§57:326–331, §59:335–343; defined,
320-323; to oppose savings policies,
261–262; as problem for democratic
theory, 319; three parts of theory of,
319; and sense of justice, 320, 328,
339–340; as a political act, 320–321;
and fidelity to law, 322; distinguished
from militant action, 322–323; appro-
priate objects of, 326–327; three condi-
tions of justification of, 326–329; prob-
lem of fairness in, 328–329; wisdom
of, 330; and principle of fairness, 330–
331; role of in maintaining democratic
constitution, 335–338; theory of
founded on conception of justice, 337–
338; place of in constitutional theory,
338; and types of consensus, 340; citi-
zen’s responsibility in, 341–343
Civility, duty of, 312
Clark, J. B., 271n, 271–272n
Clark, J. M., 271n, 272n
Close-knitness, 70–72
Cohen, Marshall, 320n
Commending, 373–374
Common good, defined, 205, 217
Common interest, principle of: defined,
83, 217; and equal citizenship, 83; and
toleration, 186–190; as political con-
vention, 280
Completeness, approximative, defined,
300–301, 496
Complexity, limits on, 40, 114, 122–123,
Condorcet, Marquis de, 314–315
Congruence: concept of defined, 350,
399; problem of defined, 450–451,
496–499; argument for, 499–505.
Sense of justice, good of
Equal liberty of
Conscientious evasion, 324
Conscientious refusal: §56:323–326,
§58:331–335; defined, 323–324; distin-
guished from conscientious evasion,
324; contrasted with civil disobedi-
ence, 324–325; toleration of and erring
conscience, 325; general pacifism as
natural departure, 325; law of nations
derived, 331–333; justification of in
case of particular war, 333–335; and
conscription, 333–334; and contingent
pacifism, 334–335; discriminating pre-
ferred to general pacificism, 335
Conscription, 333–334
Consensus, 16–17, 453–454, 508–510;
overlapping vs. strict, 340
Considered judgments: defined, 42; fixed
points of, 17–18, 280, 507–509; role of
in justification, 17–19, 104, 507–509;
and reflective equilibrium, 18–19, 42–
44; as facts to be explained by moral
theory, 44
Constant, Benjamin, 177, 195
Constitution: justice of, 172–173, 194–
206, 314; case of imperfect procedural
justice, 173–174, 194, 311, 316; major-
ity rule in, 200–203, 312–314; of ideal
procedure of public deliberation, 315–
Constitutional convention, stage of, 172–
Constitutional democracy: defined, 195–
196, 199–200; example of just basic
structure, 171; constitutional devices
of, 197; historical failure of, 198–199;
and sense of justice, 214; liberties of,
best founded on justice, 214; and just
savings problems, 260–262; place
of majority rule in, 312–314; economic
theory of, 316–318; place of civil
disobedience in theory of, 319, 338;
role of civil disobedience in, 335–
Equal participation, prin-
ciple of
Constitutive rules, 49–50, 303
Content of conceptions of right: pointless
excluded, 129–130; and psychological
understandability, 418–419, 426–427
Contingencies of social circumstance:
and intuitive idea of the principles of
justice, 14; in system of natural liberty,
62–63; in liberal equality, 63–64; in
democratic equality and difference prin-
ciple, 65, 67–68, 88–90
Continuity, principle of, 369
Contribution, precept of, 269, 270, 271,
Contribution curve, 66–67, 89–90
Coordination, problem of, 5–6
Cooper, J. M., 374n
Counter-examples, limited usefulness of,
Counting principles of rational choice,
364, 365; in first-person procedure of
choice, 483; and dominant ends, 484,
485–486; in hedonism, 486–487
Culture: claims of in justice as fairness,
87, 289, 291–292, 387–388; claims of
in perfectionism, 218, 285–286, 288–
289; role of historical tradition of in so-
cial union, 460–461
Dahl, R. A., 198n, 317n
Darwin, Charles, 440n
Davidson, Donald, 124n, 300–301n
Definition, role of in moral theory, 44,
95–96, 112–113, 130, 176–177, 506–
Deliberative rationality, §64:365–372;
defined following Sidgwick, 366–368;
in definition of rational plan of life,
358–359; and ways of judging inten-
sity of desires, 368–369; time-related
principles and the principle of continu-
ity, 369–370; as hypothetical criterion,
370, 371–372; and regret and self-
reproach, 370–371; and responsibility
to self, 371; does not imply excessive
planning, 371–372; and failure of he-
donism, 489; no way beyond, 490–
491; and unity of the self, 491–492
Democratic equality, 57, 65–73.
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