democratic nature of education and upbringing, the continuity and consistency of education, the secular nature of the education system;
B. compulsory general secondary, as well as secondary special, vocational education, direction of secondary special, vocational education, voluntary choice of study in an academic lyceum or vocational college, open access to education within the framework of state educational standards ;
C. a unified and differentiated approach to the selection of educational programs, the promotion of knowledge and talent, the harmonization of state and public administration in the education system;
D. all the answers are correct 6. Cognition - comprehension - memorization, reinforcement - application of knowledge in practice. What is the essence of this process? A. management of student learning activities ; B. knowledge diagnosis;
C. acquisition of knowledge;
D. _ students control knowledge.
7. If the teacher's attention is focused on several students in the lesson, what is this form of education called if the remaining students work independently at that time?
S. Mass
8. Identify the components of career guidance.
1) vocational training; 2) love of profession; 3) professional education; 4) professional training; 5) professional consultation; 6) vocational adaptation
A. 1,3,4,5,6
B. 1,3,4,6
S. 1,3,5,6
D. 1,2,4,5,6
9. What type of education is training that allows the student to control every step on the path to knowledge, to provide timely assistance, to prevent difficulties, not to lose interest, to prevent negative consequences; focused on creating process technology?
A.problematic education
B.traditional education
C. programmatic education
D. explanatory education
10. What is the main form of organization of student learning activities in pedagogical literature and school practice? A. stratified, individual, mass B.public, group, individual S. single-group, mass, individual D.integrated, individual, group 1
1. The oldest form of teaching that has existed since ancient times is .....
S. lecture-seminar
12 . Identify forms of organization of labor education.
1) problematic; 2) organization of hashars; 3) research; 4) labor holiday; 5) design; 6) landscaping; 7) repair of school building
1 3. Which of the following methods are used to build skills and competencies?
1) conversation; 2) exercise; 3) laboratory; 4) discussion 5) demonstration
A. 1,3,5
B. 2,4,5
S. 2,3,5
D. 2,3
14. What is meant by determining, measuring and evaluating a learner's level of knowledge and skills?
check B. record C. control
1 5. Forms of teaching Find the answer given in full.
A. lectures, seminars, practical, laboratory classes, independent study, practice
B. classes, various trips, extracurricular activities
C. classes, extracurricular activities, various trips, forms of individual lessons
D. extracurricular activities, excursions, extracurricular activities
16. What is meant by the method of illustration:
A. Tools, models, technical devices
B.Posters, maps, blackboard drawings, tools , models, technical devices C. Film screenings D. Exhibition tools 17. What is the characteristic feature of adolescence, which is a "transition period"? A. _ increased physical activity, striving to express oneself as a person; B. observation of sexual maturity and intensive (rapid) development, independence and aspiration to self-expression; C. formation of social activism skills, striving for independence; D. development of the ability to independently evaluate their own behavior and increase physical activity.
18. The great Czech scientist Jan Amos Comenius called which process of education the "golden rule of didactics"?
A. _ the harmony of education with nature;
B. _ use of scientific terms in educating students;
C. demonstration;
D. that theoretical knowledge is understandable to students.
19. What are the groups of pedagogical practice according to the conditions of organization? A. _ mathematical-statistical, heuristic, innovative experience; B. _ natural experiment, laboratory experiment , experimental work ; C. _ b
study of field creativity, theoretical analysis and mathematical statistics;
D. _ laboratory experience, practical experience, test experience.
20. Preliminary acquaintance with the object and the plan, development of the plan, preparation of students for performance of certain tasks represent the content of the form of a lesson:
A. of optional lessons;
B. seminar lessons;
C. excursion classes;
D. counseling classes.
Task II. Answer the following questions .
1. Explain the essence of the content of education . Socio-cultural perspective on the content of education
it is a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, tools and methods of creative activity, adapted to certain pedagogical rules , preparing a person for life in society and the
performance of tasks of social significance . In other words, the content of education is a system of scientific knowledge, skills and abilities, the acquisition of which depends on the development of mental and physical abilities of students, the formation of worldviews and moral norms, preparation for social life and work. 'is guaranteed. In modern didactics , there are different approaches when it comes to the content of education and its structure . His first
The reason is that the goals of education and the tasks it
performs have changed significantly.
Another reason is that the notion that
education is the acquisition of human scientific achievements and cultural heritage by students is a conflict between the realization of their potential and the achievement of their goals . On the one hand, the content of education means an external factor that does not depend on the student, on the other hand, the changes that occur in the process of learning in the student, and on the third, the relationship of personal and socio-cultural aspects understood. Different approaches and views on the content of education
regardless of its existence, its source
is the socio-cultural experience and heritage accumulated by humanity. The definition and formation of taiim content is done through
several stages.
These are: - the theoretical stage , the content of education as a whole, the pedagogical elements of which are presented in a pedagogical interpretation, summarizing the elements, structure and social functions of
the studied social experience ; - a special stage, in which the content of individual subjects is determined and reflected in the curriculum; - A rich lower level, consisting of educational elements specific to a particular subject, forming the content of education
is reflected in textbooks and manuals, is reflected in textbooks and manuals
Article 7 of the Law on Taim states the content of Taim
The procedure for determining is as follows: State educational standards define the requirements for the content and quality of
general secondary, secondary special, vocational and higher education. Compliance with state educational standards is mandatory for all educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The founders of DTS: 1. Minimum requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students 2. Curriculum 3. Curriculum 4. Evaluation criteria State educational standard (DTS) educational content , forms, means, methods, determines the order of its quality assessment. In a standard tool that is the core of educational content
Ensuring a stable level of education in various institutions (governmental and non-governmental) operating in the country
. By its very nature, the DTS serves as the basis for the development of curricula
, textbooks, manuals, regulations and other normative documents. reflects the balance of interests and means of the state, region, school in terms of structure and content , and most importantly , arises from the priority of the student's personality, his aspirations, abilities and interests. The content of education is determined on the basis of state educational standards and in certain conditions in certain disciplines
the essence of scientific knowledge to be mastered. The content of education is the essence of the process of comprehensive development of mental and physical abilities of the individual , the formation of the level of worldview, manners, behavior, social life and readiness for work . Education is based on the objective needs of society . Taiim ensures that a person enters the world of work more effectively and joins the life of society. Education is a process, it is a result and a system. Learning as a process is the organization of special work aimed at mastering a certain set of knowledge, skills and abilities, relevant experience of activities and relationships . Learning Outcome
as a degree achieved in the acquisition of knowledge, activities and experience of relationships . Education as a system is a
complex of public institutions and governing bodies,
within which the process of educating a person takes place. Thus,
education always
represents both the process of upbringing and the process of teaching. When it comes to the younger generation, the issues of
personal development, self-awareness and self-expression come
first. costs These issues can be addressed both randomly and purposefully by
society as a whole and by specially created social institutions and by man himself . Socialization of the individual in the education system,
Today, the idea that
every nation should not only be educated and brought up on the basis of its own national culture , but also understand the riches
of world culture is being
confirmed. The task of cultivating a creative person who
thinks in detail about the traditional task of educating an educated person is being promoted . Previously, the level of knowledge was determined by the rules studied, the number of works analyzed, the number of poems memorized, and the ability to solve the same problem, but now the scale of this level has expanded. Put the most important issue
cognition indicates a level of qualitative awareness, such as a creative approach to any work .
Explain the essence of the concepts " Teaching Method ", "Methodology", "Technology", " Teaching Method " .
The teaching method is a method of work that the teacher regularly
uses with students, allowing students to
develop their intellectual abilities and interests, acquire knowledge and skills and
use them in practice. Teaching methods include a variety of methods and forms of work used in the implementation of the tasks that must be performed in order to achieve the goals set for a particular pedagogical process. The activity, which consists of the way, method or appearance of the implementation of an action aimed at a specific educational goal, creates a specific method of education that serves to achieve this goal.
In this case, the path of the action is the path selected in accordance with the intended purpose from several ways that can be used for the activity that is required to be performed. For example, ways to teach literacy: teaching in the family, teaching in school, teaching in preschool, teaching with the help of a teacher, reading through books, computers, visual aids, etc. rgatish. Similar methods can be used to teach a similar number, arithmetic operations. Using these methods, various methods are used to perform the action.
For example, after selecting one of the above-mentioned ways for the purpose of teaching literacy, the methods that are considered appropriate for each of these ways are applied. These are the methods of work used by the teacher, the educator in the implementation of literacy teaching in the family, in the preschool institution, in school; methods of using computers, books and other educational tools in accordance with the intended purpose. Similarly, each method chosen to teach arithmetic involves the use of specific methods. This means that each action is performed in a certain way and in a corresponding method. Methodology (as a science) - a private science that studies the specifics of teaching .
Methodology is a set of methods, techniques, ways of carrying out a work in accordance with the purpose . It consists of separate methodologies. In the field of pedagogy studies the laws of teaching a particular subject and educational work. For example, the methodology of languages, the methodology of arithmetic, and so on. Technology is a set of ways, methods used in a work, skill, art .
Course description and didactic requirements for the organization of the lesson
At present, the following
forms of organization of educational work are established: lessons, excursions, classes in educational workshops
, forms of labor and production training, homework, forms
of extracurricular educational activities (subject
circles, studios, Olympiads). , selections). In the pedagogical literature and school practice , there are three main forms of organization of classroom work: individual, general and group. When we say individual work in the classroom and at home, we mean that students complete a task that is specially selected for them and suits the capabilities of each . Accordingly, the teacher is the student
clearly chooses its own capabilities, selects a system of tasks
that require it to work not only on a ready-made pattern, but also independently .
Such work should not be random, but
regular, well-thought-out,
taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the student.
Two aspects of learning opportunities need to be considered. 0 ' The ability to read
, which consists of thinking and remembering the inside of
learning opportunities; the special knowledge acquired by the student in higher education,
as well as the availability of skills and competencies related to academic work, a
certain level of work ability and responsibility, a set of reasons for study
. 0 'external of bird capacity
the aspect consists of the different influences he has on school and
the impressions he receives in his family environment. In order for individual
learning to provide each student with a sufficiently deep and thorough knowledge
, it is necessary for each student to develop in accordance with the purpose and to have the ability to
supplement their knowledge independently depending on the damage .
need to ride. It is advisable to organize individual work at all stages of the lesson . Such work is very easy to use in consolidating knowledge, repetition, and organizing various exercises . They are also very effective in learning new material . 0 'solo with students
The plan of regular work can be made in the following way:
- to study the possibilities of the student by first conducting independent work and
analyzing the living and studying conditions of the student
; - Development of didactic tools for
individual work with students ; - to determine the most appropriate task for each student and the system of control over the acquisition of knowledge and development, to teach students to solve more complex problems in a timely manner , to analyze and summarize the work done, to correct and draw conclusions. Requirements for the lesson 1. Each lesson is aimed at achieving a specific goal
and should be carefully planned. To this end: a) the course is aimed at achieving a specific goal arising from the general goals and objectives of
upbringing in the spirit of a harmoniously developed person ; ( b) The purpose of the lesson should be to provide students with a complete understanding of the subject : e) the type of course, the method of teaching, depending on the nature of the material to be taught; f) in order to increase the activity of students in the classroom
how to work with the whole class and individual students
should be defined.
2. Each lesson should have a strong ideological and political educational
a) the content of the lesson should be enriched with materials that serve the
ideological and political education of students, depending on the nature of the topic ; b) the enrichment of scientific knowledge about the development of nature, society and human thinking, resulting from the content of the subject , aimed at the formation of students' scientific worldview and beliefs ; d) arising from the content of the lesson
to form the dialectical, materialist
worldview of the student through scientific theories and to bring up the student in the
spirit of the harmoniously developed person.
3. Every lesson
should be full of life and practice. In particular,
a) the scientific basis of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geometry and other
sciences, its application in life, in production
practice; b) the role
of science in the development of industry and agriculture . 4. Each lesson should be conducted with extensive and effective use of different methods, methodological methods and tools . 5. Every hour of the lesson should be saved and used effectively.
6. Each lesson
can achieve its goal only when the activities of the teacher and the student are combined. To do this
a) the teacher must be thoroughly prepared for the lesson; b) correctly select and use
the visual aids used in the course ; d) treat the classroom and each student appropriately; e) correctly identify activities aimed at increasing class activity, in particular, the ability of students to think independently, to attract the attention of the teacher, and to work on a specific task with a book, experiment and write a graphic work. Didactic requirements for modern lessons:
- Ta'limiy topshiriqlami uning barcha elementlarini hisobga
olgan holda aniq qo‘ya bilish.
- 0 ‘quv rejasi va darsning maqsadini hisobga olgan holda
hamda o‘quvchilaming tayyorligi, tayyorgarligini, darsning
optimal mazmunini belgilash.
- Darsda va uning har bir bosqichida o‘quvchilaming
bilimlarni о ‘ zlashtirishlarini hisobga olish.
-- Darsdagi jamoa va individual ishlash yo‘llarmi hisobga
olgan holda samarali metod, usul va shakllami tanlash.
- Darsda barcha didaktik prinsiplamj qo‘llash.
- 0 ‘quvchilami muvaffaqiyatli o‘zlashtirishlari uchun quiay
shart-sharoitlami yaratish;
III-vazifa. Quyidagi topshiriqlarni bajaring.
1-topshiriq. Huquqiy tarbiyaning maqsad va vazifalariga doir tushunchalar tahlili metodini bajarish
Kasbiy faoliyatingizdagi o‘rni
Huquqiy ta’lim
Huquqiy ta’lim - o‘quvchilarga huquqiy me’yorlar, qonunlar
hamda ijtimoiy-huquqiy munosabatlar mohiyati to‘g‘risidagi tizimlangan
bilimlami berish, ularda huquqiy bilimlami egallashga
bo‘lgan ehtiyojni yuzaga keltirish, huquqiy ongni shakllantirish
O‘quvchilarda huquqiy bilimlami egallashga bo‘lgan ehtiyojni
yuzaga keltirish, huquqiy ongni qaror toptirishga erishish, o‘quvchilarda huquqiy faoliyatni tashkil etish borasidagi
ko‘nikma va malakalani hosil qilishga yordam berish
Huquqiy ong
Huquqiy ong huquqiy madaniyatning g‘oyat muhim
qismlaridan bin bo‘lib, u eng awalo odamlaming qonunga
munosabatlarini ifodalovchi qarashlari va e’tiqodlaridan, ulaming
huquqiy tasavvurlaridan, intilish va tuyg‘ularidan iboratdir.
Huquqiy ong o ‘z ichiga: huquqiy tushuncha; huquqiy his~tuyg‘u;
xohish-iroda kabi qismlarni qamrab oladi.
Huquqiy ongni oshirish va huquqiy
madaniyatni yuksaltirish 0 ‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi
va boshqa mavjud qonunlar yoki huquqiy me’yoriy hujjatlar
asosida amalga oshiriladi.
Huquqiy ongni shakllantirish orqali huquqiy tarbiya
me’yorlarini hayotga tadbiq etish muayyan qoidalarga amal
qilishga yordam beradi.
Huquqiy madaniyat
Huquqiy madaniyat bu - shaxs tomonidan huquqiy bilimlarning
o‘zlashtirilishi hamda huquqiy faoliyatni tashkil etish
darajasining sifat ko‘rsatkichidir.
Huquqiy darslar davomida o'quvchilami qonuniy va qay
holatlarda qonun buzilishlar sodir etilishini chuqur idrok etib
borishlari lozim. Shuningdek, ushbu darajalarda davlat ramzlari,
ularga nisbatan faxr-iftixor, Ona Vatanga cheksiz mehr tuyg‘ulari
singdirilib borilishi kerak
Huquqiy tarbiya
Huquqiy tarbiya shaxs tomonidan o‘zlashtirilgan nazariy huquqiy
bilimlar negizida huquqiy faoliyatni tashkil etish borasidagi
ko‘nikma va malakalani hosil qilish, unda ijobiy mazmundagi
huquqiy sifatlami qaror toptirish va huquqiy madaniyatni
shakllantirishga yo‘naltirilgan pedagogik jarayon hisoblanadi.
Huquqiy tarbiyani tashkil etish jarayonida quyidagi vazifalar
hal etiladi:
- o quvchilarga huquqiy me'yorlar, qonunlar va ijtimoiy-huquqiy
munosabatlar mohiyati hamda ulaming ijtimoiy hayotdagi
ahamiyati to‘g‘risida ma'lumotlar berish;
- ularda ijobiy mazmundagi huquqiy sifatlar (huquqiy tasavvur, huquqiy idrok, huquqiy tafakkur, huquqiy savodxonlik, huquqiy
mas'ullik, huquqiy faollik, huquqiy e'tiqod va huquqiy salohiyat)
ning qaror topishini ta'minlash;
O‘quvchilami huquqiy
bilimlar bilan qurollantirish, mazkur bilimlar asosida o‘z xulqatvoriga
nisbatan mas’uliyatli munosabatni shakllantirish, qonun va
qoidalarga rioya qilish muhimligini uqtirish, muayyan huquq va
erkinliklardan foydalanish yo‘l-yo‘riqlarini singdirish.
Huquqiy faoliyat
huquqiy me’yorlar, qonunlar talablariga
nisbatan ongli yondashish, ularga qat’iy va og‘ishmay amal qilish,
qonunlami hurmat qilish, ulami shaxs erkini himoya qilish kafolati
sifatida e’tirof etish, huquqiy munosabatlar jarayonidagi faol
ishtirokni tashkil etishga yo‘naltirilgan amaliy xatti-harakatlar
yuridik xizmatlarga nisbatan ehtiyojni qaror toptirish, har
qanday ko‘rinishdagi huquqbuzarliklarga qarshi murosasiz
kuraslmi tashkil etish)ni shakllantirish,
shaxs huquqiy ongini shakllantirish,, shaxs huquqiy faoliyatini y o ‘lga qo'yish.
Milliy g‘urur
Milliy g‘urur (tor ma'noda) - insonlarga xos his-tuyg‘u sifati - tushunchaning ifodasidir. Keng ma'noda milliy g‘urur ijtimoiy-ma'naviy xodisa tarzidagi talqindir. Milliy g‘urur milliy ong bilan uzviy bog‘lik holda shakllanib, rivojlanadi
Milliy g‘urur har bir millat hayotidagi mavjud moddiy va ma'naviy asoslarda, ob'ektiv va sub'ektiv omillar ta'sirida, individual va ijtimoiy darajalarda shakllanib, rivojlanib, o‘ziga xos shakl-ko‘rinishlarda namoyon bo‘luvchi ijtimoiy, ruhiy-ma'naviy hodisadir.
Milliy g‘urur - shaxs g‘ururi - bu faxrdir. Har bir shaxs o‘z yutuqlaridan mamnuniyat hissini tuyadi, ota-ona farzandlaridan, ustoz iste'dodli shogirdidan, yozuvchi yaxshi asaridan, bog‘bon so‘lim bog‘idan faxrlanadi
Millatning yutuqlari, obro‘y-e'tibori bilan faxrlanish, uning muammolariga befarq qarab turmaslik; o‘z eliga, millatiga jonkuyar bo‘lish; o‘z millatining moddiy, ma'naviy merosini asrab - avaylash; xalq odatlari, an'analari, qadriyatlarini hurmat qilish, ularni boyitish va takomillashtirish; o‘z millatiga mehr-muhabbatini amaliy faoliyatda namoyon qilish tuyg’ularini o’quvchilarga singdirish asnosida milliy g’urur tuyg’usini uyg’otish
2-topshiriq. Tarbiya metodlari, usullari va vositalari tushunchalari hamda tarbiya metodlari tasnifiga doir Assisment metodi
Tarbiya metodlariga berilgan ta’rifni tanlang.
A. Turli xatti-harakatlarni bajarish hamda faoliyatda ishtirok etish jarayonida o‘quvchi tomonidan amal qilinishi zarur bo‘lgan ijtimoiy xulq-atvor me’yorlari.
B.Shaxsga tarbiyaviy ta’sir etish, uning hayoti va faoliyatini uyushtirish asosida unda ma’naviy-axloqiy tushuncha, e’tiqod va fazilatlarni tarkib toptirish usullari.
S. Tarbiyalash, pedagogik ta’sir ko‘rsatish xususiyatga ega xatti-harakatlar majmui.
Muammoli vaziyat
Sinf o‘quvchilaridan biri doim ertalab darsga kechikib keladi. Bunga odatlanib qolish yomon ekanligi qanchalik tushuntirilmasin, u bu odatini tashlamadi.
Bunday holatda suhbat, ogohlantirish, tarbiyalovchi vaziyat, o'rgatish, jazolash, maqullash, dalda berish, hikoya, nazorat metodlari orqali bolada shunga ko’nikma hosil qilishiga yordam berish
Tarbiyaning umumiy metodlari: :
I. Ijtimoiy ongni shakilantirish metodlari.
II. Ibrat-na ’типа metodlari.
III. Rag ‘batlantirish va jazolash.
Tarbiya vositalari:
Tarbiya vositalari bu biron bir taribiyaviy masalani maqsadga mufoviq yo’l bilan hal qilish ni tashkil e’tish uchun ishlatiladi. Tarbiya vositalari tarbiyaviy maqsadlarni amalga oshirish uchun o’qituvchi tarbiyachining tarbiya tizimiga kiritilishi lozim. Tarbiya natijalari tarbiyaviy jarayonining usullari, uslubi, vositalari va shakllaridan moxirona foydalanishga bog’liq.
Amaliy ko‘nikma
Xalq pedagogikasida qanday tarbiya metodlari qo‘llaniladi?
Tushuntirish (o’rgatish, odatlantirish, mashq qildirish).
Namuna (maslahat berish, o’zr so’rash, o’rnak bo’lish, yaxshiliklar tug’risida gapirish).
Nasixat berish (undash, ko’ndirish, iltimos qilish , yolvorish, tilak itsak bildirish, ma’qullash, raxmat aytish ,duo qilish , oq yo’l tilash ).
Qoralash va jazo (ta’kidlash, ta’na, gina, tanbeh berish, majbur qilish , koyish, ont, qasam, urish, kaltaqlash va x.)
Xalq pedagogikasining nodir namunalari, tarbiya usullari va tarbiyaviy ta’sirlar muayyan vositalar orqali amalga oshirilgan. Mexmon kutish, mexmonga borish, turli mexnat jarayonlari, xasharlar, turli guringlar, musobaqalar, turli nishonlashlar, sayllar, turli marosimlar, bazmlar va b.
3-topshiriq. Dars va unga qo‘yiladigan talablarning o‘zlashtirilishiga doir ijodiy test topshirig‘i
1. Kerakli so‘z yoki jumlani topib qo‘ying.
Dars bevosita o‘qituvchi rahbarligida aniq belgilangan vaqt davomida muayyan o‘quvchilar guruhi bilan olib boriladigan ta’lim jarayonining asosiy shakli.
2. Gapni davom ettiring.
Dars ta’limning boshqa shakllaridan farq qiluvchi quyidagi o‘ziga xos belgilarga ega, chunonchi,o’quvchilarning doimiy guruhi, o’quvchilar faoliyatiga ularning har biri xususiyatlarini hisobga olish bilan rahbarlik qilish, o’rganilayotgan fan asoslarini bevosita darsda egallab olish (bu belgilari darsning faqat mazmunini emas, balki o’z xususiyatini ham aks ettiradi)..
3. Gapni tugallang.
Darsga qo‘yiladigan didaktik (yoki ta’lim)iy talablarga har bir darsning ta’lim vazifalarini aniq belgilash, darsni axborotlar bilan boyitish, ijtimoiy va shaxsiy ehtiyojlarni hisobga olish bilan mazmunini optimallashtirish, idrok etish eng yangi texnologiyalarini kiritish, turli xildagi shakli, metodlari va ko‘rinishlaridan mos ravishda foydalanish ,darsda va uning har bir bosqichida o’quvchilarningbilimlarini o’zlashtirishlarini hisobga olish, darsda barcha didaktik prinsiplarni qo’llash.
4. Kerakli so‘zni topib qo‘ying.
O‘quv materialining tarbiyaviy imkoniyatlarini aniqlash, darsdagi faoliyat, aniq erishilishi mumkin bo‘lgan tarbiyaviy maqsadlarni shakllantirish va qo‘yish, faqat o‘quv ishlari maqsadlari va mazmunidan tabiiy ravishda kelib chiqadigan tarbiyaviy masalalarni belgilash, o‘quvchilarni umuminsoniy qadriyatlarda tarbiyalash, hayotiy muhim sifatlar (tirishqoqlik, tartiblilik, mashuliyatlilik, intizomlilik, mustaqillik, ish bajarishga qobiliyatlilik, ehtiborlilik, halollik va boshqalar)ni shakllantirish kabilarning darsga qo‘yiladigan tarbiyaviy talablarni o‘zida aks ettiradi.
5. Gapni davom ettiring.
Darsga qo‘yiladigan rivojlantiruvchi talablarga o‘quvchilarda o‘quv-o‘rganish faoliyati ijobiy sifatlari, qiziqish, ijodiy tashabbuskorlik va faollik shakllantirish hamda rivojlantirish, o‘quvchilarning idrok etish imkoniyatlari darajasini o‘rganish, hisobga olish, “rivojlanishning yaqin zonasini loyihalashtirish”, “o‘zib ketish” darajasidagi o‘quv mashg‘ulotlarini tashkil etish,rivojlanishidagi yangi o’zgarishlarni rag’batlantirish. o’quvchilarning intellektual, emotsional rivojlanishidagi yangi o’zgarishlarni rag’batlantirish o‘quvchilarning intellektual, emotsional, ijtimoiy rivojlanishlaridagi «sakrash»larni oldindan ko‘ra bilish, boshlanayotgan o‘zgarishlarni hisobga olish asosida o‘quv mashg‘ulotlarini operativ qayta qurish kabilar kiradi.
nasihatlar, maqol va matallar, topishmoqlar, rebus, videoroliklardan foydalanib dars o’tish
IV vazifa. Oila tarbiyasininig maqsad va vazifalari mazmun va mohiyatini yoriting.
Oila jamiyatning bir bo‘lagi. Shunday ekan, inson shaxsini
shakllantirish oiladan boshlanadi. Oila murakkab ijtimoiy guruh
bo‘lib, biologik, ijtimoiy, ahloqiy mafkuraviy va ruhiy
munosabatlaming birlashuvi natijasida vujudga keladi. Oila tor
maishiy tushuncha emas, balki u ijtimoiy jamoa. Shu sababli oilalar
birlashib, jamiyatni tashkil etadi. Jamiyatdagi o‘zgarishlar oilaga
ta’sirini ko‘rsatganidek, oiladagi o‘zgarishlar ham jamiyatga o‘z
ta’sirini o'tkazadi. Darhaqiqat oila, ayniqsa o‘zbek oilasi asrlar
osha yosh avlodni tarbiyalashda, komil insonni voyaga yetkazishda
muqaddas maskan bo‘lib kelgan va shunday bo‘lib qoladi. Har bir
insonda Vatan tushunchasi ilk bor tetapoya bo‘lib o‘sib kelayotgan
yosh go‘dakning ongi, ruhi va qalbiga kirib boradi, butun umri,
hayotiy faoliyati davomida yana ham sayqallanib, mazmunan
mujassamlashadi. Bu jarayon oiladagi sog‘lom muhitda, otabobolar
o‘giti, ota ibrati, ona mehri, aka-uka, opa-singillaming
mehr-oqibati orqali amalga osbib boradi. Shaxs ma’naviyati,
dunyoqarashi, tafakkuri, e’tiqodi, iymoni avvalo oilada shakllanadi.
Muhtaram Prezidentimiz I.A.Karimov ta’kidlaganidek “Bu
muqaddas zaminda yashayotgan har bir inson o‘z farzandlari baxtu
saodati, fazl-u kamolotini ko‘rish uchun butun hayoti davomida
kurashadi, o'zini ayamaydi. Bola tug‘ilgan kundan boshlab oila
muhitida yashaydi. Oilaga xos an’analar, qadriyatlar, urf-odatlar
bola zuvalasini shakllantiradi. Eng muhimi, farzandlar oilaviy
hayot maktabi orqah jamiyat talablarini anglaydi, his qiladi ”.
Shu sababli Prezidentimiz tomonidan 1998 yilning “Oila yili”
deb e’lon qilinishi va shu yilning o'zida Oila kodeksining qabul
qilinishi hamda mamlakatimiz tarixida ilk bor tashkil etilgan
Respublika «Oila» ilmiy-amaliy markazining maqsadi ham
davlatimizning oilani har tomonlama mustahkamlash, himoya etish
borasidagi siyosatiga hamohang bo‘lib, oilaga taalluqli boy va
sermazmun milliy an’analami avaylab-asrash, ulami umuminsoniy
qadriyatlar bilan uyg‘unlashtirish, oila va nikohning
muqaddasligini yosh avlod ongiga chuqur singdirish yoii bilan
oilani mustahkamligi, barqarorligini ta’minlash, oila a’zolarining
huquqiy savodxonligini oshirish muammolarini ilmiy o'rganish,
oilaviy hayotga bog‘liq muammolami tadqiq etish va fuqarolarga
bu masalalarda amaliy yordam berishdan iboratdir. Shuningdek
Yurtboshimiz LA.Karimov tomonidan 2012-yilni “Mustahkam
oila yili” deb e’lon qilinishi ham oilalarga boigan e’tibomi yana
bir bor tasdig‘i desak mubolag'a bo‘lmaydi. Shu munosabat bilan
hukumatimiz tomonidan “Mustahkam oila yili” Davlat dasturi
ishlab chiqilishi oilada yoshlar tarbiyasiga e’tibomi yanada
kuchaytiradi va oiialarni mustahkamlash bilan bogiiq masalalami
yechimini topishga xizmat qiladi. Prezidentimiz LA.Karimov
aytganlaridek: "... hammamizga ayon bo‘lishi tabiiyki, oila
sog‘lom ekan — jamiyat mustahkam, jamiyat mustahkam ekan —
mamlakat barqarordir". Oila davlatning, jamiyatning asosiy
tayanchi ekan, uning mustahkamligi, tinch-totuvligi, farovonligi va
barqarorligidan jamiyat manfaatdordir. Oilada ma’naviy va
jismoniy yetuk avlodni tarbiyalash, yoshlarni oilaviy hayot qurishga
tayyorlash, zamonaviy kasb-hunar sirlari bilan qurollantirish
lozim. Shuni unutmaslik lozimlci, farzandlarimizning har
tomonlama kamol topishi uchun qulay sharoitlar yaratilsagina, oila
tarbiyasi muvaffaqiyatli bolishi mumkin. Yosh avlod hayotining
ko‘p qismi oilada o‘tadi. Shu boisdan turmushning murakkab
muammolari bilan oilada tanishadilar. Oiladagi mavjud an’analar,
urf-odatlar, rasm-rusumlar va marosimlarning ijobiy ta’sirida yigitqizlar
asta-sekin kamol topib boradilar. An’ana va marosim
tarbiyaning qudratli quroliga aylanadi. Kelajagimizning bunday
bo‘lishi hozirgi kunda biz tarbiyalayotgan yoshlarga bog‘liq. Bu
qonuniyat oilaning tarbiya borasidagi faoliyatiga ham bog‘liq.
Oilaviy tarbiyaning murakkabligi shundaki, har bir oila o4ziga xos
bir olam, u tarbiya ishida ham o‘ziga xos xususiyatlami namoyon
qiladi. Oilaviy tarbiya ijtimoiy tarbiya bilan uzviy aloqada
bo‘lsagina, о‘sib kelayotgan yosh avlod farovonligini ta’minlashi
mumkin. Oila tarbiyasi ota-onalarga pedagogik bilimlar berish,
oilaviy tarbiya bo‘yicha yutuqlar, tajribalar almashishi, ota-onalami
tarbiyaviy ishlarga qizg‘in jalb qilishga ham bog‘liqdir. Har bir otaona
o‘z farzandlarini tarbiyalash borasidagi burch va
mas’uliyatlarini chuqur anglashlariga bog‘liqdir. Bundan tashqari
normal oilaviy muhit, ota-onaning obro‘si, to‘g‘ri kundalik reja,
bolaning kitob o‘qishiga, mehnat qilishiga o‘z vaqtida jalb qilishlari
ham muhim muvaffaqiyat garovidir. Oilada ota yoki onaning
yo‘qligi yoki ketib qolishi tarbiyaga juda katta zarar ko‘rsatadi.
Ularning bolaga beradigan tarbiyaviy ta’siri kuchi yo‘qoladi. Oila
tarbiyasidagi muvozanat buziladi. Bunday sharoitda bola qalbi
qattiq jarahotlanadi. U tajang, serjahl, qo‘pol, dag‘al bo‘lib qoladi,
kattalarga ishonmay qo‘yadi. 0 ‘qishi ham pasayib ketadi. Oila
tarbiyasidagi muammolardan biri yolg‘iz farzandni tarbiyalashdir.
Bunday sharoitda bola faqat kattalar davrasida bo‘ladi. 0 ‘ziga
yaqin yoshdagi bolalar bilan muomala qilish imkoniyati bo‘lmaydi.
Oilada ko‘p bola bo‘Isa, ular bir-birini tarbiyalaydi. Bundan
tashqari oiladagi kelishmovchiliklar, ota-onalar bilan bolalar
o‘rtasidagi tengsizlikka asoslangan munosabatlar, ayrim otaonalarning
madaniyat va ma’lumotining nisbatan past saviyada
ekanligi tarbiyaga xalaqit beradi, oilaviy muhitda qaramaqarshiliklar,
o‘zaro kelishmovchiliklami vujudga keltiradi. Oila
tarbiyasi uydagi omillarga diqqatini qaratmog‘i lozim. Jumladan,
oilada ruhiy xotiijamlik, samimiylik munosabatlari shakllangan
bo‘lishi, ota-ona obro‘si yuqori bo‘lishi, bolalarga talab qo‘yishda
oiladagi kattalar o‘rtasidagi birlikni saqlanishi, bola shaxsini
mehnatda tarbiyalashga alohida e’tibor berish, bolani sevish va
izzatini joyiga qo‘yish, oilada qat’iy rejim va kun tartibini
o‘rganish, bolaning yosh va shaxsiy xususiyatlarini hisobga olish,
boladagi o‘zgarishlarni kuzatib borish, boladagi mustaqillikka
intilishni va tashabbuskorlik sifatlarini qo‘llab-quvvatlash
kabilardir. Oila tarbiyasida ota-ona obro‘si muhim tarbiyaviy
ahamiyatga egadir. Bu obro‘ni esa ibratli hulqi, ahloqi, intizomi,
kamtarligi, ishbilarmonligi bilan qo‘lga kiritadilar. Obro‘
orttirishda eng awalo, ibrat-namuna muhim rol o‘ynaydi. Oilada
ota-onalaming kuzatuvchanligi, sezgirligi, hozirjavobligi muhim
ahamiyatga egadir. Ulaming odilona me’yorli talabchanligi obro‘
orttirishning muhim yo‘llaridan biridir. Tarbiya jarayoni zerikarli,
quruq haqiqatgo‘ylikdan iborat ho‘lib qolmasligi lozim. 0 ‘zbek
oilasi tarbiyasida, ayniqsa, otaning obro‘si katta ahamiyatga egadir.
Ayoli, bolalari oldida obro‘ga ega bo‘lgan ota, jamoat orasida ham
obro‘ topadi. Oilada obro‘si yo‘q otadan tarbiya olgan bola,
ko‘pincha, o‘g‘ri, muttaham, yolg‘onchi bo‘lib yetishishi
shubhasizdir. Ota-ona farzandlari nigohida eng buyuk kishilardir.
Shuning uchun eng yaxshi sifatlari bilangina obro‘ qozonishlari
kerak:. Insoniy fazilatlar sohibi boTgan ota-ona o‘z farzandlari
tomonidan bir umr e’zozlanadi. Bolalami barkamol inson qilib
yetishtirishda maktabni oila bilan bog‘lamasdan, muvaffaqiyatga
erishib boimaydi. Shuning uchun maktab va ota-onalar o‘rtasidagi
ta’lim-tarbiyaga oid ishlami kengaytirish lozim. Ota-onalaming
o‘qituvchilar bilan bo‘lgan uchrashuvlarida aytgan fikrlari ayniqsa,
ota-onalar uchun qimmatlidir. Chunki ular o‘z farzandlari
to‘g4risida ko‘proq ma’lumotlami bilib oladilar. Shunday ekan,
bola tarbiyasining tub mohiyatini tushungan har bir ota-ona oila
bilan maktab o‘rtasidagi hamkorlikni mustahkamlashga intiladilar.
Bola maktabga kirib, to uni tamomlab chiqqunga qadar ota-ona
maktab bilan yaqin aloqa o‘matib, farzandining o‘zlashtirishi, hulqatvoridan
hamisha xabardor bo‘lishi, tarbiya masalalari bo‘yicha
o‘qituvchi, sinf rahbari bilan maslahatlashib, uni darsdan so‘ng
nima bilan mashg‘ulligidan xabardor qilishi lozim. U o‘z navbatida
o‘qituvchi ham bolaning o‘qishi, odobi, hulqi, maktabda o‘zini tuta
bilishi haqidagi maTumotlami ota-onaga yetkazish, zarurat
tug‘ilganda hosil bo'lgan muammolami birgalikda hal qilish zarur.
Shundagina o‘quvchi oldiga bir talab qo‘yilishiga erishiladi. Bolasi
maktabga borgan ota-ona maktab ya’ni shu jamoaning a’zosiga
aylanadi. Shu sababli ota-onalar maktabning ijtimoiy hayotida faol
qatnashishlari shart. 0 ‘qituvchi ham o‘z o‘quvchisining oilasi bilan
mustahkam hamkorlikni yoiga qo‘ymog‘i lozim. Ota-onalaming
mahalla faollari, mehnat faxriylari bilan tarbiya sohasida hamkorlik
qilishlari zarur. Bu ishlar oila tarbiyasiga salmoqli hissa qo‘shadi.
Xulosa qilib aytish mumkinki, hozirgi iqtisodiy, ijtimoiy
o‘zgarishlar sharoitida oilaviy tarbiya masalalariga e’tibor yanada
kuchayib, dolzarb mavzuga aylanmoqda. Oila deb atalmish aravani
tortib borayotgan er va xotinning bir-biriga yelkadosh bolishini,
o‘zaro odoblarini, bir-biriga bo‘lgan mehribonliklarini ko‘rgan
farzandlar ulardan o‘mak oladilar va ularga o‘xshashga harakat
they do. Because a child
may forget the advice you gave him, but he will never forget what he saw.
This aspect of child rearing in the family should never be forgotten
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General pedagogy
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Test assignments
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Tashkent on ushax this week: mat-odinochka stala millionershey
Control questions:
What is the main idea of the National Training Program?
What is the national model of training?
What are the main components of the national model of training?
Explain the essence of the system of continuing education.
Explain the content of postgraduate education.
What are the main features of the pedagogical profession?
What qualities should a teacher have?
In your opinion, what are the pedagogical requirements for a teacher today?
Test assignments:
“Which answer correctly states the purpose of the national training program?
a) achieving the level of world education based on the creation of a system of continuing education ;
(c) Integrating continuing education, science and industry in order to improve the education system;
(c) The radical reform of the education system, its complete liberation from the ideological stereotypes and stereotypes of the past, and the creation of a national system of training highly qualified personnel at the level of developed democracies that meet the highest moral and ethical standards;
(d) The promotion of the education system on the basis of the interdependence and interdependence of the individual, the state and society, continuing education, science and industry;
e) to achieve a level of quality in the training of qualified specialists, scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel, based on the experience of national pedagogy and world education.
In which answer are the components of the national model of training correctly indicated?
a) educational institution, teaching staff, Pedagogical Council, Ministry of Public Education, State Testing Center;
c) the individual, the state and society, continuing education, science, industry;
c) international donor organizations, universities, general secondary schools, academic lyceums, professional colleges;
d) Ustoz Foundation, Society of Teachers, permanent seminars, methodological associations, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education;
e) Association of Teachers, Ministry of Public Education, Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, Methodical Councils, international donor organizations.
3. Which component of the national model of training is responsible for "determining the need for staff, as well as the requirements for the quality and level of their training, financial and logistical support of the training system"?
a) a person;
c) the state and society;
c) continuing education;
d) fan;
ye) production.
4. Find the correct answer option for the extracurricular education function:
a) providing secondary special, vocational education within the relevant state educational standards;
c) meeting the growing needs of children and adolescents in education, individual, cultural, aesthetic, scientific, technical, sports and other areas, the organization of their leisure and recreation;
c) imparting fundamental and practical knowledge in the areas of specialization;
d) to ensure that the child is healthy and well-rounded, to develop in him a desire to learn, to prepare him for regular education;
ye) all the answers are correct.
Karimov IA Independence and spirituality. - Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1994.
Karimov IA Harmoniously developed generation is the foundation of Uzbekistan's development. - Tashkent, Sharq Publishing and Printing Concern, 1997.
The dream of a harmoniously developed generation - Compilers: Kurbanov Sh, Akhlitdinov R, Saidov ¥. - Tashkent, Sharq Publishing and Printing Concern, 1999.
Pedagogical textbook. Edited by Munavvarov A. - Tashkent, Teacher, 1996.
Higher education: a set of normative documents.- Tashkent: Sharq Publishing and Printing Joint-Stock Company, 2001. - pp. 18-52.
Ochilov M, Ochilova M. Teacher's etiquette. - Tashkent, Teacher, 1998.
Subject and tasks of pedagogy.
Social education and its stages
The main categories of pedagogical science.
Pedagogical research methods.
Basic concepts: Pedagogy, didactics, educational theory, category, education, knowledge, skills, qualifications, information, development.
1. Pedagogical research methods
Pedagogical subjects. Pedagogy (Greek paidagogike, formed on the basis of the concept of paidagogos ("child" and "lead")) is a specific systemic activity aimed at shaping the individual, as well as the science of the content, general laws , forms and methods of education. Pedagogy is a science that is part of the system of social sciences and studies the problems of educating the younger generation and adults on the basis of the ideas of national independence.
The theory of education (didactics) and the theory of education are important components of the science, as the science of pedagogy focuses on two important aspects of personal development - teaching and educating him.
Theory of education (didactics) - the intellectual development of the individual , the essence, stages, principles, laws of the educational process, the unity of teacher and teacher activity, the content, form, methods and tools of teaching, the educational process explores issues such as ways to improve.
Education is divided into general and special types. General education is aimed at providing the information necessary for the development of each person and his ability to organize life activities. The information acquired on the basis of general education will be the basis for further training, which will allow the person to provide professional training in the future. Special education- Demonstrates the characteristics of the specialty and contributes to the formation of practical skills and competencies based on the theoretical knowledge of the organization of a particular professional activity.
Education is also divided into types such as primary, secondary and higher education according to the level and size . Vocational education (vocational education is an important part of continuing education in the Republic of Uzbekistan, aimed at training a well-rounded person and a qualified specialist).
The theory of education is one of the main, important components of pedagogy, which studies the problems of training a well-rounded person and a qualified specialist in society and the family.
Education is a process of pedagogical activity aimed at training a well-rounded person and a qualified specialist. in essence, it reflects certain qualities nurtured in the individual and the worldview formed.
Tasks of pedagogical science. The science of pedagogy makes a special contribution to the development of society based on the fulfillment of the social order in the formation of the individual. In defining the goals and objectives of pedagogical science, the content of social relations, the construction of the state and society, the essence of the ideas that play a leading role in its life play an important role.
In the context of building a democratic, humane and legal society in the Republic of Uzbekistan, this science solves the priority task of developing a system of educating a well-rounded person and a qualified specialist, creatively developing the theory of education and upbringing based on the idea of national independence. In this process, attention is paid to the following tasks :
To study the essence of the pedagogical process aimed at educating a well-rounded person and a qualified specialist.
Determining the laws of personal development.
Improving the system of continuing education based on the study of the experience of the education system of developed foreign countries, based on the level of social development.
Substantiate the content of the activities of educational institutions and teachers working in them.
Generalization and implementation of best pedagogical practices.
Equipping teachers with knowledge of pedagogical theory and teaching methods.
To study the pedagogical conditions of ensuring the interaction between the educational unit and the areas of social education.
Creating effective technologies for teaching and educating.
Development of scientific and methodological recommendations for parents on the successful organization of family education.
2. Social education and its stages. Mankind's struggle for survival and protection from various natural disasters have served as the basis for the formation of educational ideas.
In the primitive community system , the group members taught the children how to organize livelihood activities (plant fruits, roots, hunting animals) because people live in groups. increased Knowledge is, in most cases, mastered in the processes of labor and play. Due to the sexual nature of the organization of labor activity, there are specific aspects in the upbringing of boys and girls.
The emergence of the family, private property and the state also led to radical changes in the content of social education , the emergence of slaves. It was from this period that education began to be organized on the basis of social demands and needs of society. Thoughts on the purpose, tasks, content and means of educating free citizens have played an important role in the works of Democrats, Plato and Aristotle. In the works of thinkers, these ideas are expressed not as an independent pedagogical theory, but as an important component of philosophical harassment or the project of organizing society. During this period, the initial foundations for the formation of the system of natural and social sciences were laid. slavery systemSince the rights of non-free people (slaves) were limited, the system of education served only slaves, their children.
in the feudal system formed in place of the system of slavery, pedagogical ideas began to express the interests of the feudal lords. This period is characterized by the leading role of religious ideas in the organization of the pedagogical process. As the role of religious institutions (churches in the west and mosques in the east) increased in social life, the education and upbringing of children was organized mainly in these places. Although the promotion of secular ideas, the creation and propagation of scientific theories have been condemned by religious leaders, the expansion of trade and economic ties has led to drastic measures against natural disasters. The need for research has proven to be a vital necessity for the development of scientific knowledge. The historical process known as the Eastern Renaissance, which has a strong place in the history of mankind, took place during the feudal system - the Middle Ages. In the east, the great scholars are Muhammad Musa al-Khwarizmi, Abu Nasr al-Farabi, Abu Rayqan al-Biruni, Abu Ali ibn Sina, Ahmad al-Farghani, and in the west, T. Mor, T. Campanella, E. Rotterdamsky, F. Rable, The idea of educating a person who is comprehensively developed, mentally and physically healthy, able to acquire scientific knowledge on the basis of the achievements of the ancient world and the bourgeois period was put forward and thoroughly substantiated by M. Monten and others.
Practical efforts to further improve the growing production on the basis of trade, handicrafts and manufacturing have confirmed that the success in this area will be achieved through the formation of a person who can manage complex techniques. During this period, advanced, progressive pedagogical ideas were put forward. In the context of most ideas, the desire to find social equality in relation to education has found expression.
It was during this period that the foundations of pedagogical science were systematized and scientifically substantiated. Here are the thinkers who have made a worthy contribution to the development of pedagogy: in the west - Ya.A. Comenius, D.Didro, JJRusso, F.Gerbart, VVDisterveg, KDUshinsky, ASMakarenko, VASukhomlinsky, in the East I.Ibrat, S.Siddiqi, A.Shakuri, S.Aini, A.Avloni, A.Fitrat, HHNiyazi, M.Abdurashidov, M.Behbudi enriched the efforts to educate and bring up the individual and to introduce science into the education system. the introduction of technical innovations, the organization of teaching on the basis of a new system (consistent, continuous, grounded).
During the former Soviet era, the science of pedagogy was enriched in content on the basis of scientific, technical and technological achievements, the system of educational institutions was formed, as well as the theory of the formation of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality. However, mistakes and shortcomings in the functioning of the public education system did not allow to achieve the goal.
Recognizing that the path of development and progress of the Republic of Uzbekistan after gaining independence is to build a democratic, humane and legal society, reforming the education system, improving the system of continuing education is one of the priorities of state policy marked as. The main focus was on training a competent person and a qualified specialist.
The main content and directions of reforms in the field of education in the country are defined in such normative documents as the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Education" and the "National Training Program".
Thus, in the current situation, the science of pedagogy studies the prospects of the social movement, aimed at training a competent person and a qualified specialist, the problems in this area and ways to solve them.
3. The main categories of pedagogical science. We are well aware that every science has its own system of basic concepts, laws, principles, rules. It is this situation that guarantees its recognition as a science. The most important, basic concepts that express the essence of science are called categories . The main categories of pedagogical science cover the general essence of the processes aimed at ensuring the development of the individual, the effectiveness of education and upbringing. The most important categories include: upbringing, education (teaching, learning), knowledge, skills, qualifications, information, development.
Education is a pedagogical process organized on the basis of a clear purpose and socio-historical experience, aimed at preparing the individual for work and social activity.
Education is a process organized under the guidance of individuals with specialized education, aimed at equipping students with theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities, developing their cognitive abilities and shaping their worldview.
Knowledge is a systematized set of scientific data.
A skill is an individual’s ability to organize a particular activity.
Qualification is an automated form of performing a specific action or activity during exercise.
Information- Systematized knowledge, acquired skills and abilities, as well as a set of worldviews, representing the educational outcome.
Development is a complex process that expresses the essence of the quantitative and qualitative changes manifested in the physiological and intellectual growth of the individual.
Relationship of pedagogy with other disciplines. Scientific substantiation of the essence of social education requires knowledge of the laws of manifestation of a particular pedagogical phenomenon in certain situations. We know that the pedagogical phenomenon has a complex structure and relies on the capabilities of a number of disciplines to fully understand its general essence. From this point of view, there is a close connection between the science of pedagogy and the following disciplines:
1. Philosophy - allows you to analyze issues such as the dialectical features of the process of personal development, a particular pedagogical idea, harash and philosophical aspects of teachings.
2. Economics - serves to understand the economic aspects of issues such as the construction of buildings for educational institutions, the organization of educational processes, the organization of educational institutions.
3. Sociology - the content of social relations, based on the knowledge of the conditions of their organization, provides an opportunity to effectively organize the interaction of participants in the educational process.
4. Ethics - the formation of the spirituality of the person, in which the highest human qualities play a special role in the application of theoretical ideas in the pedagogical process, which play an important role in the education of moral consciousness and spiritual and moral culture.
5. Aesthetics - the perception of beauty by the person, the desire for it, as well as serves to identify important areas in which to cultivate aesthetic taste.
6. Physiology - provides the initial basis for taking into account the physiological, anatomical features of children in the educational process.
7. Hygiene - to protect the health of students, helping them with theoretical and practical ideas in the formation of sexual correctness.
8. Psychology - creates the basis for the formation of spiritual-moral, spiritual-intellectual, emotional-volitional qualities in a person.
9. History is aimed at the development of pedagogical science, taking into account the dynamic, dialectical features of the educational process, as well as the transmission of ideas of folk pedagogy to the next generation.
10. Cultural studies - serves to form in students an idea of the basics of material and spiritual culture created by mankind, to form in them the characteristics of cultural behavior.
11. Medical sciences - a practical approach to ensuring the correct physiological and anatomical development of the individual, the elimination of certain defects in his body, as well as the study of problems of education and upbringing of children with disabilities.
System of pedagogical sciences. In ensuring the maturity of the person, achieving his intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development, it is expedient to take into account different age periods, the specifics of each period, as well as the physiological and psychological condition of the child. Therefore, the whole pedagogical process is studied by the pedagogical disciplines that make up a particular category. They are:
General pedagogy is the study of the upbringing and education of children of primary school age, adolescents and adolescents.
Pedagogy of preschool education - studies the issues of upbringing children of preschool age, their intellectual, spiritual, moral and physical development.
Correctional (special) pedagogy - studies the problems associated with the correctional education and upbringing of children with various developmental disabilities.
In turn, correctional pedagogy includes various areas of special pedagogy and psychology. They are:
Deaf pedagogy and deaf psychology are the study of the development, teaching and upbringing of children with hearing impairments.
Oligophrenopedagogy and oligophrenopsychology - study the development, teaching and upbringing of mentally retarded children.
Typhopedagogy and typhlopsychology - studies the development, education and upbringing of children with visual impairments.
Speech therapy and the psychology of speech disorders - studies the development, teaching and upbringing of children with complex disabilities in speech (speech, as well as motor-motor) (blind, deaf and deaf children).
4. Methodology - studies the peculiarities of teaching special subjects.
5. History of pedagogy - studies the formation, development of pedagogical ideas, the system of educational institutions, historical experience of their activities, the development of pedagogical ideas at different stages of historical development.
6. Management of education - studies the issues of organization, management, control and forecasting of educational institutions.
7. Social pedagogy - studies the place and role of pedagogical ideas in the process of social relations, the problems of orientation of the individual to professional and social activities.
4. Pedagogical research methods. The development of pedagogical science is ensured by the idea, content and results of research conducted to study specific pedagogical problems. The rapid development of the social and industrial process requires the identification of factors and pedagogical conditions that allow the full development of the individual, the elimination of situations that harm the morale of society and the individual. Understanding the nature of educational processes makes it necessary to study them in a broad or narrow sense, to study the causes of their occurrence through existing indicators, to determine the necessary measures and to organize scientific research. The effectiveness of pedagogical research depends on a number of objective and subjective factors. In this process, purposeful, acceptable. It is also important to choose methods that are effective at the same time.
Pedagogical research methods are methods of special examination and knowledge of the inner essence , communication and laws of the pedagogical process aimed at educating the individual, giving him deep, thorough scientific knowledge in certain areas, based on which the principles that help to solve the problem positively, object and subjective factors are determined.
Currently, scientific research in the field of pedagogy in the Republic of Uzbekistan is based on a dialectical approach. Such an approach to the definition of pedagogical phenomena, events and their laws is the general connection of pedagogical phenomena and processes, their consistent, continuous development, the physiological development of the child to ensure its psychological and intellectual development, the role of contradictions in personal development. , also recognizes the importance of the categories of dialectics.
The implementation of pedagogical research is a complex, time-consuming process with features such as consistency, continuity, systematicity and a clear goal, and a number of conditions must be met for it to be effective. They are:
the relevance of the problem and the clear definition of the topic;
correct formulation of scientific hypotheses;
the tasks are correctly defined based on the purpose of the study;
an objective approach to the system of research methods;
the age, psychological and personal characteristics of the respondents involved in the process of experimental work, as well as the correct consideration of the laws of personal development;
preliminary diagnosis of research results and prediction of its results;
guarantee of research results.
The following methods are used in pedagogical research in modern conditions:
Method of pedagogical observation.
Conversation method.
Questionnaire method.
Interview methods.
Method of analysis of educational institution documents.
Test method.
Method of pedagogical analysis.
A method of studying children's creativity.
Method of pedagogical experiment.
Mathematical-statistical method.
Method of pedagogical observation. In the process of its application, the problem situation is identified on the basis of the study of the educational process of educational institutions, the information about the difference between the indicators obtained at the beginning and end of the experiment. have divided. Pedagogical observation is complex and has its own characteristics. The expected result can be achieved if the observation is carried out on the basis of a clear goal, continuously, consistently and systematically. The importance of this method will increase if the pedagogical observation serves to improve the quality of education, the formation of the student's personality.
It is important not to make a mistake in organizing pedagogical observation. To do this, the researcher is required to:
have a clear purpose in the observation process;
systematic monitoring;
solving specific tasks at each stage of observation;
a careful study of the nature of each case;
not in a hurry to draw conclusions.
Conversation method . This method helps to enrich the information obtained in the process of pedagogical observation, to accurately assess the current situation, to create pedagogical conditions that allow to find a solution to the problem, to involve the potential of experimental subjects in problem solving. Interviews are conducted individually, in groups and in groups, as appropriate. During the interview, it is important for the respondents to be able to fully express their potential. In order for it to be effective, it is advisable to:
maqsaddan kelib chiqqan holda suhbat uchun belgilanuvchi savollarning mazmuni aniqlash hamda savollar o‘rtasidagi mantiqiylik va izchillikni ta'minlash;
suhbat joyi va vaqtini aniq belgilash;
suhbat ishtirokchilarining soni xususida ma'lum to‘xtamga kelish;
suhbatdosh to‘g‘risida avvaldan muayyan ma'lumotlarga ega bo‘lish;
suhbatdosh bilan samimiy munosabatda bo‘lish;
suhbatdoshning o‘z fikrlarini erkin va batafsil ayta olishi uchun sharoit yaratish;
savollarning aniq, qisqa va ravshan berilishiga erishish;
olingan ma'lumotlarni o‘z vaqtida tahlil qilish.
Questionnaire method (French - check). Using this method, the evidence gathered during pedagogical observation and conversation is enriched. The questionnaire method is also based on organizing communication with respondents based on structured questions. The answers to the questionnaire questions are, in most cases, obtained in writing. Depending on the nature of the process under study, the questionnaire questions will be as follows:
open-ended questions (questions that allow respondents to answer freely, in detail);
2) closed type questions (respondents answer the questions by choosing the answer options such as "yes", "no", "partial" or "positive", "satisfactory", "negative", etc.).
A number of conditions must be met when using the questionnaire method. They are:
anketa savollari tadqiq etilayotgan muammoning mohiyatini yoritishga xizmat qilishi lozim;
anketa savollari yirik hajmli va noaniq bo‘lmasligi kerak;
anketa savollari o‘quvchilarning dunyoharshi, yosh va psixologik xususiyatlarini inobatga olish asosida tuzilishi zarur;
anketa savollari respondentlar tomonidan to‘la javoblar berilishini ta'minlovchi vaqtni kafolatlay olishi zarur;
anketa o‘quvchilarning pedagogik va psixologik tavsifnomalarini tuzish manbaiga aylantirib yuborilmasligi zarur;
anketa javoblari muayyan mezonlar asosida puxta tahlil etilishi shart.
The interview method ensures that the respondent responds to an event that sheds light on one or another aspect of the problem being studied. The interview is based on a series of questions for the respondent. The researcher's response to the questions raised during the interview increases its effectiveness.
Ta'lim muassasasi hujjatlarni tahlil qilish metodi. Pedagogik hodisa va dalillarni tekshirish maqsadida ta'lim muassasalari faoliyati mazmunini yorituvchi ma'lumotlarni tekshirish maqsadga muvofiqdir. Mazkur metod O‘zbekiston Respublikasining «Ta'lim to‘g‘risida»gi qonuni hamda «Kadrlar tayyorlash Milliy dasturi» talablarining ta'lim muassasalari amaliyotidagi bajarilish holatini o‘rganish, bu boradagi faolllik darajasi, erishilgan yutuq hamda yo‘l qo‘yilgan kamchiliklarni aniqlash, ilg‘or tajribalarni ommalashtirish va ta'lim muassasasi pedagogik tajribasini oshirish maqsadida qo‘llaniladi.
Ta'lim muassasasi faoliyati mohiyatini yorituvchi hujjatlar quyidagilardan iborat: o‘quv mashg‘ulotlarining jadvali, o‘quv dasturi, guruh (yoki sinf) jurnallari, o‘quvchilarning shaxsiy varaqalari, buyruqlar, Pedagogik Kengash yig‘ilishi bayonnomalari yozilgan daftar, Pedagogik Kengash harorlari, ta'lim muassasasi smetasi hamda pasporti, tarbiyaviy ishlar rejasi, o‘quv-tarbiya ishlarini tashkil etish borasidagi hisobotlar, ta'lim muassasasi jihozlari (o‘quv partalari, stol stullar, yumshoq mebellar va hokazolar) qayd etilgan daftar va hokazolar.
Mazkur metod muayyan yo‘nalishlarda o‘quv-tarbiya ishlari samaradorligi darajasi, o‘quvchilarda hosil bo‘lgan bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalar hajmi, ilg‘or pedagogik tajribalar mazmunini o‘rganishda muhim ahamiyatga ega.
Test metodi.This method serves to determine the level of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, skills acquired by respondents in a particular field of science or activity (including professional activity). The test consists of the following questions:
open-ended questions (questions that allow respondents to answer freely, in detail);
2) closed type questions (respondents answer the questions by choosing the answer options such as "yes", "no", "partial" or "positive", "satisfactory", "negative", etc.).
3) questions with correct answer options (respondents determine the answer option they find correct according to their approach).
Test metodini qo‘llashda aniqlanishi zarur bo‘lgan bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalarni turkum asosida berilishiga e'tibor berish maqsadga muvofiqdir. Ushbu metodning afzalligi respondentlar javoblarini aniq mezonlar bo‘yicha tahlil etish imkoniyati mavjudligi hamda vaqtning tejalishi bilan tavsiflanadi. Biroq, metod ayrim kamchilikdan ham holi emas. Chunonchi, aksariyat holatlarda javoblar yozma ravishda olinadi, shuningdek, respondent taklif etilayotgan javob variantlardan birini tanlashi zarur. Shu bois respondent o‘z fikrini batafsil ifoda etish imkoniyaga ega emas.
Pedagogik tahlil metodi. Tadqiqotni olib borish jarayonida ushbu metodni qo‘llashdan ko‘zlangan maqsad tanlangan muammoning falsafiy, psixologik hamda pedagogik yo‘nalishlarda o‘rganilganlik darajasini aniqlashdan iborat bo‘lib, tadqiqotchi ilgari surayotgan g‘oyaning nazariy jihatdan haqqoniyligini asoslashga xizmat qiladi.
Bolalar ijodini o‘rganish metodi. Mazkur metod o‘quvchilarning muayyan yo‘nalishlardagi layoqati, qobiliyati, shuningdek, ma'lum fan sohalari bo‘yicha bilim, ko‘nikma va malakalari darajasini aniqlash maqsadida qo‘llaniladi. Uni qo‘llashda o‘quvchilarning ijodiy ishlari – kundaliklari, insholari, yozma ishlari, referatlari, hisobotlari muhim vosita bo‘lib xizmat qiladi. Metodning afzalligi shundaki, u ma'lum o‘quvchiga xos bo‘lgan individual imkoniyatni ko‘ra olish, baholash va uni rivojlantirish uchun zamin yaratadi.
Bolalar ijodini o‘rganishning quyidagi shakllari mavjud: fan olimpiadalari, turli mavzulardagi tanlovlar, maktab ko‘rgazmalari, festivallar, musobaqalar.
Pedagogik tajriba (eksperiment – lotincha «sinab ko‘rish», «tajriba qilib ko‘rish») metodi. Pedagogik tajriba metodidan muammo yechimini topish imkoniyatlarini o‘rganish, mavjud pedagogik sharoitlarning maqsadga erishishning kafolatlay olishi, ilgari surilayotgan tavsiyalarning amaliyotda o‘z in'ikosiga ega bo‘la olishi hamda samaradorligini aniqlash maqsadida foydalaniladi. Muayyan muammo yechimini topishga yo‘naltirilgan pedagogik tajriba ma'lum doirada, soni aniq belgilangan respondentlar ishtirokida amalga oshiriladi. Mazkur metoddan foydalanish tadqiqotchi tomonidan ilgari surilayotgan maxsus metodikaning samaradorligini aniqlay hamda unga baho bera olishi zarur.
Pedagogik tajriba tashkil etilish sharoitiga ko‘ra quyidagi guruhlarga bo‘linadi:
Pedagogik tajriba ham bir qator shartlarga amal qilgan holda tashkil etiladi. Xususan:
tajribaning maqbul loyiha (dastur) asosida uyushtirilishi;
tadqiqot ilmiy farazining puxta asoslanishi;
tadqiqot ob'ektlari vv usullarining to‘g‘ri tanlanishi;
tajriba o‘tkazilish vaqti hamda davomiyligini aniqlanishi;
zarur pedagogik shart-sharoitlar (asbob-uskuna, jihozlar, vositalar)ning yaratilganligi;
tajriba ma'lumotlarini umumlashtirish, tahlil qilish va natijalarni qayta ishlash.
At the end of the pedagogical experiment, based on the results obtained, a general conclusion is made and scientific and methodological recommendations are developed.
The mathematical-statistical method is used to determine the level of effectiveness of experimental work, as well as research in general, the indicators representing the state of the problem are re-analyzed using special mathematical formulas. The final value is the main indicator that represents the research result. Currently, the methods of Student, Kovirlyag, Rokich, VPBespalko and VVGrechikhin are widely used in pedagogical research.
Glossary of basic concepts:
Pedagogika (yunoncha paidagogike bo‘lib, paidagogos («bola» va «etaklayman») tushunchasi asosida shakllangan) -shaxsni shakllantirishga yo‘naltirilgan muayyan tizimli faoliyat, shuningdek, ta'lim-tarbiya mazmuni, umumiy qonuniyatlari, shakli va metodlari haqidagi fan.
Ta'lim nazariyasi (didaktika) – pedagogika fanining muhim tarkibiy qismi bo‘lib, shaxsni intellektual jihatdan rivojlantirish, ta'lim jarayonining mohiyati, bosqichlari, tamoyillari, qonuniyatlari, o‘qituvchi va o‘qituvchi faoliyati birligi, o‘qitishning mazmuni, shakl, metod va vositalari, ta'lim jarayonini takomillashtirish yo‘llari kabi muammolarni tadqiq etadi.
Tarbiya nazariyasi – pedagogikaning asosiy, muhim tarkibiy qismlaridan biri bo‘lib, u jamiyat va oilaning barkamol shaxs va malakali mutaxassisni tayyorlash muammolarini o‘rganadi.
Kategoriya - fanning mohiyatini ifoda etuvchi eng muhim, asosiy tushuncha.
Tarbiya – aniq maqsad hamda ijtimoiy-tarixiy tajriba asosida tashkil etilib, shaxsni mehnat va ijtimoiy faoliyatga tayyorlashga yo‘naltirilgan pedagogik jarayon.
Ta'lim – maxsus mutaxassislik ma'lumotiga ega shaxslar rahbarligida tashkil etilib, o‘quvchilarni nazariy bilim, amaliy ko‘nikma va malakalar bilan qurollantirish, ularning bilish qobiliyatlarini o‘stirish va dunyoharashlarini shakllantirishga yo‘naltirilgan jarayon.
Bilim – tizimlashtirilgan ilmiy ma'lumotlar majmui.
Ko‘nikma – shaxsning muayyan faoliyatni tashkil eta olish qobiliyati.
Malaka – mashq qilish jarayonida muayyan harakat yoki faoliyatni bajarishning avtomatlashtirilgan shakli.
Ma'lumot – ta'lim-tarbiya natijasini ifodalovchi tizimlashtirilgan bilim, hosil qilingan ko‘nikma va malakalar, shuningdek, tarkib topgan dunyoqarash majmui.
Rivojlanish – shaxsning fiziologik va intellektual o‘sishida namoyon bo‘layotgan miqdor va sifat o‘zgarishlarning mohiyatini ifoda etuvchi murakkab jarayon.
Pedagogik ilmiy-tadqiqot metodlari – shaxsni tarbiyalash, unga muayyan yo‘nalishlarda chuqur, puxta ilmiy bilimlarni berishga yo‘naltirilgan pedagogik jarayonning ichki mohiyati, aloqa va qonuniyatlarini maxsus tekshirish va bilish usullari bo‘lib, ular asosida muammoni ijobiy hal etishga yordam beruvchi tamoyillari, ob'ekti va sub'ektiv omillari aniqlanadi.
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1. What do you understand by the guiding principles of teaching?
A. * All of the following is true
B. Educating and perfecting Demonstration, comprehensibility, thoroughness and
C science, systematization, consistency and an individual approach to teaching
D Relationship to consciousness, activity, and action
2. What do you mean by educational content?
A State Education Standard
B Curriculum and programs, textbooks
C Textbook and Recommendations
D. * All of the above
3. What do you mean by the learning process?
A. Objectives, tasks, results, methods of control and assessment of education
B. .Teacher and learner
C. Teaching methods, forms, tools and content
D. * All of the above
4. What do you mean by the structure of pedagogical science?
A. Preschool pedagogy and school pedagogy
B. Adult pedagogy, professional and social pedagogy
C. Defectology (deaf pedagogy, typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy),
innovative pedagogy
D. * All of the above
5. What do you mean by the system of continuing education in Uzbekistan?
A .Preschool education, general secondary education, secondary special, vocational education, higher
B. Preschool education, primary education, general secondary education, secondary special,
vocational education, higher education, out-of-school education
C .Preschool education, primary education, general secondary education, secondary special,
vocational education, higher education, postgraduate education, out of school
D. * Preschool education, general secondary education, secondary special, vocational
education, higher education.oily postgraduate education, staff development and
retraining, advanced training of extracurricular education staff and them
retraining, family education, independent study
6. What do you mean by optimization?
A .The theory of interdisciplinary teaching in education
B. Theory of teaching
C. Problem-based learning
D. * Choose the most convenient of the many options
7. What do you mean by teaching methods?
A. Explanation (problem statement, private search or heuristic and research)
B. Oral methods: story, lecture, conversation
C. Encouraging interest in education
D. * All of the above
8. The term "didactics" is derived from the Greek word "didacticos".
in what sense does it translate?
A .Teacher
B. * Teaching and learning
C .Teacher and learner
D .Student
9. Who wrote the work "The Great Didactics"?
A .Suqrot B .Arastu C. * Ya.A.Komenskiy D .JJRusso
10. The concept and essence of the teaching process, the principles of teaching, education
content, teaching methods, forms of organization of the teaching process
to which branch of pedagogy does it belong?
A .Education theory
B. * Didactics
C .Teaching Tasks D. Hamina's answer is correct
11. The nature of teacher activities and student learning activities
What are the basic rules that define?
A .Teaching rules B .Teaching process
C. Teaching methods D. * Principles of teaching
12. The teacher has a deep, conscious and independent acquisition of students' knowledge
aimed at acquiring and managing students ’cognitive activity
methods of activity are called uima?
A. Rules of teaching B .Teaching process
C. * Teaching methods D. Teaching principles
13. What are the methods of teaching on the main source of knowledge
is included
A. * Oral, visual and practical B. Teaching methods
C .Reproductive, annotated-demonstrative D .Inductive
14. Methods on the nature of thinking, remembering and learning activities
which ones
A .Oral, visual and practical B .Teaching methods
C. * Reproductive, commentary-visual, problem-research, research
D. Inductive, deductive
15. What are the methods of teaching by types of inference?
A .Oral, visual and practical B .Teaching methods
C. Reproductive, explanatory-visual, problem-research, research
D. * Inductive, deductive
16. Visual aids and equipment used in the educational process
in which paragraph the method of mastering the learning material, which depends to a large extent
A .Oral, practical B. * Demonstrative
C .Reproductive D .Inductive, deductive
17. Development of speech culture and logical thinking of students,
what method is called the method related to their cognitive abilities?
A .Game exercise B. * Oral exercise
C .Writing exercises D .Individual exercises
18. The basic principle of pedagogy.
* A. The educational process, children's physical, artistic, creative, labor and
related to the organization of pedagogical guidance in any other activity
are legal relationships.
B. Creative and active mastery of practical laws by the teacher.
C. is to reflect the needs of society for a particular individual.
D. All right.
19. Educator, what terms do pedagogical terms come from and what do they mean
A. The term pedagogy is derived from the ancient Latin word “paydagogos”
which means "child leader."
B. Derived from the ancient Greek word paydogogoc,
“I teach” means “I teach”. '
C. Derived from the English word “payne” to refer to the development, guidance,
means upbringing.
* D. It is derived from the ancient Greek word paydogogos, “child
leading "means.
20. What is the science of pedagogy?
A. Pedagogy is a social-humanitarian science that studies the theoretical foundations of education
B. Laws, principles, forms and methods of pedagogical educational process
about the humanities.
C. The content, laws, methods of the pedagogical educational process
learner, social, general professional science.
* D. The essence, content, laws of the pedagogical educational process,
a social, general science that studies the methods of.
21. What kind of pedagogy does a democratic society rely on?
A. To democratic upbringing and authoritarian pedagogy
B. Authoritarian pedagogy and scientific, humane education
C. Totoletar education and democratic edagogics
* D. Democratic pedagogy and democratic education
22. What is the pedagogical environment?
A. It is a basic form of organizing the whole learning process.
* B. Specially designed interpersonal in accordance with pedagogical objectives
is a system of relationships.
C. Nature, which shapes the human personality, is a system of social relations.
D. factors such as the scope of interpersonal relationships enrich each other and
23.Pedagogical process.
A. A specially organized system is to communicate in a children’s environment.
B. The nature that shapes the human personality.
* C. Influenced by the pedagogical activity of a goal-oriented adult
organizationally shaped and enriched in content and educator
the child’s self-development as a result of the guiding and leading leadership role
is to push.
D. All right ...
24. What are the laws of the pedagogical process?
* A.Scientific laws of modern education, student opportunities and or
characteristics, demonstration, regularity in education, continuity,
student activism, awareness, educational nature of education and upbringing and
B. The interdependence of the educational process.
C. Student-teacher interaction. '
D. All the answers are correct.
25.Which of the following definitions given to the science of pedagogy is correct
do you think
A. Implementation of pedagogical continuing education, upbringing of the younger generation
B. Pedagogy is the science of human education '
C. The science of pedagogy, education and information, the laws
* D. Theoretical foundations of the system of continuous education in pedagogy and
principles of human development in the educational process,
the essence of formation, the science of laws,
26. Name the stages of the pedagogical process. ,
A. From the time the baby is born until the end of his life
we can say that he will be brought up and educated.
B. In pedagogy, according to the age of the pupils of preschool age ,
school-age or older.
C. The stages of the pedagogical process are almost all stages
has stages of development.
* D. All the answers are correct.
27. What is pedagogical communication?
* A. Professionalism of the teacher with students during the educational process
B. Interactions, influences are the realization of their connections.
C. Collaboration of community groups, their impact on the individual.
D. All the answers are correct.
28. What is the main task of education?
* A. Educate the younger generation to the rules of ethics accepted in our society
corresponding beliefs, ethical skills and abilities, needs and
is to content their aspirations
B. providing a whole system of human relations with the world,
C. Necessity, necessity — a means, a response to something else, of man
a mood-correcting factor.
D. A person's self-awareness and thinking as a member of society,
is the concept of awareness of the objectivity of its activities
What is included in universal education and values?
A. Experiences of all mankind in the field of education
B. Advanced educational ideas, traditions common to all peoples
C. Respect for the dignity of all human beings in upbringing
* D. Ethical norms specific to all nations
What factors affect a person's maturity?
A. Factors such as the environment and upbringing of the child's personality development.
B. Social and biological factors influence the development of an individual.
C. people's attitudes.
* D. biological factor, social factor and upbringing.
What is the reason for the increasing demands on the personality of the teacher?
* A. Devotion to his profession, ideological conviction, love of his profession, at school
depends on a high level of educational work and professional training.
B. Speech is fluent, depending on the method of expression.
C. Depends on loving children.
D. All the answers are correct
32. Abu Ali Ibn Sina's views on education.
A. Education is a unique process.
B. Handing over a child from the age of 6 to a teacher.
* C. The advantage of educating a child in a team.
D. All the answers are correct
33. In which work of Alisher Navoi is more about pedagogical views
A. "Farhod Ba Shirin." * B. "Mahbub-ul-qulub".
C. "Sabbai Sayyar." D. "Hayratul-Abror."
Pedagogical sciences in the implementation of the national program of training
* A. "On the National Program of Personnel Training" in the Law "On Education "
pedagogical activity as well as the need to have high moral qualities
are given.
B. Respect for the dignity of children.
C. Dablat language Ba respect for the mother tongue, family, national, historical values
that cultivating a sense of belonging is a responsible task
is emphasized.
D. All the answers are correct.
Factors of personal maturity.
A. The social factor. B. Biologikomil. C. Education and upbringing.
* D. All answers are correct
Prepared by: L. Berdiyeva
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