This course is designed to improve your communication skills. – Ushbu kurs sizning muloqot
qobiliyatingizni yaxshilash uchun mo'ljallangan.
- ulamoq, biriktirmoq
First connect the printer to the computer. – Birinchi bo'lib, printerni kompyuterga ulang.
- ulanish, aloqa
My connection to the internet costs about €30 a month. – Internet aloqam oyiga taxminan 30
yevro turadi.
- uzmoq, ajratmoq
You need to disconnect the DVD player from the TV before you connect the PlayStation. –
PlayStationni ulashdan avval, DVD pleyerni televizordan uzishingiz kerak.
- yetkazib bermoq
We promise to deliver within 48 hours. – Biz 48 soat ichida eltib berishga va'da beramiz.
- jo'natma, yetkazib berish
There's a van outside–are you expecting a delivery? – Tashqarida furgon turibdi–qandaydir
jo'natma kutayotganmidingiz?
- ifodalamoq, bildirmoq
I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone who helped us. – Bizga yordam bergan barchaga
minnatdorchiligimni bildirmoqchiman.
- ifoda
What does the expression 'save someone's bacon' mean? – 'Biron kimni murakkab vaziyatdan
olib chiqmoq' ifodasini nimani anglatadi?
- ifodali, ma'noli
French seems to me to be a very expressive language. – Fransuz tili menga juda ham ma'noli
tildek tuyuladi.
- ma'lumot bermoq, xabardor etmoq
I am pleased to inform you that you have won first prize in this month’s competition. – Sizga
shuni xabar qilishdan mamnunmanki, bu oydagi musibaqada siz birinchi sovrinni yutib oldingiz.
- ma'lumotga boy
Your e-mail was very informative, thanks. – Yuborgan xabaringiz juda ma'lumotga boy ekan,
- ma'lumot
Have they got any more information about the explorers yet? – Tadqiqotchilar haqida ko'proq
ma'lumot olishdimi?
- oldindan aytmoq, taxmin qilmoq
It is impossible to predict what will happen. – Nima sodir bo'lishini oldindan aytish imkonsiz.
- taxmin, kelajak to'g'risidagi fikr
My prediction is that City will win the match 2–0 on Sunday. – Taxminim shuki yakshanba kuni
City terma jamoasi 2–0 hisobda g'alaba qozonadi.
- avvaldan bilsa bo'ladigan, avvaldan bilish oson bo'lgan
You're so predictable–I knew you were going to say that! – Sizni oldindan bilish oson–shuni
aytmoqchi ekanligingizni bilgandim!
Do'stlaringiz bilan baham: