You are going to read about the history of coffeehouses. As you read, look for details and evidence that support the author’s claims. Then
remind students of the
Ask Questions strategy. Say:
As you read, think about any questions you have about the coffeehouses or historical events. Direct students to the strategy practice activity
section. Say:
Write any questions you have during reading here. When students have finished
reading the passage, direct them to complete the skill practice activity. Review the answers
together. Then have partners take turns asking and answering the questions they wrote for the
strategy practice activity.
DAY 5 Tell students they will practice both the
Author’s Purpose and
Evaluate Evidence skills by reading
about why and how people started mowing their lawns. Then remind students of the
Determine Important Information strategy. Say:
Not all information from the author has the same level of importance. Think about which information you would use if you were writing a report about the history of lawn mowing. This will help you determine which information is essential to understanding the passage’s main idea. When students have finished reading, direct them to
complete the skill and strategy practice activities. Review the answers together.
Author’s Purpose Students identify the author’s reasons for writing about a subject. Evaluate Evidence Students practice evaluating evidence by identifying the author’s main idea and examining the evidence the author uses to support that idea. 3458.indb 160
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